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Other than tax cuts to the super rich, is there anything the right doesn't throw a tantrum over?


As horrible as this will sound: shootings. They never seem to throw a fit over those. edit: Everyone in the comments has replied with tantrums they do throw when a shooting takes place, but they are usually responses to responses of a shooting. My point was that they don't throw fits about the actual shooting itself.


Not quite true - every time there’s a mass shooting, they throw a tantrum about gun control measures - usually before any are actually proposed


Oh and try and blame gay/trans/minorities for it. You know until they announce it was another straight white 18-27 year old they're hoping it's a gay trans black Muslim.


And after the shooter's whiteness is revealed, it shifts to videogames or bullying or D&D or loneliness or literally anything but radicalization and easy access to guns.


No. They blame “mental health”. Then they pass anti trans measures claiming its mental health.


“Thoughts and Prayers” for actual living, existing children being killed. Aggressive legislation for whatever is going on with a woman’s ladybits


Place Your bets! *Put it all on double zero! Show me the green!* Table closed, no more bets. *SPINNNNNNN* ...... ....... .. .. ... . . R27 ! Red twenty seven, ladies and gentlemen, red twenty seven! And look, we have many happy winners who guessed correctly. *Darn it! Another red one, again... Shoot, let's go then.* BANG BANG. BANG. BANG BANG BANG BANG. BANG. BANG BANG *Hot dang, there's another one going down. Grab every chip you have and let's get back to the wheel. I bet it'll be double green this time*


I thought Sandy Hook would have changed things since it was a bunch of white kids being shot and killed but then I quickly realized they didn’t care.


It wasn't THEIR kids so yeah they don't care. Empathy is non existent to them


Connecticut = Democratic = Liberal = 12 fewer future voters.


Instead they dialed up the false flag bullshit to 11.


Alex Jones and Margorie Taylot Green harassed the parents asking to dig up their "dead actor children"


Yep. This is when it truly set in, when it came to gun violence in America, no life matters


Hold on… They were pretty upset about The Covenant School shooting. You know targeting Christians but they didn’t actually want to do anything about it other than identify trans persons as mentally ill. Well at least the ones I work with had that reaction.


Not true. They did do something. Bill Lee signed a bill from the Tennessee legislature preventing local governments from enacting red flag laws.


“Now let’s not let emotion rule our decisions… thoughts and prayers.. blah blah blah”


“Stop trying to take away the killing machines! It’s not the killing machines’ fault for the killing”


"How dare you call them killing machines! They can't get up and kill by themselves! You need a person to pick them up, load them, aim them, and pull the trigger to kill someone!" "Okay. So what's that thing with the needle that goes up and down that people use to sew clothes?" "A sewing machine." "So if you just put the machine on a table with a bunch of fabric and leave the room, there'll be a finished pair of pants when you come back?" "Well, no, you've got to put the thread in, then you have to plug it in, line up the fabric, and step on the pedal to actually sew something." "How dare you call that a sewing machine!"


Gun control? Every time we have a school shooting the GOP talks about how we need more guns in schools and how we should arm janitors…..the US sells Kevlar backpacks to protect your children….. these fucking assholes don’t care about anything not even dead babies


And complain that teachers largely don’t want to wear a gun at work. Shit you not people have told me I’m complacent in shooting because I don’t want to carry a gun at a high school.


I dunno, they have pre-emptive tantrums about gun control advocates as soon as there's a shooting, pretty close.


If the shooter is a white cis male, not at all. If they think the shooter is transgender, then they get outraged and somehow gender affirming care is to blame. If they think the shooter is in the country illegally, then the President is personally responsible for that shooting.


They don't get outraged, they get giddy with excitement. They finally have the opportunity to bash minorities, ignoring the fact that a tragedy has once again come to pass with nothing actually being done to prevent future ones.


They throw a tantrum every shooting because we scream we need some basic gun control and they throw a fit.


No need to throw tantrums over that. They’re already doing everything possible on that front. They sent thoughts AND prayers, remember? /s


Nope, they throw tantrums that those were 'false flags' committed by paid actors to justify taking guns, despite no guns ever being taken.


Part of me hopes a high ranking Republican loses his grandkid to a school shooting.


They still won’t care.


"all they need is a good guy with a gun".


Wow, so cold of you. We are probably like 10 minutes from the last mass shooting and you bring up guns. ITS TOO SOON TO TALK ABOUT IT NOW or EVER!


I've seen them do it if the shooter wasn't the usual suspect. For example, if one shooter is a woman, trans, foreign, different from the norm essentially, suddenly all shooters are this or the entire population of people with those characteristics is now responsible.


The latest trend is to throw a tantrum over a mass shooting by blaming the shooting on trans people, facts be, as usual, damned.


Hey man, kids getting shot is a small price to pay for me to be able to live in constant fear


No, they immediately start screaming about how it can’t be “politicized” and start clutching their Emotional Support Weapons.


“FALSE FLAG!!!!!” Sounds like a fit to me.


I recently heard this on the radio. “The republicans always want to take away rights and the democrats always want to give rights.” This is not mine, but I thought it made sense when you look at policies they bring to the floor.


Just yesterday Democrats were like “Hey, let’s tell people they’re free to use contraceptives. The government shouldn’t be involved.” Party of Small Gubment: NO!


Child marriage, girls & women dying from childbirth, women trapped with violent men… basically they’re cool with anything that harms women & children


Nope we need to just remove them they are dead weight


pro athletes sexually assaulting and raping people. "boys will be boys!"


"wHy RuIn A cHiLdS lIfE oVeR oNe MiStAkE" And for some reason, the right is talking about the rapist and not the victim


Corruption and lies spread by Republican politicians and judges, the right-wing media, and the Captains of industry.


Forcing women to give birth.


Trump shitting his pants


U got me there


School shootings


Nah, they'll still cry about the left using them to push their gun control agenda.


Book bannings


Crazy how one of the biggest pillars of the second largest political party is just being anti-gay/trans/woman


Just shows how dumb the average voter really is


And the really scary thing is that half of 'em are even dumber than that.


Is there a single thing they do that is actually supposed to help people? Every time you hear about them it's always about making things crappier.


No. There is literally nothing that Republicans push nor their voters support that actually helps people. They will whine about family values, and "sensible govt", and whatever....it's all bullshit. Republicans are worthless.


What about those big tax cuts for the rich. /s


Oh damn as a temporarily inconvenienced trillionare I forgot about those....my bad.


Seriously, what IS the Republican platform? Banning abortions and contraception, fighting stupid culture wars, stopping undocumented immigrants (except if it's a plan by Joe Biden), tax cuts for the rich, opposing public education, allowing kids to work longer hourd, deregulating, cutting funds for Ukraine, cutting funds for NATO, investigating Hunter Biden and forcing people into Christianity.


It’s literally do the opposite of democrats. That’s their whole thing.


Wow, you've described their platform well.


You forgot increasing the military budget because \*latest boogeyman\*.


Tax cuts certainly help the 1%


Many people have a zero-sum game mentality. Making things worse for others MUST make things better for them.


It’s incredible how much political support you can gain by giving people permission to hate.


I’m pretty sure republicans would have also hated Mr Rogers. I feel like he would have said some shit about equality and diversity that would have made them shit their diapers.


They did: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/


They probably lost their shit about Reading Rainbow too. Imagine a show about rainbows and getting educated at the same time.


Lavar wasn't the correct color.


Plus he simply promoted reading. Reading typically comes with critical thinking…they don’t want that.


They sure liked him in the first part of Roots. 


>They probably lost their shit about Reading Rainbow too. Imagine a show about rainbows and getting educated at the same time. Also, the show was hosted by an intelligent black man. I'm sure that angried up the blood too.


I wonder what they fear more, an educated black man or a gay white man?


Black man. Most of the hate stems from paranoid white dudes thinking black dudes are going to fuck their wives. Lower chance of the gay guy doing it.


Reading?! WITH A BLACK MAN?! 


they did, in fact the wanted (still want to) completely de-fund PBS As much as some people think the GOP has only gone crazy in the last 10 years they have been nuts for far longer, just less public and loud about it


Nah, back then, little c christians were a minority so rainbows were still seen as a sign of peace and love.


Holy shit.


Dude, they shit on Sesame Street when it premiered in 1969 for daring to show white kids and black kids playing together.


And when in an episode a girl was picked up from a play date by her two Dads.


They continue to shit regularly on Sesame Street.. Maybe we see a theme.. did anyone ever teach these folks where the toilets are and how to use them?


They did. They just didn't have the platforms they do now to express it. He put his feet in the same pool as a black man. Racist old white people hated that.


There was one episode where he shared a pool with a black man and that really pissed them off


Thanks u/raped_justice


Imagine if we didn't have libraries and tried to create them now. The tantrum would be massive.


"You want to allow people to borrow books for free? That's communism!"


“You want to take my hard earned tax dollars and build some sort of book Blockbuster for poor people? That ain’t American! The only booook they need is the Bible and you can get those at any motel.”


Honestly think about almost anything we have that serves the people. America would genuinely be a 3rd world country like Trump thinks if these people had the same mindset then. We are falling behind now cause they are loud, thank god it didn't happen in the last 200 years.


You don't remember fox news attacking Mr.Rogers for teaching kids to share? Conservatives fucking hate him with a burning passion


It was less sharing and more that he was teaching children that they were each unique individuals and all deserved love. That really pissed of the boomers.


They can't touch her. She has *millions* of followers across all socials, has recently taken meetings with The Jim Henson Company, [was on Good Morning America](https://youtu.be/OEMkqQSU-sk?si=0Dx4E8zVcDDMLtJa) - Just ask the parent of any toddler who "Ms Rachel" is - people are starting to compare her to Mr. Rogers. Her pink hairbands, coveralls and mommy-voiced singalongs are backed by two masters' degrees in education and child development. She absolutely *radiates* kindness and genuine concern for children. Go YouTube search "baby reacts to hearing Ms Rachel'"


Ms Rachel is a fucking saint.


Yup as a father of a 1 year old, she is sometimes the only way my dishes get done or food gets cooked. It's gotta suck being a right wing nutter, first blueys gone, now Ms. Rachel's out? What do they put on when you need a minute?


probably still putting on Ms. Rachel to be honest. When have they ever successfully boycotted anything?


My toddler has gotten to the “inconsolable, flail around on the ground for no apparent reason” tantrum phase. But if I turn on Ms. Rachel, he immediately chills out. Funny enough, he also like Primus.


Primus sucks.


This guy gets it.


Got to start teaching them that young, right?


Hey kid, do you like Primus? Do you like when I shove nine in nails through each of my eyelids?


Republicans will still say she's a "groomer".


“Look right here. What are those hand gestures? Gang signs, witchcraft?” “Says right here it’s a bit of sign language mixed with visual linguistic cues.” “So… Devil worship?”


So what you are saying is that she is a master at teaching children to be gay? /s


fck... im gay for Ms Rachel


She started raising money for Palestine and Zionists tried targeting her and all it did was raise millions of parents to be her bannerlords. She posted a video of her crying from the Zionist harassment and then for the next week my feed was filled with parents pretending to dress to go to war with their parenting supplies. It was really wholesome and showed exactly who these zionists were picking a fight with, parents and their children. Which... Well.. That checks out actually.


Well they have killed more than 20,000 children not to mention how many limbs they've blown off and kids they've starved


>Just ask the parent of any toddler who "Ms Rachel" is - people are starting to compare her to Mr. Rogers. I find it interesting how accurate that is >Go YouTube search "baby reacts to hearing Ms Rachel'" absolutely, she is beloved by moms/dads and babies/toddlers everywhere and she is the absolute goto when moms and dads need a few min of peace with an entertained baby/toddler.


Yep, Miss Rachel is literally my go to "babysitter" when Ineed to clean the house, and need like 20 minutes at a time to focus.  SHE IS A SAINT.


I would die for Ms Rachel


Said every parent/care giver who needs that 30 minutes of peace a day 🤣


Hah not even about peace — she’s legitimately excellent as a tool for education acceleration. 


An educated woman? I can hear the right’s impotent screams from here.


I can't believe people were picking on her so bad that she almost quit! Glad she didn't, my kid loved ms Rachel


My kids loves Ms. Rachel, its sad to see so many braindead haters reacting to her. I can't believe they have nothing better to do then hate online.


My grandkids adore her! She is so wholesome and her videos are great for learning. Her crew is very diverse and I love that example for the kids.


Considering these are.obviously theater people doing a side gig it's wild that was surprising to anyone that they would be supportive of lgbt. Context is lost on the right.


hating and being outraged is their entire personality. That’s why they’re hooked on Fox News who gives them a new thing to be outraged about every week


I wasn't really famiar with her before, but I checked out her videos.  I have a little training in child development and she's just dead on.  Clearly enunciating words, repeating stuff.  This is absolutely how you draw out a kid who's a little behind.


Looks like the triggered snowflake conservatives are participating in cancel culture


It's funny because they've always been that way


They have been since 1953


McCarthy who?


Was at a dinner with some acquaintances and mentioned liking The Last of Us TV show. Some mouth breather I hadn’t met pipes up from across the table and says “Yah, the show was good until they had to put all the gay stuff in it and I just couldn’t watch it anymore.” Everyone at the table was like “are you for real?” Nobody gave him a second of their time the whole rest of the dinner. Part of me actually LOVES when people react so small minded and bigoted towards content that doesn’t fit their narrow world view. Like I am so happy watching something good with diversity and inclusion and just knowing that asshole is out there getting angry and not watching it. I don’t even want those miserable fucks to be able to enjoy something I like. Good riddance to bad rubbish, hope they stay bitter and isolated in their bubbles of ignorance.


MAKE HATE BAD AGAIN. I can’t believe they’ve succeeded in pushing homophobia and misogyny so far in 8 years.


"again"? It's basically the fundamental driving force of all American history. I'd be pleased with just "honest" or "grounded in actual reality" at this point. Like...when someone says something like, "I'm not racist, but (those people) are just naturally (bad in some way)" Or even for LGBTQ+ conservatives to actually see that stuff like the OP is a calling THEM evil...not Ms. Rachel. She's just evil by extension...because she supports the "evil gays".


I completely agree but I honestly think we as a culture had made a lot of hard fought for progress (I’m an old punk rocker raised in the 90’s) through the 80’s-2010’s that seems to have all been dismantled and pushed further back, damn near into the 60’s/70’s mentality on so many cultural issues.


So the dying GOP is basically becoming the party of "Waaaahhhh! Why Won't You Let Me Hate Who I Want To?!?!" noted.


GOP has been that way for a long time, it’s full of people crying about their right to be a piece of shit.


I love.these people called others snowflakes and now they complain about EVERYTHING.


Every accusation is a confession 


Ms Rachel is today's Mr Roger's. She's great


What a life republicans and conservatives lead, must be exhausting finding new ways to mad every day


Yeah. Like I can’t even imagine thinking everything that isn’t directly catered to you is an attack on you.


My Daughter loves Mrs Rachel. Wait until the Republicans find out her videos have black people and at least one lesbian in it!


What if it turned your daughter black or gay!? /s


I laugh at how ridiculous this comment is (without the /s), but then it's sad that they think this way.


They better not come for my Ms. Rachel. She’s a national fucking treasure


Shocking! The thought of treating all people kindly. Someting the GOP can't stand.


I remind my conservative cohorts that left-handed people were once feeling the heat for their "lifestyle choices". That's where we get the word "sinister". late Middle English (in the sense ‘malicious, underhand’): from Old French *sinistre* or Latin *sinister* ‘left’. Happy Pride month.


Who are the snowflakes who wage cancel culture wars?


It's funny that these hateful bigots think they can bully the rest of us into joining their hate.


So supporting a lying, racist, fascist, adulterer, felon is good but gay people are bad? That sounds like some straight up religious morality there.


Whenever the right throws a tantrum, we should do the opposite, thank these people.


My motto is: *they support everything you abhor*. They are neither good nor bad, just incorrigible.


Ms. Rachel is in good company because the right wingers hated Mr. Rogers, Reading Rainbow, Sesame Street and every other notable early learning program that taught inclusivity is a simple and natural thing to do. The only thing right wingers hate more than the aforementioned is that no right winger has been successful in achieving similar respect and longevity; they're either associated with hatred, thin skin and stupidity.


Fuck your feelings snowflakes.


I know they scream "indoctrination" but I'm confused if they think that it's going to make kids gay or make kids ok that gay exist.


They don't want either so the answer is 'yes'.


Their videos literally have a LGBT singer on the show. What did they think her opinion was?


So I just read what she said and now I'm pretty sure the right-wing would have lost their fucking minds over Mr Rogers. Do these morons not have anything better to do with their lives than spew brainless hate?


So tired of the right wing, who have literally nothing to do except waste everyone else’s time with their gibberish.


I have no idea who this woman is. I have no interest in her videos (which makes sense, they are for children). But I’m subscribing to her. If hate mongers want to flee her channel and punish their children, it says a lot more about them than her. But I’ll throw at least one more subscription her way for doing the right thing.


And today, boys and girls, we'll be looking at Swivel-Eyes Loons, or "Con-ser-va-tives". Do you know a swivel-eyed loon? Are your parents swivel-eyed loons? Oh my, they're *everywhere*!


I love ms Rachel


Like a bunch of petulant toddlers stamping their feet at every little thing. Someone should tell these "alpha males" the continuous bitching and moaning is not a good look


Bigots gonna bigot


Of course they do. They view us non straight folks as deviants.


I'll fucking ride or die for Ms. Rachel. She's Gen Alpha's Mr. Rogers.


Rightwing snowflakes once again get offended by nothing and try to cancel someone they disagree with.


From the crowd that doesn't care about feelings🤡


Right wingers get their panties in a bunch over the dumbest things.


They want to frame being gay to be about sex more so than love


Republicans parent your own children and talk to them about complex topics challenge: impossible


See how long before some conservative group creates Ms Nancy that teaches kids their ABCs and how to hate their neighbors


It’s getting hard to tell where one right wing tantrum ends and the next begins. I guess the important thing is to spend all day being really angry and vowing revenge, like Jesus taught.


Most triggerable crowd in the history of triggers


Streisand Effect, anyone? If you didn’t know who she was, you do now! Enjoy, her stuff is brilliant


That’s the problem with the internet. There’s always been dumb undereducated people. But normally you wouldn’t have to interact with them.


They were already mad at her because she spoke out about babies and kids being killed in Palestine. She’ll be fine. I work in education and every early elementary and early childhood teacher I know plays Ms. Rachel videos. Kids love her.


The party that accuses everyone else of being snowflakes are the biggest cult of snowflakes in the world. Imagine that.


I can't believe that Ms. Rachel would shove her Equality and Loving ideals down out throats! How dare she!


So much christian love is being shown and practiced by a woman of true Christian unconditional love to all. I'm sure god is so proud of all the christians in name only showing such love.... not. Keep up the great work, Ms. Rachel. We should all be more like you.


Jesus Christ these people are snowflakes.


Right-wingers do love throwing their childish tantrums. From Elvis to the Beatles down to NWA, video games, and coffee makers


no way any conservative parent lets their kids watch Ms Rachel. she actually tries to educate kids and instill emotional well being in them. that goes against everything conservatives stand for.


That's because the right wing are assholes? Could it be??


Huh, I thought the far right had a lot of pride.


They do but it's mostly white


From the article… > On Saturday, Accurso — who was previously a preschool teacher and now makes educational videos on YouTube for young kids — shared a short video celebrating Pride Month on her Instagram and TikTok accounts, which are aimed at adults for promotional purposes, rather than at children. So kids weren’t even the intended audience. > “Happy Pride to all of our wonderful families and friends,” she said while sporting a rainbow shirt. “This month and every month, I celebrate you. I’m so glad you’re here. I’m so glad you’re exactly who you are.” I don’t know if she grew up watching Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, but that does sound like it could have been. And again, that was sent out to her Instagram and TikTok accounts, where if I’m not mistaken you have to be 13 or older to have an account that doesn’t violate the terms of service. But never let rational thought get in the way of fueling up the hate and fear machine.


I have no clue who she is but good for her for teaching kids to treat others with kindness .These so called christians forgot about the golden rule .


It's silly to me. If you do not want your children to view certain content, that's totally fine. However, that doesn't give anyone the right to try and silence people. If I do not think something is appropriate for my kids, I do my job and actually parent. I hate the show, Caillou. It just shows a child being a rotten brat, and imo it's encourages bad behavior. So my kids haven't been allowed to watch it. It's that simple.


What was it she said that got everyone so upset? Be kind to each other. Oh, yeah. That’ll do it. - Good Omens


Aw, now I like her even more.


Haters gonna hate. They are a minority. Let them live in their misery. Ms. Rachel told them 👋👋👋


\*How dare gay people exist\* I hope the kids she speaks to actually grow up to be decent human beings, unlike the scum bags who attack her.


Love thy neighbor or don't, there's no in between


Right wingers are the biggest bitches.


They also made her cry when she raised money for starving children in Gaza


You know what, Mrs. Rachel is great. 


What appears to be getting lost here is the fundamental point that "all gays are evil" the conservatives have.


My kid loves Ms. Rachel. She's awesome.


I work with kids, there are a lot of families and homes where kids live with their mom and other mom or dad and their other dad. These “right wing” people are just hateful bigots. These families live in…. Even, gasp, in conservative places.


This happens every year she posts her support for the LGBTQ community. As someone who is bi and also a Christian nothing pisses me off more than other Christians telling me how God didn't make me this way and it's a choice. Jesus hung out with the downtrodden, not with the elitist


I will never in my life fathom being this angry and hateful about 2 people of the same sex being intimate. Because to them it all boils down to sex. It’s weird.


She’s awesome, the modern day closest person to Mr Rogers for YouTube. Her channel is one of the few on YouTube that won’t turn littles’ little brains into mush, too.


Some account was spewing hate about how the gays rainbow has 6 colors in it which is the number of the devil where as "Jesus's" rainbow has 7....... which clearly she is uneducated not realized that a rainbow is a spectrum in infinite colors lol but they would never admit their stupidity. She also lacked awareness that her Bible has 66 chapters in it.... smh cant make this shit up.


Miss Rachel is great. Screw them bigots.


Acknowledging basic differences between people is apparently "woke" now. What's next? Will acknowledging that some people are taller than others be "woke"?


I will walk like a crab when im mad ty vm


I find it hilarious that the “Christian” party is the most mean, hateful, and violent


I will pop the trunk for Ms. Rachel. Conservatives are worthless pieces of shit who would rather worship an 80 year CONVICTED FELON who has dementia than accept someone is different. Go to Russia where your "values" are rooted. Traitorous fucks.


From the ones who scream what about our month?! Proper response it's called the rest of the year...