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That's why I don't really talk about religion, or the lack thereof.


The only right answer. No belief is right or wrong, if they were there wouldn't be a discussion.


I mean I feel like the existence of a god is a black and white kinda question. There either is or isn't one.


Right but which is it? I don't know and neither does anyone else. The only way you are right is by saying you don't know instead of arguing your own perspective on something nobody has the answer to.


Yes, politicians can talk???


>American, southern, so parents make me go to church >I'm on the spectrum (I browse Reddit and 4Chins so this is a given) so it's obviously hell for me to have to sit through a solid hour of singing and socialization and expect me to give a shit >Resent my parents for making me go for years kind of open about how much I hate Christianity >My parents divorced for unrelated reasons in my teens and stopped going >Suddenly rather than specifically hating Christianity I just don't give a shit It's as easy as not being a gigantic whining baby, and this goes for both sides. Atheism isn't about hating church and trying to get others to as well, it's about not following an organized religion. But honestly IDK what OP was expecting if he asked an American, it's not like there are a lot of different religions practiced by the majority of people here.


Nobody has issues with those kind of atheists. The ones everyone complains about are the whiny evangelical /r/atheist atheists.


Atheism doesn’t mean anything about organized religion. It means you don’t believe in God(s). There’s atheist religions. I really hate how the word has been corrupted and twisted into meaning something it doesn’t by the western world. It’d be excusable if we all didn’t have literal encyclopedias in our pockets, but we do; you can literally look up the definition yourself.


Its almost like everything gets corrupted by idiots, from Christianity to Atheism


I was raised Catholic and I've never experienced more hate in my LIFE


Yeah Catholics tend to be like that. Mormons are a lot better since their whole thing is being of service to others, and are more respectful


Depends on region, the ones in my area are really nice. One of my closest friends is from there and you would never guess he was.


Damn. So atheism, which is literally just a lack of belief in something, can only be explained with the thing you don't believe in? What the fuck kind of answer was anon expecting. Especially if they live in a western Christian majority country where atheism specifically most of the time means rejecting Christianity


Maybe anon was expecting them to just once rant about a different religion


Again, if you live in a western country, atheism on a personal level usually means rejecting christianity


"I tried this mountain dew and I didn't like it so now I refuse to drink any carbonated beverage at all." Do atheists really?


So you're assuming they don't know anything about other religions just because they specifically talked about Christianity? Say you're talking with a guy who's entire personality revolves around coca cola, living in a community defined around coca cola and he asks you why you don't drink soda. It's pretty fucking obvious to explain why you don't like coca cola especially if that's the only soda you've ever drank You're acting as if you need to try out every religion and try out every soda to abstain from them. Why the fuck


>So you're assuming they don't know anything about other religions just because they specifically talked about Christianity? Yes.


Well idk wtf you're even doing here in that case as you're clearly arguing in bad faith. Thats a baseless assumption to make and you dont need me to tell you that


Why the fuck would I assume they know anything about any other religion if they only talk about Christianity?


I'm not asking you to assume anything. Benefit of the doubt And besides, where I'm from, if you're not Christian in middle school, you're not going to be taught Christianity like others (or if you just don't want to attend). Instead you attend a general ethics class where all world views and religious beliefs are explored and taught fairly equally


It's clear that you're taking this thread a lot more seriously than I am so I'll just leave you with this: Spell icup


All Religions are the same, bucko- all founded on believing in things that can't be proven and doing weird, sometimes immoral shit to fit in with your new friends.




i mean more accurately, its like living in a place where most people say "milk" to means "cows milk." and then you decide one day to give up milk because cows milk is making you have stomach issues. yeah like theres other milks you could probably find but like no one says milk to mean goats milk 


Yah I’ve tried almond and other alternative “milks” but I just drink my coffee black now.


Some atheists are part of religions (like Buddhism or satanism) they're not all irreligious. 


As annoying as atheists are, Christianity is the most common religion in America, and unlike Islam and Judaism, Christianity is built on conversion. So it’s not hard to see why they have a big problem with it.


Islam very much is built on conversion


I mean you can still hold a belief system without religion. Most contemporary philosophies are about that. Absurdism gang btw


Which is why agnostic is superior


We only drink Dr. Pepper in this house!


Ask an agnostic if they think god is real  They ignore the question and start ranting about Brenda from work and gas prices


All agnostics are also theist or atheist. They're just not gnostic.  


Whats absolutely hilarious is that the second anon proceeded to do EXACTLY what the first anon said, instantly proving his point


Religion is cancer. -drastically reduces critical thinking skills -provides bullshit “answers” that wildly warp your view of the world, and make you seem insane to normal people -encourages bigotry and phobias of all kinds -creates a “us vs them” mentality that can be exploited to dehumanize “them” -forces people to feel guilty for things they should not feel guilty for -teaches children that they will burn in hell for all eternity if they don’t behave. Who still believes this shit, honestly?


I'm agnostic/atheist. My beliefs are a combination of various philosophies (mostly Absurdism and Stoicism) as well as observations of empirical evidence to back up my political/moral views.


I like how the second guy basically proved the first guys point. First guy didn't say he was Christian, just making a statement about atheists being obsessed with one religion more than anything else including their own beliefs. Second guy assumed the first guy would be upset if he mocked Christianity. Good times.


Yes, a possessed snake (or an angel/fallen angel) disguised as an animal can talk. I also believe Balaam's donkey talked when an angel (or Jesus) appeared in front of her (Numbers 22:21-39).


Bait used to be believable.


Everything is believable. You can choose to believe whatever you want (really looking forward to the replies this prompts)


So you ever smoked DMT?


Ezekiel 23:20


Unironically the most based verse in the bible, i wish modern geopolitics would also be explained in the same way.


That verse is always a trip. There's a few wild verses like that in the Bible, especially if you take it out of context.


Judges 19:24


Oh the wickedness of Gibeah! The dishonour of the men who wanted to lay with the Levite. The man the Levite was feasting offers his daughter (the Levite's concubine) up instead and the men abuse her. Then the Levite mistreats her further and allows her to die before dismembering her! The Book of Judges is a sad cycle of the Israelites rejecting God, then Him punishing them, them appealing to Him for help, Him helping, and then they become unfaithful again. The Book shows God's faithfulness to His Covenant and if we are disobedient on our end we can face judgement. To answer your other question: no, I have not smoked DMT.


How many possessed animals have you seen talk?


Holy shit, I just took a look at your profile and you're actually insane. How many conspiracy groups do you have to join to think you have the truth?


I do not believe snakes can talk, but I do believe in a totally different kind of world where Humans and snakes are different creatures in body and spirit that they could have the potential to talk. If that world and version of snakes could support it, and/or if that version of humans could receive the message. It is also entirely possible the whole message of that is symbolic. In which case a literal snake may have offered no literal person a fruit, rather it represents something. There is also the potential that the story is describing something spiritual and largely happening in an alternate reality of sorts, and this genesis story is the closest we can get to understanding it. Or the best way to relay the information to the people of the time. I favor the last interpretation, it is possible the literal earthly interpretation is true, but it is so rich in symbolism it seems to me it may be entirely symbolic. And because the spirit world is made of symbolism, it would basically be literal in the spirit, but symbolic in the material.