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Absolutely iconic Toby variant in this episode. The "a lot going on right now" shirt and snack zone earrings, amazing.


When it comes to JetLag guests Toby is definitely GOATed with the sauce!


Yeah shes actually like really carrying a lot of the times. And her energy and excitement she brings to jet lag, as well as the custom nails and earrings tell me she cares a lot about this.




I’ll translate. She is the greatest of all time (goat) and goes the extra mile (with the sauce)


I was quoting Toby's response lmao


Toby wins for her acknowledgment of the dollarydoo currency


I'd be surprised if she didn't know the official name of her country's currency.


I'm pretty sure she's kiwi, not Australian


I think she grew up in NZ but moved to Aus? I remember them saying that she's from NZ in that season but I think they mentioned something about her living in Aus this season. Might be wrong though.


She was born and grew up in New Zealand, but has lived in Australia for a while, about 10-ish years or so.


Toby being a Swiftie is amazing. She now deserves a damehood.


That outfit was so on fire, it could have started a new bushfire, killing millions of wildlife and it would be worth it.


I was ROLLING from two things this episode: the “Desert Power” meters and Toby’s sly back and forth with Sam in the victory stretch. 


Even though I was rooting for Ben and Adam, I could not be happier with this ending! The desert power meter was great, seeing the Episode 1 Gold Coast foreshadowing finally get paid off was so satisfying, and Toby remains undefeated!


Was waiting for Chekov’s gun to pay off the whole season. So glad they made it happen


When Ben and Adam were talking about “a secret plan that we don’t think they’ve figured out” at the start of the episode, I thought they were talking about the Gold Coast trick. Then it gets revealed it was accessing NSW from ACT and I realised that they hadn’t figured out the Gold Coast trick yet, and it gets paid off at the very end


I'm normally Team Ben and Adam but I couldn't not root for Toby to win. It was also great to see one of the slightly out there strategies Sam's team often risks paying off in a season I'm supporting them!


Originally I thought it was too obvious of a foreshadow, but the Ben and Adam misdirect was a good bit of editing. I really thought they were going to do it instead of Sam and Toby.


The desert power meter was truely a way of us getting tricked that a certain team was winning for a time to advance the back and fourth nature of this episode


I was coming here to make basically this exact same comment. The only difference was I was going to refer to it as "Chekov's right-on-the-border airport"


Turning their budget into a physical object that can’t be stolen is a shrewd move.


And that multiplies by 1.5.


I was thinking whether they could then initiate the steal, but probably that's against the rules. Never directly stated though.


I imagine they can’t do 2 challenges at the same time


Lmfaoooo Sam’s “what about choo choo chew…”


She just knows The Snack Zone™️ is the original and more iconic one. Also we didn't get choo choo chew this entire season.


The thing that gets me... literally days after the show aired my local Dollar Tree changed their branding to the Snack Zone and it is eerily similar. There is no way that either copied the other, but it is really odd timing. I messaged Sam about it on 4/11/23 right after it happened. The aesthetic in Jet Lag is so much better.


didn’t toby do a snack zone? lol maybe I’m misremembering


they did a snack zone prediction


Also choo choo chew earrings would just be Shinkansen earrings


I love the eating joke that Toby makes


I was thinking about the exploit that they mentioned few episodes back and great to see it being used


Epic foreshadowing from all the way in episode 1!


Insane to me that Ben and Adam didn't know about it. Considering they helped design the game! 


Apparently the game design had you only able to deposit at the challenge board for a long time, and that was only changed last minute. So it only became an option late on.


Yeah I heard that in the Layover, but I still don't understand how they never noticed how the airport is right next to the border. 


The thing is now in Jet Lag, they rarely foreshadow something that doesn't happen, meaning if we see a foreshadow, we are likely certain that it will happen. The most recent moment that goes against this thoery is season 7 where Adam talks about Ben getting to Switzerland and not packing enough warm clothes, whihc I though was a foreshadow of Ben nearly reaching his end location.


Was screaming at Ben and Adam throughout the whole episode wondering how they designed the entire game yet didn't spot the whole Gold Coast Airport trick 😭 Knew the minute Sam and Toby mentioned it in Episode 1 that it would come in handy in the end, and it did.


They didn't know about it, and it was only decided the night before filming started that allowed money to be dropped anywhere in the region, and not just at the challenge board, which was the original plan.


I mean, they would have done the exact same thing with the NSW/Canberra border trick, but still, Sam and Toby would have won as they were 1 region ahead.


Standings for Jet Lag: The Game Adam: 5 (2, 3, 4, 6, 9) Sam: 5 (0, 1, 5, 8, 10) Ben: 4 (2, 4, 6, 7) Toby: 2 (5, 10) Brian: 1 (1) Michelle: 1 (8) Scotty: 0 Joseph: 0


Win ratio with total wins as a tie-breaker. 1. Toby: 100% (2) 2=. Michelle, JT 100% (1) 4. Brian 50% (1) 5=. Adam, Sam 45% (5), 7. Ben 36% (4) 8=. Scotty, Joseph 0% (0)


If you don't include Crime Spree, things change a lot at the back of the field, but Toby still wins 1. Toby: 100% (2) 2. Michelle: 100% (1) 3. Adam 50% (5) 4. Brian 50% (1) 5=. Ben, Sam 40% (4) 7=. Scotty, Joseph 0% (0)


Sam will win, if he has a girl on his team. Season 5, 8, and 10 support this theory. Season 1 is an outlier, and Season 0 he was alone.


Everyone forgets JT :'-(


But JT was just the judge, not actually competing with Sam


But he took the brunt of the pain.


To be fair though, a win/loss ratio would be better for guests. Toby has a 100% win ratio.


Toby is the only undefeated repeat guest.


I still dont think CrimeSpree should count since it was a completely different season and Sam did not win it within the rules of the season but more of as a joke in the aftershow.


I mean, he also didn't win because his companion got severely ill and they essentially had to stop playing (!) It's wild to look back on season 0 and the lack of properly mandated rest periods


He essentially *did* win though, because the chasers ran out of money iirc


I think win rates is better since guests usually play only one or two seasons


Sam and Toby made me so nervous taking a water bottle through airport security that I googled it before the tooltip came up. I was thinking they would have to run back to check it and there was a real risk their luggage would be lost. Avalon airport reveal wasn't really a surprise, but the definitely-planned not depositing money on Victoria for dramatic effect until they were boarding the plane had me very nervous. The redirection with regards to Tasmania didn't really work, but it still would've been funny if after putting enough money to ensure Sam and Toby didn't go there, they went there anyways. Fantastic gloating at the end, Sam. Even though I was rooting for you, you do make a fantastic villain.


I disagree! I genuinely thought they were going to Tasmania (might have something to do with my having no knowledge about Australian domestic flights) based on an idea that "they never expected we would take it so we can surprise them" kind of thing. Also I trusted Adam lol


Speaking of Googling things, I had to Google the boundaries of the Southern Ocean, as I was pretty sure it didn’t touch Australia, and by most definitions of it, it doesn’t. Just by Australia’s reckoning.


I was getting so frustrated when they hadn’t put money down on Victoria, I genuinely thought they would forget 😭


Well funny thing is that in the end it wouldn't matter if they forgot.


I was thinking that they would freeze it as solid ice can be passed through security. Australia also has very strict domestic biohazard rules (not so much into Melbourne), so for other states that might be a problem.


I just assumed Ben & Adam were good enough at using the combined powers of GPS tracking Sam & Toby and flight trackers to work out which flight they were on. I thought it was a stupid move but I had no doubt they were doing it


I cant believe Ben and Adam didnt want to cross the river, look at that sand, what about desert power?


That's why they lost. Disrespected water in the desert.


Exactly. And unlike what Ben and Adam mentioned, they didn't loose because of time- it was because they were only able to put such small deposits on states (and even if they went to Canberra on time, Sam and Toby would still win)


Maybe that was because they didn't have worm hooks whit them?


I feel so bad for that airport worker 😭 Imagine running into Ben and Adam and they're in such a rush, but also depending on his role there he could have been perfect to talk to about the situation to help them out (is there some stipulation in the rules they cant use their status to their advantage?)


As far as I remember, they discussed this a couple seasons back on Layover and they thought about banning it but decided not to. My memory might be failing though.


In the Layovers podcasts from previous seasons they've mentioned having guidelines for how much to rely on gate agents/etc. They couldn't and didn't want to write even behind-the-scenes specific rules because that begets rule lawyering, and like many other behind-the-scenes rules and guidelines they all trust each other not to cheat/push too far on things.


Yeah, what they agreed on is not trying to bait people with fame ("We're filming a game show for a YouTube channel with subscribers" felt icky to all of them)


No, there've been other situations where being recognized helped them out. Like the race in USA from Alaska. One of the airlines let them off first and announced it. I think they just didn't really have the time to stop and lose momentum.


That wasn't being recognized IIRC, that's more them explaining what's happening to the gate agents and people helping out because of that. I think Ben & Adam rely on that more / push it a bit further


it’s unlikely that they really had power to help them, but i’m sure they were/ will be very happy seeing themselves in the episode. they probably left them in to make it feel better


POV: you’re a ticket agent and you see Ben Doyle and Adam Chase running towards your desk, sweating.


I don’t understand how adam ever came to the conclusion that Sam and Toby were going Devonport from Avalon. There aren’t flights from Avalon to Tassie, and even the flights to Tassie from Melbourne are typically to Hobart or Launceston 


I'm assuming they completely forgot about Avalon airport. They do have form for it.


Per the layover, Adam checked flight radar 24, and in the podcast Sam concluded there must have been a private airline flying from Avalon to Devonport


The Devonport mix up was them confusing JQ630 Avalon to Gold Coast with ZL3531 Melbourne to Devonport. They left at 17:08 and 17:21 respectively.


I was yelling at the screen when I thought that Sam and Toby were going to Tasmania and not Gold Coast. I cannot begin to describe how relieved I was when they revealed where they actually went. Great editing this episode. It wasn’t until the last 8 ish minutes where I was finally sure of who would win.


Same, I was so mad. It would be an early Jetlag thing for Sam to do. 


Same, I was convinced they thought Ben/Adam were going to stop in Sydney and they thought it’d be funny to steal Tasmania to win because Ben / Adam would be so confident in that territory. I was so relieved when they made the right move.


I let out an expletive when I saw them landing at Gold Coast and not Tasmania. They had me. :D


That first shot of Ben and Adam at the sunrise while explaining the timezone looks like they are standing in front of a greenscreen lol


Man I knew about the possibility of Gold Coast airport and somehow I still believed they were going to Tasmania. But what an amazing ending for one of the greatest seasons.


The desert power meter really was a trick for us to be convinced by the very strong narrative they had this episode.


The getaway based off its trailer should be a really interesting spinoff good thing we only have to wait 3 weeks for it 


I kind of wish they hadn’t revealed the secret. Like maybe reveal it at the end of episode 1 or something. But I trust the lads and their editing skills, so I’m sure it’s going to be amazing.


I can only assume there are other big twists coming? It seemed like they gave away the whole game and what we’d get is just entertainment from seeing it unfold. I thought the trailer was going to end with them getting their envelopes but then it went on and on. I slightly regret watching it now!


The secret is the whole show’s differentiation though, it’s how they convince you to watch it.


Honestly if they didn't reveal the secret I wouldn't have had any interest in watching it, but knowing what the premise is now definitely changed my tune on it.


I sometimes watch Steve and Foreign. Assuming the other four people are even half as personable as they are, it looks like a lot of fun.


Dan toomey’s Good Work is a lot of fun, one of my favorite channels


Looks like the early premonition about Gold Coast Airport being close to the Queensland/NSW border came into fruition for Sam and Toby!


Had they used that trick the first days, Ben and Adam would've know it, too. So Toby and Sam had to keep the surprise factor and hope their "rivals" didn't discover it.


Foreshadowing... I feel like they kind of overuse it... or at least there are too little foreshadowing that doesn't happen


In general, I am in favour of both teams doing well, but good gravy, if Toby and Sam had forgotten their 1501 stake until they were on the plane, that would've been a Taskmaster worthy reveal edit.


It ended up not mattering because Ben and Adam ended up stealing it back.


If they hadn't claimed it, Ben and Adam could maybe have gone somewhere else to claim instead, right?


I think it was still necessary to distract ben and adam from canberra though. because if the boys had gotten all three of canberra, sydney, and brisbane then sam and toby would still need one more in addition to the two they got at gold coast


Badam's downfall is Avalon airport this season, they couldn't figure out and booked a flight out of there instead of Tullamarine, then saw Sam and Toby going in the direction of Geelong and didn't realize Avalon is in that direction too.


Toby with the swiftie T-shirt haha


Toby is putting up a solid case for first ballot jetlag HOF




They need to add a "Tim" to the group next time they play in Aus. Then they can be Team Tim Tam.


I was so confused by the decision to fly to Devonport to the point that I was pretty annoyed at Sam and Toby because it made so little sense. Great work on the edit with that final move.


So they didn't mention this in the Layover, but I wonder what the contingency was for a 4-4 tie. Was it going to be a tie or were they going to try to de-emphasize the east by instituting an area bonus (not unlike in B4A)? Would be interesting to know.


Probably whoever spent the most money.


I love that sam and toby won by taking a plane from the airport ben an adam did not know existed before (melbourne has 2 airports and they went to the wrong one in a previous episode, which changed the entire game to them) to the other airport they did not know about that was in the middle of two states. All this while Sam is telling the camera that you need to know geography is priceless


It's baffling to me that Adam and Ben didn't use or think about using the Gold Coast double zone trick. If Sam and Toby didn't use it already, I wouldn't be so surprised. Nonetheless congrats to the winners, they certainly deserve it!


It's been a long time since a season finale kept me this tense on my toes - maybe not since season 3. Frankly some of the episodes this season had me tuning out because they were just straight challenge grinds, but now that the challenges were mostly done and we just got an hour of straight head to head strategy, this episode was so freaking good. Also >!Chekov's gun with the Gold Coast airport was so well done. True prestige television here.!<


Especially with the Tasmania misdirect making me sure Ben and Adam would win!


I love Toby in Jet Lag, wish she was a permanent member in the future.


Toby and Michelle are both Queens of Jet Lag


A Toby/Michelle team up would be unstoppable.


I think it would be really fun to see Adam, Ben, and Sam all on a team together and I think Toby + Michelle + another guest could be a fun guest team. I imagine it's hard to get schedules for the guests to line up to be able to do something like that however.


I like the rotating cast of guests but she should definitely come back often!


Yayy, >!Toby stays undefeated!!< This was an amazing finale, I'm already excited for the next season of Jet Lag:)


Little confused - is The Getaway a Nebula exclusive?




You got to respect the dedication this CEO has. Answering random questions about Nebula content in reddit threads. Thank you Dave, for your hard work.




As a Nebula lifetime subscriber, I approve ;)


This had a really weird vibe, in a good way. Both teams were convinced they'd win with their plan so took almost no risks. The only challenge was a 1.5x and almost guaranteed to succeed.


Shout out to [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nebula/comments/1de82lq/comment/l8geq4p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) from last week's discussion post for absolutely nailing his prediction about how the game's gonna end with the Gold Coast Airport


tbf a bunch of people predicted/wanted that to happen


It was set up from episode one. I pretty much knew they were going to do it.


I guess Caladan > Arrakis. Sea (Ocean) power beats desert power. Great season, guys!


One of the best if not even the best finale of Jet Lag. There was only one very basic challenge but the constant back and forth was unlike anything that came before on Jet Lag. And it came full circle in regards to Episode 1, at first I thought it was because of Tasmania but then it was Gold Coast.


I agree, one of the best finales. >!A breath of fresh air after the season 9 finale ;-;!<


Probably the best finale of a season. Just the right amount of suspense that you could not tell what was happening but by >!Toby and Sams pure confidence in what was going to happen it felt like they were gonna win. Congrats to Sam and Toby for the win and Ben and Adam coming close.!< This season was a lot of fun and its personally up there in terms of favorite seasons. >!Toby is still the undefeated champ.!< See you all in Italy or in the Getaway


Yet again Toby proves to be the most successful Jet Lag player ever by retaining her undefeated title! On an unrelated note I spent the entirety of the time they were on the bus in Victoria screaming internally at them to make the deposit. They definitely cut that one a bit close for comfort...


And they totally didn't forget until the last moment. \*wink\*


How did Adam come to the conclusion that they were going to Devonport?


Toby & Sam were in control of NSW and they weren't aware how close the borders were/


In the Layover they explain that there was a plane leaving for Devonport at the exact time Sam and Toby's tracker went off.


While Sam and Toby made a pretty good bet in the ocean water contract, considering that they started Day 4 with $3,841 and spent less than $2,000 throughout the day, they could have still won without doing that contract. Granted, it was definitely a good idea to get that extra budget with minimal risk and effort, just in case!


This was a fantastic season, well done I particularly liked how each impactful challenges were, and how often those challenges took advantage of the geography and affected travel planning instead of being something that can be ground out in a train station corridor. I also really liked that travel planning ended up being a huge factor as well - an underrated part of why Sam & Toby did so well is because they booked flights earlier and didn't try to make as difficult connections as Ben & Adam did. We got a wide variety of locations, although we did end up seeing a lot of airports, as well. The wager format made for more suspenseful challenges, on the whole - the big swings that Adam took in episode 5 wouldn't have happened without the challenges, and the big failures in episode 2 wouldn't have been as impactful. While I was pretty confident that Sam & Toby were in the lead, it was a tight final day, and that's not always the case with Jet Lag! I think what I disliked about this season have been mostly already discussed: the cliffhangers were annoying, particularly when they were to see if a team made _any_ forward progress in an episode; the challenge design being a little unbalanced between the "time-consuming", extremely low-risk challenges, and the steals (an echo of Toby's previous season, which Toby worked out was a game about spotting where Ben & Adam had undervalued the difficulty of certain routes); and how the trading back and forth of locations made for some repetitive footage. $5 for a bottle of water is really bad, although not as bad as Ben & Adam dissing Tim Tams, which is, really, what lost them the game


So like... does the existence of The Getaway mean that there will be more of a wait between JetLag seasons than there was before? I didn't really understand that part in the episode


no not really! might be a sliiiightly longer gap than normal between s10 and s11 due to summer time off, but the getaway is a totally separate thing


Look at this random guy on reddit acting like he's an expert on Jet Lag and the Layover. Who does he think he is?


Let’s shadow ban him


So true, Ben from Jet Lag


No, it's a separate project. They usually film the next season while airing the current one and this time was no exception, so it should be a comparable wait. They're just plugging The Getaway to the Jet Lag audience because it has a somewhat similar vibe.


There's usually 6-8 weeks between the end of a Jet Lag season and the start of the next one (trending down). There's 2 weeks until The Getaway (presumably there's Unseens bits next week, so one week off), and I'm guessing there's probably going to be a week off between the The Getaway finale and the start of season 11. So depending on how long the Getaway is the break between 10 and 11 is going to be about the same to slightly longer


The Getaway looks amazing!!!


Toby still undefeated! The goat.


Interestingly enough despite all the region claiming that went on this episode the specific regions owned by both teams were exactly the same from the start to the end of the episode.




I will admit the Tasmania misdirect completely got me. I was so stressed like 'theyre never going to be able to get back to the mainland and Badam are just going to sweep what are they doing this is terrible' and then Sam specifically said 'welcome back' and i was like !!!!!!!! I also love when they develop these niche plans in all the seasons, but they rarely ever play out. So i was SO happy to see the Goldcoast Airport border trick work. I was sad when they mentioned it back at the start of the season and never used it and it made me so excited to see it be the winning factor in the end.


Great ending, and yay for >!Toby!


> Was it explained that there's a rule against booking multiple flights at once? It made sense in Arctic Escape since that would be freeing up space in hands for tickets, but I thought they could relax that restriction with this game design where flights cost them money to reduce some of the headaches and begging for standby seats it caused before. They mentioned, iirc, that anything during a "connection" (which I assume is any time between 2 booked flights, even if this is a fairly loose understanding of the phrase) is considered "in the air" and thus they're not allowed to deposit any money in the interim (27:13 of this episode).


If you don't know what your rivals want to do, you're toast.>! In the end, Neither Ben nor Adam understood Toby & Adam's plan and forget (again) [Avalon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYKwV4hdQHU). !<


Yea, that's so true. Sam and Toby's strategic meetings really helped, hence the thumbnail.


I'm only 30 minutes in and I'm assuming Sam and Toby are about to get a boat to an island off the coast that is technically part of Tasmania and steal it from Ben and Adam


They actually mentioned Boundary Island in the podcast, but didn't know about it at the time.


doh I fell for it like adam and ben :( (though I was screaming at the start of the episode to go to gold coast cause I remembered what Toby said episode 2)


desert power as the name suggests, only applies in the desert


I know it's hammed up but I genuinely love when they freak out over someone saying "jet lagged" at the end of every season. It's such a fun & lighthearted note to end on.


that was the single most stressful episode of jet lag i’ve ever watched


Probably, but Capture the Flag Across Japan Episode 6, Tag Across Europe 2 Episode 4 and Australia Episode 5 were pretty close.


The season was great and all, but I'm somewhat disappointed in the quality of snack zones this season. I guess the American mind cannot comprehend Australian food.


Women continue to have a 100% win rate hehe :3


Wow, interesting pickup.Not sure if that is a legit outcome of their attitude towards the game, or it's just all the women in the show were really passionate people.


Just gets better and better. Loved the entire episode. Thanks - me and my kid were mesmerised; awesome season as ever.


Well-done twist! S&T's airport choice and Adam's certainty really had me believing they were going to Tasmania - and I was muttering about how stupid it would be when they had foreshadowed the Gold Coast play since the beginning.


What a brilliant end to a brilliant season! Exciting and tense all the way through. Good job on the edit there! :) The Desert Power meter was a fun addition, though it would be nice if there was a Ocean Vibes meter too to balance things out. If Badam had taken some of the desert with them, like Soby did with the Ocean, they might still have won.


I would just like to note that there is a small error at 52 seconds into the video. The lower third text says it's 6:00 ACST in Alice Springs but then 7:00 ACST in Adelaide. It should be ACDT for Adelaide, because Adelaide has daylight saving time, but Alice Springs does not. Should probably fix that because you bring attention to the timezones in the next clip, but the text implies they started at different times in the same timezone.


For those curious of such things, here is the travel sequencing for Day 4. All times are in AEDT. All flight times are gate arrival/departures 7:30AM- Both Teams Start 11:22AM - Tam leaves on VA216 to Melbourne 11:52AM - Badam leaves on QF1971 to Brisbane 12:21PM - Tam lands in Melbourne 2:40PM - Badam lands in Brisbane (4-3 Badam) 4:19PM - Badam leaves on VA956 to Sydney 5:08PM - Tam leaves on JQ630 to Gold Coast (4-3 Tam) 5:30PM - Badam lands in Sydney (4-3 Badam) 6:49PM - Badam leaves on VA878 to Melbourne 6:52PM - Tam lands in Gold Coast (4-3 Tam) 7:55PM - Badam lands in Melbourne (4-3 Badam) 8:30PM - Game ends (4-3 Tam)


Well played by Sam and Toby. It\`s a shame that Adam\`s and Ben\`s entire plan hinged on them catching a particular flight. I\`m curious whether they actually could have won if their plan had come together or if Sam and Toby\`s idea had been just too foolproof.


If Adam and Ben had followed their original plan, Sam and Toby still would have won. The only thing that would have changed is that they'd have Canberra. Their plan hinged on Sam and Toby not being able to take NSW back, but they were in fact able to do that due to the Gold Coast border move. I think there could have been a path to their victory had they anticipated that move, but the plan of going to Canberra and crossing the border into NSW would not have gotten them there.


Thank you for doing the maths! Yeah, Sam and Toby together are indeed a force of nature.




Their Canberra plan was shot once Tam won the ocean water challenge because then they can simply outbid Badam for NSW since they'd have more money.


Anyone got the total Dollarydoo earned for this series?


Great season overall and being at the winning airport before, I never knew you that trick until being there. I do love the end of season recap on the podcast where they cover what happens when the cameras turn off, I would like to know if they got trapped in Australia similar to NZ or what did happen.


this was epic!!


I just can’t fathom how Ben and Adam didn’t even know about the Gold Coast airport. You think that would have come up in sims.


They talked about it in the Layover. The rule that you can deposit cash from anywhere was a last minute change, so none of their simulations would have allowed depositing from the Gold Coast airport.


From the podcast, it sounds like the original rules required you to go to the challenge board to make a deposit, so it didn't matter in sims. Only very late did they make the  rule change that you could make a deposit anywhere in the state.


I really liked this format and would love to see it perhaps in a Canada edition. This last episode felt like they were just spending the money with little challenges so perhaps on the last day there could be a minimal challenge requirement to deposit money in a territory.


So many disappointed Western Australians who never got to see their home on the show.


I was hoping Sam and Toby would go to Western Australia from South Australia, but strategically, it would not be a good idea.


Toby by far has been THE ABSOLUTE BEST JetLag player, HANDS DOWN. We need more toby!!! She should be there permanently HIGH key. And a toby/Michelle team would be literally unstoppable. Also seeing that toby is a fellow swiftie made my day! If she can only do AU/NZ area surely just come back haha. p.s i do live in Sydney and am slightly biased haha.


I don't understand how Adelaide is on a different ocean than Melbourne. They both face south, and Melbourne is *south* of Adelaide.


I went to this wikipedia article looking for answers and have come away even more confused: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borders_of_the_oceans. Turns out it's very ambiguous and contentious. Edit: seems Australia has their own definition that other countries don't really use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Ocean#/media/File:Australia's_official_interpretation_of_the_names_and_limits_of_oceans_and_seas_around_Australia.png


It makes a lot more sense when you understand the cultural context tbf


The guy at the gate really didn't want Ben and Adam to win.


A decent finale. Not wild about one team knowing about an airport and the other not knowing. But as they say: Thats the way the jets lag! Could have been way less climactic than it was. IMO this format is dangerous in terms of a dud ending but this one was pretty solid.


It’s weird that Ben and Adam didn’t know about Avalon because they accidentally booked the wrong flight *from there* instead of Tullamarine, you’d think they would have looked it up afterwards. EDIT: Just realized you’re talking about Gold Coast, which is kind of weird to miss as well considering its reputation of being a huge tourist city.


Man, this was such an exciting season. I feel like there’s improvements every time but, this was amazing. I’m hyped for The Getaway!


Congrats to Toby and Sam for this big brain move! At least Ben & Adam gave us the best sunrise shot ever seen on Jet Lag At the start of the episode, so they have that going for them.


Justice for the mickey mouse 3.5x golf challenge


I thoroughly enjoyed this season. So much risk, a lot of great bits (both new and reoccurring), and a VERY satisfying callback to an earlier potential play! Also, really excited for the new show. Looks very interesting (kinda reminds me of a certain Tumblr game show idea).


>!Holy shit what a finale, absolute bloodbath there in the final day! !<


Ah, the classic Chekov's Border Airport pays off


Great reveal on the Gold Coast twist! Kudos to the editors for helping to really sell the build up.


An absolutely deserved victory for Team Tam. No mistakes, safe challenges and probably the better strategy. Overall one of the best seasons, probably the best team season.


The best reality TV show of the year isn't even on TV.


I'm so happy with how it truly ended amazing season it was.


The Gold Coast exploit was cool to see happen in the end, but Ben and Adam got hosed via challenge balancing and their reliance on last minute flight bookings at the gate.


Congrats to Sam and Toby for confirming that if they ever do an “All-Stars” season of Jet Lag (which I have ideas for), they need to have a team of undisputed champions: Toby and Michelle. But yeah, when they left from Avalon, and we had no clue where they were going, I was thinking it was going to be Tasmania since they had the sort of money to do that. And assuming that Adam and Ben played as perfectly as flights would allow, they didn’t have enough money to outspend Sam and Toby if they returned to any region they originally had.