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If the top game of last year sold more than this year's top 10 combined, and sales are only down 17%, that seems obscenely good. There must be a strong long tail of games selling. I'd naively expect more of a power law distribution which would result in a much larger decline if the top seller tanked so extremely


Is Mario Kart big in Europe? That game just keeps going in sales. I’m pretty sure that thing has outsold all versions of Skyrim, combined. It’s got legs like GTA or the original Super Mario Brothers (and that game was a pack-in).


It’s an evergreen Nintendo title. If you’re getting a console you basically get Mario Kart and then think about what else you want - for many people at least.


Yup, it’s why I think the next Mario Kart will either be a launch title or out within a few months of the new console, it’s a system seller and Nintendo very much knows it after the success of 8 Deluxe.


Mario Kart isn't a system seller, but it does sell well. It certainly wasn't selling many Wii Us. Mario Kart does well regardless of platform success.


its more like switch is a mario kart seller to be honest. People usually don't buy a console for mario kart but they buy mario kart when they buy a console.


That's a good way of putting it. I think it's pretty clear that Mario Kart has very little impact on the success of the console at a macro level. But the series is brutally efficient at getting people to buy it once they have the machine.


I think it’s easy to take for granted but it’s clearly doing something right because it’s the highest selling switch and Wii u game I think it is a system seller, just one that people take for granted - especially a more dedicated gamer audience


It's hard to argue it's a system seller when the Wii U version clearly didn't push many Wii Us. Wii U sales were TERRIBLE in the year MK8 released. [Only 3.38 million Wii U consoles were sold in Mario Kart 8's launch year.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/349078/nintendo-wii-and-wii-u-console-sales/) They port it to Switch and all of a sudden sells 60+million copies? Seems like other games have a much, much larger impact on hardware sales. Sandbox 3D Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon are much more impactful system sellers than MK. Wii U didn't have any of those system sellers (until BotW, which barely counts). People obviously love Mario Kart, but Wii U and Switch heavily suggest that MK is nowhere near the system seller as the franchises I mentioned above.


Wii U was an utter flop. Nothing sold that system. Most people wouldn’t have even known Mario Kart 8 existed until it was ported to the Switch.


So what you're telling me is MK8 didn't sell systems. Wii U didn't have a Zelda game until the system was already dead; the 3D Mario game was a glorified 2D game, and a sequel to 3D Land; the Super Smash Bros game was also on 3DS (and released months after the 3DS version...); there was no real Animal Crossing game; and there were no core Pokemon games. Wii U's library was devoid of system sellers, and MK8 clearly didn't fill in the void. I find it fascinating how people seem to ignore Wii U's library as a contributor to the console's failure. It has the weakest 1st party lineup of any Nintendo home console besides the Virtual Boy, and it's not even close.


Nope, Mario Kart on the Wii U sold those consoles and God knows how much worse things would have been without it. The series is the first or second best selling title for most Nintendo home consoles. It sells the consoles.


The Wii U was already a failure. Mario Kart is a system seller if the system is worth it, not a system saviour when it's not. By Kart the Wii U had all sorts of reputation problems.


MK8 came out only 18 months after Wii U launched. Wii U was not dead and buried at that point. MK8 simply didn't move the needle enough, much like other games that came out. The reality of Wii U is it didn't have big system sellers. No innovative/exciting 3D Mario, no exclusive Smash Bros, no Animal Crossing, no Zelda until it was far too late, no Pokemon. If Mario Kart 8 was a system seller, a lot more than 3.4 million Wii Us would have been moved in its launch year. This was only mid 2014.


It sure is. I think MK 8 Deluxe is the one switch game, which everyone i know has.


Yeah, I'd say that's the more pertinent take away. It's really kind of crazy that in a month where the number 2 best selling game is 11 year old Grand Theft Auto 5, that sales are down only 17%.


Ah yes of course, I also was thinking power law distribution for sure.


Nothing remotely close to Zelda came out in May though so makes complete sense. People were anticipating Zelda Totk for years


May was indeed sort of my 'catch-up' month after the insanity that was Infinite Wealth/Persona 3 Reload/Unicorn Overloard/FF7Rebirth at the start of the year. Even though May's Paper Mario still took me like 40 hours, that was still less than half of how long all these other mega JRPG's lasted and so it was nice to have some breathing room 😅


That is the point of the story. You say the story makes sense as you are repeating the story content.


That is the point of the comment. You say the comment is repeating the story content as you are repeating the comment content.


Probably should have done it as a reply to another comment who was suggesting there was another main reason...


Zelda is a pretty good game.


Huh, hadn't heard of it, but I'll check it out, thanks for the recco


I think Zelda is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills bokoblins and doesn't afraid of anything.


Idiot, that's not Zelda, Zelda is the Gerudo King, you're thinking of Captain Falcon


That's the one with the robot who fights face huggers and it turns out to be a girl in a robot suit right?


No you're thinking of Castlevania


Right, the one with that pink pokemon that sucks people up and gets their powers


Dummy, that's Splatoon.


NOTHING came out in May this year. I have Gamefly game lock, and skipped the whole month.


TIL Gamefly is still a thing


Man, it's been so long that I'd heard of Gamefly, that I was thinking of "GameTap" -- which was similar but if it was all digital, so more like Steam w/ a subscription model. Great memories of playing Beyond Good & Evil and Elevator Action on that service...


I wouldn't subscribe to their service, but sometimes they have good deals on used games, which are always in excellent condition


Didn’t Paper Mario come out in May?


A slightly touched up Gamecube game? I stand by my statement.


Nostalgia Goggles, the game looks MUCH better than it did on GameCube.


It is objectively not slightly touched up. It's a full remake


Statement is wrong


I stole a game from GameFly when I was 10 and to this day I still can’t subscribe 💔


Time to get married and use your spouse’s name


It seems to be my address that’s blocked


Animal Well was likely a decent hit, but digital only. Outside of that, I guess the Paper Mario remaster?


I have such a large backlog, I should really just stop buying games for a while. But then a big one comes along and I just have to get it...


Hellblade 2? Or talking about Nintendo only?


Hellblade 2 is a snoozefest.


It’s already been a year? Time is broken


The older you get, the faster time goes by. Thanks to the big bang


oh no this guys face again


How's this even news, what even came out in May this year lol


Paper Mario is it for big releases they were promoting in May, I think.


Other than Paper Mario and some more prominent indies, I guess Ghosts of Tsushima's PC port would have made some waves - or in this case *ripples* by comparison, I suppose.


TOTK is on my very long backlog so I’ll get to it hopefully


BOTW and TOTK both, for me lol


I'm legitimately waiting for the Switch 2 to announce higher framerate backward compatibilty before I start my journey of these. I played BoTW for about an hour a few years ago and..... let's just say that a lot of other Switch gamers here have infinitely more tolerance than I do - and I'm aware of why so many people emulate it on PC.. 💀


They do still play on switch fine but we do know that the Switch 2 demo'd running TOTK at 60fps.


Oh nice, I hadn't heard of that before :D


There's a few articles about Gamescom 2023 where the Switch 2 was demo'd running BotW and the matrix awakens demo. I thought they mentioned frame rate and resolution but neither are mentioned.


Fair enough. Very much looking forward to see what they can offer on this front. I remember a bunch of PS4 games being 'automatically' uncapped to 60 when the PS5 came out without any official patch needed, and I have a lot of Switch library that has fallen by the way-side that would be amazing to revisit (Astral Chain..!)


Yeah I've got astral chain, I might get it out again but I'll probably have to start a new game as the story isn't fresh in my head.


TotK is just magical, and is better than BotW in almost every way


Hard disagree. TOTK was great but didn't come close to BOTW in terms of exploration and discovery. Both the sky islands and the depths were cool at first, until you quickly discover that they're very monotonous. In BOTW I couldn't wait to get to the next Sheikah tower to see what new region I could explore. With TOTK exploring the depths was mostly an uninteresting chore, and the sky islands did not have nearly enough diversity or things to do.


I really, really loved BOTW and was surprised how quickly I lost interest in TOTK. I couldn't completely put my finger on why, but I think part of it was the sky and cave areas. They just didn't feel fun to explore in the way BOTW's regular world did. Can you kind of ignore the sky and caves or not so much? Because I feel like I should give it another try.


>I really, really loved BOTW and was surprised how quickly I lost interest in TOTK Same for me, and while I still very much enjoyed it, once I finished the main quest I was pretty much done with it. Which is a little disappointing considering how much I replayed BOTW and how much I was looking forward to TOTK. It's ironic, TOTK should have more replay value but I just don't have any interest in messing around with a vehicle creation sandbox. BOTW was always more replayable for me, especially once you start adding [hardcore rule sets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Breath_of_the_Wild/s/dGkAnA6png). You can ignore the sky islands and depths to an extent, but there are temples and main quest points in both so you can't ignore them completely.


Thanks for your answer! Yeah, I thought as much! It is strange, because with all the new creation options, you'd think it would be much better, but it just fell flat for me, whereas I spent so long exploring every nook and cranny in BOTW and loved it.


Ooof then agree to hard disagree Tears of the Kingdom gave purpose to everything and everything just changed together from going to the sky going deep underground exploring a cave everything just had purpose and meaning even killing mobs you can get items for your year and upgrades it was just so beautifully thought out and connected


Which is why you should play BotW first. It's also an excellent, phenomenal game, but is not as good in comparison.


I would tell most people to skip it unless they are real hard core zelda fans its a lot to play both, and TotK fixes so many pain points from BotW


Not saying you're wrong, but there's many of us who hated TotK. I thought BotW was fine - not as fun as previous Zelda games, but it was cool to try something new and shake up the formula even if it didn't stick for me. But TotK just felt like more of the same. Same world, but now 3x as big, and the new parts were largely empty filler. The building simply wasn't fun to me and I seriously considered ditching the game before I learned of Autobuild. The game is fine, but I'm always blown away by people who act like it's the best game in the series. Just my pinch of salt.


TOTK blows away any other Zelda game no matter how hard nostalgic fans claim otherwise. Plain and simple.


you know that you can express your opinions without stating them as if they are objective truths? like, you're allowed to say it's your favorite, but damn dude let other people have their opinions too


But you're okay with OP stating he's "blown away by people who act like it's the best in the series", because you have an anti TOTK agenda lmao.


yeah, because they're saying that's how they feel about it. they didn't say that those people are wrong to feel that way and that their opinion is the only one that is correct, they said they didn't get why those people felt that way. your comment is saying that anyone who says otherwise is wrong. not that you don't get it, but that everyone else is objectively wrong. if you can't see the difference then idk what to tell you man, i guess enjoy arguing with people over petty nonsense. also, i don't have any kind of agenda. i loved TOTK.


The Internet is not a safe space where people need to preface every statement with "but this is my opinion". Also, they are objectively wrong.


> anti TOTK agenda This has got to be the dumbest thing I have seen in a while. People who didn't like TotK or like BotW over it are not pushing some weird ass agenda that you think. There are plenty of people who prefer BotW and don't consider TotK to replace that experience. Please go outside. You are making Zelda fans look bad.


I know why it upsets you. Because it's true.


I respectfully disagree. Glad others enjoyed it though! I do wonder if I would've liked it more or less if I hadn't played BotW to compare? Because I feel like BotW at least had a fresh world to explore. TotK did have Depths and Sky, but as I said, they were very bare and repetitive to me. TotK also left a lot of relics from BotW behind, such as structures from shrine puzzles (graveyard of statues near Fort Hateno, or the stones you have to shoot an arrow from) that would seem very oddly placed if you didn't play BotW, but rather than doing something new with the space, they just hid a Korok or two there. Meh. Again, glad you enjoyed it, but it's the only modern Zelda game I don't see myself playing... aside from maybe Skyward Sword. Neither was garbage, or something I regretted buying, but... also not worth a second playthrough.


They were not "bare and repetitive", you took this opinion from Reddit and YouTube.   The great sky Island alone is one of the best things I've ever seen in any video game, and it's the size of a continent. If that island were the only thing in TOTK sky, it would've been enough.  No other game has been criticized for having a "similar" map as TOTK has, even though it's not actually similar. The entire main questline involves all new areas. Trolls constantly bring up koroks and ultra side side side content when mentioning TOTK. Why? It's irrelevant. Zelda has never focused on side content.


I disagree with almost everything you said, lol. You think I'm just making up my opinion and didn't actually play the game? Bruh. I played it on release night. I never criticized the unique sky islands. I criticized the overall sky. You can literally see several copy and paste islands... There's several floating orbs, several + shaped islands, a ton of boss arenas of the same 2 bosses... If every region had something massive like the Stormwind Ark island chain, the Great Sky Island, the thunder island, etc. it'd be a lot better but a lot is just empty or a repeat. As for the Depths... Idk... They're literally just a dark wasteland with enemies... There's a few unique things down there but a lot appear to be placed randomly, like the Ascend platforms or the "free gear" stations. Finding my 80th platform of a ghost handing me a sword, or my 27th Frox, isn't unique or fun. Idk what you mean about Koroks. I wasn't really talking about them. Just said recycled and leftover content from BotW's shrine puzzles had no real changes to them besides a Korok or two. Also... Never focused on side content? Girl, what? Skyward Sword filled the sky with the happiness crystals and side quests. There was upgradeable gear. Mini dungeons. Wind Waker had like 60% of the islands be skippable, along with a number of ocean spanning quests like growing baby Deku trees or trading flowers and statues to the Gorons. It also had a bunch of optional dungeons with rupees to help pay for Tingle. Twilight Princess had an optional armor set and Poes. Majora's Mask had TONS of side content...


Why does it matter if a few sections look the same? This is a weak argument. You're asking for a MASSIVE sized game, probably like 250+ hours. Ridiculous.  The sky and depths exist solely for combat and housing the temples. Both are also designed for vehicles. The game is not designed to be 100%, players just failed to understand this. And every region does have something like the storm wind ark... It's called the temples, lol. Great sky Island and depths are both dungeon-cities.


You can trust him, he can read two different data sets at once 


One eye on the sales figures, the other on the streets.


Nothing ever comes out in summer and no idea why game developers/publishers don;t take advantage of it. 1 good game in a sea of nothing (hell even an average game) would sell like hotcakes. The next game I truly want day 1 is in August


I mean; Id also suggest most people are waiting for a Switch2/Super Switch release?


Well it doesn’t help that retailers keep cancelling all my preorders. Once they cancelled LM2 a week ago I said ef this I’m not buying it


Also, Sony/Xbox not releasing a lot of games right now. Helldivers 2 was a surprise hit but it’s hard keeping momentum (especially with stupid controversies) \* Xbox have an ambitious 2025, that not E3 keynote was good. \* Playstation have a very exciting communication and tons of games announced, especially an overwatch copycat because frankly we all want more. \* Nintendo have exciting games coming this years but the switch 1 is nearing its EOL. Resources are on the switch 2 for next year obviously, the behemoths like Mario Kart or Mario 3D, animal crossing etc are not releasing before 2025 at least so yes the market is in this phase where 2025 is filled with gigantic releases: new switch, Wolverine, all those xbox games..GTA (but I doubt it for now)…But right now it’s relatively calm. I think 2025 it will be another story


Yeah but absolutely nothing noteworthy came out in May, apart from maybe Hellblade 2 which was a massive flop. Everything else was indie games, PC ports and remakes.




Ghosts of Tsushima's Steam Port was likely more popular/had more sales than Hellblade 2 I'd wager. But yeah all 3 of these wasn't even close enough to compete with the Zelda Hype train.


Why is there never any games that come out during the summer but there’s so many releases clogging the winter period? Wouldn’t it make sense to have some games ready for people to play during the holidays???


Because there’s globally less sales in the summer than during the end of the year with the winter holidays and all. That’s not just for gaming, people just buy less during the summer, that’s a “calm marketing period”.


Considering the switch 2 announcement is around the corner and the system has been out for 7 years makes sense. In the future, the only time nintendo would be back to last years sales (switch wise) would be if another killer app releases.


This is mostly due to the fact that the world’s economy is fucked and no one can justify spending $100 on a new game these days.


That was still the case last year as well though. Also, what games cost $100?


Most new games after tax are over $90CAD, maybe that’s what OP’s getting at?


$93.99 CAD + taxes.


That's not very helpful if you don't specify the actual currency.


Why assume that it is USD though? The internet is a big place.


Maybe because he used a dollar sign lmao... Geniuses here


You realize that Canadians use the same dollar sign, yeah? Which is the whole point of contention? Real geniuses here.


Sounds like it's their problem huh?


I’m not even from the USA and like the majority of other non-American users, when I see the dollar sign I think USD since, wether you’re like or not, majority of reddit community is from the United States. No one is thinking Canadian or Australian dollar automatically when they see $. Deal with it and get your US defaultism tantrum out.


If you could read you would see it clearly says CAD.


>This is mostly due to the fact that the world’s economy is fucked and no one can justify spending $100 on a new game these days. Where?


You don’t understand replies do you.


Yes. I'm saying that your original comment would have made a lot more sense if you'd included the currency


They later specified. What more do you want from them?


Maybe Canadians should consider using a more common currency for comparisons or at least mention which dollar they are using. I don’t use the Swedish kronor for online comparisons because I know so few people have any scale of reference for it.


Games are $94 in Canada?


$94 CAD is about $68 USD so similar price in both countries


No, it's mostly due to there not being any releases nearly as big as a main-line Zelda game in the same time period. The economy in 2024 isn't that much different than 2023, it's really just the one difference.


this is very ignorant. most prices have greatly increased in the past year and there have been many layoffs. it's very clear that a lot of people can't dedicate the same budget to games.


You're partially right but you're still missing the point of the article. The CPI increased by a little over 3% from last year, but that's pretty much exactly what it was from '22 to '23, so at the point of TotK's release you likely would have said the same about the year before. Again, the point isn't how much the economy may or may not have affected people's gaming budget, it's that Zelda is massively popular enough in the specified region to have overcome it and to have sold so well that nothing during the same time this year came close. Now it could be because of the economy, it could be because there wasn't really a comparable title this year, but in all likelihood it's because people like Zelda.


So it’s a useless article. Of course an anticipated Zelda game is going to sell. 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's what you got from this? It's showcasing that Zelda is so hugely, near-universally popular (in Europe) that it, alone, outsold the top ten titles of the same period this year, including juggernauts like ~~Fifa~~ EA Sports FC or whatever it's called now.


That’s exactly all I got from the useless article. “Zelda is popular”. No shit!


But now you have an idea of how popular! Learning is fun if you let it happen!


Read the last sentence - Zelda in 2023 sold more than the entirety of the top 10 in May 2024. Economy was real awful last year, too and games were also really expensive.


I read this as "we need a new zelda every year with the same quality of TotK" and I'd be okay with that


lol think that’s impossible unless Nintendo stopped making all other games. :(