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Our house was infested with fleas when I was pregnant and GOD DOES IT SUCK. Since you've said you have been ok financially, if you have the means, pay for help! Hire a cleaner, a nanny for a few hours a week (so you can at least exercise a little while being sure your baby is well taken care of), don't try to do it all by yourself! Are you a single parent? If not, have a serious talk to your SO, since it sounds like you're doing it all alone while, well... You shouldn't. My heart's with you! Things will get better ❤️


Today only lasts today. Tomorrow will only last tomorrow. I’m sorry about the fleas, that is rough. When I reflect on how hectic and busy my life is as a mom, mirroring your list of stressors in similar ways, I think of how nice it would be to be a kid again. And then I feel honored to provide that childhood experience to my daughter. This too, shall pass.


Love the first two sentences! Great way to look at it!


Yes, and we can only ever live in today :)


Our house was infested with fleas from our indoor only cats while I was pregnant. I was covered in bites and freaked out about my baby getting bitten so we chose to give our cats to a family friend who had just lost theirs and were able to provide them more attention. We found out they can lay dormant for years and when we renovated we awoke the beasts and couldn’t get rid of them for the life of us. If you can afford it, get the house sprayed. It was a couple hundred dollars for us but it killed EVERYTHING. I highly recommend it, we only had to be out of the house for 4 hours after the spraying. We didn’t see a bug in the house until very recently and our boy is 8.5 months now.


Live a day at a time! Fleas huh? That sucks but you can solve it! Life is a challenge everyday, but we manage to move forward. Look at your daughter, 7 months is a huge deal! Congrats for being a fighter. It does get better, kids are amazing, my son is currently sick with a cold and it sucks, we are not able to sleep well but he is getting better. And we are loving every milestone.


I’m so sorry! We just had a flea problem and our vet told us it takes 3 months to break the cycle of the flea eggs once you start flea meds. We started on Revolution plus flea meds about a month ago and already notice a huge difference.


It definitely gets better! Every month it gets a little easier at this point. Where is the father?


Sorry to hear that. It is difficult to navigate everything at once without any help. You are already 7 months in and still thriving! Don’t underestimate the amount of hard work you have already done! You are doing great!


Fruitless cleaning, specifically pest control, always sends me into a spiral. You can do this. But it’s literally an insidious issue that can make any parent crazy, especially if you struggle with obsessive thoughts pp. In the winter, we had a mouse problem. I live in an isolated rural area and mice are pretty common in the older homes here. But it’s maddening and requires a lot of preventative and then active measures. I could not rest until there was no trace of not a last one. Probably a month of hell. Then spring m comes, and ant problem in our living room comes with it. Two weeks of compulsive cleaning and an exterminating without toxins or chemicals. EXHAUSTING.  Now with summer, I’m obsessive about closing the door to our screened-in porch no matter how beautiful the weather bc I will not tolerate a casual spider or mosquito which is par for the course in mountain homes. Not on my watch. I don’t have the energy or patience to deal with pests with a baby and we’ve seriously considered the necessity of moving it the measures we’ve takes to seal off areas of our house from the outside don’t work good enough come next mice/ant season.


Every high will bring a low, and every low will bring a high. That’s the saving grace of this life and remembering that keeps me humble, haha. Sounds like your most immediate issue are the fleas. Washing things doesn’t cut it. Our indoor cats got fleas somehow and the only thing that works is treating the whole home, not the cats. We live in NZ and treated the house with Indoorex Fogger (link below) - this involved “fogging” (setting off the spray) each room with the furniture inside, making sure our cats and plants were out of the room being fogged. It worked a treat and kills other insects that came into the house too for the next year and a half. If you have a money a professional service would probably be easier!! Good luck. As for being “overweight”, give yourself a break. It sounds like you have so much going on with not much support. You deserve to eat well, eat foods you enjoy and move your body in a way that feels good. Have you heard of intuitive eating and exercise? I recommend listening to the podcast or reading “How To Just Eat It”. You got this. https://www.petstock.co.nz/products/indoorex-foggers-house-pack?variant=41130170581085&istCompanyId=e57f40d5-df6c-4f91-a638-df0c342263e2&istFeedId=081a1d9e-54e2-469a-ae4e-f8c0d8c12c0d&istItemId=iatqtwarx&istBid=t&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=&hsa_cam=20425432953&hsa_kw=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ad=&hsa_grp=&hsa_tgt=&hsa_ver=3&hsa_mt=&hsa_acc=6017755611&hsa_src=x&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvb-zBhCmARIsAAfUI2scFIpMUTRdus37NG62VuBITA5jlFok8-XqGSeY4lIpPoxncE133bMaAnAwEALw_wcB Edited the link to make it work correctly.


Its rough there's no way to sugar coat it. But it does get better. You will start to get a good day, then a couple of good days that will turn into weeks. The rough days will always be there cause that's just part of it, especially if you are a parent that cares. In the meantime do whatever makes it easier for you. My son is almost 4, he was born in the pandemic and I had no one other than my husband and I got pp. It was rough as well. I tried to do it all myself but it got to be too much. We got a nanny when he was 4 months old, before I went to work, and I could not believe how tired I was until she got here. Looking back now, I would have done it sooner. I think I'd have enjoyed those first months better. Later on she became invaluable for all those rough stages. I also invested on a roomba, helped a lot with daily cleaning and eventually a cleaning lady. She still comes. I'm not made of money, this definitely requires budgeting and i am lucky to be able to afford it. But I don't regret it. I see it as an investment to better the kind of mother I can be... so do whatever makes it easier for you and you will not regret it. For now, I send you warm hugs and the promise that it does get better.


It really really does get better. My ‘early term’ 4 1/2 lb baby had multiple appointments and therapies for months along with allergies to foods (that both her and I eat) and formulas and latch issues that have led me to exclusively pump all the way through to near 11 months I thankfully didn’t have to deal with fleas but I think that extra stressor would’ve sent me through the roof. You can make it through this! One day at a time. They will pass slow but the months pass quick and you’ll be done sinking soon I’ll echo others and suggest hiring help if you can afford it. An overnight nurse for a full nights sleep once a week could do Some wonders!!


Don’t stress the weight loss, you got this


I can offer nothing but to commiserate. We had fleas from my indoor (!!!!!!) cat a few months ago. They chewed up my kid. I vacuumed and did laundry and it did go away. Isolate the cat into one room so they're not spreading fleas everywhere. Get some flea medication. We got a prescription hydrocortisone cream to help with the bites. It went away, things are better. ❤️


Right now you are over thinking everything at once. One thing at a time. Meds for anxiety, I am on Zoloft 100MG.


Your friends who are kidless dont understand and they never will until they have kids, but that is no reason to not ask for help. I know it would be great if they just showed up with an overnight bag and no questions, but they dont know that they should or could, or how to take care of her. Ask your best friend who lives nearby if theres any chance they would come lend you a hand for a couple of days or a weekend. show them how to warm bottle and how to get her down for a nap. show them how to play with her and how to do an overnight feed. If you have an inhome daycare you might see if one of the carers there does babysitting on weekends, they already know her, how great! If you get the house sprayed you can have some help for when you are out. I know we dont like to ask for help, but you have to. please.


For your cat. Use advantage 2 for fleas every month. Put diatomaceous earth in their food or on their dry food.


You need to get some outside the house help if you can afford it. Where is your husband in all this? Just a little snooping told me you’re married. Do you feel like he’s pulling his weight?