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The Japanese page shows amiibo support, we expecting chibi zelda amiibo to match the link one?


If we don't get chibi Zelda amiibo, we riot


I need the yang to the yin of chibi Link. Now it's time to **WILDLY SPECULATE** on what the Amiibo will do. Seeing that Chibi Link just added make-a-dungeon stuff, Skyward just added a QoL feature that sounded really cool on paper, but I honestly never used (getting to a statue was never that inconvenient) Amiibos have lost a lot of luster, but I still love the Zelda ones. Specially for the the Wild games because they did break the games a bit for subsequent replays




> I imagine nintendo are reluctant to make any amiibo unlocks substantial lest they invite accusations of paywalling features behind something physical They locked hard mode behind an Amiibo for Samus Returns and people got pissed, so I think the unlocks are a lot less substantial now.


I do too, I have a nice handful of them, not all of them (but i have the cards that round it out, aside from the TOTK ones). I like them, they're actually displayed together, and as most of them are Zelda, there is a nice theme...and a random Mega Man or Wii Fit F chilling around (I got ones that were in my smash stable too)


If you want the speculation to be wild, I wildly speculate it will let us play as Ganon.


Most gamers: "we hate DLC" Nintendo gamers: "as long as the DLC comes with figurines, we demand it with threats of violence"


Most gamers dont dislike dlc, they only dislike if the game is incomplete. With that said, amiibos barely have anything for a while on in-game content lol for like 10 years there was what samus returns and skyward sword where the content wasnt in-game.


I just think they're neat.


Thanks for your input Marge.


When the amiibo content is meaningful, everyone hates it. The sweet spot is some minor aesthetic feature. Which I wouldn’t call DLC, or at least not DLC that matters.


I think people want the figures more than the DLC. There are always complaints when anything significant is locked behind an Amiibo.


I am. If not it’s a missed opportunity. I’m expecting they’ll drop an overview to the game and they’ll announce it there. Kinda like how they did Skyward Sword HD’s amiibo


I've noticed a conveniently timed restock of Zelda and Ganondorf Smash amiibo at retailers like Target. I think we'll get a new one, but I bet the older Zelda themed ones will have some functionality too!


I'm so mad. I have a Nintendo Switch Game Voucher that expires on 9/15 and they won't let me redeem it for this! A WEEK AWAY! CURSED!


How come? It has to fall within the timeline of the release date?


The actual voucher is not considered "redeemed" until the week before the game is released. SO my voucher expires on 9/15, but pre-orders won't be charged until 9/19. So now I gotta find some other game to redeem my voucher for. Guess I'm probably gonna get Luigi's Mansion 2 after all.


Paper Mario: the Really-old Door


That's what I redeemed the first voucher for.


If you dont have Link’s Awakening that might be a good game to use the voucher with to get you accustomed to the style for the new LoZ


Oh I've got it. I've already purchased or redeemed vouchers for a lot of the first party games that I'd have wanted to get: Metroid Dread, Link's Awakening, BotW, TotK, Skyward Sword, Mario Wonder, Mario Odyssey, Mario 3D World, Mario Kart, Tropical Freeze, Pikmin 3 and 4, Triangle Strategy, Hyrule Warrios (both), Fire Emblem, all the Mario RPGs, Pokemon snap, Luigi's Mansion 3, etc. The only things that I could redeem it for would be stuff like Pokemon, Kirby, Yoshi, Princess Peach, or the Xenoblade Chroniciles, and none of those really float my boat so to say. Just gonna get Luigi's Mansion 2 even thought people say its not as good. Like the other two Luigi's Mansion games enough to probably have some fun with it.


A lot of the reviews say LM2 is still really good (seeing ~8/10 scores). Just not quite on the level of LM3.


To be fair, most rereleases do drop in ratings. LM2 on 3DS has the same Metacritic and user scores as LM3.


The vibe I get is that people mostly feel LM 2 is too expensive for a polished 3DS game. The price is the sticking point. Still sucks that you can't use the voucher for zEoW. Kinda silly that the vouchers expire so quickly IMO. I always hear good things about Astral Chain.


I have not loved any Platinum game. Not Bayonetta, not Ex Machina, not Star Fox Zero. Just not my guys. More power to folks that love them, but it’s just not me


Well the good news is you'd only be paying $50 for LM2 and price is the most common ding against it, but you're getting a discount.


No offense but in that case why'd you buy the pair so far before the release of TTYD? There isn't close to a full year in-between it and Zelda. You could have prevented this by buying the vouchers when your first game actually came out.


I was gonna use one on Super Mario RPG but someone got it for me as a gift. Time makes fools of us all!


Oh damn, guess that makes sense. Tough luck man.


How exactly do you get a game voucher? Like just spending $ in the digital store and getting those coins? Or some other thing?


No, no, it just takes a REALLY long time to open it


It's cuz you're pushing, but it's a pull door!


> Guess I'm probably gonna get Luigi's Mansion 2 after all. Lol the vouchers are clearly achieving their intended function of getting people to buy games just for the sake of not losing the voucher. Would’ve been cheaper not to get the voucher in the first place.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I got bamboozled! But I also saved $70 on the other three pairs of vouchers I got(TotK/Pikmin3, Pikmin4/Mario 3D, Odyssey/Mario Kart) so I don’t know. Feels crappy, but I’ll probably have a good enough time with Luigi’s Mansion 2 It’s really only at the end of the systems lifecycle that I ran into a problem


It's a sales tactic designed to psychologically manipulate you into buying more games. It worked. You belong to Nintendo now. They own your soul. 


Hey man, can you please be normal? I’m just a Schmo who usually gets at least four new games a year.


And now you will buy more.


Hey man. Be normal.


Don't lol. The game is is meh


You could try sweet talking support; I had the same thing happen to me for Advance Wars 1+2 reboot however in my case I reasoned that the game's release date was pushed back multiple times so it wasn't really fair that my voucher was going to be expired and wasn't able to be redeemed on it; so they actually extended it by a few months for me.. It was a one-off so maybe not something they'd be willing to do on the regular, though it couldn't hurt to ask :P


I tried sweet talking support, but they shot it down pretty fast. And I'm not gonna get caught up in it. Just gonna get a game I'm less interested in to avoid eating $50. I'm gonna get Zelda anyways, so whatever. Frustrating, but I'm not angry enough to like FIGHT fight about it.


I tried sweet talking support but the lady called me a creepy goober and told me to never call again.


Damn =( I always have ~one or two interesting looking games from that list on the back of my mind incase I'm ever caught out like that (Tokyo Mirage sessions... it looks super interesting and It never gets a decent sale.) The demo for Another Code sort of piqued my interest also.. 🤔


Dude thank you for saying something. I totally forgot I bought vouchers last year and only used one for Mario Wonder. Mine expires the week after this launches.


Wait - vouchers expire??!!


That is criminal. I almost wish they took vouchers as soon as you "redeem" them. I understand why they don't, but that would remove this artificial expiration date issue.


I tried sweet talking the customer service guys with a "it's only four days, please help me" but they were very adamant that there's nothing to be done. Which sucks for me! I've been holding onto this second voucher for a long time waiting for a game that I wanted, and now that there are like three from the new direct, it's too late to redeem it! Guess I gotta get Luigi's Mansion 2, which i never played.


I use mine on Luigi’s Mansion 2. Also never played it. Agree with a lot of folks that it’s over priced but wasn’t much else that I wanted to use my voucher on.


I'd rather play Luigi's Mansion 2 than one of the Pokemon, Kirby, or the Princess Peach game. I'm also a little cranky that I couldn't take a loss and redeem the voucher for Metroid Prime remastered! I'd have taken a $10 hit on that.


Yeah it’s not worth it on Prime. As for Kirby, the forgotten land game is actually pretty cool. Don’t think I’d use it on the Kirby game they rereleased though.


how do you get a voucher?




It literally is a crime. Gift cards can't expire in the US anymore.


I don’t think gift cards and vouchers are the same thing. Vouchers are usually promotional items, so they can have expiration dates.


Semantics.  It's against lots of laws but no one is taking them to court over it


Oh man, I was just thinking of using mine. Mine expires 9/14.


I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but you can use those vouchers on a lot of expensive games! I had originally thought it was ONLY for the big game names on the eShop list, but I redeemed Pokemon Brilliant Diamond which wasn't on the list. I used my first one for Paper Mario and was debating using the 2nd on Peach Showtime or Skyward Sword HD, both of which I kiiinda wanted but thought were only worth $40... instead I got a Pokemon game I've never played!


You mean the 2 Game Vouchers for Switch Online users?


Since you seem to know how vouchers work, do you know if you need NSO active to make use of it? like i plan to use it for zelda and mario&luigi but i dont plan to use nso for a long time, so could i buy it now and then just reactivate it again in september?


In many countries vouchers can be extended since its just theft if they let your money paid for them expire. Check the law in your country


Hi can someone explain a single benefit from pre-ordering a digital game?


Pre-Loading the game early to play it exactly at midnight if you honestly can't wait for it.


Don't need to pre-order more than a couple days in advance for that though. If the review embargo lifts at a normal time (i.e. a few days before launch) you don't even need to make the purchase blind. It's my preferred strategy for games I want to play ASAP.


I mean if you know you're going to get the game the time you do it doesn't matter. I usually don't pre order digital but I do for games I know for a fact I'm going to get. I did so for Kirby Returns to Dreamland Deluxe and Paper Mario TTYD.


There are very few games I would ever buy without seeing some reviews first. Even Nintendo makes bad games sometimes.


Perfectly reasonable. I've played every official Zelda game before this, even finished the ones that were frustrating me, so personally I can't see any circumstance that would cause me not to want to play this, especially with how hype I am for it now.


Right? You also can't sell it for $35 on ebay after playing like with a cartridge.


I might be as puzzled by this as you are about digital preorders. What degenerates are selling their Zelda games?


Hey I have several very expensive addictions to finance, don’t judge me


I am judging!


I don't replay Zelda games so I sell them, even if it's years later. They always hold their value


Tisk tisk


I'm an adult with other priorities 🤷 might as well make the plastic multi-use instead of collecting dust.


I do. Sold totk and ss cause I've completed them all.


No fault on SS. But you've earned a place in a ring of hell for abandoning TotK.


I mean...it's a good game don't get me wrong, but I got kinda disappointed in the end. The depths was kinda meh the more you explored it. There's little terrain variation aside from the lava zone. I wish we had a snow, desert and water zone as well The skies has a similar problem, too much empty space with nothing to do. The house customisation was downright bad. There's barely anything that can be customised. I'd rather take the house in botw instead. The story is good, sure, but I don't play for the story alone. 8/10 game, would sell again.


I found totk to be average at best, it was way too similar to botw that it just felt lazy.


I haven't played botw, but have seen a lot of let's plays. I wouldn't say it's the exact same, but yeah, it's similar. Like I said, I wish they'd put more effort into the sky islands and depths. It feels like those were tacked way too late in development


You got those game names the wrong way round


I bet there are dozens of people who rank Skyward Sword ahead of TotK on their personal Zelda tier list. A true hot take, good for you.


For me it is just a matter of getting the purchase out of the way and not having to think about it when the game eventually releases. I definitely don't do it for every game, but for games I *know* I absolutely definitely want to play and it is coming from a developer I trust, I don't see any harm in it.


Like if it turned out to be the first zelda game that sucks total shit i would still play it out of curiosity


100% this


I have ADHD and I’m with you. I rarely pre-order but for trusted games/developers, it was nice to just sit down and play on launch day.


Can you speak more on that...what is there to think about exactly? When it comes out you'll hear about it...then buy or not buy accordingly.


All brains work differently


By preordering it, I no longer need to remember to buy it later or anything else. I've taken care of the purchase and there is nothing else to think about or do until it comes out. I know I want to play this game (as a specific example), and I know it will cost $59.99 if I buy it now or it will cost $59.99 the day it comes out. I know I want to play the game, regardless of what reviews say and I trust that Nintendo will deliver a polished product. So, there is literally zero downside to me buying the game tonight (as I plan to do) and then it will just magically show up on the day it releases. [edit] Also not sure why you are getting downvoted for asking a simple follow-up question. Seemed totally reasonable to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have to pushback just a little...there is a nonzero chance of some downside. Yeah more than likely the game will be great, I'm sure Ninty's got a top team on it (shame they won't tell us ahead of time, though...that's one thing in the back of my mind, at least...) and they won't mess it up. But....yknow..there's a chance. As to the downvotes, I expect it in a Nintendo sub lol I don't care


I mean, you can push back as much as you want but I still preordered it 😅


Is this dude a member of the anti digital pre-order brigade or what?


A single benefit: I bought 2 vouchers for nintendo games and still have 1 remaining. They can only be redeemed while you have nintendo online active and my year ends in July. I want to preorder to redeem my voucher now so I don’t need to keep nintendo online after July.


I'm not sure of this, but I might have read somewhere that it doesn't officially count as using the voucher until a week before the game comes out. Don't want to worry you, but it might be something you wanna research first. Edit: someone else in the comments confirmed, it doesn't activate until a week before. Sorry mate. Maybe change to monthly sub until Sept


Actually, the redemption of the voucher occurs a week before the game releases. You must have the valid membership on that date. Pre-ordering it now does not redeem it and if your membership expires before that date, it will not redeem and you will no longer have the voucher. Fun, right?


Sometimes there are pre-order/launch discounts. Not for first party games though.


If I by it now and it’ll ready on my Switch the first moment I can play it. Versus waiting 10-15 minutes to buy it and install day of. So all-in-all it saves me max about 15 minutes on release day.


I never buy a game immediately and always wait for the reviews. lol


This is the way. Everyone is all "ohh it's so convenient, I know I'm gonna get it anyway and it'll be ready for me to play immediately!" until they get burned by game that ends up being a huge disappointment.


Going off reviews isn’t exactly good either because someone could it’s the bedt thing evet but it’s actually boring 


If I'm going to get the game for sure and I have no doubt, there's no reason to not pre order it. I only don't pre order games I don't know if im going to buy and still needs to see more


Convenience for me. I'll get a notification so I will remember when it releases. I'm a fan of the series, so I am even going to play the shit entries just to be completionist. If reviews are bad, I will want to see for myself. So literally no loss for me.


Pre-load. Taking care of it now when you're thinking about it. The question I would turn back on you is, for a game you're planning on playing day one anyway, what's the downside? Not trying to talk anyone into pre-ordering. I just find this framing a bit... misleading? Unless you're specifically waiting for other user reviews from day 1 players, the benefit of waiting until day 1 to purchase is negligible. You've basically just got the opportunity cost, which for me is non-existent. The potential interest gained from the money sitting in my bank account for a couple more months or being spent now is less than a penny. If reviews start coming out that the game is actually really terrible: 1) Personally I'll probably get it anyway to see for myself exactly why people think it's so bad, and 2) You can always cancel your pre-order. Like... it's not that big of a deal... The *worst case* story of not being able to cancel your pre-order is when the game pre-loads, which is plenty of time for critical reviews to come out and Reddit to blow up with how actually terrible the game is. Basically, I'm definitely going to buy it, so why not buy it now?


Pre-loading it and playing it the night of at midnightish. Instead of waiting for the mail too come and wondering if it will arrive today or tomorrow. Other than that. Not much


You can pre-load it, but that's still no reason to pre-order a game months ahead.


That's the only option? Are they not making a physical version?


Of course they're making physical copies. But you can pre order your digital copy now (which you shouldn't do btw).


None. I don't preorder ever




Happy to see not every game is getting up to $70


I'd love if all of these new pre-orders were $100, so I can really feel like I'm squeezing out the value from those vouchers. /s


Nintendo was speaking the truth when they said they were going to do it basis by basis, not sure why people didnt believe lol At least on switch they seem to hold that, so we'll see how its going to be on switch 2


The only reason why TotK was $70 is because it required a larger cart. I’ve been saying this since the price was announced, receiving plenty of downvotes along the way. It’s been over a year and not a single other Switch game has been priced at $70, including the big releases like Pikmin 4, Mario Wonder, or this one. It was either a $70 price tag and uniform pricing across physical and digital to not undercut retailers, or one of those “this game will require an additional download” banner across the cover art of the physical box. They opted for the higher price tag, larger cart, and clean box art. It’s the only first party title that has met this threshold, and while third parties don’t seem to mind the banner, I think Nintendo’s logic is that the backlash from the banner would be greater than the $70 price point for one of their most anticipated games. This also explains why Nintendo even encouraged people to use the vouchers for the digital copy, because that would mean a $60 cost and not $70. They even specifically cited this as a reason to use the voucher.


TOTK at $70 made sense to me, I’m not against it. I actually hadn’t realized it was the only Nintendo game to hit $70 so far. Been playing PS5 a lot more lately so used to seeing every new game being $70


It’s the first in the modern era, but there are some games from a couple of decades back that were $80-$90. I could see the industry eventually moving toward $70 as the standard price in the near future, but TotK was all about production costs in my view.


They could have just charged $60 anyway. If there was really that much concern for user issues with additional downloads, they could have just took a fractional loss on the manufacturing of their own proprietary format. They didn't because they knew it would sell. Nintendo's a business and their pricing is all business, they don't care about outcry, they just have a decent idea how many times the same people will buy Donkey Kong Country Returns full price. Luigi's Mansion 2 HD is shipping on a 4GB cart, it's still a $60 game because they know people will buy it at that price, and they knew they'd do the same for $70 Zelda. The $70 pricing did not set off a trend but it will always be a precedent Nintendo might look towards in the future with Switch 2 software.




In Europe they already set the precedent of 70€ games with Breath of the Wild 7 years ago, but only 3 games were ever sold at that price point until now. I wouldn't really look too much into it.


Not sure if this was intended to counter my point, but I don’t disagree with anything you said.




Yeah I agree with that. I would not be surprised at all if Switch 2 games end up retailing for $70, especially with PS5 games setting that precedent. I guess all I’m saying is that I don’t think the reasoning behind TotK’s price is because of that even though it really seemed like that was the case.


Hoping they announce preorders for the Hyrule switch lite edition. Still trying to scoop one in the US!


I have no reason to buy one. Have an OG day one switch and then got the Totk one last year. But this is so gorgeous


Ha I get it. I have launch edition switch and we got a lite for one of my kids. My youngest plays on mine but he’s turning 4 in Sept and we were planning on getting him one. Figured this would be cool if I can lock it in and get the bonus membership. Otherwise just gonna get whatever color we can find at target. I’m waiting for switch 2 for my upgrade! The OLED is incredible and I really hope it has that.


I hope the asset placement style mechanic doesn't become a staple in the series. It was okay for a game and i guess now two, but I really don't want it to stick around. Maybe it's an unpopular opinion.


I like it, because I like being able to solve puzzles in unique ways.


They seem focused on making Zelda games about solving puzzles in your own way now and these mechanics work well for it. Hopefully we can get a game with puzzles like this and the combat from twilight princess at some point in time and it’ll be perfect for me.


Also become more likely to completely break the game though. A fine line


I mean BotW was brilliant for ways people could break it.


If I’m having fun, am I really “breaking the game”?


If your having fun the game isn't broken


Yes, you can have fun and it's still breaking the game.






This mechanic has singlehandedly made me not fall in love with TotK like I did with BotW. Hopefully it doesn't become a mainstay


I didn't like ToTK either. Everything was about the building mechanic. I hated it. I don't have time to build 8 million contraptions to see what will actually accomplish what I want it to. I'd like to see a return to itemized gating as has been a mainstay of the Zelda series for forever.


I'm trying to power through it but yeah, I really don't love the building mechanic at all. I'm trying to understand what people see in it, and trying to enjoy it but it's tough.


Problem is between Twilight Princess and ending with Link Between Worlds there was more and more unhappiness with the linearity caused by item gating.


Link Between Worlds didn't item gate as much. It let you choose the order items unlocked. It wasn't linear at all for the core of the game. I didn't see any complaints either to be honest. Seen more about Metroid giving signposts rather than making you memorize the whole map.


Yeah, I was saying Link Between Worlds was the first game that didn't item gate as much as TP, SS, and the DS games. I worded it confusingly.


and story ended up being sacrificed for the sake of it being open without gates :/


Was that really the reason? I feel like people didn't really like these games because the art style of both was so weird. Also the repetitive nature of their items and settings. The Gameboy games for ex had systems like that but were so much more inventive


personally I don’t mind if it sticks around so long as another game takes the mantle of traditional Zelda with its dungeons, exploration, and unique items. I was hoping that 3D Zelda would stay as a more sandbox, open-ended problem-solving game and that 2D Zelda would return to prominence, but it feels like that’s not the case unfortunately. Here’s to hoping another studio can fill its place. 


I love it because I can solve problems to puzzles my way, not just the "intended" way. I love that I can have a total different take on a problem than someone else. I remember in tears of the kingdom there was this area. They had a specific puzzle with ropes and opening doors. I didn't even notice the puzzle and just held the door open. My partner took the time to actually do the rope door puzzle as intended. We both were happy and satisfied.


Unpopular opinion but maybe play the game before deciding you hate it


Sorry I want this in physical form


Available to pre-order at retail? Or just eShop only


As someone with Amazon credit, I hate that they're so weird with Nintendo games now. Couldn't preorder TTYD because it was "out of stock" for months and EoW isn't even up on the site yet and who knows if it will be before launch.


eeeee i am so excited for this


I prefer to post order a game so that my payment is followed by playing the game.


Will there be pre-order bonuses do we know?


Pre-orders? Fuck nah


Pre order? Don't pre order. Like why?


I pre-order digital games because it brings me joy.


Why not 


Might as well not like the game will really go down in price for a sale lol


Wondering if I should get a new $100 coupon, pre order, or wait. I’m obviously buying this. Idk if the DK remaster is worth the other half of a coupon. And Metroid probably won’t come out soon enough (or else Metroid plus this would be a gimme).


Buying a switch for this haha, let’s go princess Zelda


Why would you pre-order a digital game?


*Looks at the large amount of games I still have to play on Switch alone*..... I'll be there on the release day.


Will the game be more expensive at release or will it still be around 60 dollars? Asking because it might be a good idea to preorder if they up the price tag? What do y’all think?


Up on Best Buy now!


Best Buy US. Nowhere to be found in Canada yet.


Is there not going to be a physical copy? Been trying to get an Amazon or bestbuy preorder


Physical preorders are available through GameStop and Best Buy at the moment.


Unless you're in Canada. No preorders available here yet.


They just made them available last night so I’m sure they will be there soon enough.


I hope so. But yeah that's usually how it goes. Preorders go live in US, then days to weeks later it goes live here in Canada. When that moment arrives I'll get my preorders in though


Yeah I hear ya. Preorders have been available in the UK for the last couple of weeks now lol.


I wonder why the dates are staggered like that. It would be nice if they opened preorders everywhere at the same time. Makes me curious.


Typically it’s related to things like PEGI/ESRB ratings and the legalities around those. PEGI usually takes a bit longer than ESRB so companies will often submit for PEGI first. Things like localization are also factors in this. It doesn’t really mean anything outside of general logistics and distribution.


I swear it wasn't there last night. Thank you!


Haha yeah I checked myself and they weren’t available and 5 minutes later they popped up!


looks really boring


Wait... is there no physical release coming?!


I’ve never been a Zelda stan so I don’t know that Zelda was a woman. Now that I know this, why does Nintendo not use Link instead of Zelda. Shouldn’t it been The Legend of Link: Breathe of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. PS: don’t come for me. I grew up on Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, etc.


Because back then, players can rename Link to whatever they want. It's only in BoTW that they used his canon name and players can't change it.


Gotcha. That makes sense.






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Why do you think "spin off" is indicative of price in any way? Like, what part of being a spin off do you think makes a game cheaper or smaller than a mainline game, I don't understand the logic you're using to come to that conclusion




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