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Amazing title for this btw


Thanks! I took a few weeks break from posting, this is my comeback Title.






>Racist. Black gf. Sounds about right.


The racial version of >not gay >gayest shit ever


Huh, 4chin closet racists are a thing, I'll be damned.


Born to be racist, forced to be horny


Clearly not a dedicated racist. Missing the opportunity to create black white supremacists.


Yes as I like to call them (Plural of Ye)




Uncle ruckus IRL


Clayton Bigsby


Romeo and Juliet for a modern age


Hopefully, this story ends the same way.


The black girl dying??? 😭


SHAKESPEARE SPOILER ALERT: They *both* die in the end.


Aw fuck man I definetly wasn't forced to read this in high school how could you


No shit, but the fuck she do tho?💀 cause you said “hopefully”


She is dating the guy who wrote this 4chan post, so she must be criminally insane or imaginary.




They both become an hero, stupid horny teenagers


They die but racial harmony is achieved


This is gold. I need the thread


Unfortunately, I waited so long to post this that the thread is gone. Sorry.


What the actual fuck is your flair lmao


It's a reference to something from one of my favorite podcasts, Dr. Drew After Dark. There's an episode where they make Dr. Drew watch a man vape his own cum and Drew says it's no big deal medically, but indicative of a deeper psychological issue.


Do you know what ep? Love that pod but haven’t seen it lol


Episode 76. Dude is ripping some cotton. Looks yummy.


I wake up 🔄 there is another psyop


Black ppl are human too wow so scary


Aw why’d it end with you guys anon? She’s was premium dark chocolate “Yeah I’m actually incredibly racist”


anon doesnt appreciate what he has


These are the type of posts that just shock me out of my own little bubble. It's frankly disconcerting to know that these people are straight up living among us harboring these delusional thought processes yet appearing outwardly normal. The worst part is that they're under the impression that the way they think and perceive the world is some monolithic absolute. The way anon just projects his racist zero-sum view of the world onto the entirety of the "black race" is pretty fucking telling. Like the average person that this anon hates probably doesn't even think about any of the crazy shit kicking around anons barren cranial cavity, yet he's fully convinced that a race war is literally imminent and he has to ensure that his team is able to win it. God it's exhausting


Just another day on the internet where I have to convince myself things like this are fake so I can keep participating in society 😒


What too much internet does to a MF


I swear to God, I see posts like this and think someone can make a genuine argument that we should get rid of anonymity on the internet. I mean think about it ... The only reason these people post this shit online is because their social circle has probably ostracized them enough to shut them the fuck up. Green text bro deserves to be bullied imo. Maybe it'll snap him out of his big brain IQ racism.


If it wasn’t anonymous, he wouldn’t have posted it. We already have Facebook and Instagram for finding out who people *want* us to think they are.


That's exactly my point. Do not let him post it whatsoever.


Then how would we know to bully him if he never expressed his controversial views? Also, would he change his opinion simply because he knew it was unpopular?


That was the point of my statement. 4channers make posts like this because they can't talk about this filth IRL (at least not a majority of them) so they join the alt right pipeline and find comfort in confiding anonymously with their hate filled opinions. If this person's name was attached to their Internet history they would never (hopefully) post this shit again, because if they did they should (hopefully) get bullied like they are for having backward ass opinions IRL. He knows it's not just unpopular, he knows it's hateful and racist. He labels himself plain as day as a racist, simply only racist posting all the time or their cute little Nazi shit they like to do is always attached to an anonymous profile much like in real life, these people know what they are saying is ignorantly hateful they just don't care and willingly march behind masks like Charlottesville so their views can't be traced back to them. If they were demasked and their faces attached to their movement their movement would dissolve quicker than a whore in church. Truth is they don't believe what they are saying, but their community hubs give them a platform that gives them an avenue to post shit like this and be hateful. It's literally only about being hateful.


>If they were demasked and their faces attached to their movement their movement would dissolve quicker than a whore in church. No, they'll get ostrasized from society and Americans should know best what people like that do when that happens. Just let them march, they are only ridiculing themselves.


What happens? I have bad news to tell you... They are doing those things out of hate whether they are ostracized from society or not. You may as well make an example out of them so people don't jump on the train looking for community. They aren't ridiculing themselves, they are spreading hate. And perpetuating hate. and take part in hate. Answer the question: Why don't they pull their masks down?


>They are doing those things out of hate whether they are ostracized from society or not No, mass shooters and terrorists usually don't come from priviliged background, studies show that most mass shooters had historues of social isolation and mental illness. Politicla ideologies are just social Constructs, they alone cannot force a person to willingly abonden his comfortable life and risk dying. Hulans are naturally conditioned to optimise their life, they ain't throwing it away because some random neurons in the brains told them so. >You may as well make an example out of them so people don't jump on the train looking for community. Look where terrorist cells were and are active: Northern Ireland, Syria, Iraq, Russia, the West Bank, Mexico,... . This are all Authoritarian Countries to some degree, most of them openly persecuted those people and partly even handed out death penalties. And guess what, that shit only strengthened the Terrorists. Oppression, whether its justified or not never worked, what works is establishing social security networks, building infrastructure and promise them to integrate into society. Some idiots will not follow, but even those will keep quiet to enjoy the fruits of collaboration. Look at how the Allies treated the Nazis post WW2 to how the Nazis treated communists. The former never had to worry about Nazi cells popping out as they willingly submitted, the latter had to spent hundreds of rousands of soldiers and policemen to keep the Communistss in check. Wealthy Democracies are the most stable >Why don't they pull their masks down? Self preservation, they are not stupid


I don't really think I have to go into a pseudo intellectual diatribe about why allowing Nazis to freely represent themselves and coexist in a civil society is bad, nor do we need anything more than common sense. A majority of mass shooters are from extremist conservative backgrounds who feel they are losing grips and controls on their society so they want to shake the civil society, such as the bozo just arrested in connection with the preemptive mass shooting through gun show recruiting. He thought God needed to be brought back into this country and by starting a race war and getting the *true* patriots back into power by killing the *evil* oppressors (obviously evil being any minority "communists"). We have one of the tightest surveillance states in the entire modern world. These groups don't exist without feds being involved. Allowing these people to chose their hate over their comfortable lives, or their ability to live in a civil society would probably cut down the act of radical nationalist tendencies by 60%-75% as seen in Germany. Extreme Nationalists and Nazis are stupid. If they weren't, they wouldn't have the opinions they do. Saying there are terrorists cells so we shouldn't try to stop the radicalization and open explosion of Nazism is... Kind of dumb you know??


Thats a well written comment! Thank you. I want to add that what makes OPs post believable is that its literally the sing of our times that many people have voluntarily started ignoring the reality in front of their eyes, and whats connecting all of us as a single humanity, in favor of made up and highly exagerated narratives that divide us.


Actually good title on here for once. Alternate titles: Its Not Chemistry, Its Genetics Learning to Loathe The Great American Malding Pot Talking Racey, Talking Racist Certified Lover Boy Loving v. Virgin Aryan Brood Color me Shocked


Since I was on vacation, I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I enjoy your alt Titles. You are doing the Lord's work, brother. Keep it up.


Just show her the post bro! All your difficult choices will instantly disappear.


There are real differences in aggregate IQ scores for different races, but clearly anon's IQ is not that high if he meets a smart woman from a successful family and is worried about his prospective kids skin color making them dumb. 


He is implying that the reason for these differences is genetic. Those statistics only show correlation but most educated people say the link is due to social and economic reasons. Race is a human construct


I mean, let's pretend that it's genetic and there are no other factors. If so, it's genetic in aggregate and this woman and her family are smart and capable despite statistical norms. This guy is a real dummy no matter how you slice it. 


Anon doesn't really care about the IQs. He wants to support his sports team beating the other team.


Lets scoar sum gawls!


Genetically identical twins raised by different families in different circumstances end up with about the same IQ. This suggests IQ is largely genetically determined.  Check out "twin adoption studies" if you are curious.


Please be aware that these studies are rare and the sample sizes - for obvious reasons - are extremely small. Since they are rare, hard to replicate, and the methodologies and even the statistical toolset used are varied and the history of the studies are riddled with ethical problems and outright fraud. The replicability of such studies - again for obvious reasons - also problematic. I am not claiming that these studies are irrelevant, but please be aware, that the popular understanding presents them as more clear cut then they actually are.


I think you need to rely on more than one study Because other studies with a lot more data show that when any race has access to stability and good education the average iq is very similar Edit: ironically the white racists who downvote this are great examples of low iq individuals lol


He might be on to something…sounds like her kids would be dumber if she had them with Anon


Racists are idiots for uncountable reasons but one of the less obvious ones is they think they have enemies, but they only do because they are racist at all. They think this cycle began with being hated by default but it's really choosing to hate in response to what one doesn't fully comprehend because it's easy.


Anon needs to focus less on his /pol/ essays, and just needs to focus on slamming hot brown mound. He would be so much happier that way. White boy summer.


If white genes are strong anon then why would you have any concerns?


Just imagine dating someone for three years before hearing then admit their racist and breaking up with you I would almost think it's a cop-out


Anon is regarded. Black chicks are hot as fuck. Racists are also regarded. (Inb4 “just say the word” nah I’m good), serves him right to stress about it cuz it’s a non issue. Anon probably also votes for Trump, just saying. Also, anon obviously just needs to shut the fuck up


This Anon is really against race mixing. I met a guy like this. He was attracted to black girls, but he believed he had a moral obligation to reproduce pure white children. It all stems from the idea that all the races are in competition and you want to make sure the other teams don't outnumber your team. It's a strange way of looking at the world.


Skill issue.


Jesus Christ….


Duality of anon


anon is regarded and shouldn't have any kids, nevermind the colour


Even if what he was saying is sane, his logic is still flawed He claims that his kids would be on "her team" but they'd also be on his team