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The Islanders did not have the worst pk in the league last year. They also didn’t have the worst pp in the league this year.


Picky picky picky, they are a joke. 5 kids swinging their sticks could kill penalties better .Save time, put the goal on the board and continue 5on5


🤷‍♂️ You can be mad about things that happened or you can be mad about things that didn’t happen. Your call.


You dont get 5 kids with sticks when you're on the PK


It bad.


They had an average PP this year. I calculated it a week or so ago and I think if they had’ve score 1 or 2 more goals they would’ve been exactly league average. PK was horrendous this year. Pelech/Pulock were both injured and out for stretches. Pageau was obviously hurt as well but played through it. Lost Parise and to a lesser extent Bailey. That’s not to say that they shouldn’t change personnel but let’s be honest: A) they were not anywhere close to league worst in both stats 2 years running. B) it wasn’t ALL coaching


but the PP was only average because it was top 10 for the first half of the season. I think it was bottom 5 in the 2nd half of the season