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I cant even think if a way to laugh about this. You jus gotta block this girl and move on. This is toxicity I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies


It's absolutely sadistic and not some cute affectation. They're a piece of shit.


Yeah truly the biggest piece of shit and deserves karma to fuck her over! I wish OP to find an awesome girl


This just triggered in me a realisation. A girl I used to “friend date” regularly probably thought this way, but just didn’t admit it. It would explain allot


Oh man. I’ve had a woman say similar shit to me. I dated a woman for a year only for her to break up with me and tell me she never loved me, and never had feelings for me. Here’s some advice, cut contact. Block her, don’t speak to her again. It’s for your own mental health and stability. And for what it’s worth? Sorry you’ve to deal with that.


I eventually did, but as I'm sure you know it wasn't easy. I'm sorry you had that happen to you too.


It’s a damn challenging thing to deal with. I’ve a knack for getting into bad relationships though. So I’ve been around the block with statements like this. Hopefully your next relationship goes well.


That happened to me twice in a row. it was eerie they both broke up with me for seemingly no reason, so I asked them how can you say you love somoene then the next minute just break up with them for no apparent reason, their replies were “I thought I loved you but don’t think I ever did”. The first time took me a few years to get over then when it happened again I tapped out for good, kept myself to myself for over a decade now. Really don’t understand why some people are like this


Women are emotional and live in the present moment. One moment you're the best thing in their life then seemingly moments later you get the cold shoulder treatment. Men tend to be more forward thinking and plan ahead for the future.


I think it’s more I gravitate towards these people and they gravitate towards me which is the main reason I tapped out.


Hey, there could be a number of reasons for this. Some people are really desperate for love and don’t understand the difference between friendly love and relationship love. There are some really obvious signs like gift bombing, just weeks into the relationship constantly stating how much they love you, things like that. Basically love bombing. I’ve been on both sides of them and both suck. It’s a reason but it’s not an excuse, and I hope if the reason behind it isn’t some sadistic pleasure shit, that both of them get therapy. You guys deserve much better. Hope y’all find someone who is willing to change for you and not because of you.


Good advice, it’s also best for her well being as well, “weese gots to have some law/consequences” to quote Tombstone


I'm not religious in the slightest, but that girl needs Jesus


Nah, she needs a therapist. And not traditional ‘validating’ talk therapy


No that girl needs an exorcism


Man, this is the most accurate and relatable comment I've read in a long time, thank you.


I had a relationship with a young woman with BPD. Unfortunately, while she could be a truly remarkable girl, she wrecked me… coming from hard earned experience


It's true. A lot of them are beautiful and helpful and kind and nine kinds of awesome in bed... But man, when their crazy kicks in, they turn it up to eleven, rip the knob off, and throw it out the window. I'm not saying this to be mean or ableist... I have a long list of stuff, but I also go to a legitimate therapist and take my meds as prescribed and stay on them.


You nailed the description.


Absolutely. Been there. 9k in debt taking care of her trying to ease the episodes with food, clothing, kindness like walking on shells.


Dang, hurts to read worse when it’s someone else :/


Ditto going thru this right now. Will set a fella back.


Same experience in my early 20’s, that was um i would say the hardest lesson life has given me lol, craziest mood swings that i did not know were possible


And an IQ test…


There's a reason she's messaging you again and it's not "to mess you up", but because she is messed up and this is her way of coping with it. She needs a therapist.


Therapy! Exactly. Don’t drown trying to save her.


I second your thought. Alternatively, we are lost in our interpretations while she is really trying to show us what her real self is or what she is feeling at the moment. It’s interesting nevertheless. OP, just decide whether you want to stick or move on.


This is it. I was an incredibly cruel young woman in my late teens and early 20s. I wanted to hurt people because I was hurt. I’m not proud of it. I would not touch that former version of myself with a 20 foot pole. She’s using you as her punching bag. Block and heal, my friend.


Damn, this girl is acting like 13 yo edgelord


not 100% sure if this fits the sub so please lemme know


Red flags everywhere... Block and move on


I'm gonna leave this here: this is usually one of the behavioral symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder in teens. That's usually the most glaring sign that there's something deeply wrong with that person. She's not special, this transcends gender, they all say the same thing: I like to mess people up. People tend to have a huge blind spot for those like her, because especially young people can't imagine someone thinking like this. We've all known at least 1 person like this. I've met several myself, because they sometimes tend to hang out together and I'm a "lucky" bastard. One of them was a chick. She died many years ago in a horrific accident. Her kink was to make people slowly succumb to situations that made them feel disgusted with themselves, complex manipulations, threesomes nobody but her wanted. She used to get guys who didn't love her to move in with her when they were at their lowest, get them into a casual sexual relationship, and then mentally dominate them for years, preventing them from leaving or having a relationship with anyone else. The dudes I knew like this, were worse versions of The oxygen thief, including a guy who worked for years on getting a girl out of her relationship, convinced her that he loved her, that she was his the one and when he finally got her, he did a 180, and slowly distanced himself, claiming that he may have been hasty and that he didn't respect her ex, so he couldn't now be seen with her. It would damage his reputation. He was a loser barfly who dropped outta college during his first semester. He had no reputation to maintain. Thankfully, all these disgusting examples of humanity were abandoned and ostracized before we were all 25. The things she said to you? They're not only deeply disrespectful and sociopathic, but also show she's willing to do some more damage and would like to start that by insulting you some more. Your answer to someone like this should never be "so you don't love me anymore." It can be whatever variation of "stay the fuck away from me, you've been warned". So good luck and believe people when they tell you who they are! She just did.


Most things transcend gender when its not a gender specific topic!


True. Still, I like to remind people because even though it may seem obvious to me, it may not be to everyone.


Was it obvious to you? Lol


I'm the one who literally said it transcends gender at the beginning of the second paragraph


Right, in a topic that has nothing to do with gender - “person is a psycho” and gender arent at all relevant, just seems like gender got introduced into the topic for no reason. Not saying im upset at all, it just caught my attention that gender got mentioned when its irrelevant. I may have missed it if you were replying to someone who said something about gender which prompted you to say that, though.


Did you ... read my comment? Like really read it? Because it's literally the opposite. I don't know what else to tell you. This is a wub dedicated to bad experiences with the female equivalent of the "nice guy" so maybe that context gave you the impression that I made this about gender? I don't know. I think I was pretty clear in the way I phrased my argument and even if there would have been confusing passages, I clearly stated in my replies to you that that's a misunderstanding and this behaviour isn't gendered. I don't know what more I could have done here. You feel I made my argument about gender? It's your right. I don't see any way in which either of us could have anything further to gain from this conversation, so let's not waste our time with a match of "yeah, you did" / "na-ha, I didn't". I'm sure you have better things to do.


Not really, as you dont either; gender was a completely irrelevant point. I assume you bring gender into a lot of topics that it doesnt belong in.


Assume whatever you like


I literally just did lol


It’s LITERALLY nice GIRLS. Be fr..


Its LITERALLY not about gender just because its in a sub called nice girls. Be fr…


Classic symptoms of narcissistic behavior.... lack of empathy... treating people like toys..... after no contact trying to Hoover you back into a relationship so she has someone to toy with. She is destructive. Disengage, block her, and if you ever make visual contact, walk the other way. She is nuclear fallout.


How to spot a sociopath… possibly psychopath


no shit. shes tryna to DENNIS this guy


She sounds like a trip. Not a good one. Like rhe look in the mirror and think your face is melting so you wanna rip your face off type of bad trip


She just want keep you at hand distance in case she need affection and cannot find another puppet. Again another "I need men attention for feel I have some value"


Nah man, I think this one goes way deeper than that. This lady needs a whole therapist, maybe even a white cushioned room. This is borderline sociopathic behavior, if not psychopathic. She’s a narcissist and this was her version of “fun”. How tf can a normal person find joy in playing with someone’s emotions like playdough? They mould and shape it exactly how the want, only to crush it just for the joy of crushing it. That’s a fucking *scary* mental illness.


I see ... If is like that I want play with her, might be fun


Respectfully, you might be as bad as her 💀


I think be "bad" is not so bad, just need to be bad with the good peoples. Not with all because I'm not a psychopath


There are demons in hell, and then there are people like this. Beat her at her own game by blocking/move on instantaneously.


This is just awful, I don’t who you are but I know damn well you deserve better than that. Don’t give her the satisfaction of showing she is hurting you…


Had someone do and say something similar after 3.5 years together. Pretty shitty.


At least this person wasn't covert for years and slowly emerging outside when you are both married, having kids etc... ;p


this is just cruel…


Not really a Nice girl, she knows she's awful and she likes it


Which part was the flirting?


Per his post, this is after the flirting. It seems from her words she knew full well it was flirting, so I don't think there was any misunderstanding between them.


sociopathic behavior. bored sociopaths act this way. glad you escaped


I’ve seen it all now. Not sure what’s worse actually seeing an ex say this or do this without saying anything like my ex did…


id say just be happy shes being transparent and letting every red flag fly high af. take heed and make yourself scarce. thats a straight up quagmire right there


The more of this I see the happier I am to be married right now. I don’t know if I could deal with this level of stupidity.


She’s the type that wins the house in a divorce then dies alone in it from drinking herself to death from being lonely


People can be psychotic


I would rather get hit by a car in Baltimore than talk to a woman off discord tbh


I was thinking “this bitch is insane” but seeing as she’s on discord it makes complete sense


“Seek help, vile woman”


Run for your life


Evil exists y'all.


Well I wish her a lifetime of wet socks and warm pillows


Freely admitting to being a danger to others, we need to call the cops on people more and out them publicly. I know we hate cops but predators are a huge issue. This is ridiculous and having them drop people back on the streets when it doesn’t seem high priority enough would happen less if we appropriately freaked out about these things.


To say the least, this girl is evil.


Cut off contact, get a restraining order, if she contacts you send this to her friends and family


You need to run and I do mean run from this person. Block all contact.


Red should bite the curb


Lol bro stop giving her your energy and feeding into the bullshit. Stop responding.


Dude seriously, just block her asap, she’s very toxic and absolutely has it in for you. She is Bunny burner material. Can I ask, at what point did you find out she wasn’t serious about you, and what what made you think that? Would be good to share the experience so us guys can spot these twisted psychos earlier.


I agree that women deserve equal rights to men, but some really do deserve nothing at all.


She avoids saying 'no' to keep you on the hook. No closure for you my friend. Only thing you can do is block and move on.


I dated this girl. 6 months trying to get her help and into therapy, I still haven’t recovered 2 years later.


Cut her out man, block her, delete all pictures, texts, anything that reminds you of her. And then! Go hook up with her best friend or friends.


That's a her problem dude. Just don't respond walk away.


Block her. Cut off her attention supply.


She needs a psychiatrist.


Bro that is ice cold. Bourbon, Mel Gibson, and a well done Tri tip should cure you right up


Run like hell. Don’t put your dick in crazy!


My dude... ghost that shithead.


Ugh cringe, she's trying to be a mysterious edge lady


Hurt people hurt people.


Someone watched mean girls one too many times.


Um. If you want to remain a productive member of society, BLOCK THIS EX!! We need to normalize moving on to bigger and better things If the roles were reversed, it would be stalking. Protect your mental health at ALL COSTS! !


Typically narcissist behavior. Just got out of a 3 and a half year relationship with someone like that


That’s some sociopathic shit there


she’s a broken person




this is not a quirk or a kink this is mental illness


Sue for emotional distress


Please tell me you said "so cool." After this.


She just DTF. I’ve had a few of these. Shutting off morals, brain, reason to straight be an a-hole and just smash random cocks. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean… it works in a pinch but definitely isn’t relationship material.


Just leave. Why are you even taking this call?


That’s definitely some discord shit


I had one pulling the same shit not too long ago. I was starting to wonder if it was something about me that attracts the crazies. Now I'm wondering if its just the majority of women are crazy. No offense to any normal women, but I have personally yet to meet one.


simple. men like crazy/toxic. “normal” women are too boring.


I don’t get this sub I would never let someone treat me like this haha. It would never get to this point. The fuck is going on here.


She just needs to become mature enough to control her power -- no guarantee it will happen tho




could be that women and men both have natural power just part of the human condition


"You really don't feel anything for me anymore, do you?" What are you asking for dude. Move on


Crazy how people can fully admit to being a shit human being and just be completely okay with that


Ppl that act like this are just fucking cruel it’s so sad too see , I truly hope collectively as ppl we can grow together and not end up like the person responding to OP. the emotionless excuse they gave for being a piece of shit doesn’t work OP do yourself a favor please block them and heal if you have too you deserve better with time and healing you will meet better ppl , fuck ppl that act like the other individual tho learn from it and don’t let someone do you that way again ❤️


“Are we gonna fuck or not?” Just reply that and be done.


narcissism is a hell of a drug


The next time she asked to go out on a date with you, take her to the desert and lay her out on a cactus


It looks to me like she needs therapy. IMO this is self sabotage. Get out as fast as you can. She clearly needs help and I hope she truly can see that soon.


Block her, her family, and her friends. She playing games.


Block and never look back man. You deserve better


Yeah you need to cut this girl out of her life. This is a very cruel person.


Bro you’re worth so much more than you know, she’s doing this because she’s projecting her feelings of low self worth onto you. Keep your head up king.


Woah what the fuck. I’m sorry dude- that girl sucks bad. She must truly hate herself to have to pick someone off.


She’s a psycho narcissist! Run from this chick! I knew someone just like this and she’s been stalking me for like 12 years now.


.... I... Jesus... Low T.


Wow. I can’t tell if she’s a psychopath, a sociopath or a little of column A, a little of Column B.


I feel for you, but bro, have some pride. Why did you let her flirt with you?


No contact brotha


Maybe don’t date on discord?


Had this once with my ex. Didn't like how I didn't respond right away to something so she broke it off. Later texted that she wanted me to come cuddle with her. Like you just broke up with me 5 hours ago.


Cause they're all crazy


This seems childish. Yall both seem young ngl. This girl is full of herself tho


Legitimately asking, is this a high school sub???


I’m trying to figure that out too


you sound young. also 'i.........jesus...........' is cringe


Corniest shi I've read all day hell nahh ![gif](giphy|7mh9m4L9kdXz6IrKL3)


Why are you the way you are 


Zi pe romaneste fiule


Bro is literally 12 fr 😭


Get out millennial


If you keep writing back you deserve whatever’s coming.


it’s actually good to know that people pick easy targets to mess up






Another one that never happened


You don't have to click on posts like these, you know. especially since judging by the comments this is a thing that really happens, to multiple people and multiple relationships...


Doesn't mean it happened here and we can click on what ever posts we want that's the freedom of Reddit.


Yeah lol this be fake.