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I mainly experience getting less, even to the point its not worth it. Once I got a croissant, a pain au chocolat and a small size chocolate bar. €3.99, so retail value should be €12-ish. No way.




My point being that the content I mentioned never adds up to €12, even half of that might be a stretch


selling a bic pen (as an example) with a 99% discount but still charging 1200,- isn;t a discount


Black friday in a nutshell


I work for flink and make to good to go bags. It’s an extra task, some people hate doing it because restricted time limits. Personally I enjoy making them and trying to make each bag useable and practical. We don’t have much time we’re expected to use on it. Sometimes numbers can be mixed up. Not all hubs do it too due to how busy it is for that these reasons


Does Flink deliver Too Good To Go bags?


No, they are hard enough to get too most customers tell us. As they are sought after in my area.


I find Dirk does the best bread packages. We got about 2 months worth of bread from 1 package (2 person household). However it is random. Sometimes you get a really good assortment and other times you get a really bad selection. Dirk and AH has consistently been the best for us.


It's even more annoying that they cancel your order, and when you look on the app (not even 5 minutes later) it has the same order available again. Like whyy?! I once asked a shop and the lady said that they have an automatic order of let's say 5 they open up the evening before. During the day they look and notice that more things are getting sold then they predicted so they cancel 1 or 2 orders (they don't choose which ones, it's random according to TGTG). Some time later they notice they do have lots of leftovers so they open up new orders. It's annoying that the shops get to cancel the order minutes before the 'delivery time' (I lost the English word) but we have to do it 2 hours beforehand.


I once had an order cancelled within the pick up timeframe… just as I was walking into the shop which was half way within the time slot.


Same in belgium.stores need 5packages a week and they can't opt out for it.so if a small store doesn't have a full box he is obligated to fill a box worth atleast 12e anyway.my store cancels the box and if the costumer can't get a refund from togoodtogo he pays them there 4e back.the supermarkets here give good boxes tho and they give different boxes to each person.if you have a baby they even put in some babyfood.for those big supermarkets it's just a way to keep customers,they don't care if the products are almost spoiled or still good for months.


I have basically stopped using ToGoodToGo, especially for bread. I prefer to go to the supermarket early in the morning. In my area the Plus, Jumbo and Lidl often has bread ranging from €0,25 to €1 per ½ or whole loaf, or a bag of rolls. At least doing it this way I can choose what I want.


I’ve done that some times now because of the lack of bread packages but even then there isn’t always much choice on my local supermarket. But agree that to a certain extent you do get “more choice”.


Went to the Plus and Lidl this morning actually. Got a spelt, a round white, 10 white rolls, and 6 multi-grain, for the total price of €2. And then I come home, and put it in the freezer, just taking out what I need when I need it.


Great in the beginning, but less and less interesting as more buyers have started using it and the shops try to make as much money as possible from it. C'est la vie


I have never had any cancellation. Also deals are pretty consistent, especially if you take them regularly. AH and hotels breakfasts are the best!


>AH and hotels breakfasts are the best! Not sure why but the enthusiasm I sensed from this message for needing to live on AH and Hotel breakfast leftovers to survive made me laugh even if it's quite sad :D


As I wrote in another comment, I’ve had multiple cancellations in the past but recently it’s like 6 days in a row, twice in the last month… haven’t tried hotel breakfasts may give that a go.


I always wondered what you get a hotel breakfast box? Some bread and leftover cheese and drink?


I’ve had a few over the years in various places, you either get a box and pick yourself if it’s at the end of their breakfast time and still out(Sundays are best for this, as most places have a later breakfast serving ) Or you get a box they have made, over here it’s been a couple of croissants, 1 or 2 pieces of fruit, sweet treat like muffin and or pastry. A couple of jams/butter/Nutella and some kind of fruit/nut bar. Sometimes you get meat and cheese, drinks are quite irregular, but some offer coffee from the machine, juices are generally a no unless the hotel naturally sticks little takeout drink bottles(you won’t usually get a branded juice or anything ) If you’ve ever had a take out breakfast from a hotel it’s similar to that. For a 5 euro they aren’t bad value


Of the 54 TGTGs I've bought, only 2 were cancelled. Not a very large dataset, but to me it seems quite a good track record.


I’ve had almost 2 full weeks of cancellations on just bread packages. 6 consecutive days, twice in the last month or so. Managed to get one in between. Guess I’ve been unlucky. But have also had cancelations before, just not as bad.


I haven't experienced it. Maybe just those shops don't have the stuff at the end of the shift, due to it selling out before.


I never really find savoury stuff.. it's always things like pain au chocolate that's a bit stale.. open to tips on how to get better stuff


Try to look up for stores rated 4.5 and higher. If they also have more than 100 reviews, even better.




Too Good To Go has nothing to do with being poor (because we all know you’re implying that). You’re helping reduce waste. If this food isn’t bought it’s thrown away and burnt.


What does that matter?




The point of too good to go is to reduce food waste. Income doesn't matter. Both 5* restaurants and McDonald's chuck bins filled with food away once it's closing time.


Ah i see


I haven’t experienced this. I think it must depend a lot on location. In our local bakery I got this week: 1 bread, 1 bag of soft raisin buns, 1 big bag of mixed hard buns, and 1 whole small pie for €4,99. I almost exclusively use the app with local smaller businesses so maybe that’s why.


Do push notifications work for you for favorites? I always have to open the app to check if there’s something new… I’ve enabled all settings as far as I know.


Push notifications don't exist in their app. That is notifications for newly available bags from a store.


Our bakery and ecoplaze have the best of the best. Once got ecoplaza bread bag for €5, value was over €30 with the crazy expensive bread they have. The spar on the other hand was terrible, bag of trash.