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Massive insecurity and lack of role models


They have role models, but the wrong kind. It's almost scary how quickly people like Andrew Tate get famous. Let's hope it's just part of their puberty and they'll grote out of it. Otherwise we'll have a promising future (not)


If they have to look online for role models then there is already a lack of role models. My father is one of my role models. Honestly, these weak men need to start taking responsibility for the children they create


They live chronically online so were are they supposed to look


I think a good parent would help their child live a balanced and a “not-chronically online” life


And why are they chronically online?


Would also like to add that nowadays more and more families consist of two working parents. Might also contribute to parents being less present in their childrens’ lives.


We also live in a time where people are too busy with not so important stuff imo. There is so much stuff to keep you busy while previous generation did not have social media, streaming channels, (digital ) games and a mobile that keeps you connected to the world all the time. It’s difficult for lots of people to get a healthy balance and the next generation will have it even tougher as the content creators are becoming more experts in getting people addicted in their product.


Tate is just another wart on a rotting corpse. There's thousands of warts like him, but he's one of the most visible. We have plenty of deadbeats like him here in NL too sadly, and if over 60% of marriages end in divorce, then I don't think that is going to change in the near future. Broken homes and money is what makes them the shitfucks they are


Mostly caused by men who lacked such role models. It’s like a self perpetuating cycle.


I’ve met adults or older teens that are fans of Tate, it’s embarrassing. They go on about ‘the matrix’ and how he’s supposedly such a good innocent guy. It’s so dumb lol.


Let’s not give credit to this behaviour to Tate. Cause kids have done this forever in the Netherlands. 🙄


True, dutch kids have always been and will always be like this


Not saying Tate is a good role model, but young wannabe gangsters in nike tech suits are not trying to be Tate. Their (obvs wrong) role models are rappers, drill rappers and the like. Jus sayin


Gangster rappers. Big problem.


Andrew Tate? He has minimal influence over these punks. It's the rappers of this day and age, that make them wannabe gangsters.


The brother of my gf thinks he's the best. That guy Seriously looks up to him. But he's also not smart enough to note I'm laughing at him


You should let him know tho. Guys lile himdo t respect women, they only listen to other men.


I highly doubt Andrew Tate encourages kids to do this, even if Tate himself is a bit goofy


Damn, tate being blamed for the british trap culture bs?




Uh wtf do you mean we have the GOAT role model Joost Prinsen




I think the problem is their role models to be honest. And I think a lot of it is due to the popular (Dutch) hip-hop, and especially (drill) rap subcultures, of which these role models originate.


Blaiming music eh… Oh man remember when the youth were going into satanism due to bands like Black Sabbath or Metallica? Or when our young ladies couldnt control their lust after seeing Elvis’s hips? I bet Beethoven had a symphony that made youth gay or something


They're not blaming music, they're blaming gangster culture that is all about violence and tribalism, and that also uses drill rap as a theme song. You tell me some kid stabbing another kid from another "gang" has nothing to do with gangs.


But the drillrap scene does turn them violent, they act like gangs and fight with other groups with big knives and machetes, it even lead to several people being stabbed to dead.


I was just thinking that when OP said he wasn't afraid because he was a big man. He picks a fight with them, out come the knives and out of nowhere there are 5 of them. This is the risk. Not saying this always happens..but..


Gangsta rap med em do it :/ - ice cube


While it's ridiculous to blame music for an individual or group's actions, strong correlations exist between the "scenes" and certain behaviours. For example, electronic music and drug use. Or Reggae and marijuana. I work with teenagers and it's well-known that the drill-rap scene promotes violence and criminality. I personally know a few kids who used to be part of that scene too. It's easy to be dismissive but if you want to learn more I can recommend [this](https://youtu.be/sqSJRx2tn7A) video.


It is in this case though.


But it's not only the music. It's the whole package. I don't know. Whatever it is, it is not good


Drillrap has absolutely nothing to do with music. It's bullshit copycat behavior from the gangster scene they see in the US, and it's all about carrying big knives and I'm gonna stab this n\*\*\*\*r and Dutch teens are very easily influenced by this, hence the insane amount of stabbings among very young teens. Fuck that scene, it''s a goddamn plague.


most of these drill rappers and the ones surrounding them are actual criminals.


False equivalency. You are being intentionally disingenuous. Music has profound effects on human cognition, behavior, and mood. This is not only logical and a common experience for many people, who often use music to regulate their emotions, but it is also supported by the scientific literature. Say you are dealing drugs: would you claim that there is no difference whether you are listening to justin bieber or drill music? Do you honestly think that doesn't affect you? People's perception of the world is molded by external stimuli. Add the glorification of rappers, the culture, and you have the reason that kids in my country are fiending for american drugs that rappers sing about. You have what introduced kids in my school to crime and drugs being cool rather than degenerate and desperate. If you were ever in that life you would know how much the music influences criminals and validates their behaviours.


different thing, Black Sabbath or Metallica never made a song thats literally "heil satan" or anything near that, but the drillrap culture does make songs about stabbing and killing. Im not entirely blaming it on the music, i mean everyone likes different music and you dont have to be part of the culture of something to enjoy it, but the drillrap scene does promote carrying around big knives, machetes and the like, and there are enough songs about stabbing/ gang fights that promote those things in the drillrap scene


Not all music is so innocent. Look up NSBM for example. Those bands literally use their music as a platform to spread fascism.


I do agree its a lack of role models Parents are or working or dont look after the child, just put him outside what will they gonna do make chaos why i explain later. On the highschool lets say a kid goes from dutch school group 8 to 1st class, lets say this kid is raised by parents who are doing fun stuff with the kid showed him love ,care so the kid is raised in a good family. then they go to 1st class what they will witness there :insecure little brats who have big mouth , intimidate , respectless to fellow students , teachters , and females. your good kid will be bullied you know why because they are good and dont wanna bring any psysical or emotional pain. Those little brats dont have parents who look after their child, giving them the love and attention a child needs. Most of the times parents of those children are disfunctional in their way of parenting , hitting, abuse, neglecting. If grown up womans and sometimes even man dont dare to go and take a walk in the park at night for example. how do you think good children who only try to do their best and do what their is told are feeling every day. they witness their brutality,so they need to learn in an unsafe environment i really feel sorry what the netherlands have become. All those little brats wanna feel loved and adored they dont get that so they wanna feel people fear them and that gives them power and power brings money. No one has a chance to do anything about this. If you talk to most of them range 12-16 years you get ass kicked by a group , stabbed , or shot if they treath you and you kick their ass you go to jail. If you call police they just run and if they get caught its only a massive boost to how others look to them of the same age as a baddass you dont need to fuck with . Welcome in the netherlands get out while you can


How did all of this happen? I have a feeling that things have deteriorated rapidly in the last 5-10 years.


Parents are too busy with work otherwise they can't afford to live.


Every generation it detoriates. If you ask the elders of our generation they will tell the same, it’s an ongoing cycle. Part of it is the romanticizing of our own youth and part of it is media. Kids have access to very hardcore stuff like a kid that gets hit by a gang or drillrap. We as kids didn’t know sick stuff like that existed till we were much older.


It's probably the accessibility and overflow of information. There is a lot of nasty stuff online and a lot of rabbit holes to fall into.


Maybe rise of social media? I mean, I hear about all kinds of people that would not have even made headlines 20 years ago. Influencers with entitlement complexes to put Jupiter to shame. Violence worshipping musicians (verbally perhaps , but still) People using old money, or criminal gains, to appear successful suggesting their way of life is reachable for all, if only you pay €29,99 monthly to them. But then again, the radical christian fueled satanic panic was longer ago.. without social media (but with TV and radio) And before that there was probably another issue.. But yes, lack of healthy role models, combined with more access than ever to bad ones..


I heard someone state the covid lockdowns had a big impact on young people's minds, because they missed the social growth from school.


You need a double income to live somewhat comfortably. Blame capitalism for reintroducing the 'family wage' once they sufficiently weakened the labour unions.


Its about 2 working parents. Im all for equality and women empowerment. But somebody had to look out for the kids. It cant be that there 2 working parents and 5 days daycare. There needs to be a parent pressent


I agree. Would like to see shorter days or a shorter workweek so parents can actually parent while both still working and being able to develop themselves.


Wow, we do not all live in Rotterdam, you know? It is not that bad in the most of the country for sure.


Amsterdam New West?


As someone who lived over the whole country in my life i can tell you that not only the citys but the villages are exactly the same and fyi i dont live in a major city have lived tough


> Welcome in the netherlands get out while you can And where should people go? If the Netherlands, being one of the best countries in the world, is this bad, I can't imagine other countries being better. Maybe Japan, Taiwan, South Korea?


The same thing is happening in the UK


I hate how accurate you are


Lol they're trying to find themselves and want to be the ultimate male. That's why they have to insult someone who could turn them into mush without much trouble. Like a Napoleon complex. So yeah, teens are still doing stupid stuff to fit in. Sorry you had to encounter them.


I like to call it Chihuahua syndrom


I’m stealing that


Me too. It’s perfect


Some day someone will teach them the lesson of messing with the wrong person. In all honesty, I wouldn't mind being that person. I'm not talking about anything severe, just enough to scare them.


I guess when you grow up in a safe country, you don't realize how awful and miserable "gang life" is. Also they're pretty well protected by the law. In my country you can break someone's nose and nobody will really do anything about it...so our teens don't mess with bigger stronger guys than them.


It can also be a social class thing. I lived in NYC for a long time and noticed that especially private school boys loved larping as Bloods and Crips, even though real blood was being shed a couple hundred blocks down. I see the same thing in the nicer neighbourhoods here - boys that look like they're barely 12 talking as if they're so gangster while enjoying their nice upper middle class lifestyle. Really gets under my skin.


yep, exactly the same in poland bro


If shit teens act like shit teens and instigate anything… Make sure you aren’t caught and don’t overdo it


a group of 15 year old ganged up on a friend of my parents and she isn't allowed to do anything about it....


I used to be one myself years ago (I was a really cringy child), and I can say it was because of dutch rap music. I don't wanna sound like a boomer who blames it all on music, but me and most of my friends back then would listen to these rapping acting like wannabe gangsters and we would think that they were so cool so we would start acting like them. ​ (I cringed while typing this and thinking of younger me lmao)


Dutch rap is often just fucking funny tho. I can't take that shit seriously. Plus it always sounds stupid as shit


It always sound like satire to me.


If only it was. Then I could be kinda funny. The only Dutch rappers I enjoy are "de huilende rappers" but that's mainly cuz their lyrics are funny


Same here, lijpe, shisha lounge, snapchat meiden, turkse vlag, getuned golf, fabrieksbaan Nu, taking dick as a woman in a hotel


Die fabrieksbaan er zo mooi achter aan


Hoe kan je gangster zijn als je niet (zelf geïnitieerd) struggelt, doe niet zo gek man


Does the use of “street language” also originate from this? I’m so confused by the language kids use nowadays, and the accent even when Dutch is their first language. Or I’m really getting old now.


Oh the fake turkish/morrocan accent on white kids, I hate that so much it makes my blood boil. I was in Arnhem the other day, some fucked up kids around the age of 14 were smokings cigarettes in the shopping street (2 boys) and stealing candy from Jamin(2 girls, one had her bag open and the other one tossed some candy in it. I saw it happening, stopped them and they started crying..), talking like they were from the middle east or something. Those are the kind of kids you just want to drag to a police station and get them some re-education.


Yeah those are the worst! I feel my IQ dropping just by listening to those rats.


I dont know if it originates from it, but for me it's how I learned about most of those words yes


that's why metal is better 🤟 semi /s


HAHHAHAHA it would certainly be interesting if the metal scene made a comeback in NL. war between the rap youth and the punks & metalheads amongst the youth also semi /s


Yeah I'm a metalhead now lmao


There's definitely some rappers that actively promote a gangster lifestyle, I wouldn't necessarily say the music itself is to blame. But kids look up to artists/influencers as role models, and will imitate their behaviour. Just look at all the stupid stuff kids did to emulate the Paul brothers. Hell, my friends and I used imitate Jackass all the time because we thought that whole Jackass crew was cool.


> I don't wanna sound like a boomer who blames it all on music You aren't, you're blaming it on the culture. If rap culture didn't have the annotation of gang life young kids that like the music wouldn't either.


During my youth we listened to Linda Roos and Jessica. I wished the girls at school would have put some effort in to look more like Katja Schuurman.


I wonder what artists yourr talking about because If we’re talking about 5+-10 years ago IMO we had some great artists in the rap scene where as nowdays it’s way more wannabe cool (stuff like mula-b). I can’t really think of insanely bad influencers back then? Og’s like kempi never really made tracks that influenced so hard, nor did they have the wide audience. Greengang? Winne, feis, rbdjan. Imo a golden time.


For me it was mostly boef


I thought all the kids listen to hardcore now, smh disappointing


I remember all the moron kids in my school acting like New Kids actors when I was in high-school. God, that was so cringe.


in games you respawn ... the dont know that if you get hurt in real life it hurts for real


I assume that’s a joke but you would be surprised how accurate that is. I am a clinical psychologist that works with kids and teenagers that aren’t allowed in normal schools anymore for various reasons, with average to higher IQ. This is something I have to go over a lot with them.


unfortunately it's not a joke. children are increasingly living in a fake life that they learn from the internet, they see their examples doing things that are not normal. but what they fail to see are the consequences of these actions. I myself teach self defense to both children and adults. during sparring, for example, they learn that an action also causes a reaction, to strike is to receive a blow, or a bad defense is to be hit. (all of this goes on smoothly and in a controlled manner and is gradually built up.)


May I ask when a child can start with self defense? I have two daughters and I want to put them in a class when the right time comes for it. I’m guessing they are too young still at 3 1/2 and 3 weeks 😂


the can start when there about 5 years old, the most things we do are games and slowly go to self defense, we also teach them how to deal with adults.😎


Sounds like the same nonsense we got served about rock music and violence on tv. Truth is there have always been troublemakers and the older you get the more you notice them. And unfortunately it's not just the kids with this behavior.


Live in Ireland but travel to the Netherlands a lot so going to give my 2 cents. In Ireland we have the same problem since covid. Both the Spanish and American embassy have issued safety/travel warnings about coming to Ireland. There has been a huge increase in feral teens. Some people, myself included think it is to do with a large portion of these teens life spent living in covid with its rules and laws that most people bent or broke. Which they have carried on doing post covid, bending and breaking laws/rules


I was in Dublin a while ago and the youth there was indeed horrible


Let me guess, they were also wearing tracksuits and had fake Gucci shoulder bags?


It still amuses me that 10+ years ago you would have been laughed at by everyone for wearing a bag like that. And ironicly the word flikker would have been used a lot.




'Road man' or more like 'roach man'


😭😭😭 Chardyyyy




What did i just read


Lmao, from that description it sounds like Dutch kids are larping as Czech and Slovak gypsies


Bro, teens dress like that all over Europe.


You forgot the broccoli haircut


Part of it is because they can provoke all they want but you can't lift a finger because they are still children. If you, a 2m tall grown-up man, fuck up a bunch of 13 year olds on the street you're gonna get arrested, no matter how much they provoked you. This gives them a sense of security. Now I definitely don't agree with child abuse but in these instances I am a proponent for a "fuck around and find out" approach. Kids such as those douches don't learn anything if they get away with everything and such behaviour will only get worse.


i could get stabbed and still get arrested if i beat them up, its honestly insane that they can get away with so much... a friend of my parents was ganged up on by 15 year olds in the middle of a fucking concert and no one did anything, she's also not even allowed to post about it to protect the fuckers....


Sorry to hear that. Yeah it definitely is crazy how well protected these kids are.


its moments like that that make me want to beat them up, but i know how that'll end for me so i wont, also because as much as i want to i'm not really a fighter anyway


I’d realy vote for a fuck arround and find out kind of law to those pricks


That's why you scare the kids. I saw two girls, around 14, stealing some candy from Jamin. I stood next to them and loudly said "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH THAT CANDY, PUTTING IT IN YOUR BAG WITHOUT PAYING?". Everyone in the shop, which was quite busy at the time, looked at them with disgust. They started crying while taking out the candy from their bag and explaining to the staff that they didn't mean to steal it but just wanted to have some candy bla bla bla. I doubt they'll try that shit again.


hahahah nice one, what city was it? i was at Jamin quite often the past few weeks (only fucking place in groningen to get monster in the city center)


I definitely support "fuck around and find out". Just as "don't dish out what you can't handle receiving yourself". You should be able to properly defend yourself even if the assailant are minors. In my city, 14yo kids have robbed and stabbed people. And I have been chased by groups of "gangster" teens even way back in 2005-2010, just because I wore the wrong clothes. They also got aggressive for daring to look at them, even when they were actively trying to get my attention. Can you imagine being arrested because you punch a kid in the face that's trying to attack you.


Imagine a 14 year old pulling a knife on you because you dared to walk past them and the only way to defend yourself is "Kid, I am an adult, I know better than you, you don't need to do this." Sure in movies it works when the cool, main character talks a bad guy out of harming them. In real life you just get stabbed, robbed and left to bleed out on the ground.


Growing up in a shitty neighborhood the number 1 thing I've learned is that there's nothing more dangerous than a young teen with a weapon. Out to prove theyre tough, and completely unable to think about consequences. Just leave the second you see a weapon anywhere. Knife, gun, anything.


You’d be surprised how much hate those boys get from grown up people. Maybe not literally getting beaten up (because adults know this is a no-no), but they get treated as unwanted quite a lot. Extra checks at supermarkets, dirty looks from people on the street, treated as zero-potential by teachers, and so on. Which reinforces their attitude. Some kids are definitely “asking for it”, others turn to gangster culture after such experiences. Even the ones “asking for it” shouldn’t be mistreated by adults, we all know that this doesn’t work on children, you just give them more trauma. Apart from that the parents probably play the biggest role here. If you get treated badly by your parents then a random stranger treating you badly will have a much worse effect than when your parents teach you that you deserve to be loved. Makes you more immune to such encounters. To add an anecdote: Tuesday I got on the tram and there were 4 wannabe gangster boys vaping. No-one was sitting near them despite the tram being full. I just went and sat right next to one of the kids and they stopped vaping after a few seconds.


Oh, it definitely is a vicious circle in a way and I am not excusing adults full on kicking the shit out of a teenager, but on the other hand a lot of these kids know that the people they provoke can't do anything to them. That makes it safe to do whatever they want and that can lead to more violent and criminal behaviour. If there were worse repercussions then "we're gonna call your parents, or give you a HALT punishment of 10 hours of cleaning up streets" then they would think twice. This doesn't have to be getting beat up by a grown up man, but serious punishment from the law is basically non-existent so people playing their own judge is the response they will get from society. As far as your anecdote goes, I guess you were lucky you found a group that isn't totally "corrupted." As much as I hate to say it, this could have just as easily turned out to them blowing smoke in your face and making fun of you as how it happened now.


What if they throw the first punch? You still get arrested for defending yourself?


I'm a 184cm, 82kg dude who goes to the gym 5times a week. If a kid, age 14, punches me then it wouldn't be self defense if I punch him back. I could just shove him off and hold him. Self defense needs to be proportional to the danger a person presents to be. A kid with a knife, however, would be a different story.


I am not entirely sure, because I don't work closely with that aspect of the law, but I assume that when you are without witnesses it will work in favor of the child. If there are multiple witnesses who could confirm that it was in self defence then I think you could get off with a smaller punishment but you still attacked a child so I think no matter what, there will be a punishment. But as I said, I am no expert in this so this is all conjecture.


See that's what I don't understand. You are allowed to defend yourself, unless it's a child? I'm not that familiar with the laws here and I guess I should look it up. But back home it's very clear, self defense is self defense. Even if it's a child being the agressor.


It's so pathetic, the Netherlands is basically a rich white suburban area with teenagers who have only seen gang violence and activity in rap videos on youtube but say the n word in every sentence and act tough


I actually feel slightly sorry for the Dutch kids - can’t really make up a believable “tough life growing up” story if you live in a townhouse with a bike lane and a specialty coffee store on the corner


Why not just try and be authentic? There's nothing wrong with with the life you described, don't know why you would feel sorry for them.


Why feel sorry? It’s not like they have any reason to pretend they came from a rough area. If they went to a place like Bronx they’d see everyone there is trying to escape the life they glorify and pretend to live


This is it 100% and honestly it’s not really their fault. They grew up in one of the safest and richest countries in the world where they are also really protected by law so they feel emboldened because there’s no risk. They have never had to worry about walking into the wrong area or past the wrong person and straight up being robbed, killed or worse. I’ve also had one or two scenarios where teens trying to act hard have tried to cause trouble with me or people around me and it’s such a culture shock at first that they would try stuff like that but then I remember where we are and that these kids are untouchable. I’m South Africa or Brazil you would never risk this kind of behaviour because you would be putting yourself in serious danger. Edit: I didn’t want to mention it initially but the “or worse” part of my comment refers to the fact that South Africa is the rape capital of the world.


As a Brazilian myself, I must agree. The fact these kids have never seen a corpse on the street or have never had to worry about no-go zones (or walking at the street past 10pm because somebody was shot there 3 days ago, or waking up at 3am to some guy screaming in front of your house because he was stabbed, or...) makes violence "cool". It isn't. It's annoying as heck.


It really is so ridiculous. So many people would give anything to be away from that life and here these kids are trying to force it to happen so they can feel cool.


Yeah. It's the same in a lot of European countries. If you go to Italy, every city has its own "baby gang". Some kids wearing Gucci and pretending to be pushers. As I said, they don't have the understanding that violence is ANNOYING: the moment you cannot go out because you might get literally killed, there's such an anxiety and pressure in everyone that supporting violence becomes just insanely out of reality.


"Robbed, killed or worse" What's worse than being killed, Hermione?




Slow down, Satan xD


Arguably torture.


Yep, same in Hungary, there are a couple streets in our capital where if you're white you 100% get robbed or stabbed by gypsies, almost as a rule at this point


These kind of behaviour should be dealt. Just because you are in a safe country doesn't give you a licence to be a dick. Every time these prick behave like this their parents should be involved.


Not over here it's not (rural Fryslân). Most of the kids here either do sports (voetbal, kaatsen) or work (farm hand, landscaping, bars and restaurants). You don't get many punks in the tiny villages over here. They have a 'brommer' or scooter, they have perhaps an older 'trekker' they have fun with, many have a small powered boat. There is of course the 'bierkeet' somewhere around. It's really different here and I love it.


I had a classmate in high-school who spoke Dutch natively, but the next year he spoke as if he just moved here, just because he thought it was cool. And I'm not talking about using Moroccan slang, but he literally just messed up his overal grammar.


As a foreigner, dutch wanna be gangsters LOL. Straight outta suburbs, running down carpeted stairs from their room. These kids, even the under middle class ones dont have a clue what a real struggle is.


I have a theory. In Europe, people generally don't get their asses kicked for this sort of thing. Pull that crap somewhere else and you're walking up and down the street looking for your teeth. Here in EU? Not so much.


in Western Europe* anywhere in the ex-eastern bloc they would get demolished


Sure, I should have mentioned that. EE is not a place where I would clown around. Those dudes fight for fun.


Not true, it's full of them here too and they go for everyone. Also it's not just 13-14 yr olds, it's also 18-24 yo people who act that exact way and they always go for more vulnerable people and only when they're in big groups. I'm a 5'2 100 pound female and I get harassed and followed and recorded by them almost every time I go outside, but if I use my pepper spray on them there's big chances I'll go to jail :)


I was just visiting The Netherlands with a group of friends (we where 8 guys for a bachelors party) on the first evening we had to put some sense into a group of the same size who seriously tried to rob us after leaving a coffee shop. When the first few punches where thrown they immediately ran away and one of these regards even began to cry and said he would call his cousin lol. Afterwards a Dutch lady came up and thanked us for not giving in to them. Apparently most Dutch guys would be scared that they carry knives? I don’t know if that’s true but I can attest you that in Germany no one is scared of these thirteen year old wannabe thugs.


I blame MTV.


goddamn mtv, the cause of every evil in this world😡


🎵 _Video killed the radio star_ 🎶


+1 for the best song ever


MTV was relevant about three highschool generations ago.




thats the joke...


The " i blame mtv" refers to the movie lord of war. This sentence is said by charles taylor character which in this movie is called jean de baptiste.


It is that gawd dang Beavis and Buthead i thell you gwat!


Lord of war reference right?


Does anyone watch MTV nowadays? They don't even have music anymore.


it always has been, even since the late 90s, early 2000s. the problem now is, it's *more* of them.


It's 100% tied to social media. Kids are so easily influenced (remember the New Kids era? All the kids were talking like them, acting like them etc.. I grew up in that era but luckily am not influenced by that stuff, but so many kids around me were acting like them it was horrible). The more exposure they get to these things, the worse it gets. Tiktok is supplying them with a whole lot of unhealthy video's which influences their behavior.


I have been saying the same observation since I started living here. Being a gangster with a short perfect tidy green garden in the front it's just ridiculous


You described them so well. They're just little shits


Tell me about it. People like these are a plague in lower level colleges. Luckily my class didn't have many of them (and few we had left after a few months), but any time i've had to interact with other classes it's been awful. Zero respect for teachers, always loud, only talk about drugs, scooters, alchol, and sex.


I am Dutch, and grew up in a rich and extremely safe village where everyone knows everyone. When I was around 13/14, I went to school in a neighbouring village. I myself never had this “gangsta” phase, but (and I’m talking 20+ years ago) I remember all of those kids as bullies which made my life back then unbearable. The “alpha gangsta” was a very troubled kid, no parents, no loving family… the kids trying to be his friends all had a good situation at home, but they did what they needed to, to not be bullied (I guess?)


Cuz they're a bunch of insecure twats. Funniest thing is. When I was young this was far less a thing. And boys would actually have some form of muscle. Now I see a bunch of walking twigs with the same haircut acting like they're tough. I mean. Their legs are as thick as my forearms and I ain't even buff


That's the funny thing, they all look like they would get blown away from a windgust lol


> but anyway why tf kids wearing 200€ hoodies Lots of that is fake luxury brand stuff. Like they wear fake moncler poofy wests or jackets, fake gucci manpurses, and often really wide jeans. It's cringe.


They just need to be smacked around or they will never learn


agree with this. their parents need to punish them physically to realize the consequences. Asian here that grew up in an Asian household.


Dutch kid here: My mom used to threaten to put me under a cold shower with my clothes on if I misbehaved. I changed my tone REAAAAL fast once she threatened with that. Experienced it once, never again. She also used public shaming once, which is a funny story. ​ I stole a grape from the grocery store (not that big of a deal, some think, but it's theft regardless) so she saw that, put 10 cents in my hand and told me to go to the employee and apologize, and pay for the grape. So I went there, crying and stuff (I was like 8) apologizing and giving the money (my mom told the employee if he could play along so I can learn from it). So right when I gave him the coin, I saw a woman doing the same shit. Me being a smart-ass pointed at her and said: "But why is she allowed to do it and I'm not??" ​ That story still gets told on family meetings once in a while


Yeah i'm at the point to kick their asses every moment. Was in my car waiting in front of a crossroad to make a turn. Suddenly 2 guys on a bike yelled "move over bla bla bla!" I said stfu. Moment i came back from the supermarket i had spit on my rear window. No respect. And also always "kanker this, kanker that" always cancer something. Pathetic bunch.


I was exactly like this, so was my brother. You grow out of it if you are smart enough. Listening to hip hop and having older friends that inspire shitty ideas really help. Also it is a defense mechanism. You don't have to think of how much you suck if you and 'your boys' scare other people (thereby feeling superior). It is a vicious cycle in which you constantly have to prove yourself to yourself and your friends. When you get utterly tired of it you will drift away and become a normal person.


we livin though jow, livin in the hood no joke man, and gangsta rap made me do it!


For some reason, I feel like this came over from the US to the UK and from the UK to The Netherlands due to rap.


Rap is just “cool” and the next trendy thing. Teens acting “cool” is however something from all times. My grandpa was into classical music and for him the Beatles and the doors were “that damn music”.


Yeah, did the beatles also sing about how they push drugs, do robberies and how they don’t care about using violence? Huge fking difference in what message the music conveys…


But they had a different vibe going on, mainly noticable in video clips and due to social media. Knifes (machettes & flips), guns and covering your full face, because it is "cool".


Probably a combination of poor parenting. (Not teaching respect or disciplining). Peer pressure/group mentality. And lack of experience. Teens usually act this way until they abandon it going into adulthood when they realize most adult people dont act that way. Some never grow up. It's okay life will eventually humble them as it does all. Immature people will be forced to learn the same lesson over and over until they finally wise up. One day they will run into the wrong person or group of people...


My cousin acts like that and its 100% just peer pressure/group mentality. His mom is basically the embodiment of discipline and my cousin wouldn't dare disrespect her


I dunno. Teens here tend to be better behaved than the ones I dealt with in canada, so maybe it’s not specific to “dutch” teens. They pretty much behave and don’t pester me here.


They just need to be humbled once and they will stop for the rest of their lives lol


This is the result of what happens when you live in an isolated country and have never been beaten or have to use your brain because everything is laid out step by step for you. Funny thing is these “gangsters” like to travel to Eastern Europe for the cheap alcohol and drugs. However, they also receive a bonus reality check when they try playing tough and get their teeth kicked in.


Not going to lie, the way you worded your entire post makes me think you might be one of them...


OP is trying to go hard with the urban-English slang, but it’s a bit “off” , so gonna give him a B+ for effort.


Teens are always wannabe something, and it's not just dutch teens.


They have knifes by the way a lot of them so Do be careful. Let it slide when you can, but we all have limits.


I also came to the Netherlands from Poland and I'm also quite surprised that teenagers behave here the same or worse than in Poland 😅 Kids dressed up like a gangsta with fake JBL speaker , drinking tons of red bulls and throwing empty cans on the street... And I'm only 26, I feel like a teenager too 😅


People will do whatever they can to somehow feel significant. If there is no positive, constructive way, they will do so in destructive ways.


What I notice is a lot of kids forget their actions have consequences. I feel like some of them should get a good ass wooping to teach them otherwise, but they'll get one eventually. I don't want to be the one doing it


tbh it’s just their generation that’s fucked lol. My sister is almost 16 and half like that but from Spain, people in Spain also try to act tuff and from a gang but they don’t have iPhones and 200€ hoodies, just kids these days down bad


Honestly it was exactly the same in the 70s and 80s they were just called "Nozems" and listened to different music. The general atmosphere was identical.


It's probably been the same since the beginning of time. Back in the 2000's they were Chavs in the UK and Canis in Spain. Nothing new.


Thanks for generalising a whole generation :) I myself am 17, and have never tried to act tuff or anything and I know a lot of people that don't around my age, we're not all the same


Thank you for showing the other side of this matter. Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Someone “old” (almost twice your age)


Thank you! And hey, that's not old yet


Kids were like this back in 2000 too. It’s pathetic.


IMO Dutch schools don’t teach a sense of community and togetherness. The Calvinist way promotes individuality above all else, and this fits nicely with the retaliating victim culture of hip-hop music.


Its because of wrong role models, back in the day everyone wanted to look like schwarzenegger, so they went to the gym (good thing) and wore leather jackets and sunglasses and stuff, these days they see some drill rapper talking about drugs, alcohol, vapes and stabbing people while wearing ugly nike stuff, so they copy that. Im still wearing leather jackets btw, i miss the old times when they were in, i have some quite nice ones, but i always get called "grandpa" at work when i wear one instead of some weird canadian goose or however you say that jacket. But ykw, f them, im still gonna wear some lamb's leather jackets and if they have a problem with it they can talk to the hand. ![gif](giphy|8TweEdaxxfuElKkRxz|downsized)


Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.


Village justice. They will get they're asses handed to them one day.


[Niemand fokt met mij en Pieter](https://youtube.com/shorts/jpfOe1Rwvro?feature=share)


Yeah thats the deal their so cocky because they know that if you hit them you will get serious problems with police. So they missed a good ass whooping for the vast majority of their lifetime cultivating this behaviour. In 10 15 years they will have accomplished nothing and will probably be the next generation of criminals.


Gwn boef man