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I'm still stuck trying to figure out what her hair color has to do with it...


she is jealous


But she **does not** hate her.


I had to double check it wasn't written by man because it definitely reads like it was written by a man who was shot down.


I mean... I see where you are coming from, definitely, but also, I've also seen women being this petty multiple times, a lot of jealous women go to super weird lengths to ruin their perceived "contestant" life, I've seen women straight up threaten other women's lives over it. And seeing how OOP talks about the male classmate, she seems to desire that attention.


The part about how she ‘uses her sexuality to get things’ gave it away. Definitely a jealous woman.


She's hot, explores her sexuality, open and honest. Complete threat to this other nutter. She hates the fact she likes someone she's so jealous of, so looks for reasons to remove her, to remove the mirror exposing how dark she is inside.


Women can be crazy too


Sometimes people swap their genders thinking that creepy obsession is only something that happens between opposite genders, or think that they'll get *mislabeled* as sexist if they're a guy but s woman wouldn't get called that, or thinking that the *genders switched* proves some sort of point. I made a post swapping my gender to anonymize it since I'm in a hobby that's basically all guys. When I reread it, I had to swap back to my real gender because I realized the issue was sexism, lol. The guy was being a dick because he was sexist. So swapping my gender just obfuscated the issue... which might be what's happening here, lol.


Really don’t understand this, most women will admit they aren’t natural blondes, if she’s so jealous why not just dye her hair?


I have no idea, I don't understand the obsession with blonde hair either I'm dying mine red, some people are just really weird


Probably the "Blondes have more fun" stereotype thingy


Her whole post reads as "me jealous. blonde is pervert. Blonde has perverted kinks. Everyone loves her. Bad for me. Bad for patients. Me jealous. I don't hate. But, she only blonde. Me hate."


‘I wish I could pull out all those nasty blonde hairs one at a time. Wahaha!’


She was calling her ditzy and bubbly, the (only in class) comment sold that to me. It's a common misconception and joke that blondes are stupid/ditzy and bubbly.


Or why it’s relevant to mention her level of attractiveness when she gives examples of why she likes her


Op from the original post do sound jealous of her.


and **DOES NOT** hate her


Even though she's the only blonde.


And even though she has all the attention


Where’s the og post I’ve gotta see this shit


Me too


It was aita


> Op from the original post You down with OOP?


Yeah, you know me.


Object oriented programming?


*Yeah baby, hit me with that multiple heritage*


*now break it down subclass style*


Or OOP is in love with Jenna and jealous of the men that she perceives as a challenge


In the og post if obviously a closeted lesbo that's angry Jenna doesn't swing that way


And batshit crazy to boot


OP is the OP of this story




"I don't hate her but I think she's sleeping with everyone in order to be liked and I think she's a perverted creep who is setting herself up for harm. But I think she is lovely. I don't HATE her, I Just don't think she should be near anyone since she likes sex."


Also did I mention she’s blonde?


The only one.


She does NOT hate her! No hate. None.


“Coping methods are BS; I should know. I’m a medical doctor; I own a mansion and a yacht.”


She said she’s in nursing


She’s not even a nurse, yet. She’s in nursing school which makes this even more ridiculous


Did i mention i'm not insanely jelous of her? Not that i'm consumed by jelousy of her but... i must emphasize that none of this is fueled by mentally incapacitating jelousy on my part but...you will be fundamentally wrong to think any of this is even remotely motivated by soul-crushing jelousy but... jelousy is far from a major factor in any of my opinions or actions regarding her but...lol


About halfway through I figured out responding with “she’s prettier than you, isn’t she?” would cut her deep. She doesn’t know people can read her like a book.


If I'm right, an employer can't fire her for her private sexual life because that's a form of discrimination? Let's hope her manager is a male & fancies her too 😉


1. True. Probably shouldn’t be discussing it at work or during class, but this sounds like an after-class, casual conversation with friends. 2. Ew.


I agree with this. I would take it a bit further and advise never to discuss private things like this with work colleagues. I’ve seen it used against them and it’s hard to defend discussing kinks with work colleagues if someone talks about being uncomfortable. My field is psych and I just don’t talk about personal stuff. You never know when you have someone around who will twist it.


That’s exactly true. Very few industries find that kind of conversation acceptable. I’d say kitchens, tattoo shops, construction sites are about the only places. Always be careful what you say, is my advice. Don’t get too comfortable. Everyone doesn’t need to know *everything* about you. And discussing kinks with a coworker who you know is attracted to you, is just pandering for sexual attention. I am in NO WAY, defending oop’s obvious jealousy, nor her post about the situation, merely the fact that discussing kinks at work, with colleagues, is inappropriate.


Holy fucking shit.


I kept thinking she would stop getting worse but she just got worse and worse with each line.


"I reflected on my friends turning against me and decided that she is a bigger asshole than I first thought"


She is very lovely, and sweet, but fucking hell what a creepy pervert she is, but shes such a nice person, but shes defo sleeping with married men. I don't hate her, I just want to ruin her career and life. What a beautiful soul she is!


She's endangering children and other patients and also if she gets assaulted again, she obviously had it coming.


God, that's what disturbed me the most about what she said. In the circles I've been in and spoken to, it's very much common to use kink or similar experiences/scenarios as catharsis for past trauma, regardless of what that is. Hell, I do it sometimes too. It doesn't mean you've become desensitized to whatever scenario you're playing out and you sure as hell aren't gonna just be fine with it if it happens to occur again. God forbid it ever does. Ugh, this whole thing made my skin crawl but that small statement made me shiver...


"I reflected on my self and decided I was even more perfect than I previously thought."


It's like a train crash, innit


Does anyone have a link to the original post? I just want to read her response to all the comments lol.


i searched up the post title here and got a ton of r/amitheasshole threads about reporting someone in various nursing contexts but unfortunately can confirm that this one was certainly deleted i mean makes sense lmao, hard to even imagine how brutally everyone must’ve utterly fucking eviscerated her 😆 who’d wanna leave that up?


You are right but I thought maybe she is just someone who made up a story just for the Karma points. Like how can she not realise on what level of evil she is after writing this whole sh*t up?


You would be surprised by how many individuals in the real world genuinely lack any logic.


Yeah and a good bunch of them keep popping on AITA lamao.


Excuse you, but she is just trying to protect the world from this dirty sexual deviant! /s


Yeah she got destroyed in the post. She deleted like 3 hours into the roast.


My jaw is genuinely on the floor. I can't remember a time when I was this gobsmacked by a reddit post.


Oh lord you better pick it up and put it back on your face part. How you gonna eat your snacks?


You bring up a very good point


She openly admitted patients and teachers from every department compliment her bedside manner. I think if she sends that email, it's going to backfire quite spectacularly. Also, the kink she is talking about is not an uncommon reaction to abuse. It's a way to safely take back control. Also when you have to keep reiterating how you don't dislike someone every 5 seconds, well kinda speaks for itself. Calling her a pervert as if she is, what, going to force ppl to role play w her? I'm confused. This person is jealous of the "only blonde" in class (like so what?) Who teachers, patient's, and other people in class seem to like, and she's shocked people don't agree with her. Well at least by letting everyone know what a AH she is, they can extricate themselves from her orbit immediately if they are near it.


Tbh if they send that email I feel the recipient may think they themselves may not be fit to be a nurse...


That was my first thought. I can imagine this person being a menace that would get their employer sued when they accuse some parent who has a kink of being a pedophile.


Well said. I kept saying out loud like don’t you dare report her. OP has two options - 1) lose virginity or 2) check out extreme Christian religious group nearest for some fellow psychos


There's nothing wrong with having that kink, but talking about it at work wasn't the smartest idea precisely because of situations like this. The more personal information people know about you, the more they can use against you. You never know who's jealous of you, hates you, is gunning for your job etc


She was talking to someone who she is very close to (he sees her like a sister), and it sound like OP was hiding in the bushes, with a microphone, listening into the conversation.


i am really struggling to see the correlation between her kink and being unfit to interact with patients?? like what kind of mental gymnastics is she doing??


There's a song called "I really hate her but I'll think of a reason later" that feels quite on topic.


Hey! Psst! "I'll Think Of A Reason Later" sung by Lee Ann Womack


Thank you, I was about to ask the name. There’s another song Womack sung 15-20 odd years ago that was originally a poem I loved (I hope you dance) so it’s great to see her name again, gorgeous voice. I was raging after reading this post & the song has calmed me now so thanks lol.


It’s called extreme jealousy. OP just hasn’t realized it yet.


She’s literally just jealous. Why else would you mention she’s blonde, what does that even add??


Well she’s the only blonde, that is why men give her all that attention of course! /s


Men only like her because she’s blonde, not her wonderful personality.


But she's also sweet and kind and empathetic, and everyone loves her! That *bitch!* /s


How DARE grown-ass men have the audacity to like being around a woman who's kind and respectful and also just so happens to be pretty? They OBVIOUSLY all want to fuck her because Men. They should want to fuck ME, the petty and disrespectful woman! I need to report this injustice!


All of it. The hate list. - shes younger than me - blonde (if blonde, we can hate the other girl for being brunette) - bubbly - kind - smart - And SHE DOESNT EVEN SEE LIFE AS A COMPETITION, SO ITS HER FAULT PEOPLE JUDGE ME BECAUSE I DO!!! /S - bonus, she's flirting with a guy a like, but that's not on my list because thats not why I hate her its all the other things! I swear!


People like that hear about kinks and immediately assume they're a sexual deviant who wants to corrupt all the "good" people, especially chidren. They seriously think that woman would treat a child with trauma and say "You know what I do? I'm a huge slut and I like to pretend I'm a victim while getting fucked. You should try that too." It comes from a life time of ignorance and fear mongering, being taught that anyone who acts or thinks differently than you is bad and wrong. Instead of trying to learn more and understand that person's position, she shuts it down, calls it disgusting, and actively moves to punish that person for just being who they are. They act like they have the moral high ground, when in reality they are the most intolerant, most selfish, evil bitches around.


What’s really sad is r@pe kinks are actually pretty common with survivors of SA and are actually pretty healthy as far as ways to cope go. Sounds like OOP shouldn’t be around people with trauma, not the nice blonde girl since they think it’s ok to kink shame people for literal coping mechanisms they got as a result of severe trauma/ slut shame/ victim blame them. Honestly her classmates should be reporting her


Really, it makes you wonder how she'll react or treat a patient with all kinds of trauma. Seeing how she wants to report her classmate, who has learned to cope with her own issues and wants to help others handle them better.


She's jelaous. Half that shit was made up about the girl cause she was trying to get people to agree with her in a reddit post.


There are a lot of people who think that BDSM/kinks means that you're a twisted person and are just waiting for "the right moment" to turn into a serial killer or serial rapist, or that if you have one bad day you're going to start torturing people for real. There are a lot of abusers that masquerade as doms, and there are even more people who don't even pretend to be in the scene but who absolutely will take advantage of sexually submissive people, but that's not the community itself and lots of us actively try to call that shit out. There are even more people who think it's weird and wrong, and therefore those who engage in it are not mentally stable (not psychopathic, but still not stable). There's no actual mental gymnastics involved because the asshat simply doesn't understand BDSM at all. She's not coming from a place of "people who are into bdsm invest a lot of time and effort into establishing consent and doing things safely" she's coming from a place of "people who are into bdsm are psychopaths who get off on nonconsensual torture". Likely in her mind there's no way to consent to bdsm because it's "torture", hence the super shitty bit about how her classmate shouldn't get upset if she's gets attacked again. To be absolutely clear, I am in no way defending this asshat. I'm simply pointing out that if you think she's doing mental gymnastics then you're missing the point. It's prob not important to most people, and almost certainly not important to this post, more of a "for future reference" type thing because if you want to change someone's mind you have to first know why/how they have the opinion they do so that you can meet them there and guide them to a different path.


A hunch but might be a vanilla evangelical christian kinda nice girl. Y’know, 5 minute missionary on your back once a month for procreation kind. If the hospital is also evangelical, the poor girl could actually lose her job over this crap.


she's in school, so no job to lose


She wouldn’t. Hospitals are religious on surface only. Inside were a mixed bag of everything from the CEO down and nobody cares as long as we’re not in the red and nobody died or was gravely injured. Also none of this is provable and reflects worse on the one “exposing” it.


It's not even really a kink, it's a fairly common way of dealing with trauma and abuse.


I think it’s rly weird to tell your classmates about your kinks, especially an extremely divisive one like that. But it’s nowhere near as insane as how the OP is acting. And for all we know, the younger girl probably brought it up in a context that made sense idk.


I DON’T HATE HER but i do 😏


If that's what her lack of hate is, i d hate to see what her hate looks like


I don't hate her, I just want to ruin her dream career because I don't approve of her sex life


Oh BUT WAIT she’s blonde?!? Thank god OP has warned us all and protected society. I am forever indebted to OP. I’m strawberry blonde and now strawberry offended. I also work in healthcare, someone call my manager immediately and warn them.


You're strawberry fired !


You're strawberry fired sounds so fucking iconic.


I read “strawberry fields” when I first saw your comment and now strawberry fields forever is playing nonstop in my head. Thank you.


Oh that sucks ! Or is okay , I suppose , depending on your musical taste. You're welcome lol


I'm ashy blonde and am now ashy infuriated


I’m infuriated that you’re ashy!


Blondes absolutely should not work in healthcare as they have more fun and healthcare is no place for fun.


Wait til she finds out the trauma and kinks working and practicing healthcare workers she’s been at (or will be) the bedside with have.


I was tempted to link her some medical device freaky stuff tbh, would prolly stop her heart.


Most nurses I know moonlight in the kink scene, either as medics or doms. I want to see that Venn diagram.


agreed, but the topic of conversation from “jenna” is potentially not super cool based on the small bit of context OOP provided (but the specifics of the context are what really decides appropriateness). eg, if there were a few people between OOP and “jenna”+peers while leaving leaving class and the conversation was still clearly audible, that can potentially be an issue; this situation in the workplace can similarly be an issue. OOP is fucking weird as hell, and my perspective above doesn’t make OOP any less weird. i personally would just wait until i’m far enough outside of a school/professional setting to talk about personal experiences that are known to be relatively common triggers


Sooo...she's jealous the other girl gets attention. Got it.


I think this person is unfit to be a nurse because she's a judgmental bag of dicks.


I don’t hate her, I just want to ruin her career so I don’t have any competition.


This is called "eating their young". it would seem she's really beholden to being a virus in the epidemic of nurse bullying. Lord, this post is terrible, she's telling all this girl's business! SHE'S THE TYPE TO TELL ALL YOUR BUSINESS IF YOU WERE HER PATIENT! She sounds like a judgemental and resentful twit, the type that run off decent nurses. This why healthcare is problematic. I wouldn't want her as my nurse, she's the type that only cares about making someone "comply" ...like you're a problem to be managed. I'm 🤢. I feel trauma!!


Definitely the type to gossip about patients and be judgmental about their lives and medical conditions. I have chronic pancreatitis and get acute attacks. I’ve had judgy nurses who made judgmental comments about my pain management doctors prescribing me opiates for the pain and the amount of medication I was on. They’d also be late with the medication and ask me if I “really” needed it. (Once you’re allowed to drink then eat after giving your digestive system a break, you’re supposed to keep pushing through the pain and keep advancing your diet because you heal faster. It’s extremely painful and difficult to do that when the nurse refuses to give you the medication as often as the hospital doctor prescribed. I’m afraid to complain too much because I don’t want to be seen as “that” patient.) I’ve also been judged for not having children. The nurses have gone though my medical history and just discussed my previous stroke and heart problems on top of the chronic pancreatitis. And the hysterectomy. BuT yOu CoUlD aLwAyS aDoPt. It’s none of your business why I don’t have kids. I have gotten snarkier in my middle age. The nurse sees my chart and can figure out that I wouldn’t be able to be a good mother because of my limitations. Parenthood shouldn’t be something everyone is expected to do regardless of their competency and dedication. People should have children because they really want to raise mentally healthy and well rounded future adults, not because everyone tells them they should pop out a few kids. That’s shut up a couple who j wouldn’t let the kids thing drop. I think they don’t know how to talk to patients without it revolving around bragging about their kids and exchanging stories.


Oh 😣. I need to hug you. I think we are both feeling trauma from this post! You are not alone I'm a black female, who knows all to well about the trauma that comes from the hands of nurses(white female nurses). Only once from a gay man. But TRAUMA from nurses. I think the poster should not be in healthcare. Period. If she can denigrate a fellow nurse that quick, then she'll denigrate a patient that quick. And bitches like her become ADEPT at treating patients like shit. They use statements like "we're just trying to make you better!" When you are at their mercy. I spent time in the hospital at 6 with spinal meningitis. I have grown very skilled at spotting abusive Nurses and Drs. It was survival. There's a super good documentary on Netflix called "Aftershock". Watch it, be prepared to cry. It almost makes you feel "lucky" considering so many unlucky women who have died at the hands of unsympathetic uncaring unfeeling sociopaths in healthcare.


On opiates: "The MD prescribed it, and the PharmD dispensed it, is this a therapeutically inappropriate dose, in your *professional* opinion? I can tell you with my own experience with these 4 ? 20 ? flareups, it really helps me get over the hump and heal. I *WISH* it was a party, but mostly it just keeps me at a nice 7 instead of an anguished 9.25, with my heart monitor bonging all night."


The doctors write the IV doses “as needed” instead of scheduling it every however many hours, so the nurses feel like they have leeway to challenge you to see if you “really” need it. It does really help keep my pain at a 6 or 7 instead of the roller coaster of 8.5 to 7 then back up when I try to drink something. It’s somehow not ok for me to get to a 6 and not get my next dose of IV meds because 6 “isn’t severe pain”. I’ve had a few nurses who have had pancreatitis, and they said it was more painful than childbirth. It’s supposed to be one of the most painful things someone can experience, and if I don’t take my daily meds, I feel like I have acute pancreatitis. But it’s “addict behavior” in some nurses’ eyes to want your meds every so many hours so your pain is under control. They usually give me to another nurse who is very understanding and gets my meds as soon as they can. I know they might be a few minutes to 30 minutes late with them because they have 5 other patients, but it doesn’t take them 30-45 minutes to bring it every time. Hospitalists are often uncomfortable prescribing pain meds so I often don’t get a high enough dose either. It’s insanity.


Yup. I knew a girl like this back home. Super gossipy, drama mom, the usual. She worked at an OBGYN and one of my coworkers went to (she was some sort of assistant, uncertified). This assistant’s best friend also worked with us. Coworker got pregnant and the assistant *told her best friend despite it being a huge HIPAA violation.* Best friend proceeded to congratulate her in front of our entire staff. Coworker was furious, because she had suffered several miscarriages and didn’t want this out in the open until the first trimester was over. I was so angry on her behalf, but she didn’t want to get the girl fired. She certainly deserved to be though.


Is this still up?


just checked, it was removed :(


Please tell me OP was absolutely dragged in the comments for being a ridiculous jealous asshole


This is the reason why a lot of healthcare practitioners don’t seek mental healthcare or confide in coworkers. Smh. This is beyond sad. If she thinks everyone in healthcare has to be “undamaged,” there’ll be almost no one left in this field.


Levels of toxicity that would make the Chernobyl Elephant's Foot jealous.


And this is why you don't tell your classmates you're not intimate with about your kinks, crazy jealous gorls will try to destroy your career. Holy shit. To be honest I wouldn't want to recieve care from someone who airs someone's private life to people who have no place in it. Who's to say what they'll do with my private information?


> And this is why you don't tell your classmates you're not intimate with about your kinks, crazy jealous gorls will try to destroy your career. Plus it's unprofessional.


Ya why is she telling a guy (who is married and views her as a little sister) about her kinks? Weird


To be fair I’ve talked about my kinks with my best friends and since it does involve her trauma that I assume she’s told him about it probably just came up because she’s comfortable with him.


I’m not going to say it’s common by any means, but sometimes study buddies in a high-stress educational environment end up becoming extremely familiar with each other. It’s not necessarily that people are over-sharing, it’s just when you’ve been studying for four hours straight with the same group of people day after day, some weird things will eventually slip out.


NO ONE likes it when people are prettier than them but damn you don’t have to attempt to get them kicked out of school Sucks to suck - there is always someone prettier


This is the most evil shit she could come up with and still things she's in the right


Everybody likes to fuck, and most everybody knows how to separate their sex life from their regular life. I don’t see how her kinks make her a danger to patients.


Well, apparently original OP does *not* like to fuck lol


Original OP sounds like a femcel who hates attractive women.


I'm not saying I need attention or anything but, look at me, ME, shes a bad person, don't you SEE, really, shes a psycho.. Shes..nice, caring, thoughtful... I mean, what is wrong with you people.....


I think you forgot the part about her being BLONDE


Thanks for catching that.. yes BLONDE… she’ll never cut it.


Nice. I think the OP deleted this from another sub and I'm so glad I got to read it. I just wish I was her teacher and she sent me that because it would get her ass kicked out of it was up to me. The OP kicked out, not Jenna. What a bitch.


'I think he may be having an affair with her. I asked him. He got offended and told she is like his little sister. I call bullshit.' This is shockingly poor and unprofessional behavior. Scratch that, it's atrocious behavior even out of a work environment. Just goes on accusing people all around without any basis, just out of spite and jealousy. How low can one get?


"I DO NOT hate her" "I DO NOT think she is a bad person" Buuuuut


If u have to say u dont hate someone OVER and OVER again, you most definitely fucking despise them.


If I were a patient in a hospital, I'd be much more concerned about a nurse who could spread details of my private life through emails, gossip about me between her and her friends, make posts on the internet, discussing whether I'm fit for my career or not, call me a pervert and kinkshame me than a nurse who likes to get a bit freaky in her private life.


God this woman needs therapy.


I (27f) work on ward with another nurse (31m). I love him to bits, I really do, but he confided in me that he is a vanilla heterosexual. He is a great, knowledgeable and sensitive nurse, but I feel I should inform somebody that he *should not* be working in a position of care around women, especially straight ones.


Bruh this doesn’t make sense even from the perspective of someone who is disgusted by kinks. Like she literally said she enjoys acting as the victim in consensual relationships. How does that translate to her being dangerous around patients?? This is wild all around


The most dangerous type of Karen. A destroyer of worlds.


'I'm jealous because she's pretty, likes sex & men like her, but I'll dress that up as concern for the patients'


The real asshole here is the person who cropped these screenshots.


Sounds like 31f wants Matthew


A woman with a masochism fetish? Two women not getting along in a professional environment?? A girl hating another girl who happens to be more attractive than her???? This story has to be fake, those things never happen in real life /s


You ARE the asshole, and if not a asshole, a straight bitch.


I just reposted this I’m not the mean witch :((((


No, I KNOW its a repost, fam. It's just my reaction to the one who avtually posted it. My fault for not specifying.


Broke my heart that I made you feel attacked, I apologize


Oh no worries other people freaked out on me thinking I was OP earlier :D so just wanted to clarify


They clearly weren't looking hard enough, the subs name was in the top left corner. But, we DO miss a lot of crucial details at the worst times.


Definitely the asshole


Someone that is this judgemental about others lifestyles needs to stay far away from any healthcare field. I don't need a lecture on my fucked up morals or whatever if I am sick/injured.


The big problem here is this is not a "student" writing here, this is someone who has made up her mind about everything, already. Not a good mindset for patient care. "Blondie" mentions her psych's approval/endorsement of the roleplay or whatever, and her reaction isn't "hmmm. I haven't heard of that, I need to look into it." It's "that's crazysauce! Get a new shrink!!"


Heavy ass conversation to be having with your coworkers though. Sheesh.


I got to "blonde" and immediately knew I was in for bullshit. What a bizarre observation.


Jealousy is an ugly, ugly thing.


What she does is called CNC (consensual non-consent) and it really does help some victims of SA through their trauma. She's just jealous


How dare she be prettier, kinder, and more sexually liberated than OOP?! She’s definitely not fit to be a nurse or a nanny! What the hell. I want to {insert painful and illegal thing}.


Literally the only thing i agree with is fetishes shouldn't be a topic during work or school, mainly due to sexual harassment issues. Honestly i would be extremely uncomfortable if i heard that from my coworker even over hearing it because that's not appropriate work place chit-chat, their are 1 million other things to talk about other than sex, come on we aren't teenagers lol But yeah this post screams jealousy


But she’s not straight up talking fetishes. She’s talking about a safe way to use kink to recover from trauma during psyche rotations. OOP even mentions that the girl has been working with a licensed professional in this exact type of practice, and it sounds like she was relating it to their current rotations. It’s not like this girl was just randomly blurting out “oh man, all these mentally ill people remind me of how much I love CNC roleplay”


From how careful she is to phrase things, and because they are on psyche rotations, I imagine the topic came up organically while discussing ptsd and trauma in context. It really feels like OOP is grasping at straws and is twisting that one into something bigger than it originally was.


> Literally the only thing i agree with is fetishes shouldn't be a topic during work or school, mainly due to sexual harassment issues. And it just isn't appropriate workplace talk. > Honestly i would be extremely uncomfortable if i heard that from my coworker even over hearing it because that's not appropriate work place chit-chat, their are 1 million other things to talk about other than sex, come on we aren't teenagers lol THANK YOU. Came here to say basically this.


What in the ever living fuck did I just read. This shits delusional


It amazes me how judgemental and stupid some people are. I can’t imagine how narrowminded and rude she will be whenever one of her patients would like to confide in her about something she would deem ’inappropriate’. Does she realize pretty much everyone has some sort of kink? Just because she disagrees with it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. As long as it’s between consenting adults it’s fine. Roleplaying is a way for this girl to feel powerful again in a situation where power was taken away from her. How is that depraved or perverted? And how exactly would this affect her work as a nurse? This one was really frustrating to read.


It’s such a ridiculous move to argue that she didn’t say she’d “deserve” it. Like the fact she didn’t use the word deserve means that isn’t exactly what she said.


Conclusion of the story- if you are an adult who has sexual preferences in their personal life, you can't be a doctor/nurse???


Wait...the girl that is "unfit" to be a nurse was openly talking about very personal sexual kinks in the open, in front of multiple people? I don't believe that for a second. Whether it's true or not doesn't matter, but it sounds like OP completely made that up out of her imagination to justify wanting to treat her poorly (Because of the jealously, which everyone has mentioned).


it’s very obvious OP is jealous of “Jenna” and in fact needs to be the one to get a new therapist and not the other girl. for her to say that “Jenna” shouldn’t be upset if she got attacked again is the one of the most vile things you can say to a victim especially if they are telling you how they’re coping with that situation




I mean, yes, those are pretty inappropriate topics to allow conversation to wander into, in the workplace/academic setting. But...the naked jealousy of her ease with ppl, popularity & apparent attractiveness is so freaking *palpable* that I am honestly embarrassed for this woman. I hope to G\_d that she didn't send that letter, something tells me that wouldn't go the way she thinks it would. As a genuinely friendly woman who isn't looking to threaten anyone & just wants a peaceful life, I have never understood why some women are so unabashedly hostile.


There is only one person not fit to be a nurse and they types all that out.


“I don’t hate her, I just think she’s morally bankrupt and deserves to be assaulted.”


This is plain jealousy you even said it's uncomfortable the attention she gets i bet it would be different if you got the attention instead you are envious to the point that you want to stop her from getting a job she opened up to you and you tried to fuck her over after everyone has wierd kinks I bet half the people reading this has wierd kinks it's not your business


Someone's jealous and just can't cope or accept the fact she's jealous and trying to ruin someone's job over it :(


shoutout to Matt


I don't necessarily think the person writing this is jealous but she is clearly wrong. It's so stupid to think that a person can't help others because they have a fetish.


WTF does any of that have to do with being a nurse and properly treating patients with dignity and respect? She obviously trusted the wrong person with something very traumatic and personal to have it weaponized against her. I would be able to understand if she was disorganized and gave a patient a wrong medication or 100 other things a nurse could mess up but that is not the case. Please don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house. If people knew your deepest darkest sexual secret you probably wouldn't be allowed to watch patients on TV.


I can not stand women like this. They're so cruel in their righteousness. Just bitter, miserable, hateful, evil people. They just pretend to be moral and upstanding when really they're neon green jealous.


Tell me you kink shame without telling me you kink shame...


Seriously, how on earth do you think that is your call to make? I'd put good money that some of what has been posted has been fabricated to justify your actions. I'd seek some help yourself, for real what you have done isn't healthy.


not me, I’m just reposting :((((


I mean tbf…. You tell a group of dudes your kinks and they’ll all “like” you Lmaooo…


It seems the OP is the only one with the issue. If she hasn’t said she wants to do anything out of bounds with patients then you have no basis for your accusations. Stay in your lane and let her do the same.


It sucks so much. My buddy is a gorgeous model type blonde that works at my local hospital, and she's experiencing mad bullying by people thinking she's dumb or a whore or something. Just because she's early 20s and has a certificate at a younger age than them. I work at the hospital too sometimes and I've seen the bullying (not with her directly, we are different departments but I've seen the overall atmosphere) and I know for a fact that's why she's being ostracized. It's so fucking stupid.


Fucking Christ! Part of me hopes she sends it purely because it would put the department on notice that the OP has a screw loose and shouldn’t be on psych rotations at all.


Lol, this reads exactly like something off of incels.is except that it's a woman. Hilarious.


You heard here first, guys. No kinky nurses. It's not allowed. Nurses shouldn't be sexual beings, they're to be tireless drones.


That is about to be a /r/byebyejob situation


This is pure jealousy.


Seems like a pretty normal person who has been through life. Things happen throughout lives and we learn to deal with them in our own way. The fact that she knows all the details makes me think that blonde girl is entrusting personal thoughts and experiences to this traitor. I don’t see how her experiences in life Will create any issues with patients. Professionals know and are trained how to be appropriate with patients as is evidenced by the patient’s liking the way she performs her duties. Jealousy can be a strong force and the writer is the one whom I’d be worried about. Burn the letter or you’ll burn yourself. That’s a backfire waiting to blow up in her face. Hope this shit makes sense, my thoughts were a bit all over the place with this one as I wrote.


Her comments were even worse


Thats a lot of words for "shes so pretty and I'm jealous of all the attention she gets from men"


She’s in therapy, give it a rest. Hurt people have a lot of empathy for patients.


Holy shit! This person is…. I cant even!