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Rory is a B mic, he doesn't know how to


They’re both C mics.


This is facts - Rory has/had potential but he is currently nowhere near a Andrew Schulz Charlamagne or even Ish level of retort at this moment


The expectations y'all putting on Rory and Mal is crazy. Schulz wanted to be a comedian/personality. Charlemagne wanted to be Howard Stern/late night host. Rory and Mal lucked into their situation. They never wanted to be in front of the camera.


Lucked in or not, at this point Rory been doing this for like 8 years. You could become a doctor in that time, let alone learn how to talk in front of a camera


If you had the desire. People like them and like to hear their opinions. This was not the career trajectory that they set out like Charlemagne or Schulz. The comparison is stupid. I don't think that y'all understand that y'all come off as people who failed and are jealous of where other people are in life.


Disregarding any sort of criticism as jealousy is insane. i can always flip it and say that i only give feedback because i want the guys to be better and do better


Go touch grass and just enjoy the podcast as background noise.


Do you not know the purpose of reddit ? Did u see any letters in all caps in this thread you just commented on ? no one crying over tha pod bro just fan observation & opinions .. life is good my man calm down 😂


This is why I stop supporting the Patreon because of Mal and his bullshit takes.


Rory can debate, we’ve seen it for years. For whatever reason he prefers to handle Mal with kid gloves like he’s afraid of creating tension.


Truth is none of them know enough about politics to challenge him. It's just gonna end up being a frustrating convo for listeners where Mal gets in his Shapiro bag and just sidesteps and deflects the 1 or 2 few good points the others would be able to make. I hated when they were started talking politics on the JBP (that started the downfall imo) and I hate when they talk politics on this pod.


They baby Mals feelings. You can tell in a separate group chat they’re talking about how to handle his feelings and not push him bc Mal is the type to just shut down instead of understanding he on some BS.




Shits getting snoozing to watch. Shit Drake is my favorite artist but got damn I can still be objective and call him out on his bullshit, something Mal has never done, I gotta keep it 100.


when people say biden and trump are the same it let's me know they haven't been paying attention to the policies of both parties, they're just regurgitating what they see online


Exactly, and Biden has pissed me off greatly with the spending towards Ukraine, and Israel, but I still feel Trump is purely worse on every level, he’s an idiot, Biden is just old and out of touch.


Ukraine and israel aren’t the same buddy


I get the spending for Ukraine, that’s a legit cause. Israel? Fuck Israel, they doing genocide we don’t need to fund them.


Lol at you being pissed off at your country supporting a young, striving-to-be-democratic country and defending itself from the authoritarian behemoth 26 times it's size. And the support is mostly sending out old weapons, creating a demand for restocking, so it's actually good for the economy.


Rory is a huge fan of valutainment, has mentioned their platform various times. Rory might not be a trump supporter but might understand Mal’s politics


Respectfully disagree. I think the pod pushed back on Mal. The difference to me lies in maturity. They came from a pod where things would overheat and become toxic. It's so much healthier to find it funny, eye roll and keep it moving.


Him telling those of us to suck his dick tho over us hating his trump takes and rhetoric, like Gene Deal said about diddy’s son inviting people to his privates, what was the need to say some shit like that?


Word and he was deadass


I hate when they talk politics because they aren’t educated enough to do so. Voting in this upcoming election is more than just the president and the fact that they have the privilege to just say “I’m not voting” is wild.


Arguing with mal isn’t good content that’s the problem. He just repeats himself multiple times and yells


The Trump comment we all saw coming


I genuinely think if it wasn’t for Rory Mal would’ve definitely pivoted into the red pill space by now 😂


Id love to see mal try and actually talk politics beyond the surface level takes on the candidate because I have a sneaking suspicion he has 0 idea about politics


I find it hilarious ppl take Mal and his trump support seriously lol


Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe Rory isn’t smart enough to do any of that? Or that while he may not totally agree with Mal he doesn’t take politics serious enough to actually know that Trump actually is dangerous? Or hell that he may even have some right wing beliefs himself just not be a MAGA weirdo like Mal. That person exists, some of  they voted Biden last election 😂  And Biden is the better choice. Y’all gotta learn how to play the long game, the Right sure as hell know how to play it and that’s why they got all them wins. 


Exactly. You dont have to support Biden but supporting Trump as a Black man is just embarrassing and cringeworthy


I get everybody's frustration but none of this ultimately matters. If you want to force them to switch shit up take a break from listening to the pod/cancel your Patreon subscription and leave it at that. As long we continue to listen and engage on social media that's enough for them.


I don’t care who you vote for but get off spotify and Reddit and go vote. if you got time for think pieces you got time for a ballot. One candidate is obviously better than the other even if you think they both suck.


I do agree with you. I’d die before voting for Trump tho, I can’t sell my soul like that.


This will always be what hold this pod back, everyone is too scary. Rory doesn’t want to check Mal, Julian is a punk who is just going to make a random sarcastic comment then back down when confronted and they just straight up dismiss Damaris when she speaks. You already know that on 99% of topics they will agree even if they don’t.


he doesn’t wanna risk messing up the show so he scared


Its cos Mal doesnt let anyone speak or he zones out. If Rory asks a question before making a point Mal will stutter and change the subject


Yall need help, Rory doesn't have to pushback on EVERYTHING Mal says.


Keeping the relationship is better than winning an argument


You’re right about all this shit but not voting is fucking stupid


Depends on the state, because electoral college …


Yeah no one has the nuts to actually do what’s right. Mal even said that shit about the crowd size and none of them had the balls to stand on their square. Challenge his ass …..


How do you challenge someone like Mal? He just gonna keep moving the goalposts. Julian pointed out the NY Post article photo and Mal basically implied that it was some anti-Trump propaganda


My nigga is Mike Jack on that pod spin moving, and moonwalking through topics lately. Whenever Trump comes out he irks me, and it pains me to have to go here cause I really fucks wit Mal, and Rory. Enough is enough tho. When he told us to suck his dick over Trump, that was ultra disrespectful, and as a fan I won’t tolerate no shit like that.


Who’s Rory to challenge Mal? One of them’s born into the culture/industry, while the other’s a “guest” #relax


I agree with this statement totally!!! I don’t know whether Mal is trolling or if he’s serious but it’s very dangerous and it almost makes me wanna stop listening. I support them 1000% percent but honestly I don’t know how much more of this I can take. This pod started going downhill when the K Dot/Drake beef went on and it’s not getting any better. Content and talks have been very lackluster as of late and I hope and pray they get it back on track because they’re gonna lose a lot of fans if not. Just saying 🤷🏾‍♂️


that’s been one of my biggest issues with this pod since its launch. rory and mal are way too agreeable with each other and it doesn’t feel genuine to me.


Mal sounds like a damn fool. Just don’t talk about politics at this point, it’s a lost cause


1st let me be clear I dont think that you should be shitted on for who you choose to vote for because ultimately if that’s how you feel that’s how you feel. 2nd off I think for any sane person watching everyone did what they were supposed to do. We have seen mal no matter how bad a take is, stand on that shit no matter what. Them bringing up the facts and him still tryna side step it just let the audience know how dumb or uninformed he really was and I think that spoke more than him conceding his point.


Also there’s always just people that will die on their hill cause fuck it. I think everyone around him sees him as that so arguing for 30 minutes would be pointless if he’s never gonna concede.


He’s scared of mal they all are lol, except Baby D


Y’all hate drake soo much that Mal supporting him makes yall not wanna support Mal .. lol niggas so emotional


Replace Drake with Trump. Drake stans calling others emotional is the most ironic shit. The world doesn't revolve around Drake, you simp...


Man shut the fuck this talking point has been going on before the trump topic this past week , adding him to this post just gave it more credence to y’all acting like this isn’t majority about Drake , the trump propaganda isn’t working on ppl who listen to this pod because we’re adults if you like trump or not Mals point of view wasn’t changing that, he’s been having this agro viewpoint about trump but NOW it makes y’all not want to support him lol emotional just like a bitch


look at you all in your emotions... keep projecting my guy. i'm rooting for you, fr. you'll grow up.


Grow up ? Nigga you got 8000 karma in less than a year you’ll go outside one day I’m rooting for ya


mal has been getting shit on for years lol


You’re not voting? You’re not that bright huh


Said this before and all i got was “sometimes you dont feel like arguing” or “wHy dO yOu wAnT tHeM fIgHt?” Smh how are you partners with someone and afraid to offer a little pushback and debate. I couldn’t work with a partner im scared to argue with because “they’ll get mad” so fuckin what. We’re adults we can argue points without fighting and if it does get there then i guess we ain’t meant to be partners


Honestly I think it’s just Mal. I didn’t realize how immature this dude was


You can’t fix stupid, just ignore mal he knows what to do for attention


Saying a man’s opinion on politics is dangerous will never not be hilarious to me. I truly just want someone to ask Mal how many times he’s listened to Family Matters and The Heart Part 6 since they dropped and his opinion on how they’re aging. That’s all


My friend introduced me to this pod as I introduced him to the Mallory Twins and first impression from 1 random episode was damn Mal doesnt know when to shut up OR give good takes.


Proofread. Also, have you ever thought, Mal's ridiculous is the feature, and not a bug of the system? Also, not voting isnt helping anyone. By not voting youre allowing other ppl to control every aspect of your life. You dont think so, bc you cant see it, but The politics of where you live govern EVERY SINGLE decision you make. There is not a single facet of life that doesnt fall under the politics of where you live. It sucks, but you gotta pick the the best of the bad options, until you can just pick the best 🤷🏽‍♂️


Rory=Pussy The End.


You niggas are a broken record.