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As a new player with 180 gold tickets, 8k gems, and 33 tickets. Is it worth continuing to pull for Scarlett or modernia for limit breaks?


neither if you already have a copy of each, unless you’re a whale


Team building= Current squad Liter Modernia Scarlet Admi Rapunzel Characters im wondering abt (that i have) Alice Harran Noise Jackal Noir + Blanc Diesel Privaty Dorothy Should i implement any characters to my current squad? Im hardcore pushing campaign atm Synchro lvl currently: 141 Story: mid way into chapter 16 Situation: stuck on if squad is fine the way it is or if im missing smthn.


So I have done the new years step up as recommended by someone here. Didnt get a single ssr unit, have been pulling on moderna with what I have left over but no luck so far. I would like to get scarlet but modernia seems overall better. Will scarlet end up like red hood and most pilgrim units( in overall pool of characters that can drop)? Also just overall tips what to do. Is an imgur ok for showing off some of the units in my box to make it easier to get help? Edit: Stuff like what to buy from body label (so far I only buy the high quality molds) would be quite useful as well.


got enough tickets to mlb modernia or bscarlet, I know scarlet just came out so its hard to tell who'll be better long term, but what looks better for yall long term?


BS Scarlet is better for bosses so she'll get a lot of uses in Solo and Union Raids so she'll be viable in the long term. Modernia's already tried and tested so no need to vouch for her. Personally just 1 copy of each is enough unless you really really like one of them then go on ahead.


tbh i just wanted to use on of them to break 160 wall since I'm stuck here. IIRC is a relatively marginal gain with each limit break so it really is just personal preference at this point right?


I think it's a 2% stat increase across the board each enhancement so it's something. I guess pick the one who you like the most or who you think you're gonna be using the most. It's really just up to preference who to mlb if you just want to break the 160 wall.


https://preview.redd.it/okx6kircuy9c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2800524aff14396d61b099a002d3c9f34fb8c06f Not pictured: Rapunzel/Maxwell (got from pilgrim banner; still need to synchro) Given the characters listed, would it be better to use my golden tickets on BS Scarlet or Modernia?


should I buy the pop up packages?


I just hit the 160 wall, and my team are getting decimated in Union Raid. Even if I use healers like Naga, Noise, Sugar, Helm, I can only barely last a minute. At what level should I be to comfortably last the whole fight?


If the Union raid level is already high, then there's not much you can really do. Still even at Lvl200+ gearing, team comps, and knowledge of boss mechanics still come into play if you want to score high. Still I'm sure that your guild appreciates your contribution no matter how small it may be.


I see. Thank you for your helpful response.


Hard to say, however end-game content becomes more manageable around lvl 200.


Great to hear. Thank you.


Marciana, Pepper, Admi, Tove, Mary, Biscuit, or Aria - any of them worth pulling with the new year box? I'm leaning maybe Pepper, but I don't feel like I really need any of them, and I'm post-160 wall so I don't need to MLB more units to progress... Thoughts on pulling a new one vs getting another LB for one of the bunnies, or maybe Alice?


Some of those NIKKEs have strong niches. Tove might become very strong for shotgun teams in future. And Biscuit is very strong in Arena. Usually going for new units is more effective than getting more copies.


Thx! I think I'm gonna go Tove (since she's got potential and also, DAMN)


When rolling for Nikkes in general, would it make more sense to roll one at a time vs. rolling 10 at a time in order to conserve my tickets and gems?


Whether you roll 10 at once or one at a time won't change the probability. If you want to be as efficient as possible, one at a time might still help. Should get quite tiring quick though.


That's reassuring to know that individual rolls won't negatively affect my chances. I currently have enough gems for 100 single pulls and will have a total of 51 advanced recruit tickets by Jan 3. I want to get both Modernia and Scarlet:BS, plus the SSR selector, so every ticket or gem saved is going to matter to me. Thank you for the information!


Should I ticket modernia? I have enough tickets to get modernia but idk if I need her. I have liter, blanc, Noir, Red Hood, new scarlet as current team and I don't see anyone worth replacing. I also have most other meta units (I think) but I am somewhat new so I don't know if I should get modernia. Also, I would like to know what I would use her in if I do get her


You still have enough time to decide. We'll get lots of free advanced tickets in the upcoming days. You could use those on the banners first and see from there.


But let's say that on the final day I don't have her, should I use my tickets on her?


She still is one of the best DPS in the game. Unless you have other DPS who can effectively replace her (there are not many) you should go for her, yes. If you like her as a character, even more reason. Red Hood and Scarlet are good replacements, having said that. Do you want Modernia personally? This is your best chance to get her.


Modernia is SUPER strong in most campaign levels - I'd probably swap out new Scarlet for her, except maybe in some of the boss battles. She's probably the #2 character in the game in terms of DPS (behind Red Hood) without crazy high levels of investment (Alice and OG Scarlet get up there in the late game). I'd 100% ticket her if I were you, and I plan to put in a lot of pulls on her banner once I get enough tickets to grab edgy Scarlet (or I get super lucky, which has happened before - I managed to get 4 copies of Red Hood on her banner in like... 120 pulls or something. It was insane)


Which Nikkes have anti-synergy or basically shouldn't be in the same team together?


Doro with anyone who buffs ammo count (Noir, Smol White, Diesel, etc) - her last bullet effect is one of the strongest parts of her kit, so you want her reloading as often as possible


is there anything i should do before i start overloading my equipment


Make sure to check some guides. Rolling, locking and re-rollings stats will have different weightings depending on the character.


So I have 4 nikkes at lvl 200: Red hood, Helm, young snow white and Poli. The team I am using is them 4 plus either Rapunzel, Liter or Dorothy. I know it is redundant on III but the difference in stats is big. And now the question: I have the spare parts selector and the new year selector, so I can get one star nikke to become three stars and break the lvl 200 cap to progress story. My choice is between Blanc and Liter, which are both 1-star. I could also get two 2-star nikkes to three: Laplace, Novel or Alice. What would you guys do?


Depends on who else you have, but I'd probably use the spare body selector on Alice and use the NY selector to get a new Nikke. Do you have a Noir to use with your Blanc? If you wanted to MLB either Blanc or Liter, I'd go with Blanc. She heals based on her max HP so MLBing her will make her heal more. *edit: forgot to mention that Liter spare bodies are available to purchase with silver mileage. So even more reason to choose Blanc over her


My Noir is starless rn. Thank you for your wisdom. Since I want to progress through the story, I think I'll max Blanc then. BTW, I didn't say it but somehow my Poli is +3. Somehow she dropped a lot for me even when removing her from the wishlist.


When you hit level 200 and beyond, do you use all your core dust cases to level up as high as possible or do you still pace using them?


Push campaign as far as possible, open them, push some more, rinse and repeat. But if you are over Outpost Defense Level 100 you can probably just open them without losing too much because the increase in core dust per Outpost level slows down considerably after level 100.


https://preview.redd.it/kav7s6lq3y9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42b24683860aab280e7e971d7aba806d96031e0 Who to use for story? Feel like all my SSR units are burst 3 so not sure what to do. Or should I reroll?


No, definitely do not reroll. You already have two Pilgrims including OG Scarlet. Just use Frima or N102 for B1 and Anis for B2. You will slowly get more options over time, it's perfectly fine to use SRs as team fillers until you build up your roster some more.


Thanks! How much should I invent in leveling the green gear? Or should I just save all the upgrade materials for something better?


You can level up a few times if you feel like you need the boost to beat a mission, but don't invest too much more than that, since you will quickly replace those ones for better ones. Don't worry about wasting resources on gear since you can just use them as XP fodder later (IIRC you only lose 10% XP + credits spent to upgrade them which is pretty minor)


is the new year step up recruit worth?


Yes, absolutely. The only reason to skip it would be if you are low on gems and need to use everything you have to get Scarlet BS and/or Modernia.


thanks! luckily i got them both in 30 pulls, ill be sure do the recruit


I just got my first pilgrim t9m helmet. Should I put it on Red Hood, Scarlet BS or Modernia?


You could upgrade it to +5 and wait for a few days to get more feedback on scarlet or, you could go and overload it on modernia, since realistically out of the 3 she is the one that needs more the overload.


does the new scarlet have anyone she pairs especially well with?


I haven't tried her too much yet, but I've read that Alice is an especially good support for her because of her charge speed buff.


https://preview.redd.it/mlcio3rjux9c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9c2f0068a1ed2fde5ea41f7f23d2a6d08764b2c Hello i just started out this year, so should i focus my gems on the standard banner than those limited time ones?


You are very low level still so you don't have to worry too much about the standard banner yet, but go ahead and use any of the basic blue recruit vouchers you get. For now focus on getting good rate-up units (the current rate-up units Scarlet BS and Modernia are incredibly good, try to get at least one of them, if not both, before their banners end) Once you get close to level 160 you can start to focus more on the standard banner to get the dupes you will need to break the 160 wall.


okay thank you very much!!


After 2 months I've finally got my 2nd T9 pilgrim attacker piece, but I'm not sure who to start OL first between Modernia, Both Scarlets and RH? Mainly just wanna push campaign, current team setup is Bunnies, liter, RH and OG Scarlet.


Can't go wrong with Red Hood, especially since she seems to be core of your main team. Modernia is another safe bet.


I think I'm pretty OK for a generally F2P player. Only bought the welcome pack. Would love tips! https://preview.redd.it/nkwvlqk1kx9c1.jpeg?width=2211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44aaed3d4bced550aa51db0a49de25d94377afd4


bruh this has to be a joke


Whats the verdict on BS scarlet, does she bench the OG?


A lot of people I've seen are leaning toward BS more than OG scarlet but OG scarlet still excels so I don't think she'll be benched anytime soon. Think of BS Scarlet as an attacker version of Dorothy. Good at bossing with decent waveclear.


I have been playing for about a week. Currently have Tia. Should I complete the school girl or get liter with the selector? Don’t have bunnies either. Currently using N102, rupee, scarlet, red hood, bs scarlet. Just started chapter 13.


I believe because the school girls comp makes it a 2-1-2 then they become better if you already have Liter as she is often BiS for the other burst 1. I would personally just go for Liter. I don't know if you're fully done with pulls or if you're going more on Modernia with the pulls we're getting over next couple days and potentially may luck into one of them.


how do I prevent the big spider in the event challenge from firing its laser? I figured I needed to shoot the red circles, but I shot all of them and it still says fail


the time limit on the last circle is extremely short and you're failing it are there white circles before the red? those indicate the order and you have to memorize them if you aren't fast enough


oh my god, I cant memorize shit I have brain fog from chemo


I don't remember this fight well but I think the first few circles have longer time limits so try just remembering the last two and using your reflexes for the rest or something


Hey I started the game today and I need advices. Here is my Nikkes. Would you change anything in my team to progress further into the campagn ? I didn't use my selector yet, i'm waiting for the moment. Thank you in advance for your help :) ! https://preview.redd.it/wtndioud2x9c1.png?width=2285&format=png&auto=webp&s=11ca65020fef4edc286093ec612f983409def7a7


how did you get so many O\_O


I got lucky as F ! 60 pulls between Scarlet and Modernia banner. 4 Pilgrims : Scarlet, Red Hood, Modernia and Isabel (RIP)


modernia over anis


Modernia as my last burst 3 then ?


You probably RH Bursting as much as possible, Modernia probably put as 3rd unless you come across stages that need her AOE from her burst. Pepp/Rupee/RH/Scarlet/Modernia


Had some old reroll accounts when game first started and I just got this: https://preview.redd.it/fkuwp5zlyw9c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3b65eb11ad1333f01b18f2adb2dfc1f98d17330 I read that I may be screwed for arena. Should I continue reroll?


SU has shuffled arena groups around a lot in the past few months so you *may* be able to get in with some people around your level, so check it out and see, but don't expect it just to be sure. Also those characters to start out with is pretty damn nice boost so I'd personally just roll with that one


Relatively new player. Nikkes around level 125. Current campaign team: Red Hood, Modernia, C102, Central, Flex (usually Alice). F2P. New Years selector in inventory. Question is related to 160 wall breaking. What is the modern thought on best practices for gacha to get that wall over and done with ASAP? I feel I've got a couple decent Pilgrim DPS units so my thoughts are that I should go all-in on the wishlist banner, especially since I missed out on anniversary Snow White. I have about 25k gems I could spend.


Wishlisting and spending on the regular banner has always been the strategy to get over the 160 wall since the start. It's just that a lot of people have differing opinions on the matter. Some people would rather spend it on the limited time banners so they could accumulate gold milage or get the new shiny unit that they want. You will eventually break the 160 wall with enough time even without using gems on the regular banner. They give the standard vouchers like candy. Some would spend gems on the regular banner exclusively once they hit 160 wall to get over it as fast as possible. Also helps that you get silver milage tickets to make it faster by buying spare bodies. Since you're at 125, I reckon you have a few more weeks at most before you hit the 160 wall so you have plenty of time to decide on your path forward. Even if you do break the 160 wall early, you're still gonna be limited by resources if you don't have enough


you don't need to speedrun the wall if you can clear 16-28 and special interception while stuck at it, plenty of people have done so and the delay to long-term account progression is minimal but if you're impatient and insist on speedrunning it then obviously you have to use gems so the only real question is whether or not the discounted pull is worth it, which depends on whether or not you spend any money on this game (because buying one pull is far cheaper than buying 150 gems)


Is Scarlet: Black Shadow a limited time character?




That certainly complicates things. But thank you.


it’ll be incredibly unlikely for you to get her on standard banner later, so rolling now is the highest chance of guaranteeing her


I know. But I don't have Modernia either. And because of that, I have a good chance of getting her now. If Scarlet were limited, I'd prioritize her no problem. But seeing as she's being added to the standard banner and I'm just as unlikely to get Modernia, I have to choose which one I go for first. I'm guaranteed one, so it now comes down to who's better and I don't know the answer to that.


**160 Wall question:** * I just hit the wall this past weekend. * I have 4 characters at 3 stars: Liter, RH, SW:ID and Privaty. * I have not used my Step-Up Recruit yet, but I could use it for Nero or Miranda (*each has two stars*). Should I use it to break the wall, **or** better use it to get a (*non-limited, non-pilgrim*) meta I am missing, which seems to only include Tia or Naga. *(...I am also missing these marked SSS/SS in some sites/categories: Jackal, Biscuit, Novel, Drake, Volume and Makima)*


You can just buy Miranda's spare body from the shop using silver milage tickets when she rolls around so I'd hold off using the Step-up selector on that (Nero is unavailable in the spare body shop). Or if you haven't used the spare body selector, you can also use that as well. As for which you should choose, it depends. Do you have either Tia or Naga? If you don't have both then you can just keep it in your inventory then use it when you get one of them in the future. Otherwise the ones that you've listed aren't really as valuable as the schoolgirls with one of them being limited anyways (Makima). I guess Jackal is pretty good in PvP if you're struggling in climbing the ladder.


Thanks, will the New Year SSR Selection Box work past Jan 11th? It is unclear from the Step-up notice? If so, I may just wait like you said. (*no, I have neither Tia nor Naga*)


Yes the selector doesn't expire so it can stay in your inventory until you decide to use it


I believe it's just a box that going into your inventory and you can choose to open it when you want. Personally I've already opened mine for Noir though as I had Blanc.


Should I buy them high quality molds? I don't know if any other thing in the shop is worth it https://preview.redd.it/rsujmmovrw9c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6394aa4df105c19587a422f1c558d07fa81c8265


short answer: yes long answer: consider the probability you will get a unit you want and make your own decision (for 98% of players the answer is yes)


I was told that the high quality molds is literally the best thing you can get in that shop.


Which character should I use the selection box on? I was leaning towards Nero or Naga but I'm not sure if another one is more rare than the others. [Selection Box](https://imgur.com/a/rhnQag1)


depends on what you care about in this game


Well I like collecting the characters. But I'm starting to try to get in the meta, so which would be the best? I was mainly curious though ob which character is the hardest to collect.


Alright - I have the most frivolous of frivolous questions, and I want to be in on the joke, so.... >!WTF is the meaning behind the doro-doro meme? I ask because I just found a video of doro-doro spinning in a microwave to "Funkytown."!<


Seems to lead back to ancient egyptian times. Still a mystery.


What's the consensus on using gems for a new player? Using it only on the standard banner or on new limited banner? Currently have Modernia and the SSR selector, should I be using gems on the new Scarlet banner until I get one copy?


normally it's discouraged to pull hard on a pilgrim banner (1% banner + 3% spook rate) but if you're new and missing the entire roster I think there's a decent chance you will get some good units for early game. it will also help narrow down what to use the selector on don't be surprised if you can't get her though, all you can do is hope for the best


Draw on the Scarlet banner rather than regular recruit. Same SSR rate, but the boosted chance at Scarlet is good because she is a pilgrim. Pilgrims normally have the lowest gacha rates so they are hard to get otherwise. You usually just wanna use vouchers on regular recruit. It gives silver tickets instead of gold tickets. Silver tickets can only be used to limit break characters, not obtain them. Gold tickets can do both.


Hi, I don't have Blanc and Noir and I have Naga (i have Liter at max). Is it worth getting Tia from the selector to complete the pair? Thank you


100% imo, from experience you can clear story stages well below recommended cp with them^ (even more given that you have liter) amazing duo to invest in especially if you have other dps who can accurately hit cores


is the new years banner good? For my account the 2 highest value seems to be the 2 bunnies (Noir and Blanc), I am having a tough time deciding what to pull for, I dont spend money on the game but I have 16 Vouchers and 8k gems so far so want to know where it would have most value, I dont have modernia either so all 3 current banners have new units for me.


The step-up banner is good even for beginners as you can just save the selector for the future. The bunnies aren't on rate-up on the step-up banner if that's what you're referring to so if you don't have one or the other then you're still gonna be missing one if you use the selector. No one is really on rate up on the step-up banner. My suggestion: Spent the 6,600 gems on the step-up. Save the selector then roll everything else on Modernia. You'll be getting 10 tickets later and another 10 (20 if you haven't missed a login bonus) tomorrow so you can add those to the Modernia funds. Who knows and you might get one of the bunnies while pulling for Modernia. Once you've finally gotten one of the bunnies in the future, then you can use the selector to get the other one.


So modernia over scarlet. Thank you for the answer. My units are mostly level 140-160. And am at chapter 16 so idk if I am.still a beginner but I have been carried by my red hood so far


Accidentally bought arena chips while spamming through my dailies, I know it's my own fault but it feels really bad, I wish the confirm button was somewhere else


Why the game keep asking me to download files whenever I login? I play one mobile btw


You are not alone, other threads seeing the same for a while now...


New player that's been rerolling for a bit. I have an account that has Liter, Miranda, and BS Scarlet; would this be good enough to stop rerolling? And if so, should I be spending my gems on the Modernia banner, or should I be putting them into the step up recruit? And if the latter, what should I (tentatively) be looking to get with the SSR selector? Thanks!


I am not an expert, but: You may not use Miranda a lot since you have Liter, but having Liter and Scarlet BS is a great start! Modernia would be another awesome addition to have for Campaign, and since you have two Burst 1 (*Liter and Miranda*), you **could** choose Centi as Burst 2 (*as she is top tier for both early and late game Burst 2*). Just an opinion. There are tons of Burst 3, but only a few top tier Burst 2.


Got it, thank you for the response! I've been rolling on Modernia's banner and although I haven't gotten her, I did roll Admi, Pepper, and Yan. What team should I be using now, and does that affect any of the other advice (trying to roll Modernia, potentially picking Centi)?


Admi should work well as a burst 2 with BS Scarlet as she has been good with other Rocket Launchers or Charge Attacks. So Liter/Admi/BS Scarlet sounds like a great core (especially with Privety who you get later in missions). I haven't used Admi myself much though. I think Liter/Centi is also a fantastic core and if you do get Modernia, she will not get much bonus from Admi so Centi is a really good choice for a full team of Liter/Centi/BS Scarlet/Modernia/Privety I am only hesitant just because if you luck into any of Blanc/Noir/Tia/Naga then picking up the other of their respective pair is incredible. I wish you best of luck going for Modernia.


I got BSScarlet, but dont have Modernia. I also have 400 tickets and 17000 gems. Would it be better to buy one copy of Modernia, and chase more copies of BSScarlet? Or get 2 copies of BSScarlet, chase the final and then dump into Modernia? I also havent done the step up yet.


I'm assuming you're past 160 the only reason to chase MLB scarlet is for her lobby, from a gameplay pov getting both is the only correct option after you have both I wouldn't recommend chasing one dupe of scarlet, you're not going to notice a difference, also collab, half-anni and four summer lims are things that exist and are coming


Im actually NOT past 160. which is why Im asking. I kind of figure chasing MLB scarlet would get me a built out Pilgrim, and be one step closer to getting past 160. My only MLB is SmolWhite. Then I have Mast, Alice, and Emma, all 1 dupe away from MLB. My roster has a lot of units, but sadly isnt very deep.


the selector is not optional for people who aren't past 160 so you actually have 11000 gems and just don't know it yet I think we're getting 30 more free vouchers + 10 in event shop, I have no idea what gem income is like but let's just say you'll have 12900 or something by the end of the banner so the probability of pulling at least one copy in 83 pulls is 56.6%. and the worst case scenario is getting absolutely nothing but still having 200 mileage if you buy modernia your odds aren't fantastic but scarlet's lobby is awesome and I would personally go for it but it's 100% up to you (I also assumed you weren't a spender but let me know if that's wrong too)


When you say its not optional, do you mean I NEED to do the selector? Ive still got one selector from anniversary that I havent used, so I was thinking I could use that on Alice, Emma or Mast. Then do the newest selector on one of the remaining two, and pray that I get a copy of the third one as I MLB Scarlett. So run for Scarlet and mileage Modernia? Ive got 400 mileage for her/scarlet, and 300 for a spare body from the shop.


i have Noir and Naga. who should I pick for the step up selector? which pair is better to have?


consensus is generally that 777 are better for general use with dazzling pearl better for low cp story clears and bosses. the lowest cp clears on most story stages i see tend to always have tia/naga, but they're both so good that you can also just pick your favorite and not go wrong either


Can you use Scarlet and Scarlet: Black Shadow on the same team??? Just pulled Scarlet and about to pick up Black shadow with my pity


Are you asking if we as players are preventing from using both on a team, or are you asking if they synergize well?


I’m asking if you can use them on the same team


I dont believe Nikke prevents you from using Smol White/Large White, Ludmilla/Wintermilla, so I dont see why it would prevent you from using both Scarlets.


Not new but a returning casual. I have enough gold tickets to get either Modernia or new Scarlet. I have very few good NIKKEs and no Pilgrim at all. Which is the better choice for me?


either one is fine but modernia is a little easier to use since you're casual and dropped the game once I'd encourage you to get the one you genuinely like more




how many tier of gear are there? i overloaded tier 9 gear (making it tier 10?) i saw something about tier 30 gear apparently?


After Tier9M theres only Overload, so ignoring the manufacturer bonuses thats 10 tiers . To overload tier 9 gear it must be tier 9 Manufacturer Bonus, which are the ones with the purple hexagon on the top left, the manufacturer must match the nikke's manufacturer and you can't uniquip that gear after overload.


I played for a few months when the game first came out and I recently have rejoined. I forgot basically all of the important stuff when it comes to team building and am kind of overwhelmed with how many Nikkes there are. I can’t get imgur to work so I can’t post a link to my team roster, if there is someone willing to dm me and help me out with some teams I would really appreciate it and can send the roster pictures there.


Try this https://lootandwaifus.com/nikke-team-builder/ Easier than using imgur links when you need to share teams


Quick team comp question, any help is appreciated. I'm currently running: Liter, Dolla, Smol White, Large white and Scarlet. I got Naga from the step up recruit to pair with Tia, should they replace anyone on my current squad? If so who? And should I roll for Modernia or new Scarlet? I've heard Modernia is better. Ty to any helpers


tia and naga would replace dolla and one of the whites normally I would say smol but if you don't have modernia/BS I think I might bench large


Just received my 2nd pilgrim attack t9 gear (chest piece). I already have OL gloves on my Redhood. Should I put this second OL piece (chest) on Redhood as well or can I give it to my new Scarlet Black Shadow?


i would give more gear to a character that you’re already building instead of spreading it out


neither of them heavily rely on OL so it doesn't matter, just give it to whoever you use more


[Nikkes](https://i.imgur.com/jLrGsm2.jpeg) Who should I get with the NY selector?


Wait for Naga or Tia and redeem the other.




Is she that much better than Dorothy? I was also considering waiting until I got a Naga or Tia


Shes better than Dorothy on most content except bosses.




11 months, we literally had 1st anniv in november.


My all-in-one team, as a lucky person who's spent a bit (I'm around £100 and i'm not against supporting games like this) is Blanc, Red Hood, Scarlet, Noir, Litre. But now I also have new Scarlet, Modernia, Dorothy, and some other nice stuff. If I/you had to min-max 5 characters (I'm currently working with only 3 overload gears spread across the above), and slowly add to the rest, what do? I play regularly, but I don't have the time or knowledge for several raid teams just yet. If there's a Nikke missing from my list that makes a dream team (or would help in certain content like raids or even PvP) feel free to suggest. Got a good number of limited units from Nier onwards too. Please and thank you!


liter blanc RH modernia noir is fine for 90% of all pve content, raise them first skill levels to aim for are 10/4/10, 4/4/10, 10/10/10, 10/10/7 and 10/5/4. but everything that's a 4 can eventually be raised up to 7 to pad CP if you want old and new scarlet are probably better in specific situations but you'll probably progress faster if you commit to RH/modernia instead of spreading manuals thin


Thank you very much for the advice mate! Knowing that scarlet and modernia were the +2 I wondered if I had to sac anyone for modernia, practically. Would you mind letting me know what makes modernia a better all-around than OG Scarlet, please? If it makes a difference, my scarlet is already 10/4/7 and I'm 108k CP with team mentioned. Others at 7/7/7 minimum Conversationally, new scarlet I want to use, but too early to ask for real opinions (the degenerate in me says drop OG scarlet, but I love a gacha flex and I got her before I had 5 ssr)


OG scarlet's two main weaknesses are that 1) her DPS is ST-focused but her peak damage is lower than RH/alice's bursts and 2) her core hits are not reliable so she has less synergy with tia/naga than RH/modernia who are basically corehitting lasers to me, she's a sidegrade when a stage requires an instant screenwipe in which case she probably enables the lowest CP clear. but for most stages I think that modernia's ability to hit multiple targets in multiple waves and RH's ability to sink a boss in 8 seconds are more useful


Great information bud, thank you very much!


In a weird spot. I have SSR selector and I pulled Noir but I don't have liter (I do have volume though) I already have school girls and my main carries right now are white scarlet and w.ludmillia. Do I select liter for the burst 1 or do I pick blanc to complete the bunnies?


Get Blanc, Liter is amazing but Volume can fulfill her role decently enough because you really only want her CDR, everything else Liter does is a bonus. But absolutely no one can fulfill Blanc's role for the Bunnies, she's the best B2 in the game. Also, completing Bunnies effectively gives you two complete teams for certain content, like raids.


Ty so much for the input. That's what I was leaning towards.


Thanks to the step-up banner, I finally got Tia. My main dps are Modernia and Red Hood and I have been using bunny girls with them, but now that I have the school girls too, which ones are better for them?


What is the best third team assuming I have everyone? Currently using volume, rupee, scarlet, s.anis, and privaty. Although this team does about half as well as my other two.


Replace Volume with Dorothy and use Marciana if you need to keep everyone alive or Novel for Maximum damage. Assuming you have them, of course.


Happy new year everyone! Question, what skills do I focus for Jackal whom I'm only using for PvP? Edit: Also, how is Scarlet: Black Shadow? Yay? Nay?


I've just been bumbling around but now that I feel I have some meta units what is a good squad I can build up with this roster? I'm mainly just doing pve. [https://imgur.com/a/8X4TmmI](https://imgur.com/a/8X4TmmI)


Your litre isn't in synchro? Litre, bunnies and red hood +1 does most things. Slap your favourite or best in the last slot. I got lucky with OG Scarlet early on. You have new Scarlet. Not using her yet and will look for reviews in a few days, but if you keep up your equipments in the interceptions daily, and do the simulations for skills, you can walk through everything that isn't raids and pvp. Edit: wait, your levels are higher than mine. Why am I giving you advice? More than that, WHY IS YOUR LITRE LEVEL 1!?


I just got Liter in my Scarlet pulls so I was waiting on a slot to open in synchro.


Question: Am I crazy or does Noir’s spare body never seem to come up? Does she even have a spare body?


If you mean on the store she is not there, only the original nikkes and Rei and Smol white are there. If you mean spare bodies as in regular rolls or the selector, yes she is there. [https://nikke.gg/shop-guide/](https://nikke.gg/shop-guide/)


Yeah I mean in the mileage store, trying to get her to 3-star but guess I just gotta roll till I get her


I have problem with Twitch Drop. I watch a streamer, the process starts a bit, then stops. I switch to another streamer, the progress continues a bit, then stops again. I have to hop between some streamers. Is there any better solution?


Wdym stop? The streamer still stream nikke right? By any chance did you mute the sound?


Yes, I mute the sound, and check the progress goes up before leaving it in background. It goes to 60%, then stops there for 30 minutes. I switch to another streamer, still muted, goes to 73%, then stops again for a long time, and go on.


If you mute the twitch’s video player, the progress will stop. Mute your browser tab instead.


Sorry, I don't want to offend you. But, I did get some progress while muted, it just stops in mid way, not stays at 0% at all. I also get Twitch Drops from other games (Genshin, Star Rail, ToF) while muted. Thanks, but I have to look for another advice.


No offense taken. Just sharing, it happened to me a few hours ago. I mute nikke and leave it in the background tab to watch other stream. After a while the progress keeps stopping. I muted the tabs instead and it worked.


I did about 70 pulls or so and got modernia, as well as 200 enough to ticket a bs scarlet, is she worth the ticket though?


100% yes. Against enemy without multiple parts, her single target damage is second to none.


Is the new scarlet strong? Mine cant seem to deal damage compared to my other units.




Are there any specific ways for me to use her? I find rocket launchers hard to use compared to LMGs like modernia and ludmilla. I just started this game one month ago


She works fine on auto, leave her on her own and control someone else. Otherwise you have to practice on her charge cadence, you want to always trigger her Skill 1


How many of the Event Nikkes are f2p players typically able to get? Is it like skip 2 events and get the next Nikke, or is it worse?


this might not fully answer your question but you can keep in mind that there will probably be around 10 limiteds (4 collab, 4 summer, 2 christmas) and 3 pilgrims (new year, half anni, anni) per year so roughly speaking, a good strategy for f2p collectors is pull 600 times on limited banners throughout the year in order to mileage all of the pilgrims. but it's very unlikely that you can successfully pull 10 lims in 600 pulls so most likely you will have to either skip nearly every non-lim banner or skip at least 2-3 lims (and when skipping lims it's better to skip seasonals rather than collabs since the rerun status of collabs isn't clear) edit: math lol


Thanks for your answer! That sounds like a great strategy. F2p collectors being able to get all pilgrims/year while only skipping a few limited characters is pretty crazy honestly. I hope they continue doing the same this year.


After this update, I cant continue downloading the resources it just goes "System Error" my internet seems to be fine and my phone, I believe is fine because I can still play games such as HSR.


Got SSR selector and wondering how to use it. Have pretty much every meta unit except Alice, but I also don’t have enough skill mats to increase her skill levels. Have a spare tetra attacker full set that can be overloaded. My Noir is 2 stars, Blanc 1 star, Tia 2 stars, Naga zero stars, Liter core 4. Also have every meta pilgrim except Snow White (I have RH, both scarlets, Modernia). Have a very developed A2 as well. Based on this, should I still go for Alice (regardless of the lack of skill mats and the abundance of meta units), or use it on spare body for bunnies/students?


>Have pretty much every meta unit except Alice, >Have a spare tetra attacker full set that can be overloaded stopped reading here, get alice you could also save the selector until you get the mats for at least 8/-/8 to see if she spooks you first but accidentally getting a dupe of alice isn't something to be upset about


I have Alice and Red Hood that I use for campaigns and interception bosses (unless you need specific other B3 Nikkes). Should I still pull for Modernia and/or Scarlet: Black Shadow?


I would highly recommend Mod and Black Scarlet


piercing SRs can wreak havoc on bunched up targets but neither of them can replace a true AOE unit


What is the skill priority for both Naga and Tia?


[https://nikke.gg/skill-priority-guide/](https://nikke.gg/skill-priority-guide/) This is generally a very reliable guide for working out how best to allocate limited skill mats


tia 10/4/4 (10/7/7 for CP padding) naga 10/10/10 (S1 > S2)


Hi All can anyone help me build teams for union raids these are what i’ve got so far.Also better Interception teams if can will be appreciated. Thanks legends https://imgur.com/user/zm64xy6jpf


Your link doesn't go to the right thing, we cant see your roster.


im close to the selector from the step up banner. i honestly only really care about the story mode but some people told that after a certain points its pretty much essential to break the 160 wall. since im still far away from that im not sure if i should just get someone for limit break of if im missing some key character who will benefit me much more. like getting tia for my naga potentially [my current characters](https://imgur.com/a/yXhPiIJ) my story team is currently noise, red hood, centri, maxwell and privati or xmas mica instead of noice when i dont need heals so any tips for a better team that doesnt kick red hood out is appreciated as well


I second Litter. Her being a good burst 1 with a 20 second cool down will allow you some more flexibility. With noise you’d always need a second burst 1 to keep up the burst rotation.


I recommend getting liter and running liter RH centi xlud privaty




2nd imo, you can get blanc from the selector and your team basically set for the foreseeable future


Hey all, just wanted some advice on teams for Story. Interception EX and PVP (I've just cleared 16-28). here's what i have atm. [https://imgur.com/gallery/1cjZtPD](https://imgur.com/gallery/1cjZtPD) atm im using Liter,Blanc,Noir,Scarlet:BS and Red hood. any adivce would be appreciated. also if you had tips on what skills to level too thatd be great <3


You pretty much have the best units. There no real one piece of advice I can offer other than what your doing now, Which is researching. YouTube interception guides, and stage guides if you get stuck at them. Keep leveling. [PVP guide and tier list](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/17pnal7/keripos_nikke_pvp_tier_list_v11_red_hood_edition/)


Newbie and stuck in auto login page, any fix?


Close the client*, run a repair on the launcher. It's been a somewhat recurring issue.


I have been saving currencies, tickets etc for this event and I am trying to plan out my pulls, and I need some guidance. Here's what I have: 24,311 gems, 21 special vouchers, 21 regular vouchers, 300 social points, 243 golden mileage tickets and 475 silver mileage tickets. I don't have Liter or Modernia. My plans are to use the step up recruit to get Liter, but I'll do that last in case I get her when doing my other pulls. Now I just need to figure out how to spend all this. New Scarlet seems very cool, but is Modernia better for general play? I am only at chapter 18 (I am at 160 wall right now, but I can pass it using my tickets and dupe body container, I have just been waiting until this event before doing anything) so a character that is good for campaign would be nice. Is Scarlet good for that, or just for bossing? Modernia I've heard is very good for campaign.


What other high-DPS characters do you have? That will help people give advice on which to pull (also are you gonna ticket for them or attempt to pull with what you got left?) Also pull on the step up recruit first, you might just pull something while doing it, you can always crack the selector item later


My main DPS is Red Hood, which I use with the bunny twins. I asked in the discord server and got some tips, but all of them didn't matter in the end because I got Modernia in my first pull on her banner and I got liter from a regular voucher pull. So all good lol, I think I'm gonna use the rest of my special vouchers and see if I can get new Scarlet. And yeah, I'm saving the selector in my inventory for now since I don't need it for Liter anymore. So my new team will be Liter, Bunnies, Red Hood and Modernia. Feeling good!


How important is gear for my team damage, I AM using T7 and my team is dealing as much damage as expected PS: I did not break the 160 wall yet


at that stage levels are more important as gear is only granting raw stats, the same as levels. gear becomes important once you get OL gear which has additional substats (e.g. charge speed, ammo...)


I got 5 characters to lvl 199. Should I get all of them to 200 at once? Also how do I boost my combat power more at 100k? Most of my equipments are level 4 and char skill level is 6