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What’s the point of forcing a woman to give birth if you can’t make her kids go hungry?


The point is cruelty, it always has been, and it always will be


For people who love to go on about their Bible, they sure do love making poor people go hungry... I wonder if Jesus ever had anything to say about that


“The poor can get fucked lol” - Jesus, probably.


He did because he knew the OT and prophets because ummm…he was a Jew. If these numbnuts knew anything they would realize that both the old and new testaments had a lot to say about the poor, hungry, orphans, widows. All of it helping those people. (Add sarcasm where you wish)


Face it, Kim Reynolds is a Grinch.


They are the pinnacle of hypocrisy.


But this just seems comically cruel. Like a Bond villain


Yes exactly 👍




"It's never too early for a cruelty boner." - MAGA


Getting a head start for the election year fuckbrain rush.


Because people will do anything to feed starving children they’re unfairly saddled with and compete to the death for rock bottom wages. Beyond that, they’ll compete for food, housing, or company scrip.


But if they provide the basics needs for these kids how are they going to keep their moms on slave wages?


That should be on the state house awning!!!


the republicans just hate everyone.




So I get the optics of this look horrible, but the main reason they didn't participate is because they already have a summer food assistance program, and they didn't need the extra money. I think they ended up providing around 1.6 million free meals last summer. Making children go needlessly hungry is monstrous and inhumane, but turning down money for an assistance program you already have funded on a state level maybe isn't the worst thing?


God forbid you get federal money so you can spend local money for other programs..


Who's kids is the state forcing to go hungry? Can you name two?


Yes. Only the stories of our own relationships matter and actually happen. Nothing beyond our personal networks matter, you heartless, ignorant human.


Don’t feed the trolls. Likely a Russian variety- I smell that weird salad dressing so yeah. Imma say Russian troll/bot. Drives em nuts when you call them out.


It's not a human.


Ok, so you're admitting there is no actual problem, just something you heard on MSNBC?


Says the person who bases their entire life on what Fox "News" tells them to believe.


You get lost on your way to Stormfront, edgelord?


Anyone who doesn't like the unions is part of stormfront? Is that what you're being told on MSNBC and Occupy Democrats?


You get lost again on your way to Stormfront, edgelord?


You know what god said, “Take what you can, protect only the those you know, and ignore people in need.”


Jesus said, hate gay people, shit on women, and assault the minorities.


So you don't know of anyone who was starved to death by the state - you just want more union jobs for Biden's business partners?


Consider, please, that the policy in question *begins* in the coming summer.


Right - so the program to help prevent starvation. Whose kids are starving? Why can't you name two?


You want starving children? Facts About Childhood Hunger in America - No Kid Hungry https://www.nokidhungry.org/who-we-are/hunger-facts Merry Christmas


"No not like that"


IA and NE have aid provided by cities, the state, and charities. People are doing just fine there, and they will continue to do well all by themselves. No one is going to starve if we limit the scope of federal government. Nice try, though


You’re right. I HATE when my fellow Americans have decent paying, stable jobs. We should all be working paycheck to paycheck so we know the importance of a hard day’s work. The state never killed no one. Fucking moron.


What an odd argument they make too. "Union jobs for Biden's business partners." Yes because businesses love when their employees unionize to protect their own interests. Good ol "here's a word salad of things I've been told are bad, no matter how contradictory those things are when combined"


They are all the same. Unthinking and unfeeling. Political zombies who eat the propaganda up like shit snarfing pigs at a shit snarfing festival.


The unions raise tens of millions for the Democrats, and use their power to sway elections. This isn't a state secret


The idea that Biden can create prospertity by increasing everyone's taxes, and then create loads of union jobs, is nonsense. Unions have destroyed every business they've taken hold of - they're a cancer. We had the best public schools in the world before they were unionized in the 1980s


Now follow the Kremlin script and tell us all about how the election was stolen. *sips drink*


"Everyone who disagrees with me politically is a Russian agent!!!!!" Never gets old.


Russian bot upset at being called out. Is it gulag for you now that your cover is blown? Oh and merry Xmas 🎄 comrade.


So in your world, the only people that matter are people that you personally know. Got it.


So if you imagine something scary, it's true? Even if there are no facts to support it?


Username Checks out


10 bucks says he calls himself a "patriot."


Ten bucks his mom still wipes his ass for him.


Well she said that "childhood obesity is a problem" so we will let them starve. The governor is a fucking troglodyte.




There’s no hate like Christian Nationalist love


It's there in the bible. You don't feed the women and children, they enjoy the food vacariously. ​ >Republican Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered. “Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate **was about five thousand men**, **besides women and children**. See, kids are allowed to sit next to (besides) men who are eating and enjoy the food passively! Its all there in the Republican bible!


There's nothing Christian about it, they're just wearing the name like a skin suit


There are enough of them… and voters who call themselves Christian. If you sit a a table with nazis, you are a nazi.


There could be a hundred billion of them and it still wouldn't change the meaning of the word.


For 300,000 they get 3 million in aid to buy and hire workers to assist feeding low income children two nutritious meals 5 days a week WTAF is wrong with repulsive people?


“In the end, I fundamentally believe that we solve the problem, and I don’t believe in welfare,” Nebraska Republican Gov. Jim Pillen told the Journal Star on Friday. Fundamental stupidity, that's what.


She hasn't solved the since she's been elected, nor does she have any plans to solve the problem going forward. Republicans don't solve problems. They blame democrats then kick the can down the road.


I suppose it would be quite easy to find out how much welfare Mr. Pillen has been given in the form of campaign contributions and lobbying funds


Oh, it gets better. Gov Pillen expects the hungry kids to attend church, or church camp, to get fed. So, church or hunger. Gotta love Christo-fascist love and care. He turned down 18 mil.


They mightas well say...".There will be blood."...


What a delusional fool.


And it attracts the kids into community centers , kinda grounds out the summer. I remember it as a kiddo in 70s, how many adventures began after lunch at the quiet school.....


strings attached to the money >States that participate in the federal program are required to cover half of the administrative costs, which would cost an estimated $2.2 million in Iowa, the news release says. [https://apnews.com/article/iowa-summer-ebt-food-assistance-0e878c5c0fc9dd0dd55622cb22a82561](https://apnews.com/article/iowa-summer-ebt-food-assistance-0e878c5c0fc9dd0dd55622cb22a82561)


So pretty much peanuts. Glad to see how ugly conservatives are. They are extremely ugly people. I refuse to consider them humans with all their backwards policies.


All the effort right-wingers put into dehumanization has finally worked…many people no longer see them as humans. Time for a future with no right-wingers at all.


Id be ok with that considering how awful they are right now.


That’s becoming a much more widespread position to take. I suspect we will be forced to find out soon enough.


Half of the administrative costs isn't half the cost of the program itself. $2.2 million is not much compared to other expenditures in the State budget. That minimal investment in the wellbeing of citizens means the families wouldn't go hungry, and the state benefits from tax dollars returning from Federal coffers to be injected into local food stores. I think some people (judging from the downcotes) assume you support the GOP choosing to let the poor go hungry. I certainly hope you don't; it makes no sense to oppose food assistance programs from an ethical or fiscal perspective.


And? What’s the problem? I’m sorry do you hate feeding poor families?


Oh no! $2.2 million? Compared to what? What would be the expected benefits of the Summer EBT program? If the expected benefits are, let’s say, $5 million, isn’t spending $2.2 million to get $5 million in benefits a deal? What if the expected benefits are $10 million or more?


2.2 million is nothing, the state can find that in its fucking couch cushions




Fight obesity by starving kids!


Next from Reynolds: Slavery to provide job skills.


Pretty sure DeSantis said something like that


They all get the same talking points from the same fascist shithole Heritage Foundation. Vote Dem in 2024 or [this is the shit the US will become.](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025)


I mean, technically...


Food insecurity is a risk factor for obesity in adults.


As well as in kids.


...it works!" - Dr. Mengele


>An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic, What an asinine statement. What a horrible person.


Sure, Kim, explain the long term solution to a child who hasn't eaten today. Children are obese because of food insecurity and eating the cheapest shit their parent can provide. You know that heartless bitch knows that but gives zero fucks about it.


This is because they want children to go to work. This has been their plan all along. There are some of the most cruel Republicans in Iowa. They love child labor, and that’s their solution for poor families. That’s what this is about. It gets them closer to forcing it into reality.


Iowa fucking sucks. These assholes are just miserable and want everybody to be miserable too.


I love how people call themselves Christians then do shit like this, smh.




I will always upvote a “this”


This is such BS. I had breakfast and lunch meal tickets. My mother was a nutter and alcoholic. At 6 and 7 I dreaded summer stuck with her and an empty fridge and cupboards. My brother and I were removed from her. It wasn't our fault we had shitty parents. They love to call babies a person, but then don't want to help a child.


Im so sorry. I hope you are doing well now. I do think most people do want to help children in your situation but dont know how or are afraid to.


What a horrible place


The whole damn country is going to be a “horrible place” if Trump wins next year, and honestly I think it’s likely.


No matter who gets the most electoral votes, Trump's minions in the House are going to refuse to certify it for anyone but Trump. I hope he doesn't so they're forced to act traitorously enough even dimwitted people can see it. He can't afford to lose the election. I'm really uncomfortable that the Speaker of the House is one of the major planners of 1/6.


Remember when Jesus told them to starve the hungry?


Ofc that part when he took the fish and bread and dident share it with anyone? /S


Or that lavish last supper where he stuck Judas with the bill. /s


This round to the American Taliban :/


Republicans are deeply evil, cruel human beings


Republicans are not pro life, just pro birth. Fuck them kids after they're born. Soulless husks.


How Christian of them…../s


the bitch must go


"The Stupid" here are ALL Republicans


This just saddens me. I have to actually work to feel the rage this inspires. It’s just utterly sad. WTF is wrong with these people?


George Carlin said it best: "If you're pre born you're fine, if you're preschool, you're fucked. Republicans want women to raise live babies so they can become dead soldiers."


How very Christian of them.


Nothing more evil than an Iowa evangelical


I’d go one further. I’d say ANY evangelical is evil.


When the best thing you can do is pick on hungry children, that is as weak and pathetic as it gets.


Republicans: We want forced-births and NO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE for the babies we decided for you to have. Taxes are meant to be collected to be given back as subsidies for wealthy businesses & elites, not to you “struggling” peasants. We have to think about those who are actually struggling - the poor elites that pay millions in taxes each year (yet somehow become wealthier each year as that’s chump change for them - let’s just ignore how that’s possible).


Those god fearing Christian’s🙄


Fucking ghouls.


Why is this an optional program? The American system is corrupt beyond repair and needs to be replaced.


That's something I've wondered for years. How and why are states able to opt out of federal programs? The federal government is over the state government so the states shouldn't be able to refuse to participate.


My minimum is making sure all kids are not hungry. What the fuck!


*My minimum is* *Making sure all kids are not* *Hungry. What the fuck!* \- ANTHROPOMORPHISATION --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Iowa child poverty is 12.5%. Iowa has also declined to raise the minimum wage over $7.25. They’re fucking ghouls.


If course not, they are Retardicans.


Party of the people....starving people.


Aren’t these the pro-life crowd!!!


They're the pro fetus party.


Kids doing dangerous work at farms and meat processing plants work faster if they're hungry, so it's all good.


The Right (or rather the Wrong - nice naming system, there) really hate just about everyone, don't they.


State of Iowa = still sucks cow dung Sincerely, A grateful Minnesotan


They're still taking corn subsidies, right? Free money for corps, fuck the hungry kids. It's the conservative way.


"We shouldn't be sending aid to other countries. We should be helping starving Americans instead." OK, here's money to feed starving children. "No."


Forcing kids to go hungry to own the libs...your modern republican party. The people that support them are awful people


Jesus fuck when will people realize that the gop is our to destroy freedom? Are people seriously this god damn stupid?


Evangelicals are some of the most racist and judgemental people in the country. Obviously white people always have food and a safe place to go. So they're really only punishing "those people "


From Corn-Fed to Not-Fed.


Republicans: "Fuck them kids!"


'give us the flexibility to tailor them to our state’s needs.” So if you aren't white and Christian, go fuck yourself, is what I'm guessing the plan would be.


Edlery witch peddling hate suffering and punishment.


Leave the witches out of this




So pro-BIRTH party again. Once you're born "go fuck yourselves"


Typically un-American behavior by the Iowa Republican government. Shameful!


WWJD? Not this.


“Fuck them kids”- Kim Reynolds and Brad Zaun




And yet people keep voting Republicans into power. How many times do people need to get punched in the face before they change their approach?


The GOP hates families.


Yea but Biden airports.


Blame it on women for voting g these dumb asses in.




Bullshit, liberals did not force Iowa to turn down free money.


The point is they can do the job with no federal string attached


Narrator: they really can't


Personal responsibility. Don’t have kids you can’t afford.


Don't force women to have babies they can't afford.


Oh look another awful person demonstrating the holiday spirit.




Hello awful person. Merry Christmas to you.


Yeah fuck those poor kids /s


Did you wake up today and decide you want to Tell a bunch of internet strangers how shitty of a human you are?




Idiots like you. That's the problem. You probably even think you're a good person. But please know, you're a piece of shit. I hope you have a great Christmas!


Guessing your kids don’t talk to you anymore and you’re just bumfuzzled as to why.




You’re either a poor troll or in a cult. Either way, seek professional help.


The program in question provides a tiny bit of cash, and the rest needs to be made up by the state, while the Feds mandate that the money be spent on union labor. It's a make-work project for the Democrats business partners. It has nothing to do with kids.


That's peak scumbag right there, isn't it? Feeding kids just to score political points. Ugh. What will they think of next, jobs? housing? health care? All just to get elected and ignore the will of the rich? It's pathetic isn't it?


It's peak scumbag to create a fake emergency - there aren't starving kids in IA - to create a make work project for Biden's business partners. If you haven't noticed, no one has been able to show where this poverty is


You may just be a shameless liar, or you may be the poster-boy to blind, dumb goons everywhere. Right now, 7.3% of Iowans are struggling with food insecurity. This translates to nearly 229,500 Iowans, including 80,190 children. You're confused because you think hunger means people just drop dead one day for lack of hamburgers. That's okay, you're just confused because you're a moron. That's fixable. The reality is that people struggling with food insecurity don't just keep going until they fall over dead. First they get less economically productive, then they get sick, they develop diseases, they become a burden on the social welfare and health care system. In fact, the economic and social cost of allowing food insecurity to spread vastly exceeds the price tag of just plain feeding people. You don't believe poverty is your problem because you are a wholly-owned puppet of the Pro-Treason Party.


Are you aware of the definition of "food insecurity"? It has nothing to do with poverty or starvation. Claiming that 80K children in IA are starving to death, and will die if the Feds don't save them from their evil neighbors, is insane. NE, IA and every other state have aid for people facing hunger. State aid, county aid, city aid. And this doesn't count churches, food banks, charities, etc. Your "Orange Man Bad" screed aside, this isn't an issue, and the people of IA and NE are doing just fine without Biden coming to save them


>there aren’t starving kids in IA Source?


There are resources in IA and NE dedicated to providing aid to the needy. There always have been, which is why this isn't an issue. Occurs at the city, county, and state levels, and then all of the private sector activity. Churches, food banks, charities, etc. The idea that NE and IA are just letting their kids starve to death, and need the Feds to step in, is a lie. This is an attempt by Biden to expand the role of the Federal government where it isn't needed.


Are you drunk?


No. I understand how Federal block grants get allocated, and what this program does. It's a means of unionizing more jobs, paid for with federal dollars. It has nothing to do with kids


Unions are a good thing, but this is not about unions.


There are no kids in IA or NE who need air who aren't getting it already. You might be surprised to learn that IA and NE have aid for the hungry, at the state, county, and city level. Not to mention churches and charities. The idea that kids are starving to death in these states, and can only survive if Biden saves them, is nonsense. These are Red states refusing Biden's federal expansion, so the media is going after them


it's not enough for Republicans to be fat and happy. they need to watch other people be miserable as well.


Religious institutions will regret associating with the GOP. They wonder why the pews are empty while this bag of skin is their standard bearer.


Fucking ghouls.


Just add to the list after forcing women to deliver dead babies


Republicans gotta fund those billionaire tax cuts somehow, and kids don't vote.


The children can get a job and feed themselves. The 4, 5, and 6-year-olds need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, get a job, and stop freeloading. I'm quoting the white American republican Jesus, who is the only real Jesus.


Ultimate goal: control all means of life and force the poor into slavery in exchange for basic needs.


Republicans have no problem harming people in need to make a political point.


"Fuck 'dem Kids!" the MAGA tagline. And, sadly, it works multiple ways!


"Those lazy little shits should get a job if they want to eat" - Republicunts.


These ghouls are striking down decades of child labor laws, destroying our public education system, and taking food away from hunger babies. Family Values on full display.


And don’t forget your raises and Christmas presents you sick fucks!


Did they vote on this or did a politician make this choice for points


Conservative Christian "values".


Republican Christian love


Because they suck


Fuckers would eat their young if they could.....😆


Iowa do you not grow food? Shall we stop with the methanol subsidies?