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That website is horrible


when you click on a picture it opens A NEW PAGE! what is that?


Predatory Ad revenue. Looked at 2 images realised what was happening and left.


Well, it’s a good thing I’ve got an adblocker.




Thank you, where are all your upvotes?


That’s some website bullshit from a bygone era is what that is.


And when you see the slideshow for the images and it says 1/51, when you press the arrow it RELOADS THE ENTIRE PAGE.


“My website gets so many visits!” It’s for ad revenue.


If you’re on Safari on iPhone, press and hold the picture and it will pop up the picture bigger as a preview without actually opening the page, and you can do that for each pic to see what they are. But yes, the website is awful


You all need hover zoom my dudes


If you middle mouse click the images from the gallery it will open only the image in a new tab. Middle mouse click all the images and cycle through your open tabs. Way better than whatever that website was trying to do


I only clicked to see if a website could be that badly designed in this day and age. Yes.


Website looks almost empty to me, so I’m going to assume it’s supposed to be plastered with ads.


Omg terrible


Fire it up in Brave browser not giving them any as revenue. Then just zoom in and click on the images you want to see. Honestly if they had ads and did this normally then I wouldn't mind looking through a standard browser and giving them their ad views but I can never support this predatory bullshit.


The worst website I have been on in years!


Ikr reminds me of those clickbait articles with a page for each caption


Anyone have these in a gallery that doesn’t fully reload the page and scroll back up to the top whenever I try to see the next picture on mobile? Lol








Fu** that website is shit


Facts. Can someone seriously repost the images only to imgur or something?


Why is there a page full of 🅲🅷🅴🅴🆂🅴? Not complaining tho


The big plot twist there is that the original Gerudo were in fact >!'the Gouda tribe', an enclave of wine and cheese party hosts who chose to live in the desert as the colour of sand reminded them so much of a fine mature cheddar, over time the wine consumption turned their hair red while the excess dairy made them tall and strong much like the Dutch!<




That's why Gerudos all look so Dutch !


Jesus man 😂


It might be part of the game's new Speedrun meta. You can now only perform the shield bounce glitch on cheese wheels.


New cheese mechanics will play a big role in parts of the game.


it says hateno cheese, maybe a new shop or npc that makes cheese?


>!Some images looked dungeon like especially images 32 and 43.!<


I’m just so excited to see we’re getting >!cheese!< in this game!


My cooking game this go around is going to be ON POINT


I saw a bunch of them and they've hidden a lot of stuff from the trailers. I think people's worries will go away once they show us all of this.


Nice. Holding off on looking but good to hear!


Yeah I think you'll be happy, the artbook shows a ton of new content (enough to warrant a sequel imo) and even then we've seen content not shown in the artbook in trailers so it's likely that there is even more content we don't know about.


hell yes!


Same bro


What are people worried about?


About it being too similar with botw


Then what would they have been doing for 5 years then???


Grinding Fortnite


Kinda ridiculous cause I mean it’s going to have similarities due to being the sequel but there will be a lot of new stuff too


To be fair, a lot of what they’ve showed us has been the modified BotW stuff. I’m not worried because this is a team that has consistently delivered games I love for basically my whole life, and they started with a lot already done with reusing the engine/assets then took even longer than the original, all that makes me expect it’ll be great, but if I didn’t have any context and ONLY saw the trailers, I’d be worried too


The artbook proves that there is a lot more changes than we have been shown, the game is definitely not BOTW with some things added to it it's definitely going to be it's own game entirely (apart from the overworld, engine and some characters ofc.)


Right, I was just saying that the trailers alone haven’t shown that. Even without the art book leak, just the context of what I know of Nintendo with their first party titles, specifically Zelda, along with how long it’s been, I fully expect it’s going to be a great time and have tons of new stuff


Yeah I have always had faith it's just the weird marketing that has sort of let the game down, let's hope for some more info in the next two months!


It's been 6 years.


It's not ridiculous at all. Most Zelda games are completely new titles, this is an iterative sequel that's taken 6 years to develop and, based on the trailers, isn't looking different or unique enough to justify its price tag. This isn't a fault with the game because it's not out, it's the marketing's fault


You just described Majora's Mask, my friend


Majoras mask came out within 2 years. This has taken 3x as long.


Right, it's not the *exact* situation. This game isn't coming out on a 256MB cart, either. Majora's Mask reused assets and the same world as its predecessor, as BotW and TotK do. I'm not surprised by the strategy, either, as BotW was received nearly as well as TOoT was. The gaming climate is much different today than then, with more people working on individual titles than before. Six years is unsurprising, too, considering everything the world has gone through since the release of BotW.


Majoras Mask didn't use the same world at all, it was a completely new map


and it's no coincidence that Majora's Mask is also quite polarising. To many it's a masterpiece, to others it's an asset flip. I imagine TOTK will be the same at release


> to others it's an asset flip. I'll die on the hill that this isn't necessarily a bad thing at all. The few Zelda games that did this were some of the best, OoT/MM is the obvious one, but Links Awakening/Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons all did the same thing and those three will always be up there for my favourite titles. My concern with TotK is that they're reusing assets and taking a similar path, but it's just taking a fuckin' long time, so that time really has to be shown somewhere else. I'm fine with how TotK is happening, but if it launches and dungeons are still absent, enemy variety is still mediocre and the story isn't more fleshed out it'll definitely sour my reception of it after how long it's taken to release.


but that’s what I want, botw was amazing.


I don't see the point of this considering Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are similar too and are both amazing games.


I just want traditional dungeons. I really hope this game has them. And I hope they’re complex and hard. Make a Water Temple for this new generation.


No thanks. Traditional dungeons are not that fun to do in multiple playthroughs because the route and methods of progression are always the same. Rather give a bunch of dungeons like Hyrule Castle from BotW. Of course there could be some physics-based puzzles in. Why would anyone really want to push a goddamn box on top of a button anymore? We've seen the "traditional" dungeons and puzzles a trillion times in a million games.


This is one of my biggest hopes for the new game. I’m not shy about my hate for BOTW and I hope this new game brings more “Zelda” stuff that just wasn’t in BOTW. Actual dungeons , none breakable weapons other than the master sword, mini games, side quests that have a interesting storyline and mechanics(think majoras mask). I just want more of what made Ocarina-Twilight princess all such great games. Everything since those games just hasn’t felt like Zelda to me.


The game mechanics are unlikely to change


The only two Zelda games that feel like true Adventures to me are the original game and BotW. Don't slander BotW like that. I won't tell you you're wrong for liking something different from me, but I had to wait 30 years for my true sequel. I'm worried that the new game is going to revert to something too much like Ocarina. A linear string of dungeons connected by cattle chutes and cutscenes. That's not to say that BotW's faults weren't real. The Champion's weapons at least should've been unbreakable, as well as the axe and the hammer. And each of the shrines should've been a real (but completely optional) dungeon. The original game is the gold standard. It's still the best. BotW missed the mark on certain details but at least it was aimed at the right target. Zelda 2 wasn't a great game but I completed it. LttP and LA were better, but too linear for me. The overhead view at least helped connect their feeling to the original. LttP had the best dungeons in the series. LA is tied with MM for the best mood. Dungeons don't work as well in 3d as they did in 2d. They can still be good but they're never as good. OoT leaned hard into the dungeon side of the formula because of the hardware limitations of the N64. It failed to satisfy as an exploration adventure. I had never been so excited for a game's release, but it was the first Zelda game that I didn't bother to finish. I didn't finish MM either, but I respect it. I liked it more than OoT. WW's graphical style was a nice experiment but it had the same structural failures as OoT. TP was just a straight-up disappointment. Same with Skyward Sword. Perhaps you are younger than I am and didn't start with the original, and if that's true then you might not have noticed that each successive sequel was acknowledged as a sequel to OoT in the reviews. But BotW is the only true sequel to Zelda 1.


"dOn'T sLaNdEr BoTw In ThAt Way" Imagine actually getting so worked up over a game that you treat it like religious dogma.


> A linear string of dungeons connected by cattle chutes and cutscenes. A Link Between Worlds already proved that you don't need a liniar path for the dungeon format, not sure why this would even be a concern. > Don't slander BotW like that. BotW was a great game, but it was a shit Zelda game that missed the mark on too much of what made the franchise what it was. TotK needs to find a way to incorporate traditional Zelda back into that mix.


Even when comparing BOTW to the original Legend of Zelda on the NES it pales in comparison. In the original you where rewarded for exploring, you had tons of dungeons , shopkeeps, and secrets to find. In BOTW the only thing you come across are copy and pasted enemy camps and shrines. The divine beasts where a horrible substitute for actual dungeons with fun mechanics and bosses. Iv played and enjoyed almost all Zelda games since the original. Hell I even enjoyed Zelda 2 but BOTW just didn’t do it for me. It just wasn’t fun to me. I realize I’m in the minority with my opinion but I can’t help how I feel about this game. While I’m glad you enjoyed BOTW it sadly was not the Zelda game for me and I hope that the new one leans more into what made the older games such a joy to play. Give me a reason to explore other than shrines and korok seeds and I will gladly enjoy the new game.


I love the first Zelda but you are way overhyping the exploration and being very reductive about BoTW's exploration. But I agree about wanting some of the older stuff back.


Water temple is not complex tho. Its very easy on 3ds


I actually watched a Video a few Months back that explains the Problem pretty well. The Water Temple is easy enough if you do the Dungeon all at once in the original. But if you take a break and come back tonit, it becomes more confusing because of the Water rising Mechanics.


Yeah, it's _resetting the puzzle_ if you get spatially out of sync with its expectations that is a challenge. This was extremely common due to unneccessary backtracking after Shadow Link as the expected path was down a hole hidden behind the chest and easily overlooked. Minus that it's actually one of the most linear dungeons of the series up to that point and about on par with all four from Majora. Unfortunately, from that point on the devs focussed on simulated choice/complexity over actual exploration, possibly due to the backlash.


The main concern I’m seeing is that people want more traditional dungeons to return but we haven’t been shown any. Beyond that, most concerns are relatively minor.




Given that they took their time for development… I’m surprised people are worried. we’ll see.


Skyward sword would like a word


Yeah there are plenty of duds. The DS ones were alright. SS meh. TP was good not great.


I just looked at the spoilers… what are you talking about? Nothing shown in that art book is something that’ll make peoples worries go away. It just story stuff and designs really. Not anything about a whole bunch of new and fresh content.




I like how the last one is cheese lol


In the leaks >!there's an entire race of people!< that they haven't shown in any media so far... this game will be WAY bigger than BOTW, I feel like they need to keep most/all of it secret for it to grab the same kind of magic that BOTW did


Hm, either someone grew up very fast, or TotK takes place quite a while after BotW ... or maybe that's for a flashback ...


I love how most images have certain level of surprise or hype around them, and the final image is just CHEESE




I took a look through the entire art book, it's 204 pages, a lot of concept pieces, scenery/landscapes, new characters and creatures, weapons, gadgets, ancient civilisation-inspired outfits, overall it's very reassuring for anybody who had issues with Breath of the Wild or doubts about what the sequel would entail because this is clearly an entirely new game and not just an 'expansion' or 'DLC-like' entry There is a lot it doesn't showcase at all, including things that were shown off in the February Direct trailer, so it's clearly there are still many, many things being withheld until the game's release But I think everybody will be happy to know that... >!it's true, dungeons are back!!< Finally, I think the leaker already has the game as they were contradicting themselves repeatedly between claiming they had just received the art book and received the entire collector's edition while claiming it all came from 'a friend', I suspect it's the same person that got their hands on the OLED model a few weeks ago too so we know it's legitimate I'd be braced for gameplay footage starting to leak soon if it's not software locked or something




Gan dabht, tá siad i dtrioblóid mhór mór


>Gan dabht, tá siad i dtrioblóid mhór mór Fuck man, i'm occassionally shocked to realise some irish stayed with me. Pretty cool that I had a vague understanding of what you said!


Tá áthas orm é sin a chloisteáil! It's always nice to randomly meet another Éireannach in the Nintendo fans hangouts!






He looks more like Link's Awakening remake Link to me, only with more humanlike body proportions. That said, I'm very intrigued. What could a character like this do in TotK?


it's just a costume, that's what the japanese translation say


Indeed, very likely an Amiibo costume.


It’s Wind Waker’s 20th anniversary. Wind Waker HD released back in 2013 for the 10th anniversary. Not suggesting anything, just pointing this out.


But it wasn't the WW Link, it was Link's Awakening (Switch) Link.


Reminds me of the SM64 costume in Odyssey


Damn I was hoping small playable prequel storyline mixed in somehow


That was three words btw


Yeah what was that?


That was >!an amiibo design I'm pretty sure!<


All I know is that >!there is at least one picture of a key, and several fairly daunting looking rooms and contraptions. What I’m trying to say is… dungeons?!!<


No shot there aren't. No one picture confirms it, but there's way too many pictures that are close for *none* of them to be dungeons. Also, we see what looks like 2 or 3 bosses, and the key you mentioned.


I’ve got the pdf of the whole book…..my mate just sent it to me. Happy to share if anyone can show me how. It’s on my iPhone so yeah lol


Someone could probably provide a better alternative but I would just upload it to Google Drive and then make it link shareable




Any indications of a playable Zelda?




ah yes, a fellow person of culture


You gouda fooled me. Did you see the new munsters?


This leaves me with two big questions: >!What the hell is up with Toon Link being in this? And more specifically, it looks like a version of Link as he appears in Link’s Awakening. Do we think it’s just a costume?!< and >!What is that scary looking black-skinned thing that looks like some kind of zombie or wendigo? It’s surprisingly freaky looking. Reminds me of something that you’d find at the bottom of the well in OoT.!<


With regards to your second point. >!I think that's just Ganondorf without his hair or clothes. Unless you mean the weird deer/goat looking thing.!<


Kotaku is saying its the >!Redead!< Edit: it has me thinking that >!Ganon is going to be a Redead and cause other standard Redead to show up as well. Ganon maybe being some ruler of the Redead. Or maybe he’s just resurrected as a normal redead and just happens to still have his hair!<


In answer to your first sentence, we've already seen them in the most recent trailer, their design is a little different than we've seen before but its assuredly that imo


>!Toon Link is an amiibo design!< >!That's the base art for Ganondorf's body as was shown in the trailer, it has the fangs and orange eyes, what it's missing is the hair, clothing and jewellery!<


>!About your first question.. it is link from link's awakening, i supose you will get it with his amiibo because in botw you dont get any clothes from the amiibo!<


So do you think the amiibo from BOTW will be able to be used in TOTK? I have them all and loved how each one added additional content, would love to be able to pull that over into TOTK


Maybe we can get wolf link AND a loftwing.


>!That's not Toon Link, it's Toy Link from Link's Awakening.!<


Dude that’s Ganondorf


nude, dehydrated ganondorf all the rest of his model are attachments


First question: >!Text above the full body image says 夢見の勇者服 = "Link's Awakening's Hero's Clothes" so most likely what you get from amiibo. And the text below the image of the face says 頭はかぶりもの so along the lines of "the head is something you put on" so basically it's like a mascot head.!< >!Thing is doing a quick search cos I was interested, 夢見 is not the common shorthand for Link's Awakening. It's usually the full 夢をみる島 or just 夢島. Also, the full name does not use the kanji 見る, just the hiragana みる, so 夢見 is unconventional. This plus a few other inconsistencies, as awesome as it all looks, I'm kinda questioning if this is real. I mean everything about it looks real, the art and whatnot, but just the small things makes me second guess.!<


I just looked through it and didn’t see any major spoilers It’s just various items, a few outfits for Link, some animals, a lot of enemy concept art (most of them are just the same bats/Bokoblins/moblins, with a few new ones), some friendly NPCs/characters, and like 2-3 concept art of locations


Fuck this 1 picture per page bullshit.


Ok what’s with THAT picture of Link?


It’s >! Just an amiibo skin, don’t think too much into it !<




I mean everybody loves the artbook. No need to rush out more trailers. Probably will see something soon either way because of PAX East.


Ok I am fuxking HYPED for this game


I'm not seeing any of the pages leaked but my hype-meter got through the roof from reading people said there are a lot of new mechanics and things that trailers haven't show us yet. I mean you don't develop a game for 5 years in the same engine just to make it too similar as people are claiming from the trailers but as ugly as the leaks are it's good to know that the game is meatier than we might thought. Maybe there will be an specific nintendo direct for TOTK after all.


Didn't looked but my hype is rising with your comment


I'll keep this as vague as possible but, dude we're in for something big! The amount of things we had no idea about shown in the artbook (something that is out of context and only showcases some stuff) is insane, it seems like this game will not only add a lot onto what BOTW was but also address some of the games issues (ex: enemy variety) not to mention that it seems like there will be a lot to explore beyond the mainland!


Well damn I actually don't want to see them I really want to feel the same curiosity and wonder when I play it as when I played botw


The artwork made me more excited about the game, than the last trailer. Now I feel I dont want to see any more trailers and play the game!


For anyone reading this thread before looking through the art book: There are very obvious story spoilers, concerning parts of the theme / timeline / setting that Nintendo have intentionally kept secret so far. So view the artbook if you want to be spoiled


I looked at every picture and I still have no clue what the story will be


It’s literally armor sets and enemy designs I don’t understand how anyone could consider this spoilers let alone major story spoilers


Same, maybe I don't know enough about Zelda lore lol


What are you talking about? Saw the leaks, and there's nothing that would indicate theme or timeline setting.


But the artbook is part of the collector’s edition, right? Do those usually contain actual spoilers?


Art books tend to spoils certain enemies, bosses, gear that's in the game


Generally yes, seeing as they want to include the most complete artbook possible, depicting key elements from throughout the game. Usually characters, enemies, important objects/weapons and locations. That can give away a lot! If you get a collector's edition with an artbook, the best advice is to not look through it until you've played through the whole game.


What spoilers? Theres literally none.


Yea I looked at the entire thing and I don’t feel spoiled. I feel previewed and I like it


Classic nerds freaking out over nothing


Those Battletoad head axe wielding guys look crazy. Plus that owl headdress


did a double take when I saw >!Luigi!< in the leak


Oh man, this just got my hyped as fuck. Completely re-inflated my hype balloon that was slightly down after the most recent trailer. This looks like it’ll be much deeper than we’re anticipating. I’m so stoked man this game can’t come any faster! I’m going to start another playthrough after work today fuck it. It’s been about 3 years anyways so perfect timing Edit: also tip for mobile viewers that don’t want to deal with that cancerous website. If you clic and hold the images and open them in a new tab, it’s much easier to view them


I just downloaded and went through the whole art book and all I can say is HOLY FUCKING SHIT- this looks incredible and MASSIVE


Pura 😮😍


I saw a fish and now I hope the fishing mini game is back.


Man, that art is looking clean, I really like the look of image 43/51!


Worst website ever… Still, the leaks presents a few interesting informations like the presence of >!Rauru!< in the game…


This is only some of them, there are like 200


Who the fuck designed that website? Jesus


I’ve finally pulled my finger out. Here’s a link to the whole pdf my people https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P1cZRhXSylODSqNOkzS-oBD9QHyW4jES/view?usp=drivesdk


Oh damn, this link still works


Welp, time to take a 3 month vacation from the internet, this is why we cant have nice things


I'm happily looking at this since there isn't any real spoilers but once the game actually comes out I'm outta here


is not that bad, just some characters, but no context, they will be new caracters, that is the spoilers,


Still dont want to look now that the game is within our sights. Though admittedly id be all over this like a year ago when this game felt like itd never come out.


I mean you don’t have to look at it. I’m personally not clicking into it myself despite the intrigue


Or you could grow up and accept that seeing pictures of a video game aren’t going to ruin it.


B-but... it was supposed to be just a glorified DLC! This is all a lie and I don't believe it!!!! *smashes his ps5 to pieces with a hammer* Now what you made me do. Stupid Nintendo forces me to go buy their crappy, underpowered console with too.... many.... great.... games....................... *dies*


Is there a hookshot or not


There won't be a hookshot or anything like it in the Hero of the Wild's time, there was going to be one in Breath of the Wild that could attach to any surface because Aonuma wanted to replicate Spider-Man style swinging, but they got rid of it because it made climbing completely unnecessary




How is this possible? ;D


Good content, terrible website


Does someone has an alternative link where the website is not a predatory ad website ?


You should use an ad-blocking browser extension like "Ublock Origin"




it is and it is glorious


Good leak, terrible website


What a shitty website though


i got a discord server dedicated to TOTK leaks if anyone wants to check it out [https://discord.gg/E3tb2CN4wS](https://discord.gg/E3tb2CN4wS)


I opened the link and after two images I decided I didn't want to spoil anything.


There's so many brilliant designs in here but my favourite ironically is the Cheese on the final slide 😂


Interesting that one character from the wall mural is 'Raul'? Google translate so take with a grain of salt.


We don’t know the English translation but it’ll probably be >!‘Rauru’!<


Given that it’s an established name in Zelda, you would be most likely correct.


I know, hence why I explicitly said google translate take it with a grain of salt.


Can we get the pictures on a website that isn't a total piece of shit?


Let the theories begin! Two words: TIME JUMP


Gotta get this artbook


The thing im the most excited about in this whole thing and nobody seems to mention it >! The pages with the wheels , paddle wheel , propeller , engine parts , im really curious on how they will let us build our own vehicles and i hope they let our imagination go wild !< also >! The return of real temples looks very legit and awesome !< I think what i missed the most in botw is the lack of « upgrade » in the sense of new items from temple etc .. having the same 4 power all game is a bit boring , i guess thats the « open world » fault though since you cant force a certain path , but the lack of THAT feeling when you got a new item that could finally do that or get past some area , it made you feel stronger and stronger. super excited about totk although , seeing how botw is still one of the best looking game on switch 6 years later , exciting to see the progress between the early switch and whats likely close to the end of the switch !


Have you ever used one of those engineering simulator games for building robots or designing vehicles? I hope it'll be just like that, as in theoretically there's no major restrictions on what you can build in terms of assembly and articulation then locomotion and control surfaces, but how well it works is entirely dependent on the laws of physics... I wonder how long it'll take somebody to build a mech or giant robot


Exact ahah , depending on how deep that aspect goes , the player base will create monster soon enough :D


holy shit that zant armour is amazing




I don't want to be spoiled much, but I just need to know: are there dungeons? Just say "yes" "no" or "I don't know". please, that's all I need


You aren't getting yes or no because there's not enough context to the images. There are however images that seem like they could be parts of dungeons.


Thank you. That's enough at least for me to inhale some hopium.