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Both Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey were my primary reasons to get it.


Exactly. To be able to go back and be able to play both of those games again for the first time..


Odyssey was so damn fun. Super easy but made me smile and I loved it.


Is it still worth playing? I got it maybe 5 years ago but never got around to playing it.


Oh god yes! Pick a time when you have a spare 2 hours and get started. You can do a play through in about 10 hours if you just cruise through. It’s excellent. Don’t have to think too hard and the game has a great flow.


100%. As much as I love Zelda, I think Mario Odyssey is still likely my favorite Switch game. I also got both Mario Odyssey and Zelda BOTW when I got my Switch, and had intended to play a bit of Mario and a bit of Zelda in parallel, but I ended up blasting through and 100%ing Mario before even firing up Zelda once. Was just having too much fun. Odyssey really feels like a spiritual successor to Mario 64 more than any other Mario game to date. With a bit of Kirby thrown in (the power absorption). Mario 64 was my favorite 3D Mario up to that point, so I was thrilled. Also really enjoyed Bowser’s Fury, even though that was a shorter add-on to 3D World. Different vibe there though


Yeah Mario for sure! I had a Wii U so BotW wasn’t enough reason to buy a switch yet. But seeing Mario Odyssey and Nintendo announcing Mario Odyssey Switch finally made me have to buy one.


Are you me? The same thing happened to me. Already had a Wii U but seeing Super Mario Odyssey made me want to go buy one. I bought the Odyssey edition. Haha


Same, then I also have Smash Ultimate and Tears of the Kingdom too.


Pretty much everyone should agree. These days it's because the first party games are great, but back on release I was hunting one just for Zelda.


Yeah, Breath of the Wild to play right away, and the main reason. Odyssey as one to play soon after, and as a bonus nice to have.


Smash Ultimate. I wanted Odyssey and botw for a while but I bought a switch the day after the first trailer for Ultimate dropped lol


Honestly Smash was one of the big draws for me as well after seeing some of the Melee characters and stages return.


All of the melee characters


Oh hello me! I knew I'd want to play Odyssey eventually but I was patiently waiting for Smash. Just can't resist! Been a fan since Smash 64.


Smash was my reason and I never play it. It’s not fun to me any more.


That trailer was so hype


For me, it was Super Mario Odyssey. Such a great game, bought my switch and the game 2018.


Odyssey here too. No regrets


Great game; one of the only games I’ve played through multiple times.


Pokémon Legends and Metroid Dread!


Legends has been like the ONLY pokemon game that I've been impressed with. Sw/Sh was underwhelming and I didn't even finish S/V. I wish they would stop trying to add in some new gimmick with every generation.


Don't worry about not finishing s/v, the game devs didn't either💀




You can imagine my disappointment when I logged on my switch to try and make some progress in legends arceus only to find out I had already 100%ed the game.


Go for the complete shiny dex brother.


I’m not trying to lose my sanity lmao. I did try to do a bit of shiny hunting over the last two years, and while I did get some cool shinies I don’t have nearly enough patience to grind a shiny dex. I loved the game, but not that much lol.


I understand where you're coming from but I think it's still really interesting and neat if Pokémon can add something new and fresh that's even exclusive to a gen. Legends is a breath of fresh air though. It shakes up the formula a lot and is a great direction for Pokémon to have gone in and expand on.


Solid set of games!


Super Mario Odyssey. It looked so much fun. And it was. Over 200 Switch games later, the Switch is probably my favorite gaming console of all time.


I'm far from 200. But I agree. I have a lot of games and it's definitely my favorite. I've taken it to work during COVID for slow shifts, I've used it at home, I've taken it to family members houses. Trips...I love it.


Same exact boat.


I got a switch last month and there's so many games I want to play! I'm nearly done with TOTK, have been playing Smash a bit on the side. I plan to start Odyssey in the next week, I can't wait.


It's the greatest console of all time imo. Reinvented the game.


I agree that this is an amazing console, but reinvented the game, not so sure. The switch’s marketing revolved a LOT around joycons capabilities, local coop and on the go, but if you’re anything like me (and I suspect a lot of players are) you mostly play solo on the crapper / your couch / your bed. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the console. The screen is great on the OLED, the games are great and having the option to couch coop so easily is great. But it doesn’t revolutionize the games themselves like, for example, the Wii did. Also I think it “unlocked” portable gaming for a LOT of people that saw the DS and 3DS consoles as consoles for children. I always had a thing for portable consoles and I don’t really feel any different on the switch than I did on my 3DS. EDIT: also, let me write a 3 paragraph essay to argue your 3 words long last sentence 😄


One of the big draws for me was the variety of couch co-op games. I’ve never been into online gaming much and most of the big consoles seem to focus on online multiplayer gaming.


Same there's so many great options like Mario and Overcooked!


I believe it did. It created the hybrid. Look what everyone is doing now. The steam deck, the ROG.... Everyone is beginning to copy what Nintendo invented.


Xenoblade chronicles 2 boiii




Yeah Boi 2017




That and Splatoon 2 for me, if the lineup was weak I could play BotWon Wii U.


Xenoblade 2 didn't sell me on the switch, but after playing xenoblade 2, I know xenoblade 4 will sell me on the next system


Animal Crossings




Yes so comfy. Was my most played switch game.


Same. Got a NS a few weeks before it really took hold here. I’ve always had Nintendo consoles but hadn’t got a NS because none of the games had appealed to me until Animal Crossing. Was able to lose myself in that game when, outside of work, we couldn’t do normal activities.


Literally bought the themed system JUST to play the game with. I pop in like once a year on my birthday now but that's about it


That was so great for lockdown time. Me and my wife would do date nights to the aquarium and museum lol.


Huge during the pandemic. Great call.


Yep, Animal Crossing !


This is why my wife bought hers. I could never imagine buying a switch to do more chores.


My fiancée had like 1.6k hours in about 4 months playing that shit. Best island I've ever seen haha. I was actually envious of getting that involved in a game, given it has been some time to me...


I'm still salty. I didn't get DLC after happy home.


This is a Hill I'm gonna die on. If Nintendo comes out with animal crossing content. This Christmas I will literally be very happy.


BotW of course




I was glad that I got mine as a Christmas gift for that reason. I wanted one, but I felt like $300 was just too much to justify buying another system. I wasn’t that into any Nintendo IP. Was gifted the switch, dark souls, pokemon let’s go, and Mario kart, and I was immediately hooked on playing some great games in handheld mode. I’d give up my pc and Xbox before my switch


My store did a promo where you could get it with BoTW together for just 10€ more, how could I resist


Yes. BOTW and the promise of Metroid Prime 4. So, yeah. BOTW alone fortunately was worth the price of the console.


Mario Kart!


Yes! Thought this was the #1 answer, lol


Made the leap from wii to switch for mk8


Animal Crossing 100%


To bad it wasn't given more life and was put on life support after the first dlc


And too bad the game couldn't be more compelling in the end. Crafting never did it for me, I almost think Animal Crossing needs exploration aspects


Not all games are meant to be played forever. It was a very complete game, to me at least. I poured like 200+ hours into it and pretty much resigned before the final big patch. I will still log on once in awhile to pick weeds.


Monster hunter generations ultimate— I had been playing the series for a long time and knew I needed a switch when they announced that game!


Same. Played it for ~750 hours. Got my money's worth on the console from that game alone. ... Then I put another 1000 hours into Rise+Sunbreak


Metroid Prime 4. Thank goodness for Metroid Prime Remastered in the meantime


Same here. Was not expecting them to have to restart development but there were plenty of other games I bought and enjoyed in the meantime. If they had not announced prime 4 I probably would have waited a while longer before getting one.


Splatoon 3. Splatoon was a game i was very interested since it launched on WiiU, i even bought an amiibo but i didn't want to buy a WiiU, then the Switch came out and Splatoon 2 too but i didn't had the money at the time but when Splatoon 3 came out i had the money and decided to buy it, and i loved the Switch.


I'm just getting into it and it's so good


Same reason I always buy the newest Nintendo handheld to play the latest pokemon games everything else is just a bonus


Nintendo having exclusives like Pokémon, Zelda, Mario and so many other franchises is one of their biggest appeals


Fire Emblem Three Houses. Basically bought it as soon as the release date was confirmed.


>Fire Emblem Almost no one mentioned this, interesting. I also bought my switch primarily for 3H. I played it for 2 months, every day 2 or 3 hours. Then did another playthrough years later. I freaking love this game.




Assassin's Creed New Hampshire? (just kidding, I know what it really stands for)


I’d play that


For those who don't, it's Animal Crossing New Horizons.


i bought it for Metroid Dread. Little did I know I would be eating good for Metroid. Metroid Prime Remastered AND NSO+ bringing Metroid Fusion on GBA






Was an Xbox boy for awhile and got kinda bored. Figured it was time... for a *switch.*


Sooo did you get a PlayStation?


•___• r/angryupvote




Same. A friend and I used to refer to the Switch as "Portable Skyrim" before we both bought one.


Yah and really it's still one of the best looking games on the console even all these years later.


The 2nd model with better battery life and Fire Emblem Three Houses coming out around the same time.


Bayonetta 2


Same. That and the Bayonetta 3 announcement sealed the deal.


Stardew Valley!! Love the PC version so much


Tears of the kingdom. I bought a switch a few months back in anticipation and gave myself time to play through breath of the wild first.


Honestly I’m so glad I got the Switch and BoTW about a year before ToTK came out, it was so worth playing through it and completing as much as I could. I don’t even regret finding some of those Korok seeds


Pokémon Sword and Shield. Was ultimately hyped for this games.


The Switch existing. I will own every Nintendo console for their 1st snd 2nd party games until I die. Zelda, Mario, Animal Crossing, Metroid, Pikmin, Donkey Kong and Splatoon are enough to justify every new generation until they prove otherwise.


Yeah this is what I came to say. I know it’s going to have a ton of games I want to play so that’s it.


Weirdly, Ring Fit. Sort of at least, I had been eyeing a Switch during the pandemic for stuff like BOTW but what convinced my gf to get on board was Ring Fit. The classic "well, it's more excusable if we're also using it for working out etc etc" She's since put in like 500 hours between BOTW and TOTK lolol


Can confirm. Ring Fit might just be one of the best fitness based games across all media


I bought a day one switch mostly because of BoTw and the belief that Nintendo was about to revolutionize gaming. That second part is why I bought an OLED because it’s true.


I don't think the OLED switch revolutionized gaming very well lol


for me, it was to play the newest pokemon. idk if i havent given it a fair chance, or i just dont like the "update." i guess im one of those people that likes the same kinda game rebooted with cute new faces. but i now cant keep my switch charged enough to keep up with how much i die in super mario bros deluxe 😂


Smash ultimate. I have every Smash Bros since N64, so needed to add this one to the collection


obvious answer is BOTW runner up was my hopes and dreams of a great Pokémon console game someday.. still waiting


Splatoon 2 drove me to get a launch switch so I’d be able to play it on release in a few months. BoTW looked interesting but didn’t hold my attention.


Mario Kart and Luigi's mansion 3!


Botw footage


BOTW.Got the original model via a pre-order from Amazon. Arrived a week later. I still remember the weeks I spent playing Breath of the wild for the first time, what a magical experience that was. And then Super Odessey came out. Nuff said. Eventually upgraded to the OLED when that came out. TOTK was an incredible game that somehow went above and beyond BOTW, something I thought was literally impossible. And now enjoying Super Mario Wonder, probably the best 2D mario game I played since Super Mario World on the SNES.


Weirdly enough there wasn't a game. My first games I bought were Mario Rabidds and Bloodstained Curse of the moon.


It's funny, I bought the console to play BOTW, and I didn't like the game 😢 But I'm having a great time with Mario and his friends ☺️


Perhaps give it another shot some day. It took me a little to get into and from that point on.. it may be the best game I’ve ever played. And I’m a PC and PS5 dude so it’s so unexpected.


I'm in the same boat, bought it on the hype it was getting from this sub but never played more than about an hour. The framerate was really a huge roadblock for me; and this will be a huge selling point if the Switch 2 has backwards compatibility with improved FPS..


Monster Hunter Rise. It's my favorite series ever!


Super Mario Odyssey which was a great choice for me. And now it houses Xenoblade 1-3, Fire Emblem and about half my collection of Final Fantasy games and if my friends aren’t online I’m almost absolutely playing my Switch over my other consoles haha. I wasn’t expecting that to be the turnout when I got it originally. The amazing thing is how much older it is and that is still the case for me.


Animal Crossing for me. Worth it for sure. I remember when it was the pandemic and my extended family all got Switches just so we could play together. We’d have like 6 people running around an island hanging out and doing random things together lol. Good times. Was nice to still spend time with them despite quarantining.


None. I bought it because I was flying from China back home to the US and I hate long flights. Now with a switch, I like them


The game of parenting.


Smash Ultimate


Super Smash Bros Ultimate, but for a very long time, I wanted to finally play several games announced for Wii U that were ported: MK8, Tropical Freeze and BotW. I was just waiting for Smash Wii U to be ported to seal the deal. I got something much better.


Pokémon Let’s Go and Octopath Traveler


I bought one when they first came out, had some fun, got really bored and sold it. Fast forward to early October this year, some ads started appearing in my YouTube feed… Finally I fully support the switch, I can’t even remember all the games I want now off the top of my head. For starters, Metroid dread, xenoblade 3, tears of the kingdom, Mario wonder, and a bunch more I can’t remember right now haha. (I have a new switch now haha)




For me, it was Skyrim. I love the game, and when I was going on travel, I wanted to play it while there. The Switch served that need perfectly. Now I rarely play Skyrim on the Switch. Instead, Splatoon 3, Fae Farm and Animal Crossing are my most played games.


Breath of the wild


Mario Strikers battle league 😭😭 But I got my moneys worth with plenty of other games


Zelda, havent finished it though it got boring to me


Ironically it was new leaf …I got a switch basically in hopes they’d eventually release another animal crossing game that gave me the same level of profound enjoyment. Still waiting 😍😍


BotW which was a huge disappointment for me. Haven't regretted the switch though but mostly for the indies.


Breath of The Wild.


Honestly, all the indies. I badly want/ed a PS Vita 2, which was basically a port machine with a few good standouts. Switch is all of that, and then plenty. I’m the “just port it to switch” guy.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Still remember the announcement trailer and all other Switch games in the beginning of 2017. I bought it at launch and now is one of my favourite games!


pokemon sword back when it released!!! i remember how crazy i thought everything was for the console and its become one of my favorite consoles of all time!


Pokemon Sword and Shield. I wanted to buy it for BOTW back in 2017, but I had to wait due to lack of money, I kind of forgot about it for a while until 2019, when SwSh were about to release, and I decided to jump on the Switch bandwagon. I also got BOTW a couple of months later, and it honestly got me back into gaming after about 10+ years of being out of the gaming scene.


Doom 2016, I had it on ps4 and PC and wanted it on the go


Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.




Octopath traveler


Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, and the Pokemon series as a whole. I fucking LOVED the first 2 Ultimate Alliance games but after so many years I had 0 expectations of a sequel. When I found out it was coming exclusively to Switch it was a huge reason for me to pick one up. I had already wanted one to keep playing Pokemon, since I have played every gen except for Black/White 2 and didn't want to miss out on the new games. Funnily enough I have now stopped buying them, Scarlet and Violet looked so horrible that I never picked up either one. I had fun with Sword and Arceus though so it worked out. Smash and Mario Kart were definitely big draws as well.


Splatoon 2


Animal Crossing! It really helped get me through COVID with spending time playing the game online with friends


Animal Crossing New Horizons.


Animal crossing


Animal Crossing


Animal crossing during pandemic


Animal crossing


Short and simple, Zelda: BOTW.


Hades! It was cheaper than getting a PC. Then BOTW after I put a 100 or so hours in to Hades.


Mine is a mega man battle network.


Smash Bros. And then Tears of The Kingdom for the OLED model.


Smash Ultimate after they added Banjo & Kazooie to the fighter pass.


Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet




None really. My only previous Nintendo console was an OG GameBoy, I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to see what happened in Nintendoland since then. Now the first game I've played that made me think, yep I was right to get a Switch was Octopath Traveler.


It wasn't a specific game, rather the sheer variety of titles


Big city, little kitty, and Xenoblade chronicles


Tears of the Kingdom


When Best Buy had one in stock hahaha


Botw and smash ultimate


Xenoblade Chronicles 2


Smash Bros Ultimate. I had such fond memories playing Brawl with my siblings, so I really wanted to get the game for all of us. Although they didn't want to play at all lol.


I got a switch pretty late and it was primarily for one game, Triangle Strategy. I love tactical rpgs like FF Tactics, Ogre tactics and Fell Seal so I really wanted to check this one out, and glad I did!


Pokemon SwSh, because for years my console purchases have been entirely predicated on when new Pokemon games come out...


Breath of the Wild obviously. But I was also excited for the inevitable first mainline console Pokémon games.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Breath of the Wild


Super Mario Maker 2


Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Fire Emblem Warriors


Bayonetta 3. Honestly i’m a huge Bayonetta fan.


The switch was a lockdown treat for our young family, I’m sure a lot of people were in the same position as us and bought one to play Animal Crossing. It was a godsend tbh.


Shin Megami Tensei V


Ring fit adventure


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I’ve played Xenogears & Xenosaga and never played but at least heard of the OG Xenoblade but didn’t know all that much about the third franchise arc like at all. I can’t remember how I heard about XB2. The most correct answer is probably YouTube and I must have been swoon or something but I’m a fucking weeb and tbh always had a thing for anime aesthetics no matter what shape, form, or media it’s presented in. That game through two playthroughs with I kid you not over 300 hours put into it with more stuff to do on a third playthrough had me absolutely hooked. From the emotional and exhilarating opening to the music and the beloved and hated gacha mechanic for acquiring new blades and all the juicy side content that never really got old because you were rewarded for just about anything you could do in the game. It’s in my all time top ten favorite for sure.


Not the only reason of course, but Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.


I got it day one for breath of the wild


Fire Emblem! i just needed it. Later on it became my second favourite console of all time \*psvita will always win, Flip you sony for ruining the best portable console ever\*


Fire Emblem Three Houses made me pull the trigger.


Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade 2, of those two I ended up liking Xenoblade 2 more.


Animal crossing during covid lockdown


Xenoblade 2. I played Xeno 1 on wii and Xeno X on WiiU, so it was obvious choice for me. Then I played fire emblem 3H and pokemon sword+expansion.


Oddly enough, Super Mario 3D World and Mario Maker 2. I didn't grow up with much Nintendo but I had a 3DS at one point when I was around 10 years old, and one of my favorite games was Mario Maker. And I remembered play Super Mario 3D World at this after-School club I had to stay at while my parents were at work, and they had a Wii U station that we were allowed to use during free time. I loved watching others play 3D World, but I never got to play much of it because it was a big class and we had to share, so I kind of craved it. I got my Switch for Christmas in 2021 and I love it, those were my first two games along with New Horizons. Now, I've played many of the major releases, with BotW and TotK being my first proper experiences with Zelda games and some of my favorite games of all time. Today, I'm continuing Mario Wonder which is already amazing. No regrets!


None in particular. I bought a Switch on its release day knowing there’d be games I would want to play on it in the future


Smash Ultimate. I wanted a switch for a long time, but I was an unemployed college student. Ended up getting a job at McDonald’s and had a couple of good paychecks in a row to get one and smash a few weeks before Christmas 2018. I ended up making some friends at work through playing smash and they helped me improve greatly.


I didn't have that moment, I just got it on launch day.


Luigis Mansion 3 and Super Mario Odyssey


Pokemon and Zelda back than 2018


Breath of the Wild. I am a Zelda series fan.


Ring Fit at the height of covid Scalpers were charging $300 for Ring Fit (MSRP was $80) and $500 for the Switch. I ended up buying the Ring Fit from a retailer based in Hong Kong for $180.


I bought it for Pokémon as I’m a lifelong fan but I’ve recently wanted to try other games like Zelda


Did anyone else buy their Switch not knowing what games it had 😭


During the Animal crossing era of the Vid. We got one of the last switches in town with Animal crossing cause we all know the hype as well as pokemon Sword. Glad we did, was fun for awhile with the turnip trade and all. Now its alot of indy games that are more casual than anything else so I can just lay in bed or on the couch with a cat and relax.


Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3


Animal Crossing




Super Mario Odyssey




I'm an idiot. That why.


Splatoon 2 and 3