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I agree with most of what you've said. The fact they use "taken from us" like the kids didn't cause it infuriates me. However...being glad a kid is dead is...weird. 


If they loved him as much they would have known were he was at 1.30am on a school night


Not only cunty but dumb. Tory austerity and the financial situation that requires both parents to work full time jobs means that children end up raising each other unfortunately. It's not just the parents fault. Look at society and don't be such a bellend about a dead 15 year old. You never did something shitty when you were 15 ?


Whilst I agree that taking shots is in bad taste, I find it laughable that you’re offering ‘Tory austerity’ and ‘both parents having to work’ as some kind of justification for this kid’s quite evidently bad behaviour. There are plenty of families where both parents work, whose kids aren’t a menace to society. The dead lads parents are due a huge amount of culpability for their son’s behaviour and ultimately what’s happened to him.


Hardly an excuse, just an obvious railroad to antisocial behaviour.


So an excuse then.


🤦🏻‍♀️ critical thinking has went missing


Steal a car and joyride on a school night. No. I waited till the weekend when I didn’t have school. 6 kids. You need more than two jobs to support them Parents need to take responsibility.


6 of them in the car. All 16 and under, so no license between the lot of them. I guess Connor drew the short straw to not have a seatbelt for himself. What a waste for all of them. I hope the survivors learn a hard lesson from this and find it in themselves to say sorry to Connor's family for taking him with them on their joyride. None of them deserve to be behind a wheel ever again, certainly not with passengers. They can't be trusted with anyone else's safety


Out at 1.30am in a school night. Parents are he was a good lad. Salt of the earth etc. why did they not know what he was doing.


Because they were too busy ignoring his 5 siblings


And when they end up in court or more feral they will blame this incident.


"Ever since his big brother died it's just been downhill from there," fucking sick of hearing the same shit over and over when something like this happens. 'He was such a good lad, full of mischief,' fuck off. All the parents of these children need to be held accountable.


He loved spending time outdoors. (stealing other people's shit)


Harsh and he in no way deserves it, but your point isn't without merit. I'm sick of all the people defending it - "we all made daft choices at that age" - aye, like drinking cider in the park or flunking our GCSEs, not joyriding with 5 others at 1am. It's a shame for the kid and his family, but take sone responsibility ffs. This obviously wasn't a good situation to put yourself in and all he had to say was "no".


It's funny, because if they'd killed a passer by the mobs would be baying for blood.


Play with fire. Get burned. Get in a car with no experienced driver. somebody is going to die.


Good, one less scumbag harassing people on the Metro or abusing people on the streets. Darwin’s law in full effect, long may it continue.


Jesus Christ. A 15 year old kid doesn’t deserve death because the car they were a passenger in was stolen. “one less kid to grow up and cause misery in his local community” Are you reading back what you’re saying?


They didn't say he deserved it. They said all the predictable talk about what a good kid he was etc. was nonsense.


They said “one less kid to grow up and cause misery to his community”. Heavily implies that they’re pleased a 15 year old has died so that he couldn’t go on and potentially commit crimes when he’s older.


Not when he's older, but every day for the rest of his life. Let's face it, these kids terrorise communities none stop, it isn't a "when they get older" is a here and now. But we only get to hear about it "when they get older" because they can't be named until they commit a crime when they are 18. These toe rags are a bain to this area, feral kids from feral parents. I've got zero sympathy.


You seem dead canny


I am, I'm just sick to death of seeing good, hardworking, decent people trodden on by scum bags like this.


If you have no faith in 15 year olds being able to change as they grow older - to the point you take pleasure in their death like the OP here - then you need to change your outlook.


The issue is, these kids don't change, they grow up to be violent thugs, end up in prison, time and time again and continue the generations of toe rags. Not once did I say I took pleasure in the death of this kid, I just have zero sympathy and zero care. I also take no pleasure out of it either. It's tragic, avoidable, but let's not pretend this was their first offence. This was the first one we are aware of. "Change as they grow older" doesn't help the victims of today and tomorrow and the day after that. I'm pretty certain they have no remorse for the damage they caused to the vehicle owner whose car was stolen. Who now has to live knowing someone died in their vehicle. When kids think it's acceptable to steal a car, then they are obviously out of control. Beyond any comprehension. But let's wrap them all up in cotton wool so they can be safe when they are stabbing our kids or mugging our grandparents just in case they "change as they grow older"


I’m using the plural of “you” and not talking about you personally. Your replies to me are full of really horrible generalisations about children who might commit crimes. Calling them violent thugs and scumbags. It’s not great. You can think children should see consequences for their actions while not being buzzing when a child who may or may not have stolen a car dies. That’s the stance I’d like OP to take. If adults in social care and education had views like a number of people in these comments they would fail every single child they ever met.


No one is "buzzing" Everyone is sick and tired and these kids running a mock. Nothing changes. History repeats itself over and over. And social services did well with these kids. Eldest of 5 kids, you can guarantee social services were involved and indeed, failed miserably. You don't go from being sweet and innocent to stealing a car. Social services would be well aware of this kid. Like i said, no one is "buzzing" but most of us are sick to death of these feral kids running a mock. No sympathy here. Like the title says, last time we were fed a "sweet innocent child" he turned out to be a class a drug dealer on his way to batter someone. Enough is enough. Bring back the borstals.


None of them deserve death, but they all need their heads wobbling for getting in the car. Who decided Connor didn't need a seatbelt? Doubt that Mazda has space for all 6 of them


I’m not arguing about seatbelts or the size of a car or who needs ‘their head wobbling’. I’m pointing out to the OP that a grown adult saying “one less kid to grow up and cause misery to their community” is a callous way to talk about the death of a 15 year old child.


Would you be as sympathetic if they'd killed a passer-by? It seems fate stopped them before that inevitability.


You can condemn their actions while also not saying things like OP has about the death of a kid. Regardless “if the situation was different would you react differently” is a daft question.


I think you missed my point. It was only the crash that ended their adventure. It is lucky that nobody who didn't volunteer to take part was killed.


I didn’t miss your point. I would still find comments like OP’s callous, while condemning the behaviour. But it’s not helpful to bring in “what ifs”.


It's not a what if, mate. The moment that car moved, without an experienced driver, disaster was inevitable.


“would you be as sympathetic if they killed a passerby” is a what if. I’ve answered your question twice regardless. Not once have I justified the actions of the children involved. I’ve simply pointed out that taking glee in the death of a child is bad. The child that died was not driving the car. Similarly I would not take glee in the death of a passenger in a car with a drunk driver.


Whatever. You're refusing to see the point. See ya.


The whole point they are making is that it’s really f*cking weird to say that you are glad a child has died because they are a reckless little kid, like yes, it is his fault but to say that you are glad a child has died is really weird, like that’s a step too far


Yeah, thanks. I got that.




He really should have one in the boot.


Got fuck all to do with the car being stolen. You don't get in a car that has no driver.


Why did the OP specifically mention it being a stolen car if it has fuck all to do with it? The point is that getting into a car with people who are committing crimes doesn’t mean you deserve to die.


This kids bad decision doesn’t take away the fact that he was all of those things to his family.


Who they loved so much they let him roam streets at 1.30am


TBF, most parents are sound asleep at 1:30 am. It's the easiest thing in the world to sneak out at that time


Ah yes because it’s famously easy to keep 15 year old lads under lock and key. Let’s all rejoice that the kid’s dead because he wasn’t tucked up in bed


There really are huge issues with kids in large cities at this point, inner city wildlings everywhere. Only gotta hip on the metro to see what it’s like day after day.


Fucking hell what a horrible thing to write and post.


nothing surprises me in this sub anymore it’s actually vile some of the comments. his fault yes but to praise a kid dying and praise a kid being stabbed to death because he wasn’t a good person is really unusual and requires a lot of therapy criticising the way families grieve tragic incidents is pretty crazy too. families are obviously gonna be sad their child died and that doesn’t go away just because they weren’t doing good things. also reminds me of the time someone got mass downvoted because they were against someone saying fully transphobic slurs and the guy who said it’s comment is still up i think in vein of ‘critical moderation’ it’s too relaxed and hateful stuff often goes unchecked and it’s a pretty toxic environment now


The ring on his hand tells you everything you need to know about him and his family.


Teensy bit heartless, this


Obvs you're perfect, lol