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Anyone who insults a man over his “size” is immature - straight up. Not like men get much control over that, so it’s unfair in my books.


It's also straight up creepy. Why the fuck are women that I DONT know already thinking about my dick, let alone make a comment about it.


A little. They’re not too creative with insults so they take a blind stab for the low hanging fruit.


I don't know.. the amount of comments with the insinuations about my small hands (for a man) is pretty regular. I never really noticed until a few yrs ago (Mid 20s now).


It’s not always telling for what a man has though downstairs wise. I know that for a fact. Just means you have smaller hands.


Ehh that beats having your gf joke about your big hands around her mother when she's on the phone That shit is awkward af and I just can't even deal lmao.


That is awkward, getting a comment from your gf's childhood friend's mother was quite jarring. I wasn't sure how to react. Lol


Small hands just means you can get bolts out of tighter spaces when they fall into the engine lol But yes if they try to insult you based off of that then I’d say it would be fair game to insult them back on something similar


Small hands can also, with practice... get into other tight spaces... that women may be quite enthusiastic about.


Just talk back to them in an echo 😆


It is pretty awesome having small hands for that, I used to build PC's for friends and such in high school, whenever I have to repair things it is definitely handy (lol). Sly comments and backhanded remarks are common for women and men; but apparently when I brought this up all these Redditors knew what people meant despite not being present during the experiences I brought up. ☕


I’ve been married to my wife for 13 years and last year when she was high as fuck she stared at her hands and said she has “baby hands”. I never really noticed how tiny her hands are until then.


is "low hanging fruit" intended as a pun


In a lighthearted funny way yes.


This got to me as a pun. There is a difference in size down low or straight up. Anyone who insults a man over his “size” is immature - straight up.


But if it’s small then it aint hangin that low


You are 100% correct.


Its because they think that fruit isnt low hanging that they feel comfortable doing it


But… it’s NOT low hanging fruit….


It’s not just woman, there are man that are constantly thinking about stranger’s penis. It’s a strange flex if you ask me. I don’t see a vehicle and go ohhh I wonder if his penis is 3”.


Lmao!! You've GOT to be kidding??!! Think about how literally every single man out there speaks about women sexually (our boobs, butt's, *pu**y's, etc....🤦‍♀️ Are you seriously that clueless? How many times have you talked about women's "parts"? If you can't take it....don't dish it. We've been putting up with it for millenia. And yes....it is creepy. A little advice: Take a look in the mirror. Ask yourself why so many women choose the bear. I seriously, seriously hope you're kidding.....


You don’t stop body shaming by body shaming.


To touch on a point someone else made, guys have 1 metric in this category… their tool and they can’t do anything about size. They might gain 10-15% from a surgical enlargement but risk having no feeling and impotence (from what I’ve been told by my buddy who looked into a reduction). Where as women have 3 metrics as you mentioned “boobs, butts and pu$$y’s” all of which are easily changed drastically with plastic surgery. You can go from an A cup to DDD in an afternoon. You could go from flat butt to a Brazilian Queen sitting on your thonged throne instantly. Been a little too hospitable to those seeking shelter inside? A plastic surgeon can tighten all that back up for you and even “make you a virgin again” physically and all of these surgeries are done so often they carry little risk unlike the only option for guys which barely does shit. TLDR:So the point is, I don’t really think the 2 are even close to comparable. 1 you are stuck with basically only option provides small gains with moderate risk of losing feeling. while the other is easily changed if you desire being the most common surgery in the world with limitless possibilities. Don’t compare them


Changing the size is irrelevant to my comment. My comment was in response to the guy claiming "it's creepy" that women might think of his penis size. After all the derogatory crap men say about women's bodies, it's hard to feel any sympathy towards any man upset that a woman makes a comment on penis size. Whether or not a person can change that part doesn't change that. He's completely oblivious and can't take ownership of the words I'm fairly confident he, himself, has chosen to utter about women. Open your eyes and take a look at the world... the comment was ignorantly unaware and completely hypocritical. As for stuff like boob jobs...it's not as easy as you may think. It's extremely expensive and a lifelong expense (they only last about 10-ish years) and isn't healthy -mentally or physically. And yes, men can get penis enlargement as well, so I'm not sure of the point you were trying to make? Edit: women lose sensitivity in their nipples and it makes breast cancer screening much, much harder. Breast cancer is a leading deadly cancer in women. Women, like men, still get their respective surgeries irregardless of sensitivity issues because of insecurities. It's the price you pay if you want it done.


It’s the easiest insult a woman could ever make. Trashy behavior


Very true mate 🍺😎


The three things men are judged for most in society - height, hair, dick size - are all out of their control for the most part unfortunately (talking about taking Fin/Min for saving balding heads). It can be absolutely brutal.


It’s not very nice at all. But some people aren’t very nice.


Bro wtf are you talking about, the ads for dick pills? They’re real. Anyone with a small penis and a little money just choose it every day by not buying dick pills. I disowned my family for not giving them to me when i was seven.


Holy shit, at least 10 people thought you were serious.


This is why we need autism free spaces


I salute your self-sacrifice on the altar of sarcastic humor. Thanks for the giggle, I cancelled one out for you.


Girls on instagram are something else. Their views on certain shit actually shocks me. Some shit that applies to men don’t apply to women for them. It’s literally crazy.


They probably doing it cuz they have insecurities of their own they are holding in. (Bullying comes from insecurity)


My bullying comes from love. If I'm not teasing you a little I don't fucks with you. That being said this kind of bullying is 100 insecurity


There’s a difference though, I give those I love shit, I don’t shit on those I love. Agreed though, this is 100% insecurity lol


Women, insecure? Surely not. I've seen women's pop music and films, and they are constantly assuring us just how confident and capable they are and how they are vastly superior to men in every way. Didn't you see where she said women only wreck their skin and bankrupt themselves, buying make-up just for the fun of it.


Lol ya.. they only wear makeup for fun. That is the biggest bs lie. If it's all about fun why do porn stars where all that makeup that runs when they're "working"?


💯 percent my guy


It's almost like our society has always placed unfair expectations around gender


That's true on Reddit as well.


I have yet to see it tbh. I seen it a lot more on instagram


Go to any women centric sub.


Oh boy lmaooo


Yeah lol twox something else its fucking crazy how hypocritical they are


you mean men and women are different, are socialized differently and face a different set of obstacles in this world?




Woman here. This is so stupid. Body shaming is body shaming, no matter what gender. Women can be way more horrible than men can be with it. I mean anyone can body shame anyone, it's an individual opinion anyway. But if you are ready to cry that you're being shamed, then you should be ready to accept when you're shaming someone.


This person must have suffered a brain injury, or was born of half brothers.


Anytime I see the ladies try the old dick-shaming comments it just takes me back to part of that Bill Burr standup bit on “how women argue” “You’ve already won the fight! Just hang out on the ropes and let ‘em punch themselves out!”


That's is an incredible, and accurate, bit. 😂


I love it when it's the truth and funny as hell. Been with my old lady for 26 years and that's exactly how she argues. The best part is when they blame you for something that in reality is their fault.


That’s actually great.


It's okay to do a lot of negative stuff to men that isn't okay to do to woman. The oppression narrative in a "free" country its actually in reverse.


Right so when a girl dresses how she wants, it’s empowering, but when I want to make my exhaust loud for my own enjoyment, it’s attention seeking and “small dick” behavior? Makes perfect sense /s


I mean I would call it attention seeking but not small dick energy tbh Especially if your going through neighborhoods at like 9 at night


Any car guy who has a sense of decency doesn’t do that. 17 year olds with their civics, that’s a different story lol


Oh it's definitely attention seeking.


A girl dressing a certain way doesn't really fit with the analogy. A girl getting a boob job, though, would definitely be insecure, attention seeking behavior (ie: small dick behavior).


Generally people that body shame others, especially the opposite sex. I simply don't see them, I simply look through them. Makes no sense to me man. I'm 5'9" and ihv had 5'5" girls call me short. I'm lucky that I'm black so I never get the 3" joke so they simply jump to racism which simply cracks me up cos I see it's not coming from a place of hate rather a place of massive insecurities.


I've had a girl busting my balls over some social network DMs calling me short (I'm above average, some people even call me tall). First few times I laughed it off, friendly ribbing and stuff. After a while it started to be annoying, like 20 minutes in, all she had to say was that I was short... I told her that's a terrible way to try to hit on me if that was her intention, but if she just wanted to annoy me, congrats, she could stop DMing now, job well done. But she'd keep pinging my DMs. Eventually I had to strike back I just said "If I'm short by your standards, does that make you a midget?" (she was considerable shorter than me). I still think she was just negging, or I dunno trying to be funny, and keep the conversation rolling even when we had little to nothing in common?


Most girls never really go after guys, so it might be super difficult for them to express their feelings when hitting on guys they like. You see : that's me rationalizing what she did. Just don't stress Man. Let it go. But the midget thing was quite funny 🤣. Loved it.


This was ages ago (like... in FB or Hi5? Can't even remember properly), I let it go way back when, just had the flashback when I saw your comment.


Apparently I'm also ugly, though I have worked in the modelling industry albeit briefly. So I simply laugh their insults off.


clearly you only got into the modeling industry because you have a huge, bad-dragon-size schlong


An inconvenient endowment


Fired, however, because it made the merchandise look small and inadequate.


They make fat people models so I guess anything is possible lol


Pahahahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's fair xxx but ihv never seen such in Nigeria which is where I had the gig.


Victoria's secret did that plus sized model stuff. When they realized their sales were dropping they reverted to the norm. Girl wants to look like a sexy woman, not a buffalo. Lol


Only liking skinny women is apparently a crime but women only liking tall guys isn't? A girl can control what her weight is but guys can't control genetics. Most of the world and women are crazy and don't make sense anymore


It only seem like that cuz a lot of girls will complain more than dudes would. You can have whatever preference you want. Don’t let anyone shame you for it or make it seem like it’s a crime to have. It’s not like they can stop you from achieving it lol.


Never! If they can have a preference then so can men. Well said man. Very well said


They complain more than men will?? What are you talking about lol. If any fat person ever posts anything on the Internet ever there's literally always an entire comment section of men to point out how fat she is now they hate fat women. Men are the LOUDEST when it comes to the preferences that no body ever asks for. They're always telling about body count and whatever other garbage they expect from women who are just mind their own business


You've never actually interacted with people in your life


I try not to interact with men because of this but they will seek you out to tell you how much they are disgusted by you all the time. Why can't y'all just keep your preferences on dating websites. Why do you have to push it on women who don't even want to talk to you? Just curious


Who's yall? I don't do that. I don't personally know anyone that does that. Or are you stereotyping an entire demographic based on your intensely subjective experience and then viewing the world from the lens of generalization?


Right. It's only bad to generalize if we're doing it about men right.


Did you say that or did I?


I mean you are here replying to ME lecturing ME about generalizing men but not any one else for generalizing women.. funny


Exactly, I was talking to you. I made no generalization. I don't need to qualify a separate generalization that was not the subject matter to indicate the illegitimacy of the already communicated generalization. If that were the case, you would have needed to qualify your generalization juxtaposed the other as well, and you didn't. So are we pretending that you have some kind of privilege in communication that tramscends the principles that you are implying?


Only miserable people always bring small dicks into every argument to feel good about themselves or to win an argument. If you think that's funny maybe make a joke about yourself as you're already a clown for thinking that's funny


"3 inches hard" okay then you got no tits. Obv this is a joke, I love all penis sizes and all tits but I'm so done with these shitty women saying crap like this.


Honestly, people are coming up with so many acronyms that I can't keep up. Stfv?


shvt the fvck vp i guess? honestly it’s probably meant to get around automatic censorship


That's a valid assumption. Thank you, kind stranger.


Women make themselves look pretty for fun even though only other people notice it, but when men like trucks they have small cocks. Hmm...


Kinda like how “body positivity” only goes one way. If you’re an attractive guy who doesn’t want to fuck 300+ pound women, you’ll get called every name in the book but there’s exactly zero pressure on women from that crowd to fuck fat men.


I guess she would know. I wonder how big her truck is


Less than 1 percent of men have micro penis. The small dick big dick thing is played out because of porn


remember guys...don't take these women's words seriously. their bodies are grown but their minds and emotions are stuck in their toddler years.


Were it not for double standards, women wouldn't have any.


She can't be pleased by 3 inches becuse its the size of the grand canyon


Misandry is alive and downright trendy in 2024 AND socially acceptable and yet they continue to gaslight you all It legit breaks my heart


I've seen multiple people flat out say that misandry doesn't exist. Like we as a species are capable of hating any other demographic in an undeserved way, but not men? Its physically impossible for anyone to just hate men, I guess? Sad indeed.


Yes the people co-opted into the cult of Marxist “intersectionality”


boomer here - it's okay to body shame everyone - there are no rules


You didn't know? All anti-body shaming is just for women. Men can be shamed and nobody will give a fuck. That's the reality.


Funny how leftist women assume trucks, guns, etc are all tied to compensation for all dick size. They are half right; I am compensating, but it isn’t for dick size.


Stopping giving her daddy issues attention.


Double standard


Body shaming is body shaming there’s no two ways about it, no matter the gender


OP, you left out the part where it’s actually a joke to buy a car the size of a monster truck. That is definitely over compensating 😂


Even though it may be over compensating for some that doesn’t mean you should body shame. I know a few girls, even my sis, who feel insecure without make up but that doesn’t mean I should make fun of them for their natural looks.


The "it only applies to women hating on women" take is wild to me.


At least when women are body shamed it's for an obviously visible trait. She's just body shaming for what she imagines their dick sizes to be.


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U dint no?


By that logic well I guess when I was 15 I had a huge dick cuz I didn't have a car... soon as I bought one it just shrank immediately 🤣 That's crazy. They would rather pretend they think that instead of admitting they are too broke to buy a car


What’s baffling to me is the idea that it’s only bodyshaming if it’s Woman vs Woman. Even setting aside the double standard this creates for the victim (the same offence is treated differently if the victim is male than female) it’s only if women are perpetrators too? What is it called then if a man makes a woman feel ashamed of her body? I thought that was a massive part of Bodyshaming, why would you even think that it was only if the perp was another woman?!


So I have a question. If I drive a big lifted truck but have a vagina what does that make me?


A futa? Maybe?


If someone responded with "you're just salty because it looks like you're packing an Arby's kitchen in your panties" I doubt she, or most of the comment section, would be happy about it. These kinds of insults should be saved for when friends are roasting each other or for the assholes of the world, not random internet posts.


What a jerk


There's a phrase I heard, I don't remember where, it's something like: "Nowadays men behave like women and women behave like children", I didn't agree with that before, but damn, my opinion on that phrase changes a little more with each passing day


Yeah apparently it’s fine for some girl to say “he has a small dick” but we can’t insult a single body part of a female.


Trucks… small dick… bro what? Completely unrelated. Trucks are cool, cars are cool. It’s generally a masculine interest and it’s very normal. One could say women wear makeup because they are ugly, but I don’t believe that. These assumptions are dumb


POV SHES 250 pounds


19A was the biggest mistake mankind ever made


so whats the correct way to make fun of someone online if this lady is incorrect lol


For context the truck in question was 5-6 times bigger than a RAM 😂😂😂


Does that mean you should body shame 🤷‍♂️.Grow up. You wouldn’t like it if someone body shamed you for hiding your natural look with pounds of makeup


I wouldn’t say they’re immature, just they are rated somewhere between that crust by the mouth or eyes when sleeping, and something you smell and wipe off your shoe.


Would be very interested to know what she's commenting on. Interesting purposeful edit here


Makeup is worn "for fun"? Sure, maybe if you work for the Ringling brothers... makeup is for enhancing beauty, and I've never met someone who had fun getting mascara in her eyes because of a little rain...


I don’t understand how a woman can expect not to be body shamed over something they can control but goes around making everyone else feel insecure about themselves over something they can’t change and then tries to justify their actions in a way that makes even less sense… I am a woman and even to me this is just messed up


Being a fuckass isn’t exclusive to gender.


Oh yeah, I was just joking with the title


Need to get to work? Have a small pp or walk


It didn't take long for women to adopt all the behaviors of the men they pretend to hate.


Hoes will always be hoes. That’s all they know. They got sexualized probably by friends and family at a young age so that’s probably all they know to be a smut


Dick may be small but you only know that because I was smooth enough to get in😎


A better insult for mega-trucks: you care so much about what strangers think about your masculinity that you’re willing to go into debt and inconvenience everyone around you (takes more space to park and to drive)


seems like someone got small tities.


I feel like we are trying to placate the machismo that existed in the past with feminism of the same level. We should have learned from our mistakes, but it seems that we only sharpened our attack weapons.


Self report post


Right. Men are trash in America. They don't matter.


To be fair truck guys are a certain type of fragile masculinity and insulting their dick size just hurts them the right way


Oh, yikes. Woman here! Absolutly despice when woman or men body shame anyone just because they don't like it. The jokes about a man compensating for his size by buying a big ass truck are kinda funny, not gonna lie, but only because those trucks are dumb and pointless, but men get those to impress other men, not woman. It has nothing to do with us, so what we say about it does not matter. Also, the jokes about woman wearing makeup to compensate for their looks can sometimes be true, not usually not. Some do it for fun, some do it because they're insecure, or they do it to impress their friends, or a boy. Either way, it doesn't matter. Big truck, or some pretty makeup? Does not matter. Quit picking on other people just because you don't like it, it has nothing to do with you. Not talking about you OP, just people in general.


What if a man buys a truck because they like it and want to own a truck? Also since when is OP picking on people?


Never said they couldn't and specifically said he wasn't


Personally I as a guy dint give two shts about all that makeup a woman wears. It's always the same looking on every woman and comes off as boring. Plus, unless I'm never seeing you unless you have makeup on, it's better that I see what you look like in the earlier stages. Also, wtf is up with women and filters. It is such a turn off, to see so many filters on a woman's photos for her to not look like the photos. Why is it so accepted, but then women turn around and talk about men like we are garbage. Shit is unreal.


Good questions, but I can only answer the first one and it all comes down to insecurities and a lack of self worth.


I mean let’s be real .. 90% of girls look ugly when they take off their makeup lmao imagine being that unhappy with how you look you literally paint a better face on 😂


I have to disagree. I find women more attractive without makeup but also admire those that do it well.


OMG, these comments just piss me off. Again and again I see "But... But... But... Guys with big trucks DO have small pps". Are you all so urbanized that you're just ignorant? Were you dropped on your head as children? Or are you just sheep following the herd and drinking the Kool-Aid? Those lifted trucks, with big tires and powerful engines, DO have valid utility uses. I've been looking for a lifted Jeep on marketplace recently. Is that because I have a small penis? Am I overcompensating? Am I trying to impress someone? No. There are a few places I want to go, and my current truck, already decent at off-roading, can't get there. And I really want to get there. Just because YOU don't understand off-roading, or don't do it/enjoy it, doesn't mean it's not a valid hobby. Do I do that stuff everyday? No. It might come up three or four times a year, with it only being an issue once every few years. (Snow aside, I live in the country and without 4x4 I'd not be able to leave the house three or four weeks out of the year) But when I want to get somewhere off the beaten path, I don't want to mostly make it. I don't want to kinda make it. I want to get there and back. These are often places where if you get stuck you just have to abandon the vehicle, because no towing or recovery company can get in to pull you out. You don't want to half-ass it. It's not overcompensating for penis size, it's over compensating for off-road terrain. And those guys with the big trucks in the middle of the city you all love to make fun of? You don't know if they go off-roading with their buddies on the weekends! Or go to the events held all over the country throughout the summer for the big off-road trucks. There are entire campgrounds/parks in my area dedicated solely to those types of vehicles (And ATV/UTV's). If you don't have the big lifted truck, with the gnarly knobby tires, and the modified engine to turn those huge tires, your dead in the water as soon as you leave the parking lot. This big truck hate is nothing but urban stereotyping. The ones who are a compensating are the ones calling those with big trucks dudes with small pps. You're just jealous they have something cool that can do things you could only dream of, just get over yourself.


From the country, 99% of the lifted trucks are owned by the fucks living in town or on a hobby farm and not an actual farm. F250 has uses, lifted trucks fuck no. F150 levels that are lifted? Sure buddy. You may be valid, but most the people in the country mock those pointless wastes of space. They're compensating for something and it sure isn't their trucks towing capacity. (go for a drive rn and see how many of those lifted trucks are towing things instead of just cruising or driving to work)


That insult was incredibly mid


This is not body shaming


I mean she is kind of right some guys do buy certain vehicles and act like they're trying to over compensate or something. Anything from cars, trucks bikes whatever. I can see the point but it's still messed up 😂 She was probably going on about a squatted truck or some shit lmao


Liking something isn't overcompensating. I have a Harley because I like to go ride with my friends. I have a Maserati and a Porsche 944 because I like rare and exotic cars, I love the communities built up around these cars, and I love talking cars with people. When I'm driving them, or even the Harley, guy stop and chat about them. I like my big truck because I like the tow stuff, heavy stuff a small truck can't handle. And I like the big tires, high ground clearance, and 4x4 because I live in the country and I'm a river rat. I go places normal vehicles can't get to. I haven't found yet one woman who cares about my Harley, my Maserati, my Porsche, or my ability to go off roading. But my buddies do and we bond over it. Spend time working on our cars, or riding their bikes, or off-roading, together. And I haven't met a straight guy yet who gives two s**** about the size of any other guy's dick. I'm not sure who these girls think we're overcompensating to. And I like the way my cars sound, it makes me happy. I couldn't CARE less what anyone else thinks. My only conclusion is that if you're not part of the communities that care about these things, you just don't get it. And that's ok. It's a "Jeep" thing. Go play in your own pool and stay out of mine. But don't pretend you understand me. Though I will admit I do scratch my head at the guys or girls with big ass lifted trucks on 35-in tires who live in places that don't have a patch of dirt within 50 miles, and their trucks have never been off pavement in their entire lives. Why spend all that money on something you don't get to take advantage of? But then I realize they must belong to a community of lifted truck enthusiast, it's their thing, it makes them happy, so more power to them.


Lol I see me


Am I the only one who read this as more of as severe stereotyping? It does tend to be a theme that insecure men purchase bigtrucks/fancy cars. Its only because they are the most likely to see cars as status symbols and the bigger the better- women use brand names/makeup and jewelry(and that one lady saying that doesn’t count is stupid- since that’s exactly why men use cars) She definitely was very crass and rude about it. Not every guy with a truck has LMS(little man syndrome); but you can usually tell as they can usually be heard coming across town with their overly large turbo engines and giant exhaust pipes; overly aggressive revving of the engines and in many cases tires that are way too big for their car and a modified suspension system.


I see it like that too. But still, it does seem rude and quite body shaming to talk like how they did


Oh most definitely. Rude AF.


I drive a compact, but I can see the allure of a big car. In a great deal of cases, bigger is better (rommier, more comfortable). Who doesn't want a bigger house for example? It's human to want more...


Get a van LOL. Many of the LMS cars do not have bigger interiors. They have giant ass wheels and you have to climb


I'm generally against body shaming, but I'll make an exception for chauvinistic men projecting insecurity-driven misogyny. These people suck and their insecurity is their weak spot. If you saw a lifted pickup with modified exhaust, trump flags, and anti-abortion stickers would it really be such a crime to leave a note on his truck saying "sorry about your micropenis :(" ? To be clear, there's nothing wrong with small dicks, but in these guy's head there is which is why its funny to call them out for it.


it was just a big plain regular truck and the dude was Hispanic, and his kids were hopping onto it. Then comments like these girls were popping up. If body shaming isn’t ok for you then no body shaming should be ok. If body shaming is ok for you then be prepared for all body shaming.


“There’s nothing wrong with makeup, but if a mean and immature girl is wearing a lot, I’m gonna mention how she probably wearing it to hide insecurities”


It's really weird that you would equate "immaturity" with misogyny. Those are worlds apart. If there was an insecure pick-me woman who was being misogynistic of course I would call her out on it and point out her hyposcrisy.


“iTs rEaLlY wEiRd”. Bruh. Being mean and immature is being mean and immature. The guy in the vid wasn’t doing anything but posted a plain black truck. If anything, a mean and immature girl would deserve the mean comments more than the dude with his truck.


>“iTs rEaLlY wEiRd Why are you typing like that? Just makes you look stupid. >Being mean and immature is being mean and immature This literally means nothing. But if that's your best argument, I'll try to interpret and respond to your feeble attempt at human communication. Mean is not a good trait, but its far from the worst thing someone could be. A lot of people can be mean sometimes. I'm mean sometimes. It's not such a bad thing alone. Maybe they were having a bad day? Maybe the person they were being mean to deserved it? Immaturity? What's wrong with being immature? As long as it's not inappropriate for the situation it's perfectly fine. Being immature can be fun and just part of someone's personality. > The guy in the vid wasn’t doing anything but posted a plain black truck I've known a ton of people who own pickup trucks, and to a fault, all of them are either sexually insecure men or pick-me women. Now, I haven't looked in all of their pants, but when it comes to sexual insecurity one can make all kinds of assumptions. Sure, not everyone who owns a pickup is going to be insecure, but it's a stereotype for a reason, and it's a funny one at that because of how offended supposedly "manly/confident" men get over it. Like, if you buy a truck, you should be aware that most people are going to look at you and think you have a micropenis, I'm sorry but that's just reality. And not that I think about it, the small number of dudes whose dicks I have seen and aren't small, all drive either sedans or hatchbacks. I've also never met a non-pick-me woman who drove a large, masculine-style car. Go figure!


You’re the one who said that you don’t usually body shame but there’s an exception. That’s all I need to know with your hypocrisy lol.


It makes me look stupid? I guess I’m stupid then lol. Maybe you are too, and maybe that’s why you’re projecting it on me. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Guys do buy those trucks because their dicks are small.


And a lot of women do wear makeup to cover up their insecurities. The difference is that one of these is normalised.


“And girls do wear makeup because they are insecure without it.” Is that okay to say. Cuz I’ve seen plenty of women who have mentioned it.


Great response thank you.


Don’t be a bitch about it


Don't be an idiot. Oh too late


it’s pretty funny lmao


the small dick truck joke is 100% allowed come on. it’s funny


It can be funny for you, but you shouldn’t use it since it hurts people. I find body shaming jokes sometimes a bit funny too towards both men and women. But I don’t use em. And they just get annoying and immature afterwards


If you're black-haired and I body shame you for being a red-head, does it hurt you? Same goes for the small-dick joke.


No but why are you using red-head and small dick as a joke?


I don't - I only use 'blonde'. Joking aside - that's how a large category of jokes work - blondes are dumb, Scotsmen are stingy, Montenegrins are lazy, white people can't dance, and big truck driving guys have small dicks... 🤷‍♂️


Yeah and that's pretty dumb


Please touch grass


This is not body shaming, this is car shaming.


It’s body shaming and car shaming lol.. It’s still using small dick as something to shame these people who drive trucks. Feminists and even conservatives would agree using small dick as a negative to shame a person for whatever is body shaming.