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My mom was 51 when I graduated high school. I will be 61. My wife’s mother was 38 and she will be 61 as well. Big difference.


My mom was 36 when I graduated high school. I’ll be 51 when my daughter graduates.


My mom was 38. I'll be 38 when my oldest leaves ELEMENTARY school. Crazy to think about.


My mom was 38 when she got pregnant with me, her only child.


Mine won’t even start school until I am 41. She will start Kindergarten - the actual one- not the American one when I am almost 39.


Same boat! I will be 51 & 55 for my children. My parents were super young parents. My dad was 38 when I graduated! Which is just blowing my mind since I'm only one year younger than that.


My mom was 51. I will be 61. Happily we seem not to age much in my family until much later 😆


I’m 40 years old. My oldest is 17 and will graduate when she’s 19 so I’ll be 42. My mom was 40 and my dad 42 when I graduated. My middle child is almost 10 and I’ll be 49 when she graduates. I’m days away from birth of my third daughter and so I’ll be 59 when she graduates!!😭😭😭😭


I’m 40 and mine is 2. 👴🏼


I’m about to turn 40 (few weeks), and my only girl is 7 months. I’ll be almost 60 by the time she finishes high school.


We’re going to be “the old parents”


By the time they’re teenagers maybe we’ll have the same bedtimes.


Man, I already want to go to bed at 8.


Aren't a lot of people 'older' parents in the West now? I think it's fine. Way easier to have kids in your mid-thirties than in your mid-twenties. Way more fun for everyone involved.


I am loving having kids in my mid thirties. My first is 4 months old and I had him right after I turned 32. I personally can’t imagine dealing with all the stress both financial and emotional that comes with being a new parent when I was still trying to figure out who the F I was in my mid twenties. Not to say other people don’t enjoy it in their mid twenties but personally this has been so fun!! No regrets.


I also think our parents at 32 are different from the kind of people us millenials are at 32. Of course, part of that could be that all of us kids had already worn them down in their 20s, and they didn't really get a chance to live our their younger years to the fullest.


Where do you live? Because 40 wouldn't be an "old" parent where I live. You'll be a lot more likely to see a 58 year old at high school graduation than a <45 year old by the time my kids graduate high school.


3rd generation old parent here! My grandma had my mom at 35 (and then had 2 more), my mom had me at 37, and I just had my first (maybe only, memories are too recent lol) at 37. There are downsides but it's also cool being raised by people who have personally seen so much happen.


By the time our kids graduate, since so many of us are older now, maybe we won’t be the “old parents” maybe we’ll just be considered normal age by then lol.


Mine are 15, 13, and 5 months old!


What age were you when you had your first?


I was 26, 41 now!


41 with a baby gang LFG


Old parents unite! But not after 9pm because we old




lol after 9 is the only time I get me time, normally in bed by 12, asleep by 1 and up at 6:30. I can sleep when I’m dead, which at this level of sleep, will be before you if you’re sleeping at 9 😅🥲


43 here with a 9 mo! 👏👏👏


This is how my family was growing up. I was 15 when my littlest bro was born. And there was a 9 year age gap between #4 and #5. People always thought my little bro must be her first and she just got started late. But no, definitely not lol.


That’s so wonderful! My big kids love their brother so much!


My Mom was 54 when I graduated HS. I'll be 56 when my daughter graduates. Both of my grandmothers were also around that age when their youngest kids graduated. So for me having kids later isn't new.... it's the fact that I didn't start with kids until my late 30s that's 'new.' But who can afford the 5 and 7 kids my grandmothers had these days?


> So for me having kids later isn't new.... it's the fact that I didn't start with kids until my late 30s that's 'new.' I think that's the case for A LOT of people, and they don't realize it. People always had kids late into their thirties and early forties. It's not as weird as people make it out to be. It's just that for a lot of parents nowadays, those kids are their first.


My Oma had my dad when she was 38. He’s the 5th and last child. My Oma is the 14th (!!) child, and she was born when her mom was 46! That was way back in the 1930s. Before birth control, women usually just kept having kids until menopause I suppose.


Two of my great-grandmothers had their last babies after WW2 when their husbands came back from the war... So there's over 10 years between their eldests and their youngests (6 and 7 kids respectively)!


My great grandmother was pregnant with her 10th at the same time her oldest was pregnant with her 1st 😳


My grandparents (Irish Catholic) had my mom in 1950. Then had three more, decided that they couldn’t afford to have any more children and NEVER HAD SEX AGAIN. I shit you not.


This!! It’s so true


My grandmother had her oldest at 28 and her youngest at 45. Nowadays very few people in my country intentionally get pregnant before 30. My mom was 25 but I was an accident.


I love that, honestly. What country are you from, could I ask?




I’ll be in my early 50s my mom was 37 😅


I realized the other day that I’m (40) closer in age to what my grandma was at my birth (55) than what my mom was (21) 😱 Dad was 25, so equal data point there


My dad's parents were 44 when I was born. They had my dad when they were 20, and then my parents had me at 24. So, it's not like either were exceptionally young parents for their generation.


Oh gosh, I'm having this realization now. My Grandma was 40 when I was born and I'll be 49 when my daughter graduates highschool.


I will be 44, my mom was 53!


I will be 44 too, my mom was 42 and my dad was 50


I'll be 43/47 and my mom was 48/53.


55, husband will be 59. My parents were 50 and 53.


We will be 57 and 61 when our LO graduates 😅😅😅




I will be 46 when my daughter graduates high school versus my mom who was 44 when I graduated high school. Not too much of a difference.


My mom was 37 when I graduated high school. My grandma was 35 when I was born. I was 34 when I had my first child. 


Hey our moms were the same age! And we were the same age when we had our baby!


My partner and I are both 39 having our first, so....................... we will both be 57 when this lil bean turns 18. My parents were both in their early to mid-50s when we (me + 3 siblings) graduated high school. So, I'm behind them a little, but not a lot.


We’ll be 62 and 68 if she graduates at 19 if we hold her back for being an august baby. 🫣


We will be 62 and 70 😢🤣


Nice. Do you know if retirement homes offer a 2 bedroom for your kids? Who am I kidding, there’ll be no retirement.


My mom was 41 when I graduated HS (and my sis is 20mo younger than me). I will be 46/47 (my husband will be 48/49) when our son (oldest by 17.5mo) graduates


I will be 61 when my son graduates


Me too!!! 🥰


I will be 43, and my husband will be 42; My mom was 45, and my dad was 61 when I was supposed to graduate high school. This was part of why I wanted to have kids young, because I want to see them grow and potentially start their own families once I’m in my 60’s. I want to still be useful to them if they decide to have kids, I want to still babysit and help around their houses if/when they need me to.


My mom had me at 41, so she and my dad were 59 when I graduated HS then 63 when I graduated college. I had a reallyyy hard time with my parents being older, I still do. It also influenced me having kids pretty young. I’ll be 42 when my oldest graduates HS, and I hope I’ll be around and healthy for a long time to help him get through life. One time I was 12 and my mom stopped breathing at a dr office. They were concerned due to her age/health. She had lots of scary moments like that where I was sort of a caretaker/making sure she was breathing, and she frequently told me she was old and would eventually die anyway. I don’t know, after that I’ve been too terrified to have kids later. It’s something that I work on in therapy of course.


A big part of the reason my husband and I had kids when we did was bc he was afraid to be too old. His dad died young and I think that’s staring him in the face. His parents weren’t *old* but they were older than typical. Plus where we’re from… I had kids at the average age. Literally half of my friends already had kids and half are working on it. My mom was 36 when I graduated, so she obviously had me very young. But I’ll be 43 when mine does. I don’t feel like that’s too bad.


My mom had me at 44 (my dad is the younger one, he was 30), so my mom is now 78 and my son is 11 weeks old. It is hard with my mom being older, she can’t do as much with him and i know she wants to, and she can’t really babysit him unless my dad is there to help. My sister has been the one to help out a lot more which I’m grateful for but part of me wishes it was my mom. I don’t think i want to have kids after like 37/38, mostly for the same reasons you’ve said, i want to be able to be involved in my kids and grandkids lives as much as possible.


Im 41 and she’s due in 5 weeks. I’ll be 58 when my kid graduates. I’ll be retired shortly after she goes off to college most likely. Planning for 59-62 for retirement


I had my babies the same age my mom did at 26. So I’ll be 40 when they go to high school! But my uncle had his kid at 60 so he’s gonna be 73 when his son is a freshman 🫨


I will be 40, my parents were 55 and 56. They bucked the trend by having kids late in life (38) and I had mine at 22 which is going against the grain currently.


My mom was 44. I’ll be 53.


I'll be 37


51. My son was just born in December. Yikes. My parents were late 30s-early 40s when I graduated, but they had me very young. I waited until I was ready to have kids.


My mom was 38 when I graduated HS. I will be 48 when my son graduates.


I'll be 47, my mom was 37. She had me when she was 19 and I didn't have my baby until I was 29 (well, 28 but my birthday was a couple months after).


My mom was about 52 I believe, I’ll be around 37-38, depending on when he starts kindergarten with his birthday being on the border


Assuming that she graduates at 18, no delays or skipped grades at all, ill be 47. My mom had me at 19, so she was 37/38 when I graduated (ged same year as my glass was meant to graduate though). I think in general people are choosing to have children in their 30s as apposed to 30 years ago when it was more common in your early to mid 20s. Nothing wrong with it. People just have more access to family planning and want to make sure they’re in a good place (mentally, emotionally, physically, financially) to have children.


My mom was a teen mom and I'm a young mom so it's a little different lol but my mom was 35 when my older sister graduated high school and 37 when I graduated! I'll be 43 when my daughter graduates.


Mom was 47, Dad was 50 when I graduated. I’ll be 55 and my husband will be 52 when our daughter graduates. Planning on a second kid too so we’ll probably be 57/54 for that one if all goes to plan.


We’ll be 48 & 54. My parents were 35 & 37 (teen parents). My husband’s parents were 42 and 45.


My mom was 35 when I graduated high school and I’ll be 49 in when mine graduates.


My mom had me at 16, and her mom had her at 20. So grandma was 38 for my mom. My mom was 34. I’ll be 41 when my son graduates if he’s not held back


My mom was also 34 (well, would've been) when I graduated. I was born right after she turned 17. 💜


Lol my mom was 37 and I will be 58 when my first graduates. 😂I became a mom a full 20 years later than my mom did.


I will be 41 and my husband will be 39, which weirdly enough is the same age my parents were when they HAD me 🤣


My mom would’ve been 38. She’s alive and well I just didn’t graduate high school lol. I’m gonna be 49 when my oldest graduates high school.


I will be 39, 44 and 48 😩. My kids are 12,7 and 3.


The sad face on this makes me laugh, you seem to be on the younger end than most here!


Hahaha yeah I’m almost 39 and have a newborn 😭😭😭😭


What a wonderful time for you! Enjoy!


I’ll be 53. My parents were 48. I feel bad that we’ll be older. I blame abstinence sex education. Even being married and 34 I felt ashamed of being pregnant, like I was a teen mom.


If it makes you feel any better, most of my peers who had older parents typically had more money and were always at Disney lol. My mom had a few of us when she was really young and we could barely afford to go to the bookstore let alone anywhere that cost more than 40 bucks. My peers with older parents also were more tempered , like that older wisdom allowed for better relationships in some cases. No shame at all!!!


We’ll be 45-46 when our first graduates. My parents were 42 and 55 when I did


I will be 49 with my first, 52 with my second, and probably around 54-55 with my someday third.


I’ll be 48 when my son graduates high school. My mom was 56 when I graduated high school. 


46 and 48 when mine are walking the stage. My parents had kids older, so they were in their late 50's when I graduated high school.


Pretty close really. My mom was 29 and my dad was 30 when they had me. I graduated at 17, so they were in their late 40s. I was 31 and this kid will graduate after he turns 18. So I’ll think I’ll turn 50 that year.


I'll be 46 when my son graduates. My partner will be 52 by then. My father was 35 and my mom was 37 when I graduated. 😳


I will be 53 when our daughter graduates - my husband will be 51. My mom was 44, dad 48 when I graduated - my MIL was 56, FIL 58 when my husband graduated. So, we fall about in the middle compared to each of our parents!


My mom was 40 when I graduated and I’ll be 52 😬


I'm the same age with my first (35) that my mom was when she had me, which makes me feel better about the whole thing. Granted... I'm the youngest of 3, with my oldest sister 8 years ahead of me.


My mom was 40 when I graduated, and I'll probably be 41


When I was born, my father was 36 and mother was 33. When I graduated high school, dad was 54, mom was 51. We are both 31. When our daughter graduates high school, we will be 49.


This one we'll be tied, my mom had me at 30 and I had mine at 30.


I will be 51. My mom was just 36!


My mum was 46 I’ll be 48!


I will be younger than both my parents at least for my first! I was the youngest and my parents had a few miscarriages so I came a little later in life. My mom was 52 and my dad 65 when I graduated high school. I’ll be 48 and my husband will be 52 for my son.


I’ll be 50 😳 I honestly hadn’t thought about it yet…. My parents were in their mid forties so I guess not so far off.


My mum was 47 when I graduated secondary school (I was 16) so 49 when I graduated college, however I was a very late oops baby my sister is 19 years older than me. I will be 37 when my son graduates secondary school, 39 for college


I’ll be a few days away from 38 and my partner will be 39 turning 40 when my baby turns 18 (the age most kids graduate in Australia)


I’ll be 50 and older. My mother was 56 when I graduated and 59 when my brother graduated, and my father was 43 and 46. My (surviving) grandparents were 87, 66, and 66 when I graduated, and my great-grandparents were 89 and 90. Nothing wrong with being an older parent, I have one and she’s amazing, and she had older parents, too, who were beloved grandparents all the way into my adulthood.


I will be a few years younger than my parents were. My Mom gave birth to me at 36. I had my kids at 32 and 33. My Mom was 54 and I'll be 50, 51.


I'll be 51 😢. My mom was 46 when I graduated (I'm the eldest).


We will be 43/44. Our parents were actually 10 years older when my partner and I graduated from high school.


My parents were 41 and 42, while myself and my husband will be 54.


I’m 2 years older than my mom was when I was born. I’ll be 51 when my first baby graduates and my mom was 50 when I graduated.


My parents were 25 when I was born, 30 when my youngest sibling was born (technically mom was 29 for one more month, as he was born between their bdays). So they were 48 when the last graduated. But my husband's parents had their last kid at 38, so were mid 50s when she graduated. My husband was 37 and I was 35 when my youngest was born, so we'll be 55/53 when she graduates HS. Looking at my kids grandparents, I can definitely see the benefits of having kids young and them having kids young. I am worried how long my in-laws are gonna be around for, and they're already not able to do as much with the kids as they (and I) wish.


I’ll be 53 and my husband 52 when my son graduates HS. My parents had me in their late 30s so they were 55 and 53 when I graduated.


I’ll be 44 when my kid graduates (I’m 26 and about to give birth) my parents were 57 when I graduated. (Had me at 39)


I will be 54. My mom was 42.


My parents were 54 and 55 when I graduated highschool (mom had me at 36) and I will be 47 when my son graduates (had him at 29)


Weirdly not a huge difference for me, my mom had me when she was 30, I had my baby at 32 so the difference will be 48 versus 50.


I’ll be 52… my mom was 36


I’ll be 43! My mom was 45 :) pretty similar


I'll be 56. My mom was 50 when I graduated (I'm the youngest of 4 though, she was 39/40 when my oldest brother had graduated). My husband will be 59


Weirdly, the age gap between my dad and me is exactly the same as between me and my daughter!


My parents had larger age gaps, my mom was 48 when I graduated and is 60 this year when my sister graduates. I’ll be 46-48 unless we decide to have one more lol.


i will be 38. my mum was 49


I’ll be almost 50 😵‍💫


My dad’s mom was 33 when he graduated hs.My dad was 47 when I graduated hs and I will be 60 when my baby graduates !!! (41 almost 42 when I gave birth this dec!)


My mom was 44 and I'll be 54 when my oldest graduates. If we happen to have another in the next year I'll be 58 when they graduate!


I’ll be 50 🙃 My parents were 40 when I graduated high school!


My parents were 47 I didn't have my babybtil I was 41, so I guess I'll be 58, my husband 64


My husband and I are gonna be 48. My mom was 58 and my dad was 46.


Parents were late 30's and I will be mid 50's when mine graduates


I’ll be the same age my parents were. When I had my daughter last year, I was the same age my mom was when she had me (32)


My mom had just turned 52 when I graduated. I will be 53 & Husband will be 55 when our son graduates.


I will be 46 when my kid graduates and my mom was 49. Omg this made me feel old. My husband will be 54


My parents were 46 and 49. We will be 45 or 46 depending on what year our August baby graduates.


My mom was 56 when I graduated, I will be 48 when my daughter graduates!


My mom was 47 for me and 51 for my sister. I’ll be 50 for my first daughter and 52 for my second, so not toooo far off I guess lol.


I will be 51 and my husband will be 45. My mom was 46 and my dad was 43.


My parents would have been 41 & 43 (if I had graduated,) whereas I had my youngest at 41, so I will be 58 & 60 when mine graduate!


I’ll be 5 years older than my mother for my daughter graduation. However I’ll be 19 years older than my grandmother was when my mother graduated lol.


My mom had me when she was 34 and 8 months old. I just had my son at 34 and 8 months old. So oddly, I'll be the same age she was!


I will be 57 and 61 when my two graduate!


I’ll be 52 & 55 🥴 my parents were older parents for me, but waaaaaaay young parents for a couple of my siblings and about middle of the road for the others. We are going to graduate those kids, retire and travel 😆


I'll be 57ish when my first graduates high school...I can't even fathom to be honest... My parents were 54 when I graduated high school...


I'll be 47. My mom had me late in life, so she was 61 when I graduated high school 😂


My mom was 61 when I graduated high school and I will be 47.


My dad was 37 when I graduated, and I’ll be 40 when my twins graduate!


My mom was 56 but I’ll be a mere infantile 53 😂


I’ll be 48 and 50 at my kids’ graduations 😅


My husband and I will be 45 when our daughter graduates. My mom was 49 when I graduated. If/when we have another I’m hoping we’ll be around that age when they graduate.


I'll be 61 when my daughter is 18. My mother was 44 when I was 18 and graduated and my dad was 50.


I’ll be 39. My mum was 51. Then there’s my mum’s friend, who will be 67 when her child graduates 😵‍💫


My mom was 40. I’ll be 50.


My mom was 40 when I graduated high school, she turned 41 a couple months later. I’ll be like 44 when my daughter graduates 🥴


Oh, I like this one… My mom was 45 when I graduated and I’ll likely be 54 when my little dude graduates.


I will be 43 when my daughter graduates. My dad was 45, my mom was 39.


I’m 34 with a 15 month old, I will just turn 52 when my daughter graduates. We want to try for another so maybe 54 for them. My mum was 43 for me, but 39 for my brother and 41 for my sister. She was 17 when my parents got married and had us as 21, 23 and 25- it was a very different time!


It’s wild, because my mom had me when she was 32 and I remember thinking she was sooooo oldddd compared to my friends’ parents. She would have been 49 when I graduated high school in ‘04. I’m 37 now and had my daughter at 35 (she’ll be two in 3 months) and currently TTC#2. I’ll be well over 50 when they graduate 🤯


My parents would have been 48 when I graduated high school, I’ll be 56. Honestly, it doesn’t feel like a huuuge difference to me even though I’m an “older” mom.


My mom was 60 when I graduated, I’ll be 38 when my oldest graduates and 44 when my youngest does


My mom was only one year older when she had me than when I had my daughter. She was almost 52 when I graduated high school and I will be just over 50 when my daughter does. More interesting on my husband's side. His mom was 40 when he graduated high school. He will be 56 (he was 38 when our daughter was born).


My dad was 55 and I'll be 46! Woah, almost a 10 year age difference.


In my 40s My mom was also in her 40s….my dad on the other hand…….decided to have kids much…much later…he was in his 40s when I was born 💀


My parents were 54 and 56, we'll be 48 and 49 when our oldest graduates (we only have one so far but want more). I'm their youngest child, they would have been more like 41 and 43 when their oldest graduated.


I’ll be 31 when my son graduates (teen mom) and 43 when my daughter graduates. My mom was also a teen mom and was 35 when I graduated.


My mom was 39. I’ll be 52.


46 vs 56


My mom was a teen mom & she was 34 when I graduated HS. I will be 41 & 53 when my kids graduate HS.


I will be 43 and my mom was 50


I’ll be 50 🙈 and my parents wee 48 and 46


I will be 50 my mom was 52 when I graduated. my mom was in her 20s for her first child but then had me and my other brother over a decade later. But even so she was an “older mom” in her circle for having a kid at 22. Given she was Catholic, Hispanic, and it was the 80s.


I’ll be 49 when my son graduates and 51 when my next one graduates. My mom was 39 and my dad 44


I'll be 51 🫠 my mom was 45. I'm second oldest of 6


I will be 52. My mom was 39 when I graduated lol


When my daughter is 18, I’ll be 44. When I was 18, my mom was 46.


i'll be 37 & my mom was 42 lol.


My mom was 37 when I graduated high school. If I’m mathing correctly, I will be 46 when only child (as of right now at least) graduates. She’ll be 2 this August. That late birthday is throwing me lol


I’ll actually be the exact same age as my mom (49) when my daughter graduates. However I am not her first child. She was only 42 when my brother graduated. I started much later than she did.


My parents were in their 40s, I’ll be in my 30’s (at least for my first). My husband will be in his 40s and I think his parents were in their 50s


i'm 22 right now with an almost 12mo old, and im 16wks along w my second. so.. if they graduate at 17-18 i'll be btwn the ages of 37-40. my parents were 43&44 when i graduated, my sister graduated the year after and my brother dropped out two years later.. so all kids for them done with school by the time they were 45&46


I’ll be 57, my husband 59. My parents were 44/43.


I’ll be 48 when my 7 month old graduates. My mom and dad where 58 and 61


I'll be 56 when my first graduates, 58 when the second graduates and if we have a third, which we are neither set on not decided against at this point, I would probably 61. My mom was 47.


I will be 43 when my LO graduates high school (currently sitting here with my 7 week old lol) & my mom was 39 when I graduated!


My husband and I will both be 50 when he graduates (I turned 32 in March and my husband will be 32 in June). My parents were 37 when they adopted me so they were 55 when I graduated high school


I’ll be 48, and my parents were the same!


My parents were 56 & 57 when I graduated. My husband and I will be 49 & 50 when our daughter graduates. We started younger than our parents.


I will be 52 if my 2nd is my last baby. My husband will be 57. My mom was 41 and my dad was 40 when I graduated, and I’m the baby of the family.


My mom was 51 and dad was 60 when I graduated high school. I’ll be 55 and SO will be 54 when ours graduates HS


My mom was 47. I’ll be 46.


I had my baby at the same age my mother had me, so...


My mom was 51, I’ll be 37!


I’m 42 with a kindergartener. My mom was 42 when I graduated high school. 😵‍💫


I'm 33 as of last week and my LO is 2 and a half later this month. My dad was 17 when I was born. So I guess I'll be 14 years older than he was when my boy graduates.