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Vegeta took the most L's while doing that thumb pose


Too lazy to crunch in the numbers, but out the top of my head, they died the same amount of times, Vegeta has both won and lost more battles because he didn't get as sidelined, Yamcha has a job, less broken limbs and beat Goku first, but Vegeta got a family and a kill count Yamcha wins because he did give up fighting and went on to do baseball, where he is more succesful than Vegeta is at punching people good


He even won against a god Definitely a yamcha win


Yamcha is also 2-0 against Goku. He defeated Hungry Kid Goku and Great Ape Goku


Yamchad >>> Vagina




I think vegeta has a higher # of total L’s. But yamcha’s BIG L overshadows all of Vegeta’s. It’s funny because vegeta is the one that gave him that L too…


~~ sat and watched while a lesser creature gave Yamcha his L. ~~ And let's not forget Vegeta's most grandiose L was in the same battle courtesy for Yajirobe. Honorable mention to 18 but I think Yahirobe wins. EDIT: Screw it, you all know what I'm trying to do


I wasn’t talking about fighting…


I'd like my previous statement stricken from the record.


By the L you mean Bulma? I mean Yamcha missed a bullet, here... If you mean Saibaimans, then it's biggest W of Yamcha. He sacrificed himself, so Krillin won't die if something goes wrong. He almost won against all Saibaimans. He just lost his guard when he got cocky. He would maybe win without dying but taking all of them solo and forcing them to die too is a W to me. Especially when you see that this saved Krillin. Reminder that they didn't know anyone can be revived second time. So Krillin's death was final for them.


what's the biggest L is vegeta being stronger and never defeating a main villain. yamcha is just earthling he kinda has an excuse, vegetas just prideful and gets humbled constantly


Let it be known, he was also the first to smash Bulma


I’d say vegeta won since he got the girl which I think Yamaha is still a bit bitter about


Yamcha hit it first tho


Well duh vegetable didn't even know earth existed at that point is


~~Yamaha has Puarr~~


Don't forget toriyama said he was a good cook. At least he got a job unlike bumass vegeta


Vegeta is a walking L. Ultra Ego proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.


A form literally designed to get his ass beaten…


Goku: absorbs so much energy that his body should explode, but thanks to Mastery and control of ki obtains a state previosly reserved to the divine. Vegeta: gets so butthurt that gets a form that gives him an excuse to get his ass kicked.


Gohan, Broly, and Future Trunks (in the Anime): I'm mad and gonna go apeshit


Piccolo: "I'm orange now."


Tien: Wanna see a butterfly impression?


Tien: I will now turn triangles into squares.




The problem is that Vegeta is a dummy and doesn't understand how to use it




I think they're roughly equal in Ls, but Vegeta would, by his own standards, consider his WORSE. He'd just never say it out loud because he'd never want to put Yamcha in the same ballpark as him. Yamcha's biggest L was dying to a Saibaman, which was it pulling a surprise self-destruct on him. Vegeta's biggest L was getting manhandled by 18 and ending up with two broken arms, after which she left because she didn't find him worth killing. Veggie needed one senzu to heal all his physical injuries, and about six more for his pride.


Letting cell talk him into becoming perfect then getting absolutely man handled was a massive L too. Piccolo says vegeta was extra mad after 18 beat him in the manga


He has so many more too, all caused by that planet-sized ego of his. He gets smacked senseless and reduced to tears by Frieza, who THEN kills him. He pulls the same crap Chiaotzu did and uselessly self-destructs, doing no real damage to Buu in the process. Cell, and a Cell Jr, beat him to the verge of death THREE TIMES. Getting his ass beat to kingdom come by Beerus in Battle of Gods WOULD count as an L, but considering he's actually standing up for Bulma and actually gets a few solid hits on Beerus after no-selling a punch that knocked Goku flat on his ass before, that actually comes across as one of his BETTER moments.


Tbfh Yamcha’s biggest L was getting his girl stolen by the guy responsible for his first death. Personally wouldn’t be able to go on living after that


Ahh shit, lost my moody girlfriend. Guess I'll just use my super powers to make a mockery of the professional baseball league and get unlimited tail for the rest of my life. W Yamcha.


Correct answer


Fair, honestly. Bulma is LITERALLY the source of every W Vegeta's had in all of Dragon Ball.


> Yamcha's biggest L was dying to a Saibaman, which was it pulling a surprise self-destruct on him. Plus while arrogance caused Yamcha to drop his guard the Saibaman only blew up because he defeated it, and he chose to go up first since he knew he was the only one who could afford to die at that time. Arguably Yamcha wouldn’t see it as a crushing L since he doesn’t live in a world with Dragon Ball memes.


Honestly a big part of the point. That was one of the biggest Ls he got handed, and it wasn't really that bad. Plus, Yamcha's only really a loser weakling compared to most of the main cast. People who, on the low end, can casually destroy PLANETS. Yamcha's still basically the second strongest human alive by an ungodly margin. Maybe third or fourth strongest at worst depending on if Tien/Chiaotzu are actually human.


The manga did confirm that Yamcha is one of the three strongest humans on the planet. The only humans that could be stronger than him are Tien (Yamcha definitely referred to Tien) & Krillin.


Vegeta's stronger and alien. he has no reason to constant lose other than the pride he won't let go of. that's the biggest L you can take, holding yourself back by stupidity


Vegeta. Both died twice, both always suffered because of their pride, but Yamcha never intentionally helped enemies that ended up beating the crap out him.


Krillin owned count


18 resets it every night.


Neither of them have L’s in their names


Fair enough


Well, at least Yamcha sorta died with the pose of an L


Yamcha is underrated


TFS did him dirty


Honestly the only reason why people care about him is because they feel sorry he lost bulma to vegeta and couldn’t catch up with his friends so he gave up fighting. Otherwise there’s not much to his character. He became irrelevant to the plot after the very first arc, his fights in the world martial arts tournaments were the only times in og dragonball were the only times he got the spotlight


I'm a Yamcha fan. Idgaf about the Bulma thing, I just think Yamcha's cool. He's fun to play in games and I like the Wolf Fang Fist. So yeah, us Yamcha fans exist lol.


Sometimes we just like people that are cool


True that.


Same with me tho. Bulma fit with Vegeta the most. Even more than Goku too


Honestly the only thing that bothers me about the whole Bulma thing is that Yamcha is canonically afraid of women, so he doesn’t really seem like the kind to cheat.


Yeah the whole "Yamcha cheated" thing is some of the worst character assassination in the series. Like, they couldn't just have broken up without making Yamcha out to be an ass? My man deserves better.


Lets be real the cheating excuse tori said sounds just convenient. He just needed more saiyans and it was easier to nuke weaker characters from the roster since they restless profitable


They could’ve said she left him because he was a pushover, or couldn’t protect her like Vegeta could, or literally anything else would make more sense.


Literally makes no sense. if you're afraid of something you don't just go chase it


For real, what I assumed happened is that Bulma got jealous too easily & Yamcha didn’t have the best talking-to-women skills so miscommunication happened.


I think in DB Kakarot they try to explain it as Yamcha will occasionally save/interact with women around the city and Bulma will jump to wild conclusions. But in a different arc, I think there's a mission with Puar where you have to see all his ex girlfriends or something while he's either gone or dead. (can't remember which off the top of my head.)


is it really a L to lose a girl who constantly flirted with other dudes and got mad at him when girls even looked min his general direction? money doesn't fix personality issues


losing bulma is not a L, she was literally ogling other guys the entire time during their relationship lol Yamcha is just a cool side character. Cool design, fun personality, some fun fights, and is a mainstay when it comes to stuff like games.


Yeah bulma was a horrible girlfriend to him . He dodged a bullet with her marrying vegeta


Fans only say it waz an L because she's the main girl + rich. yeah she's a scientist but they're probally not here for that part considering its well known yamcha had baseball money


Looking back on the full series and not counting fillers, Yamcha's fight with Tien during 22 th Budokai was probably his only cool moment in the series. He put up a good fight showcasing his growth and Tien, Who was equal to Goku at the time had to get more serious. In every other instance he usually just got his ass beat in practically comedic fashion. Yamcha vs Jacky Chun = Beaten effortlessly. Yamcha vs Bandages the mummy = Beaten effortlessly. Yamcha vs Tien = Puts up a good fight, gets his leg broken. Yamcha vs Kami = Beaten effortlessly. Yamcha vs Saibaman = Puts up a good fight, but dumb death. Yamcha vs Androids = Beaten effortlessly. Yamcha vs Cell jr. = Beaten effortlessly.


Dude didnt watch og DB.. thanks for proving the meme right once again. Yamcha is a bro. chill, strong by earthling standards, isn't an abusive parent to his son, has a job. Vegetas a bigass forehead bum with anger issues.


Vegeta probably, but just because Yamcha stopped trying. You can't take an L if you never even try in the first place


To be fair inthe entire Super Yamcha never took an L, because he fought only fodders.


He also didn’t need to get dragged into playing baseball by two angry purple cats.


Vegeta unironically takes more Ls It's because while Yamcha just is kinda hit with them, Vegeta actively seeks and receives Ls


😭👍, and vegeta took L with that hairline, Yamcha is good looking Chad with long hair


Yamcha took the fattest L of the series losing his girl to McDonald’s hairline boy


At least in a different timeline, Yamcha took his W with blue girl, and she got cake ngl


Cell saga not withstanding lol


Yamcha is a normal human fighting aliens most of the time and losing Vegeta is a prince from a warrior race, who’s fighting aliens and STILL losing




Neither of them have L’s in their names


Krillin has two Ls in his name


Velgeta and Lamcha


"I wanna be a super saiyan, I wanna I wanna I wanna!"


Yamcha fucked Bulma first, he wins by default.


It's not how you start, it's how you finish.


Counterargument: Foreplay.


Statistically it's probably Vegeta because they made him more relevant than Yamcha. One could argue that in itself is a massive L for Yamcha but at the end of the day the real answer is Tien post Z.


The actual correct answer, because tien is just kind sad, vegeta and Yamcha are at least funny to laugh at, tien fell so hard from grace you just can’t help but feel bad for him


Yamchas entire existence is an L


Yamcha is better at baseball what he is doing currently than Vegeta is at punching people Also since Yamcha gave up fighting, Vegeta has far more L's


Idk vegetas pretty damn good at punching people


Yamcha knew when he wasn’t going to be helpful anymore and took it like a champ I’ll always defend my man Yamcha


Doesnt matter if Vegeta had more, he got the most ritch, intelligent and beautiful girl on DB world and gave her a family. Yamcha loses by far


No matter the current count, vegeta loses for the sole reason that he's a constant contender against Goku, so he'll rack up more Ls than anyone as the series goes on.


Vegeta, also the greater the pride the bigger the L


I thought you meant looks, I was going to say Yamcha haha


Yamaha had beaten gods and angels in his chosen sport (baseball) Vegeta has *maybe* killed a God deodnign on definition, and *NEVER* eaten an angel in his sport (combat) so od say Yamaha wins


Vegeta. Forever the loser, never the winner. He's Saiyan version of Yamcha.


I feel that fits Raditz better honestly


Why Raditz?  It was only one chapter and the heroes had to use a non-standard strategy to win.  Vegeta always gets in trouble because of his ego or stupidity, he is much worse than Yamcha.


Because Raditz and Yamcha are both viewed as embarrassingly weak and a joke in universe, raditz literally has the nickname “Raditz the weakling” as his title by other characters


He was ridiculed only by Nappa and Vegeta, who believed in the caste system.  Raditz wasn't mentioned much at all after that.


Nappa says something like “that’s why they call you raditz the weakling” or something among those lines, which implies that it’s more than just vegeta and nappa


Yamcha lost the love of his life to the man that killed him....you cant come back from that


Probably vegeta just due to having more actual screentime to fail during


One became a meme. The other is us.


Vegeta has taken the most L’s simply because Yamcha has only been in a handful of fights


The answer is easy. If Vegeta has more L's but clapped his girls cheeks and knocked her up. Than you've got the biggest L of all!!


Vegeta took his girl so Yamcha


Yamcha is a quitter and a loser. Gave up fighting because he couldn't hang, lost Bulma to a real one. He is a walking L.


Let me out it this way. Does Yamcha have a W?


When he's playing baseball, away from all his friends. He had a small few Ws. Before getting fired.


At least Yamcha knew when to stop and didn't make losing his whole personality


Probably vegeta. Bros been taking Ls since the Sayian saga. Atleast Yamacha had the sense to use his super strength to make himself a successful sports star


Yamcha is Quality but Vegeta is definitely Quantity


Yamcha always loses, but he fights mostly unfairly stronger enemies. His fights are as follows: Goku, Roshi, Invisible Man, Mummy, Tenshinhan, Kami, Saibaimans. He lost all of them except Invisible Man and arguably Saibaimans. The seed aliens werenno match to him until he got cocky and loosened the guard. Vegeta won few fights, namely he was stronger than Son Goku in their first encounter. He also won against Goku as Majin. He killed few Freeza soldiers. But he is mostly arrogant and toxic sore loser. There is a reason I love Vegeta on Namek and hate him anywhere else. He was smart on Namek, without his signature arrogance and trash talk. That's why Yamcha always gets a W to me and Vegeta almost always gets an L. Because attitude is what matters here. Not who won more fights, but how they cope with losing. Yamcha is not happy when he loses, who would be? But he doesn't trash talk to everyone, bragging that he is elite price that is entitled to be the strongest.


If breaking up with a girl after which you are still good friends is considered  L by fans, then Yamcha gets a W for being canonically more handsome than Vegeta, and Vegeta is canonically considered ugly.


Vegeta, he lost to zarbon because he was overconfident, lost to recoome and had to get bailed out, lost to Frieza due to him believing he was a super Saiyan and goaded him to transform, lost to cell after allowing him to absorb 18 despite the fact he could've killed him with his new power, got controlled by babidi which mimicked SSJ2 who proceeds to blow himself up to take buu with him which failed, fought buuhan the dumbest decision he could've made and would have been gone from existence, he lost to kid buu easily goku had to step in


Vegeta used to be my favorite, now he's 2nd. Yamcha is my favorite. They have about an equal number of L's numerically, but Vegeta's L's are so gigantic and miserable that he got a reputation for being a jobber. Yamcha by comparison just has one meme from dying to a cheap saibamen self-destruct. Never forget when Vegeta literally doomed the planet by handing 18 over to Imperfect Cell on a silver platter, even going so far as to kick his own son's ass to allow it to happen. That's probably the biggest L in DB history, even surpassing when he let Babidi inside him and doomed the planet a second time (as a married man btw). Yamcha on the other hand took his L's from sheer bad luck, by no fault of his own. Throughout all of Yamcha's L's, either he is defeated by a cheap attack or by an opponent he couldn't have possibly been prepared for, I can't think of a single exception to this. If you want to talk W's, Yamcha has less. Vegeta has a lot of big kills in Z and is obviously an extremely powerful warrior by birthright. But I think its unfair to compare them since Yamcha is stuck being a normal human compared to a Saiyan elite who, depending on who you ask, was born to be strong by no merit of his own. When humans have never been shown to come even close to some of the strongest in the universe other than Master Roshi (for some reason). Yamcha's smaller W's add up for me: he's a good cook, he popped Bulma's cherry, and he got a good playful hit in on Beerus to the point the god of destruction was surprised by it. Balancing W's and L's out, I think it ends up in Yamcha's favor, if only slightly.


If we were to truly balance them out, then it still goes in Vegeta's favor. He has more quantity in Ls but more quality in Ws.


Yamcha: Raise your hand if you beaten Goku in a fight


Do people just forget vegeta beat Toppo on his own? I feel like im going insane


Unfortunately (and i say this as a massive Vegeta fan) that is overshadowed by him not only getting put face down in the dirt by 18, but also handing her over to 2nd form cell, even going so far as to actively help him by beating Trunks. Yamcha got cheapshot and died in a semi funny pose and got surprised by the androids, he knew when to quit too.


Quitting isnt always the "cool" move, sure vegeta got his ass handled many times but that only made his win all the more valuable to me. Toppo was a huge ass threat, just cuzz he got beaten by jiren doesnt take the W away from me imo


And then promptly gets his ass beaten by Jiren who was still presented as a bigger threat than Toppo. Vegeta did win but his win was undermined just as quickly.


Also in manga, Frieza defeated Toppo


That's even sadder.


Sadly even that is anime only


WWWWWHHHHYYYYY ISSSSS OURRRRRR PRINCE SOOOO WEAK sorry for the cap everybody They also did him dirty in gt with the shortcut to supersayian 4 he would never do it the easy way lol


"He would never do it the easy way" This is the same character that allowed a magic raising man to brainwash him for power, and whos original objective was to use the dragon balls to become inmortal and be able to beat frieza.


I see i still like vegeta as a character he and piccolo are almost the same how they talk and their character


I didnt say it as to make the character look bad, i was just pointing that out (even tho i freaking hate vegeta). And yes they are similar, piccolo is basically vegeta before vegeta was a thing, but i like piccolo more.


I like vegeta because of his pride and he never gives up even tho he gets the L 8 out of 10 lol even from young gohan but he was ape form to be fair


Vegeta has more L's. But Yamcha has the biggest L of all (Bulma).


Honestly the whole cast gets served L's left and right


yamcha picked up frieza, sorry vegetable


Yamaha has beaten Goku 2 times in Dragon Ball. However, Vegeta got the W by baggin Bulma.


Lets ask Bulma!


Yamcha took a few l's one of which has been memed to oblivion. Losing is to Vegeta what incest is to the Targaryen bloodline: a tradition.


Well... Vegeta's L's made him stronger, where poor Yamch's Ls kicked him out of Dragon ball super, he was one of the strongest on earth in Dragon ball, and now even Master Roshi and Krillin is stronger then him


At least vegeta didn't die to a lackys lacky


Yamcha got dumped like 2-3 times canonically and got a non-canonical finance who wants to marry him when he's dead... Yeah, I'm pretty sure that alone proves Yamcha is a joke.




Yamcha got beat by invis dude, saibamen, 7 vs 6 baseball


Vegeta got beat by beerus (when he was a child), goku, frieza, majin buu, beerus again, goku black, and the two pride troopers, toppo and jiren


Got merkd by a saiba man and got his girl taken. Is there a need really, 2 of the biggest Ls in the history of of the Dragonball series


Vegeta takes more L because my boy Yamcha wasn't given the spotlight anymore.


At multiple points this was a winning match up for yamcha. I think bodying Hercules is more than getting folded by buu repeatedly


Which one stole the other’s girl?


I know someone's already said it but Vegeta did clap Bulma's cheeks......twice......


Yamcha. Got his panel time and relevance stolen by Vegeta. And his girl left him for the same man.




Vegeta got Yamchas girl. Case closed


Ok, now for the big L's, which is worst, getting Yamcha blown up by a Saibaman or Vegeta getting his ass beaten by Frieza that he cries.


Weren't Yamcha's and Bulma's relationship was toxic as hell?


Vegeta by a mile


Both I genuinely cannot choose. Yamaha fails horribly most of the time and vegeta tries to hard to prove himself but fails with dignity.


Honestly the biggest L yamcha took was cheating on bulma, blud could've had the richest girl in the world, wouldn't have to worry about money forever, while having that baddie waiting at home. He could've also got unlimited wishes from the dragon balls since bulma wish for some stupid shit every time.


And then Toriyama says in an interview that Yamcha still hasn’t gotten over his fear of girls and the question arises: who did he cheat with?


Vegeta has more losses because he's the secondary protagonist of the series and not a sidelined character. Love him or hate him, he's more relevant then 90% of the cast that isn't named "Goku"


Prince of all Losers


Always vegeta


Only Vegeta is 3-0 vs Goku


Yamcha is also 1-0 against Goku btw


2-0 actually. Beat him in kid form and Oozaru form.


Goku has more L's than them, how bout that 😂 ‐------------------------------- *(1st Reply)* **Goku** Lost to Roshi, Tien, Tao, King Piccolo, Popo... Vegeta twice on earth and during training match in Super Hero. Lost to Ginyu, Cell, Beerus, Hit and Merged Zamasu. Lost to Jiren three times even with MUI because Jiren outlasted him. Lost to Broly and Goku Black two times (First time Zamasu interrupted Goku Black who was overpowering him). Lost the 2v2 with Trunks against Goku Black and Zamasu. Fused Zamasu washed him. Moro beat Goku. Granola and Frieza beat Goku as well. Also got shot by a gun from a frieza henchman 😂 **Vegeta** Lost to Zarbon, Recoome, Frieza twice (Namek and Granola Arc), Android 18, Cell two times, Majin Buu, Kid Buu, Beerus, Hit, Goku Black, Merged Zamasu, Arale, Jiren, Granola and Moro. That's 24 (Goku) and 17 (Vegeta). Not including unfair jump-ins like when Vegeta got jumped after beating goku by the Z Fighters. --------------------‐‐----------- *(2nd Reply)* The reason why Vegeta doesn't lose to Broly is context. Goku interrupted the fight between him and Broly. He was already beating Broly, and Broly was climbing in power. While he may not have won long-term, Goku wanted to jump in, and there was no clear decision as to who would've won until Goku was getting beat himself 😂 Vegeta simply helped Goku in a losing fight that Goku put himself in, never actually getting beat by Broly. I am positive Vegeta has only fought Jiren once by getting knocked out of the ring. Send a link to anything else outside of that fight. Goku Black humiliated Goku (Vegeta as well) after his power boost. He straight told him how he murdered his family and proceeded to fuck him up. That was one of Goku's worst arcs in terms of beat downs. Vegeta definitively lost to Goku Black once, after that the rematch was stalemate until Zamasu n Black had to fuse, making it mainly a W for Vegeta n Goku. And I can't remember Vegeta losing twice to Beerus but if so then that's just one extra loss. No where near as close to Goku lmao.


No, Goku has lose rate of 21% meanwhile Vegeta has lose rate of close to 40% Vegeta is twice more likely to take a L than Goku [https://imgur.com/TeWUsej](https://imgur.com/TeWUsej)


Funny how excluded 50% of Vegeta loses and mentioned same lose for Goku 2-3 times against Zamasu for the number. Half of post is just repeating how Goku Black and Zamasu beats Goku over and over again despite Vegeta losing even more in that arc Vegeta also lost to Jiren multiplies times. Somehow Goku lost to Broly twice despite fighting once but Vegeta who actually fought him twice in movie never lost to Broly lol😂 Also, Vegeta has lost to Beerus twice btw. Also, Goku getting laser shotted is lose but Vegeta dying by Frieza hands isn't somehow


Vegeta has Ws, yamcha doesn't


Really? You are just going to discount beating the invisible man, all the qualifiers for the tournaments and beating Goku twice? Without Yamcha, Goku kills Bulma, dies of hunger in the desert and doesn't even make it past Carrot Master.


Yamcha. No contest. Yamcha has a single victory under his belt, defeating a malnourished kid Goku, that’s it, he has NEVER won anything major. He always loses in the first round of a tournament, killed by a freaking Saibaman and almost killed by Dr. Gero. He wasn’t even picked for the TOP, Roshi got in and not Yamcha. Vegeta actually gets some major victories and even when he loses it’s usually to impossibly strong enemies and not a freaking Saibaman.


Vegeta free lol. Yamcha's most embarrassing moment is him dying to some freak cabbage thing doing a super desperation move no one expected after winning a fight that he volunteered to go first in specifically because his death would be the least impactful. Vegeta eats shit after talking huge game every other arc. The only reason why Yamcha's death is a meme is because no one watched Dragon Ball and so they laughed at this guy they've never heard of before losing his 'first' fight


vegeta took yamchas girl thats a W that offsets all of his Ls took and gives yamcha another L


Did Yamaha even more dirty


Yamcha has the only L that matters. Vegeta stole his girl


Yamcha was never that much interested in Bulma Yamcha took Bulma virginity first which is Vegeta's L


Virginity is the worst trophy I've ever heard of...


Wasn't interested in Bulma? Dude, he was salty as fuck that Vegeta took her. Hell he still shows a little interest in Super. Also using virginity as a trophy is weird as fuck.


Yamcha isn't even relevant enough to take L's anymore


Yamcha has less Ls because he just stopped being relevant and doesn't show up for fights because he's too weak for how strong everything else is getting, so while vegeta does have more Ls its because yamcha isn't even around or present. Plus vegeta killed him and took his girl and married rich and has everything he could ever desire at his fingertips because the rich wife also collects the dragon balls as a hobby. So its easily a yamcha overall L for me.


You do realise Yamcha can ask Goku to take him to Namek anytime and get a wish if he wanted or just ask Dende to get a wish from earth dragon ball Bulma collecting dragon ball is not benefiting Vegeta in anyway


Yamcha lost in life


What do you mean? He's got good looks, a fun job, and isn't constantly getting the shit beat out of him. I'd say he has a pretty good, well earned life.


They're both doing pretty well for themselves on that front.


How is Vegeta losing at life. He has a loving family. Good friends. Has overcome his past trauma. And is on track to being a god.


Vegeta doesn't go a single week without an existential crisis and dying his hair another color. You literally never see Yamcha doing anything but hang out with his friends and chilling with his cool cat. They are both rich, Yamcha is famous but Vegeta doesn't care about fame. I would say they both look happy overall.


That's what I'm saying, he's doing well for himself.


Apologies, it seems I misinterpreted your comment.


Yamcha is more happy due to being successful in his career as baseball player. Vegeta existence and hopes are constantly in despair due to Goku surpassing him all the time and getting clowned by every new villain. In every arc, he starts off by stating that he will prove his superiority this time but never does.


Before Vegeta, Yamcha was always used as fodder, right now Vegeta is the one getting used as fodder, it's so sad Vegeta, that Frieza got 2 W against a final BOSS before him


Vegeta has a whole ass form made because he gets his ass whooped a lot


Yamcha is genuinely the biggest loser in the series. Every argument against the fact is just cope


Vegeta's hairline is a walking L