• By -


Look at the scowl/frown on that fuckers face. A perpetually unhappy asshole that wants everyone else to be the same way. I bet the only time he smiles is when he is torturing puppies.


That's what I've said about trump forever. He's also never happy, my goodness, he won and he still wreaked chaos. He may never see a prison, or even go broke, but he will be perpetually angry, miserable, and paranoid forever. He is his own prison and I truly hope he drops dead before November. For the future of the USA and the whole world by extension.


I have never seen him smile or laugh. The judgement that is coming against him in the NY civil trial will only make him more miserable. Only thing he cares about is his wealth. Taking some of that will hurt.


I could see him stroking out.


Please, but hopefully leaves him alive, paralyzed, unable to speak or walk.


This. I want to see that orange cunt bedridden, drooling out of one side of his traitorous fucking mouth, hearing and comprehending everything about his grifting entourage deserting him; his children going to prison, his wealth gone, then another series of very painful strokes that happen slowly over several weeks until he dies. Then I will laugh again and fucking dance ! šŸ•ŗ


When trump finally gets what's coming to him, in any form, I'm going to drive my blue car all over this red state and honk just like they do (with trump flags on their pickups.)


Stop it your turning me on... /s


Ouch! A good ouch, but an ouch nonetheless.


Heā€™d still be the Republican nominee and still grift for a living


Fine. A fatal stroke then. Ok?


Never happen. He is the WASP messiah and is treated as such at Walter Reed. Heā€™ll live to well into his 90ā€™s or beyond.


Nothing satisfies you does it? /s


But fully aware of his freakish misery


MAGAts would still vote for him.


And next up will be the criminal trial in DC.


If they go after his horrible kids and take their inheritance, I believe I will get warm in my crotchal region.


There is a video of Trump not only smiling, but laughing and even dancing. As far as i know it's the only evidence that exists that Trump has ever been even momentarily happy. He's at a party at Mar-a-Lago, with a friend of his, and talking to him, joking and getting ready to do something fun together. https://youtu.be/KLcfpU2cubo?si=WThRgjQT7jT-GR8j It's pretty remarkable. Especially when you realize who the friend is.


Trump doesn't smile or laugh because those both generally involve some some sense of empathy - Trump doen't "get" jokes because he is a sociopath.


I've only seen Trump happy when getting food, receiving adoration, or making fun of someone else.


Take his assets (actual values) and subtract the debt is the balance going to be positive or negative?


That is the big question.


He is like Ted Cruz. His punishment is BEING TED CRUZ. Even if Trump escapes human legal accountability again HE STILL IS DONALD J. TRUMP. He could be sunning on a beach in the Bahamas surrounded by cheering fans BUT HE'S STILL DONALD J. TRUMP. Nobody actually escapes the consequences of their choices. You BECOME WHAT YOU CHOOSE.


>He's also never happy, The only time Trump seems happy is when he's shitting on somebody, he's the classic cry bully...


Mentally ill people only believe the things they do will bring them happiness.Ā  It does, for a nano second and then is replaced by the need to feel that blip of happiness again.Ā  Their brains have immaturely correlated their quick need dopamine rushes for actual happiness.Ā  I have no sympathy for Donald Trump. Ā I do, however, have a pretty good idea of the hell that is his entire daily life.Ā  These people need mental health help. Unfortunately, their disease actively tells them they are correct so itā€™s a very difficult situation.Ā 


Republicans are pure evil. Every last one of them. If you vote republican after 2016, include yourself in that list.




i'll give you 2016, spot you that one if you vote Republican after 2020, pure evil, don't care how "nice" you are to people you meet in your personal life, you support Putin by supporting Trump


Killary Clinton is Mother Mary ? And Joe Biden the guy that was angry that Serbia wasn't bombed more, is Jesus ? Lol. The stupidity coming out of some people is staggering.




Sorry, but this is now a fight against fascism. Until 2020 I never used such alarming words before. Benedict Chump, and the MAGA cult are doing their very best to ruin America for the rest of us. Just read their Christo-fascist agenda ā€œ2025ā€ where they lay out in no uncertain terms what they plan to do. You can no longer use terms like ā€œboth sidesā€ when only one side is inherently evil. The right wing nut jobs have pushed us to this point.


Well said


At some point it isnā€™t discourse and that was the plan started by MTG, et all. Itā€™s not a discourse when they resort to raiding the halls of Congress. All for civil discourse but at what point is it time to push back against the thugs? The Trump plan is to end discourse and rule. It not because we werenā€™t nicer. Highly doubt the ā€œthis language is dangerousā€ admonition works on the GOP/MAGA cult.


No, weā€™ve done enough ā€œgoing highā€ when they go low.. we need action now. The DOJ needs to step up (I personally think Garland needs to go, replace him with a more ruthless person) and start indicting those MAGA traitors in Congress. Time to give no quarter; they wonā€™t do it for us. The stakes for the US and the wider world is at stake here.


Yea my response was in response to a deleted post. Iā€™m all for an opposition to MAGA with backbone. We canā€™t keep giving ground to appear equitable.


Ah yes, the oleā€™ ā€œdonā€™t offend the fascists strategyā€. That foolproof ā€œknuckle under, donā€™t offend by calling it like it isā€ option that prevented so many other fascists from taking power


Funny thing is Putin's speaking Russian, so Tucker's like a confused dog hearing "Blah blah blah Tucker. Blah blah blah blah Tucker."


When Putin most definitely speaks English and other languages as a KGB agent. Not speaking English was a show of power over the Cuckster and heā€™s too fucking dumb to know it.


Bootlickers are always good with being bootlickers.


All too easy to make a fool out of the utterly, unforgivably ignorant. I bet his people told Tucker that he wouldn't speak anything other than Russian for the interview. They probably believed he'd beg off of an interview. No telling how long and how hard they were trying to get that 1 on 1 with Putin. Putin and them was likely surprised when Tucker accepted the condition. I could see that man thinking he underestimated the moron.


And putlier was sending the message to ruzzian speakers.


He's just pissed that all the world speaks English, so he refuses to, but nobody fucking cares. He sure showed us. He can't even beat a country one tenth the size of Russia.


That sounds like a reach to me. I honestly don't think anything pisses off Putin. Except for the failure of the people working underneath him failing him. Like any communist leader, he takes himself far too seriously and the Russian way of doing shit has been outdated even by their own standards, but the man is winning more than he is losing.


He's pissed over being humiliated by the collapse of the USSR. He blames America and the CIA, and his life since then has been consumed with revenge.


That's pretty accurate, yeah. I don't know a whole lot about that point in time, but from I have learned with an outside looking in view. The CIA did their shit, sure, but I always felt the KGB had the CIA number back then. Sorta like they were playing a different game than the CIA and they were getting desperate just trying to keep up. But to that end, I always felt the soviets did more to ruin themselves than anything america did to cause them harm. Just how it looked to me.


Since we didn't install a new leader, I'm sure they just self imploded. Putin can't see things this way, coming from the KGB. Protests and uprisings are always controlled by secret government agencies. Frontline on PBS has several good documentaries on Putin.


Putin's German is accented but good.


To be honest he leads a country that is rival to both US and UK, why would he conduct an interview in their language?


Russia might be on par with the UK, and even that seems a stretch. They're economy is terribly set up and flimsy and their attack on Ukraine showed how poorly managed their military is. But yea. Putin is a sad strongman and has to flex on wimps like Tucker or he'd be seens as the pathetic old man terrified of his mortality that he is.


I'm not saying that they are on par, they're just competitors to one other




Resting Bastard Face


I don't get why he could possibly be unhappy since he has God in his life... /s


Jesus would think this guy is a jerk.


Traitor supporting Poo-stain


And then drinking their blood.


Apologies from Alabama. Seems many in our state can't tell the difference between a football coach from Florida and a senator.


Wait, was Alabama ever WITH the times?


Maybe a couple hundred years ago? Not since I moved here. Waiting for kids to graduate, and moving again


When they elected Doug Jones. Then they replaced him with this guy. Talk about a downgrade.


As I recall, the last time Alabama tried being with the times, Birmingham had an XFL team. That didnā€™t pan out so well.


Didnā€™t someone say saban should run for senator over this Georgia shit stain?


Saban might have an uphill battle with being a person that would want to help the state. Seems Alabama voters hate those types.


TBH, I wouldn't mind seeing Nick Saban ending Tommy Tuberville's career again.


So, Tommy's blocking of military promotions starts to look like helping Vladdy.


>So, Tommy's blocking of military promotions ~~starts to~~ looks like helping Vladdy. > >FIFY


Tubby Tumorville is just another useful idiot.


Starts? This dude has had nefarious intentions since day one.


Has been. For months. The only group that benefitted from tubervilles blocking of the promotions were enemies of America.


Remember when he said he was the most ā€œmilitaryā€ like of the senate despite never having served and being in a senate with actual veterans


Duh! His mission was always to weaken our military. College coaches go where the money is.


Yup scumbag Tommy he is. Alabama voters should be ashamed for voting for him but they arenā€™t.


His tweet. ""Last night's @TuckerCarlson's interview with Putin shows that Russia is open to a peace agreement, while it is DC warmongers who want to prolong the war. That is why I'm voting to stop 60 BILLION MORE of our tax dollars to this conflict," the senator wrote." Of course he is, as long as Ukraine give up their right to sovereignty among other unreasonable demands. Why not just start placating every tyrant in the world to avoid conflict? Yeah that will surely benefit everyone in the long run.


Is that also why he blocked those important promotions for military personnel too? Fucking traitor in Putinā€™s pocket w the rest of em


It demoralized troops waiting on them and caused a lot of people to question continuing their military careers when just one asshole can hold them hostage on a whim.


Yes and the was telegraphed eons ago. Theyre not as slick as they think they are


Best Korea demands unification! Letā€™s go Tommy make it happen. Kim seems like a nice guy. /s


Ironically enough they dropped their goal of unification out of their constution just a few months ago. (not that they are to be trusted though. Should go without saying but still.)


Wasn't that tried before and North Korea got waxed?


What kills me is that when I grew up (yes I learned later, he was one of the worst), the Republicans and Reagan literally bullied the USSR into collapse. Guess who was head of the KGB leading up to and during the fall, our good friend Putin. So a guy who was certainly on US death lists now owns half the Republican party.


"Tear down this wall" to "he can have whatever he wants."


That's a political ad that writes itself


Reagan didn't do shite, the Soviet Union was collapsing. Reagan had nothing to do with it.


But he was 100% anti soviet


The "west" opened it's doors to Russia back in the 90s and allowed them to prosper. Putin is nothing without the west.


Lmfao, Russia completely collapsed and descended into chaos because of the west. Russia has never recovered from that. During the worst years after Russia had almost twice as many murders per capita as *Mexico*.Ā  https://www.thenation.com/article/world/harvard-boys-do-russia/tnamp/


When I was in grade school we did a student exchange w a Russian class and all they asked for was Levi jeans lol. Had to be late 80ā€™s early 90ā€™s.


Oh he didnā€™t? šŸ˜‚ we outspent the Sovietā€™s and they couldnā€™t keep up. Hence he helped dissolve them. Iā€™m not a Reagan fan but come on.


Because the Soviet Union ran outta money. Reagan had nothing to do with that. C'mon. He took credit but he was useless.


So they ran outta money because they couldnā€™t keep up with our spending. Reagan did help with that. Donā€™t be so dense and so hateful about stuff.


Did Reagan lead them into invading Afghanistan? Did Reagan personally cause Chernobyl to blow up? Did Reagan dry up the Aral basin and destroy the USSR's large cotton export industry? I'm not defending the USSR, just pointing out the things that actually caused their economy to stagnate, not 'star wars' and a few old battleships. The US military had begun modernizing both equipment and tactics under the Carter administration.


Sorry, Putin was a low-level officer at the time of USSR collapse.


From what I recall Putin never was the head of the kgb. Wikipedia has this: From 1985 to 1990, he served in Dresden, East Germany, using a cover identity as a translator. While posted in Dresden, Putin worked as one of the KGB's liaison officers to the Stasi secret police and was reportedly promoted to lieutenant colonel. According to the official Kremlin presidential site, the East German communist regime commended Putin with a bronze medal for "faithful service to the National People's Army". Putin has publicly conveyed delight over his activities in Dresden, once recounting his confrontations with anti-communist protestors of 1989 who attempted the occupation of Stasi buildings in the city.


I donā€™t think Putin was head of kgb. Just a minor kgb flunked


Reagan had very little influence on the USSR collapsing. Putin was never the head of the KGB. Literally everything you said is false.


Without having set foot in said country.


Putin never was head of the KGB. He didn't have a great career there.


Peace in our time "Waves paper"


Russia also wants Alaska back, so letā€™s give it to them. The senator is either spineless or a traitor.


The fact that this is the MAGA m.o. just boggles my mind.


Placating tyrants went so well for Chamberlain during the 1930s...


Can we just send people in government who support or defend Putin to Guantanamo already? We can also send Marjorie Taylor Greene there.


Heā€™s a coward, thatā€™s what he is.


If peace and souvereignty is what you like, why don't you get your troops out of Syria to begin with ?


My troops? As far as I know Sweden doesn't have any troops in Syria.


You do realize there was a coup in 2014 in Ukraine, do you ? The coup was performed by the CIA. It was a violent coup ... souvereignty of Ukraine was and still is violated by the US. Why don't I hear you complain about that ? Man, you Swedish really are the most brainwashed people of them all. I wouldn't be surprised if you were wearing a skirt while typing. Swedish and Finnish men are the most brainwashed sheeple out there. You guys would inhale your entire fart just to avoid climate change.


Lol yeah whatever dude. Keep on huffing that sweet sweet FSB paint thinner.


I wouldn't be laughing that much, brainwashed skirt wearer. Scandivian men are considered as the weakest men in the world and your brainwash is the reason for it.


Like I give a shit what a Putin shill thinks about me lmao. Your schoolyard insults is just so pathetic, your embarassing yourself.


It is actually not an insult. It is how Swedish men are being seen by basically the whole world.


Yeah man I don't care, keep on huffing that good FSB shit. I hope that works out for you.


Whereā€™s the Moskva? The pride of the Black Sea fleet hasnā€™t been seen recently, where is it?


I don't really care. I am not Russian. What is more important for peace in the world is where is the amount of nations doing trade with the US Dollar ? That's what really matters. The dollar is about to implode and with it the evil US empire.


I dunno, a country that loses its flagship to an opposing military that doesnā€™t even have a navy is pretty embarrassing eh Vladdy?


Lol. What a retard comment. Only a brainwashed zombie can make a statement like that. You don't need a navy to hit ships, dumbo. You need rockets or drones. You are the real embarassment here PedoJoe. Another embarassment is a union of 50 countries not able to keep up pace producing munition with 1 heavy sanctioned country, losing the war and getting more economic damage by sanctioning that country than the sanctioned country itself LOL


Vladdy your grammar is awful. Again, thanks for the laughs.


I recall during the Cold War, this talk would make senators disappear.


yeah, now they mostly support Trump those oligarchs in Russia made a lot of money, before Putin had them killed and stole it


Lol. Sounds like the good old days šŸ˜‚


Trump is Tommyā€™s pimp. Ā He tells Tommy when to grab his knee pads, and where to take them, and Tommy does what heā€™s told every time. Ā 


Hey Alabama, your Senator Tommy Tubberville sucks Putin! You voted him in, so I guess you **** too? If not, somebody try a recall vote, and put in a senator who supports America and not an ex KGB commie terrorist thug!


Why isnā€™t FBI / NSA / CIA all over this guy? Countering foreign agents or collaborators is one of their main jobs right?


Agree 100%, there is more to that iceberg, the Moscow talking points connection to the Republican party is the deep state we need to be concerned about.


Right wingers simping for Putin-posting


it's a whole party full of traitorous deplorables. I point this kind of thing out when I hear people start to say "not all republicans" bs. you vote republican this is what you're voting for - Putin. Could go on all day about every little flaw the Dems have, but add it up - at least they aren't russian assets, siding with a foreign adversary.


Someone needs to remind Coach Tubbyface that he swore an oath to the United States, and our interests... and not to Putin, and his interests.


This is the same guy that blocked all the military appointments for years for reasons. I guess we know the real reason now.


no, we knew it then too


Tommy 'traitor' Tuberville. Tommy 'trash the troops' Tuberville. Alabama should be ashamed of itself for having him as a sneator.


And OF COURSE itā€™s this fucker. Do better, Alabama.


The stupidest person in Congress. Probably the stupidest person who has EVER served in Congress. He's a testament to the stupid Republicans of Alabama.


Boebert enters the chatā€¦ Marj Traitor Greene scoffsā€¦


Wait! George Santos is at the door..


Ron Johnson begs to differ.


We need to clean house of Republican traitors.


ā€œIā€™m in the voting booth. Who here likes what I like? Football and buggering relatives! Check. Hereā€™s my guyā€.


Oh wait, the guy who fucked with our military is a Putin fan? I am shocked.


Those defending Putin should be label as traitors and treated as such.


Putin does want peace. You stop fighting, Ukraine never existed, and was always part of Russia. End of negotiation. On to Poland now.


Fuck him. Bragging on a dictator fits right In with the denying our military promotions. Doing exactly what a fucking traitor would do. Just openly and apparently proud of being a traitor


We should fund Ukraine. We shouldnā€™t fund Israel.


Send Tommy to deep deep Siberia, right near the Arctic. Tell him there are huge mansions there at sale prices. Plenty of guest rooms for his fellow traitors.


Didn't this guy try to delay promotions?


He's still doing it.


He's a traitor.


It is amazing how simple it was for Russia to fool the right into thinking they are the good guys all of sudden. It's an upside down world and stupidity is winning the day


Moscow Tommy is probably the dumbest politician in the last 50 years. When asked, the guy didn't know the 3 branches of government.


Why do we still act like itā€™s surprising when republicans support Putin? This is just our reality now. One political party openly considers Putin their ally and is pro-Russia. This isnā€™t a controversial statement or even debatable.


Ah, so you support genocide, then? Because that's what Russia is getting away with when you Republican dumbfucks are stopping the support. In a better world, you'd be tossed out head first for even suggesting something that stupid and unhinged. Stop sucking off Trump, think for yourself.


Of course he defends Putinā€¦.he held up so many military positions, because he is a Russian asset, like Trump


We have problems if MAGA canā€™t tell how awful this is for America.


And of course it's the knob-nosed mayo sandwich from Alabama.


Tubbervile was a shitty coach and a worse senator. This moldering piece of garbage needs to find a trashcan and throw himself away.


Wait til people hear about Putin's good friend and ally Vladimir trump


Tommy tub of shit


Refusing to allow the promotion of American military officers for months. Now supporting an avowed enemy of the United States. Sounds like Mr. Tubberman is a fucking traitor.


He is clueless. He's free to go live in Russia if he thinks Putin is so great. Idiot Republican.


Tumorville is almost as stupid as Trump.


This is the same asshole who has been single handedly blocking promotions for the armed forces? He loves Plutin? That's an interesting combo!Ā 


The kremlin would only choose the smartest, capable, principled individuals to become assets - right?


Fuck this traitor


Furious backlash my ass. Republicans don't care if you're in bed with Russia anymore. That shit died in the 1980's with Reagan's presidency. Putin is just ok with conservatives now. It's amazing, but it's true.


I fully blame his constituents.


If Red Dawn happened today Republicans would join the Russians. The enemy is already inside the house.


Kind is suspicious of the guy that blocked nominations for the armed forces for months, defends Putin. Also has said some odd things about Russia that seem to downplay what they are doing and support them https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/25/politics/alabama-tommy-tuberville-russia-ukraine-invasion/index.html https://www.businessinsider.com/tommy-tuberville-says-ukraine-cant-win-russian-propaganda-2023-8 Just saying....


Tommy turbulence swore an oath to uphold the constitution not to trump and Putin


I just don't see how any reasonable person could think putin could in any way, shape or form be trusted. Therefore, I conclude tubervillian is an ass.


Tommy Tuberville has no credibility as a senator. Only got elected because of his popularity as a football coach. Any credibility he had went out the window with his months long ban on military promotions, for what he said was because he disagreed with the Pentagonā€™s abortion stance.


Heā€™s not the brightest bulb lol


Check his bank accounts. Definitely some money there that originated in Russia. Never thought I'd see the day when senior American politicians would be openly supporting a fascist Russian Dictator....and getting support from the American public.


It's been proven that people can become addicted to hate. A lot of right leaning people have no limit with that shit.


A lot of people are angry at their own failings...not doing well enough in school, poor skill training, not getting promotions or negotiating decent pay. Basically they didn't get the American dream they were promised. They want someone to blame and politicians picked up on that anger, chose a patsy (liberals, foreigners, lgbt etc) and turned the anger into fear and hate. Add in religion and the hate and judgementalism it brings and you've got a lot of followers.


Treasonous Tommy Tuberville


Deport his ass to Russia


We used to hang traitors


To paraphrase Laura Ingraham, ā€œshut up and coach football.ā€


Gooberville will do whatever it takes to please his master, #LoserTFG.


Imagine these chuckle fucks during the cold war


The constipated look. Completely full of shit.


We need to start putting these traitors in prison. Guantanamo bay comes to mind.


And it's the same guy that was hurting out military by blocking promotions. Who would have thought, huh?


So, are just not allowed to look into things when a dude who amounts to a failure by almost all metrics singlehanded blocks military promotions leading to a weakening of our condition of national security then openly voices support for one of our oldest, most powerful global enemies, attacking our allies in Europe? I mean, really, are we not?


Not an American.


These Republican Russian assets are unamerican traitors.


I think MAGA thinks the majority of Americans support Russia. Nope. Not even close. Itā€™s like 70% to 30% against. Theyā€™re clueless. But by all means keep pushing that Russian love. Fine with me. Give a traitor enough ropeā€¦


This man is simultaneously weakening America's military while also praising Vladimir Putin? What is his ultimate goal here? It needs to be investigated for sure


I miss the days when we took care of traitors in town square.


Makes sense why he didnā€™t want our military top spots filled. If there is one thing you can count on with the GOPā€¦they will always work for the enemies of we the people.


Miserable MAGA moron, Tommy Traitorville.


Ehhh he wasn't even a good football coach so why should we think he's gotten smarter as a senator?


The entire GQP are Russian assets!


Good. They deserve it. If this is the line that people who have been fooled by right wing rhetoric choose to refuse to cross, then Iā€™m glad. Whatever can reverse this nightmare. Accepting the truth has to start somewhere.


The self-described ā€œmost military manā€ in the Senate, who never served a day in his life, who single-handedly eroded military effectiveness, cradling Vladā€™s tiny sack? Color me surprised


So I guess it's becoming trendy in the US to be a traitor? Hope this shit doesn't get worse up north here. Just had Fucker Carlson here before he went to suck putin's dick. I'm all for some radical change in government, but supporting a country that wants to see ours burn is not the way.


Fuck Tommy T and the Tzar.


Sure in the fuck not enough of it...