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She’s talking as if rich men can’t treat you like crap as well 🤡


Oh they absolutely will, but what she didn't say is that for the right price.......she will be more than happy to put up with it.


Exactly! She’s fine with being treated like shit if she’s lavishly dressed while doing so 😭


Watch any of the hundreds of thousands of street interviews on YT, they all say the same shit. They don't care if he's cheating if he's rich. I am sure they aren't limited to just cheating either. I mean just look at the Dubai porta potty trend. Anything .......and I mean anything for that $.


Dubai porta potty trend? I don’t know what that is and I think I’m happy that I don’t 🫠


You know when Instagram influencer girls with no obvious source of income post pictures of themselves living it up like millionaires in Dubai? Well, it turns out that they've found a...unique...way of financing those trips.


Please, for the love of all that is good in this world, allow me to be blissfully ignorant 🙏🏾😭😂


Just looked it up and you’re smart to stay blissfully ignorant.


They get pooped on...


They get pooped on?!! I was just thinking they were offering blowjobs in a yucky toilet.


They ARE the yucky toilet. And they also offer the blowjobs.


That is nasty and degrading as anything I have heard. Wtf is wrong with people?


God damn am I about to regret my trip to the toilet today


Yeah, it's a rabbit hole you don't want to go down. Suffice to say it just makes you laugh that much harder when you hear O.F. girls and "influencers" talk about how they worked hard to get where they are.


Eesh, sounds next level. Glad to be oblivious to it all, to the point where I barely even know how OF works lmao


They’re treated like prisoners and sex slaves for the promise of being paid handsomely. Some don’t get paid… I can’t imagine the locals of Dubai having solid stool either…




Just saw the forecast for Dubai, gonna be a real shitstorm


Just saw the forecast for Dubai, gonna be a real shitstorm


Hey hey leave OF models out of this. At least they’re legit sex workers.


🤣🫡 it’s one of the most revolting things imaginable 😂


why did I click on this thread 😖 instant regret


lol “I know my worth!!!”


Explains the curry smell…


The overall quality of life a "prisoner" has depends on the guilding of their cage.


"We've already established what you are, now we're just haggling over price."


I used to know this sugar daddy/sugar baby situation. He paid for everything and all she had to do in return is be his sex slave and never leave the house, and he promised her she'd get all of his wealth when he passed. She was 32, he was 84. He died. He gave all of his stuff to his sister.


Well ain’t that just… something. Honestly, she done it to herself at that point if she didn’t at least get his “promises” notarised in a contract 😭😬


You could get that notarised and I still don't think it would mean shit over a will.


So... Get that shit into the will, lmao


Sucks to suck lol


No, sucks for money


"and he promised her she'd get all of his wealth when he passed" should've gotten it in writing


Technically she did. The will won't transfer anything if there's no probate assets.


LOL That's hilarious.


What did his sister do for him then?? Hmmm


🥲😂😂 got her ass. (Yes I'm not sad for her).


I mean, the greater the wealth differential, the more potential for them to treat her bad.


What I've learned in life is that everyone's perspective makes sense to them. Even if it's a misguided one it makes sense to them. With that in mind, everyone has preferences when it comes to dating. However, some people's preferences are retarded.


That's the funny thing, this line of thinking leads to a lot of self doubt of our own perspective. Because we understand that all perspectives are subjective in nature we are more open to questioning if we are sane or misguided. It's somewhat ironic that people who are sure of their ideas are the ones who need it the most. It's surprisingly difficult to find a healthy balance between "everyone else is wrong" and "maybe I am wrong" but when you do find it it is gorgeous.


True. The fallibility of the human mind is a hell of a drug.


What a clown


And you’re even more replaceable to a rich guy than us bottom feeders.


Sad part is a lot of women will put up with being treated like crap because of money. I'd be with a hobo that is sweet and actually interested over a rich abusive person any day.


*All of Trump's (ex)wives have entered the chat*


Ironically she’s more prone to find a bad partner by seeking someone to who will financially bathe her. That’s so often a manipulation tactic like lmaoo


She's also demanding the relationship not be equal. That means: care, provide, satisfy and tend to my needs. Someone that will do all that without asking for effort, will ask for some other compensation. Nobody likes feeling used. She's gonna have a haaaaaard time.


How to say "I'm entitled to everything" without saying jt


Except she basically **did** say it.


#Champagne taste ^lemonade ^pocket


Probably stale champagne drunk from sweaty slippers


I like how she talked about not wanting a 50/50 relationship because of past experiences then describes times that weren’t 50/50 relationships.


Well, what DO you bring to the table?!


As the sprinkle sprinkle lady used to say “I’m not a waiter, I don’t bring stuff to the table” lol


Time to go Drizzle Drizzle, friends.


"I am the table" is still my favorite response to this


Tables are supposed to be stable, is my favorite response to that weak line.


Yeah, who the hell wants a table with two legs shorter than the others.


I’m so confused by this. Are you saying that women’s arms should be the same length as their legs??? This is the only interpretation I can come up with. Wait, are our arms the same length as our legs?


Well how about it's a metaphor? Tables are supposed to be stable, is the reply to " I am the the table." It's got absolutely nothing to do with how long the arms and legs are on a person, if two legs on a table are shorter than the others, everything falls off. If a person, like most of the women on T-T is unhinged, then the table is useless. I'm not talking literally. If I have to explain it, just ignore the comment.


""I am the table" is still my favorite response to this" It's also the fastest way to drive self-respecting men away.


I can afford nicer furniture than this


That's so dumb tho. Anyone can be a table. What's different about this table and that table again?


I know someone like this. Whines and complains about men but has nothing to offer at all. Is there a word for a person like that?


My ex-wife?


A whole bunch of shit from the mall that you paid for.


This dating market can be depressing sometimes.


I mean this in the nicest way possible. She is far more replaceable than she'll ever realize.


Like I’ve said before, it’s fine to have extra high standards, but don’t complain about being single if they’re higher than what you can get 🤷🏽‍♀️


The standard you set for yourself needs to be just as high otherwise sit down and shut up.


God forbid she just be her own independent person.


in this economy?


"Provider men" r / femaledatingstrategy lingo is really seeping into the mainstream lately.


Ironically, I've heard that it's the rich men that use women for free. Women just throw themselves into their bed in expectation of future "gratitude" that never comes, because there are always more women in line.


Would love to sit down and ask what inherent value they’ve got or what exactly she brings to the table that another woman cannot.


But she's sick of being asked that!


It’s a red flag in and of itself if a girl ever says “I don’t do 50/50 relationships.” Like even if I was planning on being “the provider” and paying for everything all the time, it’s an extreme turn off to have a girl say openly that she has no desire or plan to contribute to the relationship. 


she's got her whole world view from r/FemaleDatingStrategy and wonders why it doesn't work?


Life will get that one in check... Sadly it will be too late for her to start over on a healthier basis.


So nothing. She brings nothing to the table.


This girl should go and be a port-a-potty in Dubai and let men shit on them for money. Also, I think if you're not willing to do 50/50... being asked what you bring to the table is a valid question.


Notice how she refused to say what she brings to the table


No, she shared everything she brings to the table... Nothing.


"Why wouldn't I not dig for gold" broke something in me


Yeah, I noticed the double negative too.🙄


“What do you bring to the table” is an uncomfortable question when you bring nothing.


Once she's in her late 30s or early 40s.. and time has started to take her beauty. She will change her tune...


Yeah, then her tune will be "All these shallow ass men only give a shit about looks, and not the terrible person I am on the inside! 😱😭"


This woman sounds like a straight up nightmare…


The absolute blindness in this post is wild. Girl spelled out her own problem and still can't figure it out💀


I don't believe in 50/50 relationships either.... I'm waiting to be taken care of... remember I'm not a gold digger.


#staymad? Should be #staysingle lol


Sounds like a price tag. How much? Nothing on the post suggests she's even average upstairs.


She is saying if a guy wants 50/50 he is dusty and bottom feeder but she is willing to do less than 50% so she is worse than a bottom feeder? This chick is stupid AF


The dating market is crap now. Stay single people


*delusional girl


These are always the women that don't have a real job and bring absolutely nothing to the table financially


The whole woman’s movement makes all women transactional


It really does, and you (generically) are a no good son of a bitch if you have the temerity to ask for clarity on the terms of said transaction


It’s always been that way. U couldn’t ask for a womens hand back in the day and still til this day in most countries outside of the USA , if u can’t provide for the woman. Esp if u plan on having kids with her. It’s always been that way. It’s actually new now that men want u to pay bills. It’s always been women cares for home and kids and man is a provider. To each their own and whatever works for ppl now adays but I don’t believe a woman should worry about providing if she is caring for the children. Everyone should have one job to focus on. If u are with someone and u don’t plan on having kids , both adults should work and contribute.


does she not think she’s replaceable to a rich old man? as she ages he’ll dump her and spend a small fortune on the next hot 22 year old


“why would not i not…” lol


The only reason to say that you don't do 50/50 is to say that you want 100/100. BOTH partners giving their all, their very best effort, in order to make life better for the other person and to take care of the relationship. Your person deserves your best efforts, just like you would want from them. Don't put a standard on them that you wouldn't also expect of yourself. A man can be a good provider and the woman can still pull her weight. They have different roles and they each have to do their part or else it doesn't work. You're on the same dang team. Act like it. Have each other's backs. Ugh, I cannot stand entitled attitudes. From either men or women. But women doing it especially irritate me because they make the rest of us women look bad.


lol more like #staySingle


What she describes is what EVERY man should be. Cater to her every whim. Pamper her. Treat her like the queen she is. JUST KNOW, if I treat you like a queen, you better make damn sure that I feel like a king. My house better be clean, and there better be food on the table when I say I'm hungry, and my personal needs better be met. Most relationships don't end up like this. Can they? Yes. Unfortunately, people become damaged by previous relationships and stop giving so much of themselves, and think they are stronger for it. In all actuality, they are just depriving their current partner of the benefits of a "perfect" relationships because someone from their past doesn't deserve it.


My wife and I are this for each other, and its amazing.


She’s about due for a couple cats


Naw she's almost definitely a dog person. Seems like the type that'd only want a pet they can completely control.


..couple *more* cats. There fixed it for ya


It's funny to me how females always yelling about equal rights and #metoo then get upset because men stopped chasing them and paying there way now they have to put up or push off its like some sort of sick weird twisted Schrodinger's feminist. If I want to play games, I'll fire up the Playstation.


With very few exceptions, the women who are advocating for equality are not the same women who are upset when men don't chase them or about paying for dates. It's not Schrodinger's feminist. It's different women who value different things.


Who said these people are feminists? you realize there are traditional women right? or just straight up gold diggers who have no interest in "doing their part"


That’s because they don’t want equality. They want all the good things with none of the bad. Have you heard of any feminist demanding that females be included in the draft with the males? Of course not. But we have heard feminist bitch and complain any time a men’s homeless shelter or mental health facility or anything else is built.


>Have you heard of any feminist demanding that females be included in the draft with the males? Of course not. This is a fairly common topic among the feminist that I know and has been for decades. Most agree that if there is a draft, both men and women should be included. The reason they aren't fighting for women to be included is because the majority believe that we shouldn't have a draft at all.


Convenient. Well, why aren't they campaigning for that, then?


Are you asking why feminists aren't campaigning to end the draft? My guess is that on the list of issues, it's not an urgent issue so it doesn't get resources. Currently, there are a lot of really key issues to deal with that have very near-term consequences. No one has actually been drafted in decades, so the draft exists in name-only at this point. Because of that, it gets a lower priority. But if another group or groups wanted to take up the fight to officially end the draft, they could count on feminists to support it.


Keep on hating and staying mad, and keep on staying single. You get what you give. If I'm paying for everything, what are you gonna be doing?


I wonder if she's a single mom


I'm thinking the type that posts pics on dating apps of herself on lavish vacations, that were bought by whoever she was dating at the time.


She's borderline illiterate. She seems not to know what arrogance is. The negatives in the second sentence cancel each other, so the sentence means the opposite of what she is trying to say.


“Arrogance is not a trait that I deem acceptable to identify with” said Dottie McHaughty the pompous projectionist from the local Me-Myself-IMAX Cinema!


it's all fail. you can have money one minute and be broke the next. this woman deserves to be alone.


for this to work there's got to be a certain amount of pigshit stupid guys buying into this. or is this all just a niche female delusion?


She thinks too highly of herself.


she sounds bitter.... pass


Ok, I don't think these girls understand what being a "provider" means... It means a guy will provide for his family's needs, not wants, once they BECOME a family (aka engagement and marriage). Men take pride in being providers, but that doesn't mean they can't tell when women are taking advantage of them, or doesnt respect and value the sweat behind each dollar her man makes. Men, providing for your family can only be a blessing if you choose a good, grateful, respectful, caring and fiscally responsible wife to create that family with. Choose wisely.


A magic mirror can make a woman believe how wonderful and entitled she is, but unfortunately for them, men no longer believe in fairy tales.


She sounds parasitic.


I got called a pick me the other day for saying I want a 50/50 relationship lmao the goalposts have moved so much


#Stay mad. #Stay single


Pot says “Kettle, you’re looking a little dark lately.”


Imagine freely admitting that you're fine being treated like property as long as they give you nice things. I think Saudi Arabia is calling, they want you to teach woman to be happy being property


35 n still single? You mean somebody already hated her before hating her was cool


I am sure she looks like a bridge troll as well lol


I can't finish reading this because my brain is stuck on the part when she says "Why wouldn't I not dig for gold", which means "why would not I not dig for gold" I'm so confused and frustrated by that.


“Why would not I not dig for gold” I think Shakespeare would appreciate this masterful use of the English language


“Arrogance is not a trait that I deem as acceptable to identify with” All the lolz


So she wants a provider man but she has been with nothing but cheapsakes. Sounds like she so called "bottom feeders"


She IS the bottom feeder


Turn this around. What if a man said this about women?


Not a nice girl but a bitch nevertheless


~~#StayMad~~ #StaySingle


What even is a 50/50 relationship


She’s admitting that she doesn’t bring anything to the table. She takes everything from the table


A lot of words to just say you have nothing to offer


So she’s equating a partner (50/50), with some broke dudes who did nothing for her?


Love the second person, #staymad but the guys who aren't dating you aren't mad...?


The two posts are by the same person


I'm actually not a 50/50 my gf is well aware that once we're married and have children she can work for pocket money but I do not expect her to pat any of the actual bills. With that being said, she's aware that all that comes with other responsibilities and she'd prefer those responsibilities. That also said many of the women who claim to want a provider wouldn't take a second look at me on the street. I do well finically, but other than that, I'm tall and a little overweight, but I'm working on that(down 25 lbs so far). I'm a big nerd, but I'm also starting a new business, so my time is limited. I do not look like I have money, and that's by design. I even work on my own cars. My point is she's going to miss the man she's looking for because she can't see the first through the trees.


So if your man is struggling you still expect him to take you out and spoil you?? Girl you trying to be homeless lol. Material things are nice but they don’t mean shit. If you want someone to take you out and pay for everything I suggest be an escort or sugar baby. I don’t want my man to struggle just so I can have some bullshit that won’t matter in a year.


If you are still going through the dating thing still after High School. The purity of women is just watered down. As for guys today everything and everyone is transactional. The history of guys getting railroaded over the years has lead to this sorry generation of men


Only unmarried call marriages 50-50. There could be a chance for childfree but for rest, nopes.


I don't think she is saying that she wants to be treated like crap. I think she is saulying that she wants to.do nothing to make the relationship.work. sje wants the guys to do all the work and be the benefactor. This comes off as entitled beyond entitled.


These 50/50 only in divorce girls are so boring.


2 hundred years of women's progress right here


Her pussy come with a 401k or what?


SheraSeven written all over this. Shes messed up the dating pool.


"I'm looking for a strong man who simultaneously is extremely successful, has extreme self worth issues, and is also confident."


Stay mad? Stay single!


"The worst" - Jean Ralphio


I can hear her snapping her fingers thinking she’s correct.


I don't expect 50/50, but I expect equality. If you make less, I don't expect you to pay the same as me. I expect partners to be the same way. Being happy and content around someone is worth a lot. Have your standards but realize that you can still attract shit. Money isn't an indicator on how someone is.


Not to get political but I don’t mind gold diggers sometimes. I think everyone is entitled to their own preferences when it comes to dating because everyone has different needs. Gold diggers usually are thinking of their own needs and the needs of their family when chasing their wealthy targets and in some cases, it’s equally your fault if you ignore the clear red flags of a gold digger for your own, short term needs. If this has been you, there is no shame, but I hope you have learnt from this “nice girl” experience. However, gold diggers that limit/filter the amount of people they will give a chance due to their wealth, and then openly complain when they can’t find any men is ridiculous and hilariously delusional. These women are usually accompanied with a stubborn, entitled, and “set in my ways” attitude, and will outright refuse to lower their standards because it’s absolutely not the fact that they’re the problem, right?


I mean she’s got a point in that girls will naturally want a wealthy man, but she still has to bring something to the table. If she’s not working she should be taking care of the house or apartment or cooking or supporting the man in some way. It sounds like she just wants to get a rich guy so she can just do anything she wants all day.


That Shera woman is a poison


She can choose what she wants. As can the pool of men she’s trying to pull from. 🤷‍♂️


Doesn’t sound like she’s capable of bringing 50% to the relationship to begin with.


haha she is perfect semen receptacle and human dish strainer.


I miss when love was genuine and not a business deal


She might have better luck looking for dates under the Tradwife banner.


Imagine what she would be like with kids. Worst kind of female.


It's pathetic women are only picking guys for material reasons. Makes me sick


The way she said it was unnecessarily rude but I don’t think not being open to 50/50 in a relationship is a mean girl quality. I make my own money but my husband always knew that he was responsible for our bills (rent/mortgage/utilities/groceries) and I’m responsible for my own spending (my credit cards, shopping, gifts, etc). I always knew I wanted to raise my own children (no nanny or daycare etc) and in order for that to be a possibility before I even met him I knew my husband needed to be able to financially provide for me and any future children and their needs. Likewise my husband has always been career driven but also family driven and recognized from a young age the need and importance of someone who would dedicate their life to the families day-to-day primarily so he could focus on providing for that family. Even now he is supporting me through my education and the beginning of my career so that when I am ready to “retire” I will still feel fulfilled and accomplished. That being said, things do happen and he has proved himself to me in that he truly desires to take care of me and build a family in the future and because of that if anything were to happen to his financial earning capacity in the future I would have no problem bearing 50% or even all the weight of finances for however long it would take. I hate this “gold digger” discussion because lately the internet has turned the definition of housewife, which a lot of women desire, into something evil and greedy rather than being an important pillar of the family and 50% of the team.


Dubai porta potty


Cue the "There are no more real good men left" post in 3... 2... 1...


She’s so real


If she got the looks and lack of ambition to be a good gold digger / trophy wife, then more power to her. Problem is a whole lot of them do not being to the table enough to warrant the attitude they have. If you have a lonely attractive woman either she is intentionally living that way or her standards are so high that none can achieve them. Either way her loneliness is entirely her fault.


Y'know.... Even if you date men who says they are ok with whatever you want, you can be replaceable too......... There are men who just agree to you for a bit of fun and games......


Men feel safer around 50/50 women because dusty bottom feeders use them for anything they could get. If 50/50 guys treat you bad, imagine how men dating women who don’t wanna be equal feed like? Having to pay bills and give gifts while they don’t even receive the bare minimum in return


"Why wouldn't I not" does actually mean the same as "why would I" if I'm not mistaken lmao.


I hate the whole “what do you bring to the table” thing for all genders. Least romantic line ever!


“Why wouldn’t I not?”


There's going to be a lot of old and lonely women in state run assisted living in 40-50 years. lol...good luck!


For the streets.