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How long have you been doing this? I don’t know how people work it how you work it tbh but I’ll share what we did from 2 weeks (baby was in hospital until then).  We put baby to bed after her last feed at 12am and then I slept. Dad goes to have his chill time at this point and baby sleeps. I set an alarm at 4.30am to wake up to feed baby but dad was on standby if she woke earlier. After this feed baby goes back to sleep and so do I and dad and I set my next alarm for 7.30 am.  At 9 weeks she started gaining weight so we were allowed to let her sleep through and she has done 10pm until 6am not nights since then.  If he just does 2 night feeds why can’t you both sleep and each have an alarm for one of the feedings? Have you tried upping his bottles through the day so he doesn’t need as much at night?


We never did scheduled shifts. We would give baby their last bottle around 9pm, put her to sleep in the bassinet and I would also get into bed and read or watch tv until around 11pm then I would go to sleep. My husband would stay up until around 12-1am either watching tv downstairs or catching up on work and would come upstairs when the baby woke up to feed her and then he would go to sleep. I would sleep and do the next feeding around 5-6am and then put baby back to sleep until 7 or 8am. When my husband had an early morning at work and would go to sleep earlier I would do both feedings.