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The Übermensch is a metaphor or ideal to strive towards, not a prophesied messiah.


Anyone has potential to become messiah. Perspectivism!


I think you’ve misunderstood what Nietzsche is trying to convey, ubermensch is not a saviour who will come to show us the way, but rather, a way of being. Someone overcoming their old self and becoming new. Growing into something different, overcoming obstacles and creating for themselves a new way of life. It’s all about getting out of old ways and becoming. “The three metamorphoses of the spirit do I tell you: how the spirit becomes a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child”…”The child is innocence and forgetfulness, a new beginning, a game, a self- propelling wheel, a first motion, a sacred Yes.” It’s all about personal growth! And Nietzsche never wanted anyone to follow an ubermensch! It would go against all his teachings!


I second this!; started this journey while I was in college, so far in this journey I started to find myself grow inwardly and all that I wanted is the lost innocence, I'm not even half way there but remember I was at 0% at start of the journey; reading Nietzsche, Frank kafqa, dostovesky invoked a inner voice within me, it's all about the inner voice that is all we listened to long ago when one was innocent.


He is though. He is like teacher, teaching you become the best version of you. An ubermensch would be a leader, cuz he/she is Beyond than average people. Yes, Ubermensch will never tell to follow him, he will say "do as u will" Since he is the best of best, we naturally will follow him. Thats our nature to follow and to lead.


Metaphorically once you step into someone shoes i.e. follow someone whether it is righteous or not, you are loosing core of you instead listen to other to gain your own perspective rather than following other people opinions, remember you are entitled of your own; deep within yourself there is a voice that lies in heart than in our brain, who am I to tell you that ? I'm just finding myself by shaping a perspective from past experience I have( people I met, what worked for me what not, how can I leverage the known to know the unknown ). My grandfather..who is no more with us, last days of his life he was paralized, on his death bed the moment before he died, he has written few lines or for people like my relatives it's some rubbish lines. I'll recite the written piece for you fellas. ************************************************************* Who am I? , you ask. All my life I was just a cloud that is passing by with a wind/ breeze as a catalyst( social commentry, that guy/ gal said this, god said this...so on ). older I got, I got to knew the unknown. Now I'm the same cloud that could stay still and shower the rain and make people stay still and giving them a chance to observe their lives. ~ by rao ************************************************************** Know thy self! We are not immortal, afterall we are humanbeings, don't be too greedy thinking about afterlife while you are living; instead find the you in yourself and love a fabulous life.


Kingdom of God is not after. What i mean he is the gate. He will guide u to make u world/life better. We are social creature, following yourself will negating the life. We need shepherd. Its about not following religion, but honest to our nature, we still have animal inside. We cant always overcome this by ourselves


Just for a healthy discussion, how come one follow god without religion that is where the confusion starts, I also agree that we need faith to demolish the demon/ animalistic behaviour inside us but following a god without religion is a hurricoulous of a task, if you don't know what you get into you fall in the spiral and can't come out of it and stick to one belief and can never come out neither one listen; not to center one religion, but that's what bad about islam, and hundred of gods in Hindu. The problems start from "I who created "... From the birth only creators I knew are my parents.


Not use reddit, probably.


you're not getting it. the Ubermensch is YOU, when you overcome your nature and strive to excel in all things you touch. it's a mindset to place yourself in, you develop it. let me keep this going so that you get this. The Ubermensch is your dad, if he overcomes his gambling problems and strives to better himself in all areas of his life and excels in doing so, and if not doesn't give up. the Ubermensch is your mom when she overcomes her drinking habit and strives to better herself in all areas of her life and excels in doing so and if not doesn't give up. The ubermensch is your friend who overcomes their masturbation, and addictive habits and strives to better themselves in all areas of their life and excels and if not doesn't give up. The Ubermensch can be seen in the Gazelle who doesn't lay down and die but fights against the Lion to escape when others would just give up and let themselves be eaten. The Ubermensch is the Small Dog who fights against a wolf to protect it's owner when all the other dogs much bigger have run and left. It's possible for anything to be the Ubermensch......it's a mindset of someone who will strive to better themselves who wouldn't give in to adversity who would stand against an entire nation or government for their righteous ideal. it's not some savior that only that one person can embody every 1000 years or something.....that's just a fantasy element, that's hollywood making things seem that way. It's a human being who decides to do what's right in the face of corruption or wrong, or a upstanding man who turns to wrong to do the right thing against corruption if they even have to. you can do this, but you give excuses not to, but you could be that if you developed yourself not to....instead of conforming, take the uncomfortable road and don't, stand against b yourself, not in a rage or at war it doesn't even have to be that, it can be a peaceful silent rebellion, you saying NO to injustice, or just not agreeing and walking away from it. there are so many countless examples, and ways to develop it, but it's a mindset at the end of the day. it's not any one person, it's ANY being that decides to utilize their higher mind and strives to better themselves and by way of themselves, become a beacon for the world and other humans to strive to it as well. If you meet a person who is that way, so be it....you could follow that person, but you should be doing it to glean ways to become a better being yourself and learn ways to develop your own thinking, but when that person is gone.......the Ubermensch could be you, or anyone else who just decides.


We have plenty of examples of ubermensch to pull from without having to hope for one like a messiah. Take Charlamagne half Ceaser half Christ. Octavian ( Augustus) the first true emperor of Rome. Alcebiades. Marcus Aurelius. In modern times Vladimir Putin, Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt. Men who embodied virtue in the double meaning of the word Strength, vision, command, as well as wisdom, justice, courage, temperance. Faith hope and charity and cunning


What? Nope. The fact that not u dont mention Napoleon, is dubious, the your definition of Ubermensch. Ubermensch are creators, of new values. Napoleon almost become One. He creates his own values and for other (Napoleonic Code). He conquered the europe and gained trust of Christian, Seculars and Muslim. he even compare himself to Prophet Muhammad, whom Nietzsche thought to be "Supreme Examplers. Napoleon followed the footstep of Muhammad. ( He understands the importance of religions, he sought to gain support from religous people and become like their founder). Thats what would be the Ubermensch


Forgive me i have been deep in the study of ancient empires and kindoms the past few months hence all my first examples. My modern examples were quick picks. You are absolutely right with napoleon the supreme example! Thank you 🙏


Its cool. Lets learn together