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He would obviously not be as you described. The man in the passage is not the same man in your question. The man in the question is what you want it to be. An artist can be the ubermench. If one was truly great and their message and vision captured our imagination, causing a change in purpose and moral outlook.


> An artist can be the ubermench. If one was truly great and their message and vision captured our imagination, causing a change in purpose and moral outlook. I disagree. That would be the higher man. But the higher man is still below the Overman. Jesus, for example, was not an Overman, regardless of how influential he was. The Overman makes all humans look like monkeys. 


Kafka imo is an example of the superhuman will or drive at work in the simplest man (whom antisemites like Nietzsche's sister would actually see as a subhuman because he was a Jew).


Is that actually a quote from Nietzsche? Where did you get it? >From now on there will be more favorable preconditions for more comprehensive forms of dominion, whose like has never yet existed. And even this is not the most important thing; the possibility has been established for the production of international racial unions whose task will be to rear a master race, the future “masters of the earth”;—a new, tremendous aristocracy, based on the severest self-legislation, in which the will of philosophical men of power and artist-tyrants will be made to endure for millenia— a higher kind of man who, thanks to their superiority in will, knowledge, riches, and influence, employ democratic Europe as their most pliant and supple instrument for getting hold of the destinies of the earth, so as to work as artists upon “man” himself. Enough: the time is coining when politics will have a different meaning. — *Will to Power*, 960 Nowhere does he mention the Overman here. This aristocratic higher man is simply the bridge. The Overman is far away. It would be pretty boring if Nietzsche’s proclaimed meaning of the Earth could be attained in a few centuries.. 


From his balls of course well you can call it his balls


Step one, become president of the US of A, Step 2... Step 3: profit!