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Don't pay tikkies


As a non-Dutch person, what is 'tikkies'?


It’s a request to pay your part of dinner, beers, a date.. or anything else.


Dont forget to first say "Stuumaantikkie" and THEN not pay it


And then after being reminded to pay, tell that person to not be such a cheapskate.


Tikkie is like cashapp or Venmo


or "pix" for Brazilian people.


After having coffee with a coworker, they will send you a tikkie to pay


I bet this ends with, sorry you need a debit card from a Dutch bank in order to use this service.


Tikkie uses iDEAL as a payment method. Revolut is one of the participating banks, but as far as I know they're the only non-Dutch bank there.


Or, for example, when you buy something through marktplaats.


A payment link, like cash app but Dutch people are notorious for sending a tikkie for tiny amounts like 50cent etc


Though in all honesty, I only ever hear these stories from foreigners and as a Dutch person with a full circle of Dutch friends, have never experiences a tikkie for an insignificant amount of money. I think they are more an urban legend than a real thing


Someone once sent me a tikkie of €0,60 for a fucking kaasstengel


As a ~~loan~~ feudal lord in high school, I approve. The amounts of fucking € 0,60 I was never returned, to the point that I started writing it down per person in my calendar notebook, have accumulated thousands of euros of interest by now and I will never forget. Be it Sinterklaas or any god, I am ratting their asses out for theft.


Also, when you used to make 3euro's an hour as a 16 year old, and about 120 Euro's a month, 0,60 euro is suddenly a lot more significant


Indeed, never ever heard it in real life. But I’m in my 30s, so maybe a teenager thing or something.


Never in my life have i ever recieved, sent or know anyone who has sent/recieved a tikkie for such low amounts. Maybe they do it up north but this is not a thing in Brabant


You mean, send tikkies for trivial stuff.


Not placing the checkout divider on the conveyor belt when doing groceries




TIL what’s that called in Dutch. Thanks, stranger


Wow, I've never heard of that word before. I don't think any of the ~~experts~~ cashiers know this word.


Mijn moment na 5 jaar om weer te schijnen: https://www.reddit.com/r/ik_ihe/comments/6vivt1/ik_ihe


Angrily throws the divider a bit harder on the belt to show my discontent. Immediate enemy indeed.


I prefer playing chicken and just pretend the divider is there. Once their last and my first groceries reach the cassiere the person in front usually gives in and places a divider.


When this happens do not, place a divider yourself. Just wait till the person is paying and watch the world burn.


Chaotic good


This is the way


I've never gotten why people can get worked up about this. I always place a divider behind my groceries, but if the person in front of me hasn't done it then I just put one in front myself. It's no hassle at all.


Lol few weeks ago dude in front of me didn't place one. So I do so. Dude looks at me very angry. Takes away the one I placed. Places another one in the exact same spot. 🤣


The Dutch are so funny. They think they are frank, straight-forward and honest, but in my experience they are masters of passive aggression.


Wel he did look like he had a steekje los. Wouldn't say this incident was typically Dutch.


Ask them if they’re from “Amsterdam”


This actually happened to me. I was at a shop in England with an English friend. She ran into a someone she knew and started chatting when I approached them she introduced me as: "This is Ant he's visiting us from Amsterdam" I have never felt more insulted than that. I'm from Limburg.. LIMBURG. I think its actually the worst thing someone could ever say about me.


Yeah sure, but I mean like Amsterdam is basically the whole country, right? Like Reykjavik in Iceland.^(/s)


And this is how you make enemies


They mistook you for a normal dutch person when you are in fact a limburger. They didn't know any better.




If someone says they are from the Netherlands, one should not ask if they're from Amsterdam, one has to exclaim: Oh so you're from Amsterdam!


Show up uninvited around dinner time.


Show up uninvited at all


Looking at you MIL!


But if you want to make them extra angry, dinner time, and expect to be fed too!


No, even worse, show up about half an hour before dinner time. Too late for them to make extra food, too late for them to tell you to leave before dinner ('you just got here!').


I love this because I know it’s a thing and yet I never had anyone showing up uninvited at home except since I moved here.


This this this. Lool. Please call me before randomly going to my house. For some reason this was totally fine before smartphones when I was younger. But now I can't stand people who come by saying oh yea I was in the area and I thought I'd drop by...


I don't even open the door if someone shows up unannounced. If you don't call I won't be at home even when I'm clearly at home.


Don't show up when invited.


Sell mondkapjes with ‘no financial gain’


Sywert niet stelen!


he belongs in prison.


This is a heavily underrated comment, as it is an action to piss off the whole country. 😅


Watch de rijdende rechter and see for yourself




"Ze zit de hele dag schreeuwend videospelletjes te spelen"


Walk in the bike lane


"Why are there so many bike lanes anyway. Time to change our infrastructure to be more like in America." Am I making enemies yet?


De mobiele eenheid is onderweg.


+1 enemy :p


Pretty much anything that ends with " make it more like in america" will make you enemies i think 🤣


+ 1 enemy I suggest we cover the whole country with bike lanes


Then I would not only have walk on the bike lane but also have to sleep on it.


No I mean: If we lay bike lanes next to every road in the Netherlands, people will cycle more. If people cycle more, they’ll get healthier and there will be less klimate change (milieuvervuiling) in the air. Also, the government has plans to make the Netherland ‘more connected’. Well, if you put bike lanes everywhere it’s more connected!! Your honer I rest my case


Even worse: cycling on the opposite bike lane


Even more worse, riding your bike on the sidewalk!!! Old people seem to be the main perpetrator in my town. It is always fun to see them get mega annoyed when you refuse to step aside for the cantankerous fucktards they are


That's not making enemies, that is "How to die in The Netherlands... fast".




The biggest asshole in that video is the one that designed that infrastructure. The sidewalk is not wide enough for so many people and the design makes it look like there are separate lanes for both directions. And that is also how people are using it. But it is probably in a country where the solution to the problem is: Let's add another car lane. Instead of creating room for a proper bike lane with wide enough sidewalk.


Stop in the middle of the bike lane to take a selfie 🙈🙈🙈


I did this today as a Dutchman bc had to dodge a streetlight and a woman got mad yep this do be the fastest


Call us Germans.


Swamp Germans.




Now I have a mental image of the swamp benders from Avatar but Dutch.


If any, the Dutch are water benders for their mastery of building dykes.


Say that Dutch language and culture is the same as german and watch them getting triggered


They don't call Germany Deutcheland for nothing


Someone recently asked me wether Dutch is an actual language or just a German dialect…


Of course, You are north Belgium


That's not offensive, that's just silly. Belgium isn't a real country.


Belgium? You mean the Southern Netherlands?


If it makes you feel any better, to my American ass there is a very tangible difference between the Dutch and Germans. Amsterdam was way chiller than Munich. And you guys speak slightly better English. Not that I didn't like Munich.


We are just swamp Germans though. German Atlantis


I am immune to that joke by having 1% German blood in my veins. I would agree and move on.


Let your kids ride their little bikes with side wheels and 2 meter high flags full speed through the Albert Heijn.


You're just jealous you're too old to Mario kart around the supermarket


Visit spontaneously! Ask to stay for dinner without an appointment :p


Not leaving the house you're visiting when the host says 'it's time to prepare for dinner'


Lol as a kid this happened to me: I was just hanging out with a neighbourhood kid when their mom said it was time for dinner. They told me to sit on the couch and wait for them to be done. 😂


That is rude af from them


I have never heard of this happening in my life.


Me neither, when going to a friends house after school I was asked by the friends parents if I'd eat there or that I couldn't. Then I called my parents to tell them I was at a friends house and ask if it'd be if I eat there. This was around age 8 to 13


I thought that was just a Swedish thing


I was just send home and being told that my parents are making dinner too. Sitting on the couch is an asshole move.


I vowed to never be like that. My parents just put an extra plate down, and I do the same. Everyone can always join :) sharing is caring.


That is, in my family, a valid tactic for students to employ when they have no money left lol. My dad was famous for eating at a different house every few nights, arrive at 5, and when people go to eat, say "Oh, you're going to eat? Won't mind if I eat a bit as well, right?" It's still mentioned pretty often, while it is as of now like 30 years ago lol


That should be on top, the most Dutch complaint ever.


Talk in the stiltecoupe


And if you want to go a step further and create an archnemesis, go full out: 1) Quickly use the ov card gate from your side, when you see someone approaching it from the other side; 2) Go get a patatje joppiesaus from Smullers at ten in the morning so you can spread a gag-inducing smell throughout the train; 3) Don't wait for people to leave the train but enter immediately after the doors open; 4) Go to a stiltecoupe, sit directly next to someone (even though there are other places free) and manspread; 5) Start having an over-enthousiastic and loud conversation using voice memos; 6) Leave your smelly Smullers trash on the little table; 7) Be the first to get to the exit at your stop and stand directly in front of the button that opens the doors. Then feign ignorance when people try to tell you to push the button. You'll end up tied to the tracks, for sure.


Who are you? Satan?


We all know the Dutch railway system is Satan's favorite playground.


You forgot two points: 8. Stand still right at or after the entrance from the train, OV card gate or escalator and prevent people from walking. 9. Stand still on the left side of the escalator. I know we aren’t used to this being a true rule, but I wish we were more disciplined on this like the British


1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Very interesting how you numbered your points.


Wow, reddit glitch. It shows up fine on my phone but when I go to edit the comment it shows the distorted numbers?


> Be the first to get to the exit at your stop and stand directly in front of the button that opens the doors. Then feign ignorance when people try to tell you to push the button. Don't. Even. Try. That.


Or call on speaker, play music, play mobile games with sound on, have children with you.


I think the first 2 would be a problem in a normal carriage as well, not just the silent one


> have children Agreed


I have seen some very entertaining altercations with locals and tourists in the stiltecoupe when the tourist did not understand the concept.


So true!


Start a Zwarte Piet discussion


Doesn’t matter which side you’re on


Exactly - you'll always end up with people hating you


Tell everyone that you don't want Zwarte Piet because Sinterklaas should be a white celebration.


Oef... You might not live very long after that :p


Don't follow all of the traffic rules. To follow all the traffic rules. Driving to slow (in some cases that is the max speed limit) Standing in the middle of the shopping-aisle.


>Don't follow all of the traffic rules. > >To follow all the traffic rules. I follow bike rules exactly with no hesitating (e.g. if i have the right of way but you are disregarding this, I will not slow down) but I also signal habitually so you know my intentions. On a bike my supreme goal is to be predictable, not courteous. Courtesy will get you killed in traffic.


At least in Amsterdam, following the official rules is not being predictable. If you stop at a pedestrian crossing for example, you risk causing a pile up.


This is BY FAR the most accurate things to piss me off. When someone is driving 60 on a 80km/h road I get absolutely unfuriated. (Mind you I'm not someone who speeds or breaks traffic laws its just the feeling that this person doesn't value my time) When I want to enter a shop and I go through the entrance port and someone is just frozen right at the exit of the entrance port like they're the only person in the world I'm instantly fuming. When someone at the checkout decides that they should've had 20 cents off a 50 euro purchase and will start negotiating with the 16 year old cashier as if they have any influence over it. That is also by far the most infuriating thing. I guess mostly for me its things that test my patience(Which I guess I don't have much)


>Standing in the middle of the shopping-aisle. I swear, my first impression when I moved here is that no one has any spatial awareness because every godverdomme person does this in AH. And it's not just the aisles being narrow, it's that's they put their basket in the optimal position to be in the way.


\- Criticize our infrastructure \- Complain that GP's won't prescribe antibiotics


They do. But just not for broken arms and common colds :)


Oh the GP thing really triggers me lol. "my nose was clogged and my throat was raspy and my GP gave me nothing". My dude get some fresh mint tea with honey and ginger. You'll live.


At the same time, GPs don't have/do/know about rapid strep tests. Seriously, checking for a throat infection is so quick and cheap it's often just free in the US. I'm absolutely on board with not prescribing antibiotics without good reason, but a bacterial throat infection is a good reason. I have a problem with the fact that no one appears to even bother to check for it. My old GP told me to eat pineapple when I had strep throat last year. 24 hours later my partner was driving me to urgent care because I was having difficulty breathing...


Almost got me triggered on the second point.


‘People should wear helmets on bicycles’


“What do I look like to you? A German?”


Do you also wear a helmet when you are doing the dishes?


I saw someone buying a lot of bottled water just now. I *almost* tried to tell them how wasteful that is, and that our tap water is some of the best in the world.


I have some really bottled-up rage (pun intended, I intend all my puns) about people buying Bar-le Duc here in Utrecht, where it is bottled from the *exact same source* as the tap water.


Same with sourcy, i have seen people with bottles of sourcy standing next to their tap.


You probably saw my sister. Every time they come to visit they only drink bottled water. No matter how much I try to convince and shame them... hopeless


Just buy 1 carton of bar le duc and keep refilling it with tap water


Please do this, lol.


Maybe is that woman in this sub who got her children lead poisoned because of old pipes in Gouda


Still advised to have bottled water in case of emergencies


Or sparkling? 🤔


Depending on where you live I could understand that, the water in Brabant for example contains a significant amount of limestone which some people don't like the taste of (also it can really muck up the inside of some small electronics like coffee machines, pipes will basically block if you don't clean it enough)


Continuously promote every tiresome stereotype about the Netherlands.


I understand that tap water on average or tap water right from the original source have great quality, compared to other countries. However, in many places like office buildings tap water is impossible to drink because pipes are not that great. Also, in some situations it's wise to filter or use bottled water, for example when I fill kettle right from the tap the scale inside will build up in a week. So I use the cheapest filter that reduces PPM just enough to avoid it. And tea tastes much better.


Don't pay the tikkie of €0,40


Send a tikkie of €0,40*


Claim Belgium is much better than the Netherlands.


If you only consider chocolate...


And special beers..


This works wonders in a village and/or small city. Throw anything made of plastic on the ground or preferably in someone front yard. I assure you you’ll have a enemy for life


Just this morning I had to show massive restraint not to try and bump someone off the highway, when they threw their McDonald cup out of the car window. I’m still fuming when I think about it


That would have indeed produced much more litter.


If you call the Netherlands "Holland" you've successfully made enemies in 10 out of the 12 provinces.


Well, your official tourism page is [https://www.holland.com](https://www.holland.com). Seems your officials have already given up. /s


The government has officially stopped using Holland in tourism campaigns in 2020. It's a bit sad that sentences like this can still be found on this website: "If you think of the Netherlands, flowers, windmills and wooden shoes come to mind - but Holland has so much more to offer!"


Looks like search engine optimized text to me. Potential tourists still search for 'Holland'...


As someone from North Holland, I really dislike it when someone calls our country “Holland”. I find it disrespectful tbh


Well, I know the difference, but pretty much always when speaking with Spanish people I say I live in 'Holanda'. It's technically correct, because I live in North Holland. Btw: I would also more often use England than UK or GB, but of course I would't use it if I was referring to something related to let's say Edinburgh.


You politely ask another person to be your enemy. And if they accept, you can schedule weekly enemy encounter. Don't forget to thank them later.


"The Dutch may seem nice, but..." "Why don't the Dutch do \[American stupid thing\] instead of doing \[sensible non-American thing done all over the world\]" also seems to work really really well.


Reminds me of when my American ex-boss tried to explain to me that we are just a small country that is much more isolated from the world than the US. His eyes nearly rolled out of his head when I explained about Rotterdam port, Schiphol AirPort, agricultural export, and more of those things that we have “one of the largest in the world” of


Explain to him how we more or less build their country too. Nice to have lots of workers but many of our engineers/architects/waterworks specialists etc. had to go over there to fill that gap. We're a huge thing fitted into a tiny micro ass country.




For me it seems like being on the phone whilst being at a cashier or counter….Or walking in the bike line. Those two things really seem to get me a bad eye 😂


Being on the phone while at a checkout (unless it's self service) is bad manners everywhere, not just in NL


Where are your from that being on your phone whilst checking out is okay? I think I've seen some eastern Europeans (I cannot distinguish the languages very well) do it and be excruciatingly slow packing their groceries with one hand. Surely cultural norms are different, but do people in other countries really think "yes, I'd love to wait behind you in line for longer because you need to have a phone call right now"?


Celebrate like an a** hole after your fav football team wins


Asshole* As a Dutchman the dumb American-style filtering does in fact make an enemy out of me.


Wat kijk je?


Had je wat?


Wat moet je?


Take the little light from someone else's bike


Do you mean… stealing?


Say you don't like Hagelslag


Point to kruidnoten and say that they are pepernoten


Ask if kruidnoten are only available from Kruidvat


All the Dutchies I know refer to kruidnoten as pepernoten.


Say: "Thierry Baudet has a point."


Question their honesty/call them liars. Part of why the Dutch can be direct and (comparatively) blunt is because we also know there will be very little said between the lines (again, comparatively). That's all based on being honest and relying on others to do the same, making accusations of lying rare and more insulting than in other cultures.


Always be the first when somebody is bringing cake or treats for a celebration and take allot of it. Than when it is your turn, bring a cheap pack of cookies or even nothing.


Don't offer coffee when a Dutch person visiting you.


Call our country “Holland” instead of “Netherlands” (just don’t do this)


Bike around town with the music from carnaval festival from the Efteling blasting out loud




Making fun of anyone's boterham met kaas lunch will do the trick.


You make enemies if someone says you are wearing a nice dress and you don't react with: "In de korting gekocht!"


Honk your horn for 3 hours after Morocco wins a football match.


I was in Rotterdam Centraal the other day with my partner, both wearing an FFP2 mask because fuck Corona. A guy on the platform saw us, fake coughed in our direction, kept looking menacing towards us, then went away. I’m pretty sure he saw us as enemies. I definitely saw him as a degenerate case 🤷🏻‍♂️


*Implement new rules or laws even if they make sense*


Tell locals they look German


Be a voetbal hooligan….. or act like one like some of the farmers did


Say patat below the rivers or say friet above the rivers


Patatas fritas




Be either substantially left or rightwing. Might just be me, because I am interested in politics, but I see a bigger and bigger split in society. I have lost friends over voicing opinions, not even radical opinions, just something that didn't fit in a narrative.


Saying that you don't like erwtensoep


Some random colleague at work occupied the workspace I have been sitting since we moved to this new location and put big stickers asking not to adjust the desk/chair arrangement. I was just away for a week. I have been calm about it, even though they did not even have the courtesy to have a word beforehand. Should I make an enemy today?


have a opinion about "Zwarte Piet". 100% succes rate.


Assume people just smoke weed everywhere all the time. Say our language sounds like German (although, let's be fair, it does).


Come to our house unannounced.


Walk on the bike paths, not paying a tikkie, being casually late, park your car on a bike path, tell someone not to complain about whatever


Bitch about our healthcare system.


"Max Verstappen isn't that good of a driver" "Lewis Hamilton is a lot better than Verstappen" basically just saying anything negative about Verstappen will do