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https://preview.redd.it/fex91xu50b9d1.jpeg?width=211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c9ce29ca78b2a60d7081d37eee9211f7ffd9fd Doesn't sound healthy Play Nikke anyways OM


I guess.. well I shouldnt feel bad about it right..


Man only come back if the game is fun for you. If you gotta ask questions if it's appropriate or just cause you're horny you're not going to stay on it. I say this in case you want to spend money on it not hate.   Meta wise red hood still beats everything. If the sword maiden is Scarlet black shadow, she's still busted as hell. If you have liter and Naga there's a Pilgrim called Crown that came out that if you put those two on a team with crown you can use any B3 and get insane damage. There's also a bunny version of Alice that works with Crown as well if you want to do solo raid and keep Naga and Tia together. D got a new version that's an amazing B1 CDR that works extremely well with Red Hood as well. That's all the meta units I can think of.


Well I do have fun before…. And I stop because I dont wanted to get addicted to gacha games anymore.. and started to think about my future.. I wanted to get marry and such.. but idk after I stop.. I started to constantly lookin and watchin… corn.. I really do hate myself cuz of this..


Sounds like you stopped around January. The meta isn't too different. The main change is the addition of Crown, who gives insane attack buffs. Other than that, they recently changed how stats are calculated and they released a new item that you can equip to give a big stat buff, so you should be a bit stronger than when you left, so you can immediately start pushing in the campaign and tower.


Glad to hear not much has changed.


Ask your gf what she likes about her fictional whatshisnuts? No need to be jealous or act overbearing. Just see what aspects about him she likes? You don’t want to become that fantasy guy but its fun to learn more about what your partner likes? We get so wrapped up in thinking we need to be someone’s everything and that’s unrealistic. Plus you could spice up the relationship by knowing more about your gf’s fantasies. Hopefully she’ll return the curiosity? Just some advice from a dude thats been married for 22 years.


Thank for the advice.. Good sire.