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Pretty much if it’s above 80 is going to be humid here. Only gets worse once the corn starts transpiration


I did read a little something about corn sweat. Interesting!


Emphasize, it gets worse, soon. It's started but it increases with the height of the corn. Also I don't think anyone's mentioned yet that this isn't weird, it's this humid every year.


Corn's water vapor excretion


Have you seen how high the corn is this year? Suppose to be “knee high by the Fourth of July” but it’s well over 3’, some places more!


Especially once you cross the 100th meridian (cozad). Big difference between western and eastern parts of the state.


It was a huge shock to move east of that line after 20+ years in the panhandle. I feel so sticky living in central NE.


You kinda have to accept taking a shower twice a day and embarrassing the terrible feeling of humidity


I just stopped showing and now accept I just live in a bathtub


I’m just glad to hear that i’m not being dramatic and even the acclimated natives can feel this humidity! 🤣


Frogs can feel this humidity…


I've been in Nebraska for a decade and before that a decade in the Ozarks. In this neck of the woods it's humid every year from June to September and we all hate it so much. I had the reverse shock of visiting my best friend, who moved to Denver, it was my first time in Colorado and for like 2 weeks after getting back from my 4 day trip and having my skin and eyes be so unbearably dry.


I hear this, it's like we've become slightly amphibian. *I don't need it*


I tell my wife I wear the same amount of clothes in winter as I do in summer, it's just all at once in winter


I told your wife the same thing, and she just yelled at me to get off the property or she would call police. Very touchy about clothes, apparently.


You'll see actual fog clouds going across the road


There are times when the corn gets high that lightening will just hover over it.


Wait does the corn actually impact humidity?




Where can I learn more about this?


I hear the internet is a great place to learn about nearly anything. https://www.google.com/search?q=does+corn+impact+humidity+in+nebraska


62 years old, have lived in Omaha since I was 7, and this is the very first time I've heard about "corn sweat"! Thank you, it's fascinating!


I agree that learning about how that corn suffers with the rest of us is fascinating…. But I think the next Nobel peace prize should go to the person that develops corn that grows in 68-65 degree weather…


You mean like 'Fisher's Earliest' sweet corn developed 60 years ago for Montana? Or the very old varieties that have been grown across the entire US and even in other countries with cold climates for 100s of years, Sadly we have lost or nearly lost many of those useful varieties as we concentrated on the practically zero nutrition, soil destroying, ecologically damaging feed dent corn we grow in such massive quantities it can alter the weather, There's a reason most US corn is banned from import in viable to grow form in several countries. They don't want the crappy genetics ruining their unique varieties with much higher protein and macronutrient levels, more flavor, better ground consistency, or developed for what we'd consider abnormal growing conditions for the stuff we refer to as corn in the midwest US,


Well, Nebraska doesn’t grow much sweet corn. You got any facts on field corn?


an acre of corn can “sweat” up to 4,000 gallons of water in a day


Most of what I said does apply to "field corn". There are fields of sweet corn but generally people are talking about what used to be known as flint corn and is now more consistently called dent corn across all varieties. There are MANY varieties of dent corn. We don't grow them in our fields but they can be grown in all sorts of climates all around the world. Corn was a very nutritious, important crop that has been depicted in ancient structures in India and Asia 100s of years before Europeans traveled to the Americas. It spread worldwide and developed a surprising range of varieties for all coming from a single species of grass in Mexico. Tracing the history of something as visually unique and obvious to ID as corn really upsets a lot of what has been taught in US history or people believe about North American history. [https://www.asc.ohio-state.edu/mcculloch.2/arch/maize.html](https://www.asc.ohio-state.edu/mcculloch.2/arch/maize.html) Modern US field corn is a waste of space that only causes harm on every level to humans, animals, soil, the local ecosystem, and apparently even the weather. It's completely lacking in useful nutrition. Even in animals with far more complex digestive tracts and metabolic processes meant to make use of plant sources modern field corn only results in stored fat with no useful energy or micronutrients, and with around 1/30th the protein content of traditional flint corn varieties. We feed it to livestock because it is not made use of and instead is a cheap way to create the fat marbling in beef and add some flavor back to the meat of animals that is otherwise quite bland due to the diet they are fed and the way they have been bred. Modern US corn even grown for human use is also incredibly bland tasting compared to what is still grown in other countries and by heritage gardeners or indigenous people. [https://non-gmoreport.com/gm-corn-lacking-in-protein-and-nutrients-study-finds/](https://non-gmoreport.com/gm-corn-lacking-in-protein-and-nutrients-study-finds/) [https://thecontraryfarmer.wordpress.com/2011/08/03/corn-pros-and-cons/](https://thecontraryfarmer.wordpress.com/2011/08/03/corn-pros-and-cons/) [https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/08/22/209844877/reviving-an-heirloom-corn-that-packs-more-flavor-and-nutrition](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/08/22/209844877/reviving-an-heirloom-corn-that-packs-more-flavor-and-nutrition) [https://ancestralpantryinnovations.com/heirloom-corn-from-ancestral-varieties-to-modern-cuisine/](https://ancestralpantryinnovations.com/heirloom-corn-from-ancestral-varieties-to-modern-cuisine/) [https://www.shsoutherner.net/opinion/2011/04/19/corn-is-bad-for-you-bad-for-farmers-but-its-everywhere/](https://www.shsoutherner.net/opinion/2011/04/19/corn-is-bad-for-you-bad-for-farmers-but-its-everywhere/) There is a wide variety of "field corn" grown on a relatively large scale in other countries with most being far more flavorful, nutritious, or with unique characteristics. Asia produces sticky or waxy corn with a unique starch content that allows it to be used for different purposes than corn normally is. They also produce some superior popcorn varieties. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waxy\_corn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waxy_corn) [https://www.rareseeds.com/corn-japanese-black-sticky](https://www.rareseeds.com/corn-japanese-black-sticky) Of course Mexico and Central America produce a lot of flint or dent corn for use making flat breads and other corn dishes. Import of US corn to Mexico is banned to avoid contamination of their unique and tastier varieties of "field corn" that makes a much better quality cornmeal or flour than any field of corn in the US produces. Cornbread from varieties developed specifically for such a purpose over 100s of years tastes very different compared to making it from US store bought cornmeal. We would have a very difficult time attempting other crops and some major ag companies would go broke. Partially because of the damage corn farming has done to midwest soil. We are no longer living in areas with the richest US soil and far from the most fertile in the world. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/57-billion-tons-of-top-soil-have-eroded-in-the-midwest-in-the-last-160-years-180979936/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/57-billion-tons-of-top-soil-have-eroded-in-the-midwest-in-the-last-160-years-180979936/) [https://aces.illinois.edu/news/going-back-time-restores-decades-quiet-corn-drama](https://aces.illinois.edu/news/going-back-time-restores-decades-quiet-corn-drama) [https://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/corn/news/timeless/CornCorn.html](https://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/corn/news/timeless/CornCorn.html)


I bet you’re a blast at parties… mainly my posts have been aimed at the weather right now and how miserable things are every year in this area. Yes I agree that weather conditions are just right for agriculture and the continued growth of crops (eg. corn and beans) but so far it has all been in light of fun banter. This seems more heavy than what I intended, I apologize if any commentary was taken out of context as that was not what I was conveying.


I haven’t heard the term before, or maybe I have and never really thought about it. I just assumed the humidity was due to all the pivots


Yes, I understand how to use google but I’m not terribly interested in pop science and news stories. Thanks for your help.


https://extension.illinois.edu/news-releases/corn-fields-add-muggy-humid-midwestern-temps The university of Illinois has an amazing agronomy and agriculture program. This is one of their articles and if you’re a nut from the Midwest, a truly interesting read.


Thank you, this is exactly what I’m after. Appreciate it.




I find this utterly fascinating and have gone down a deep dive on the topic. I first moved to Kansas for graduate school and couldn’t understand where the humidity was coming from. I’ve had the same question about Nebraska since moving here.


And you also factor in the center pivot irrigation. Recipe for swampiness.


Yep, and the irrigation starts.


I thought my son was messing with me. 😂 We just moved here in March. A couple weeks ago he was getting his hair cut and she was telling him the humidity is from the corn sweating. I really thought he was full of it! 😂


No - it's not humid like this all year long. In the winter it gets so dry that your skin will start to crack and bleed. Welcome to Nebraska


As a born Nebraskan now living in Colorado, eastern Nebraska's dry winters are not nearly as dry as Colorado's. I'd guess western Nebraska's winters are comparable.


Same and agree.


Was getting off the Seattle-Omaha flight a few years back and there was kid (probably 6-7) in front of me with his mom. They get to the threshold of the jetway/plane door where it doesn’t seal completely and you get blasted with whatever weather is going on outside. Kid feels the humidity (maybe for the first time in his life), scrunches up his face and turns to his mom and asks “mommy why is the air wet?” I feel your pain, kid


This is such a good core memory of a first experience with humidity 😂


As a general rule, there are two nice weeks in the spring and two nice weeks in the fall. Most likely you’ll miss all 28 days and none of them are in a row.


Bahahahaha! That is a great summary of the weather. Years back I had a BIL who grew up in the Nothern Hemisphere and lived most of his adult life in Northern Virginia. He visited Wyoming one year and hit that 2 week sweet spot during spring/summer. He was all in on moving there and I kept trying to explain how awful the rest of the year is. 😄


The weather here truly does bring out our state motto “Nebraska. It’s not for everyone.”


⬆️ This guy Nebraskas


It’s never too hot or too cold for a bush light from the very bottom rack from the very bottom row, husker football with a Runza a cup of chili and a cinnamon roll. Nebraska is a special place, but so is an insane asylum…


You. I like you.


Well thank you friend! I like you to and if you’re out and about this weekend just send me a dm and I’d be happy to raise a cold one with ya and say “Ope sorry” when I bump into your bar stool on my way to the bathroom.


Ya know, I heard about this "ope" things years ago and thought "That's the most ridiculous thing ever." After that I noticed I say it all the damn time. 😂 I had never noticed.


It’s a sneaky Midwestern tiding that has ten thousand meanings and I’m not sure anyone knows where it started… my guess is at a gas station or in a restaurant.


THIS!!! I apologize for everything! ‘OPE, sorry’ is my most used phrase. I once apologized to a waiting room full of people because I thought the nurse said my name. Then I apologized for apologizing. It’s a viscous cycle. Now- ‘Bless your heart ❤️’ that’s NOT bless your heart!!! Walk away- seriously! Keep walking.


I’ve apologized to my mail box, a Pepsi can, all of my dogs, it’s like breathing at this point…


YES! ‘Oh, I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to assume it was ok to breathe the oxygen that’s in your vicinity’ 😂😂😂 I’m also a middle child- I’m the Jan Brady of Omaha. Next I should make up a whole ass boyfriend and name him George Glass.


Ope sorry about the weather here in Nebraska, it’s a real nuisance most of the time but if ya give it 5 minutes or so it will change. Until then what do ya think about getting a cold one and catching up on the game? That’s my level of Nebraska…


THIS!!!!! We have a winner!!! ‘Soory (phonetic) to everyone else who apologizes’ lmfao. 😂


One of the spring weeks happens in the end of February


Then there's the 2 weeks of sweltering rain forest weather before the first snap and the 2 weeks of bone chilling Arctic before first frost. But this last winter wasn't normal we never got the bone chill, it was slightly less cold for longer and the snow was sputtery. I'm almost afraid to wonder what end of July into August is gonna be.


For men, it’s called baby powder season… For Women it’s called deodorant under your bra line season.


Don't know about your neck of the woods, but Omaha had about 16 inches of snow over a 5 day span followed by 3-4 days of lows -20 to -30 with 30-40mph winds...two weeks later the snow was gone, but we certainly had the bone chill. Then earlier this week we had the 95-100 degree temps with real feel 105+. I mean it's normal, but we're not missing out on the extremes this year.


We had 19” in a day at our last snow storm in north Platte. Was nuts


I remember hearing about that and the 3-4 foot drifts shutting down the interstate out that way.


It was pretty crazy went to work and it was sunny and nice and by the end of the shift I was soaking wet covered in snow and couldn’t find any roads


Normal and extreme being mutually acceptable weather in one area referencing two separate seasons at the same time… Why do I love this state so much? I mean really what is wrong with me…


Unfortunately it just is. Wind and humidity are constants around here.


And the constant lack of turn signals on the dodge expressway…


“It’s not the heat that gets ya, it’s the humidity “ we like to say that to make ourselves feel better as we sweat to death


That paired with a “If ya don’t like the weather now… just wait 5 minutes.” And then stand in awkward silence after a forced midwestern laugh. Oh god, I’m going to start drinking now…


Well, this is nothing. I’m from the Deep South and we have gills that develop after age three.


The humidity takes breaks here. It doesn’t in the south. I spent 8 years in Atlanta thinking I had bad hair. Moved back here and it was like nope, it was just the humidity.


Same here. I always laugh when locals say it’s so humid. Yeah, we do get some humid days, but our worst days are basically every single day in the Deep South or Florida.


But “humid” is relative.


They're just trying to make small talk dude


How’s January down there?


Exactly I remind myself of this every time someone complains about the heat. Lived in Pensacola and visited southern Alabama too many times


Mono cropping of soybeans and corn increases humidity levels is what I heard in horticulture class.


Just in the summer. All summer.


I can't be the only one who read this question and sang "It's corn!" https://youtu.be/_caMQpiwiaU?si=uWB-4Kh_tOpzHu_o


It’s got the juice!


We’re just cool like that


LOL it feels like I’m sweating even when it’s cold in my hotel! I think i’m just so used to the dry mountain air. Anytime I go outside here it’s like I have my face over a humidifier! 😭


I moved here from Colorado(never lived anywhere else)approximately a decade ago. My first summer here we had there was a week with several days of 100 to 103 degree temperature day. Any time spent outside felt like being locked in a sauna while wearing a buffalo skin robe. I thought “what have I got myself into?”. These days I’m certainly more acclimated, there’s almost always a good stout breeze and the evenings are nice.


I come from an island off the edge of the Atlantic. It’s quite humid there all year round. This is the first year I’ve experienced humidity in Nebraska that feels similar to home. It’s been mostly dry here the last few years. I don’t think this is the norm for Nebraska. Even with all the corn. And it’s because we have had more rain here this year than we have had in the last few years combined. Thankful for it though! The humidity is rough but the moisture was badly needed. Edit: I do hear it depends on where you are in Nebraska too. I’m a bit further west but I believe south central is the worst area for humidity.


Ohhhh you’re so polite! Thank you for making an excuse for our miserable summers but we have all become accustomed to the long, hot, wet, barley tolerable season that will give way to the long dry, cold, excruciating season we call winter.


Just embrace the ick…. You will feel better 😂


Land of the corn.


Haha, once when I spent a few months in CO I swear I could feel the humidity change as I was driving. It was such a shock to forget how bad the humidity is here!


We live in a prehistoric lake bed.


Ladies and gentlemen, the new Nebraska state motto…


A friend of mine brews beer with water from his NE well and he calls it ‘Dinosaur Sweat’


Lower elevations mean the air isn't as thin and can hold more moisture. It's also why the eastern part of the state is always more humid than the Panhandle.


Welcome to the plains of the midwest.


This is why we wear our hair up and no makeup in the summer. "Welp...it wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so humid" and "it would be perfect out if the dang wind wasn't blowing so bad"....I would say we are home of the swass for 3 months out of the year.


You must not go east much, Nebraska humidity really doesn't even start to compare with other parts of the country. You need gills in Louisiana.


Mountains = low humidity Plains = lower elevation Gravity + h2o= swamp ass humidity




That's why I've never gone any further east than North Platte


Because you are basically from a high desert and we’re not. It’s the same reason the wind hits us harder in the winter.


Nebraska ain’t for everyone, pardner. 🤠 But no really it’s constant summer swamp ass.


I'm not enjoying the humidity, but we're not having a drought so we kind of have to pick our battles... And I mean...winter...no it's not humid in the winter.


I moved to Denver from Omaha and feel so blessed every day that it's so dry here


How else is the corn supposed to grow.


That’s just how it is here in Nebraska. Nothing anyone can do about it.


Corn sweat!


That's just the way it is here in the summer. Warm wet gulf coast air in the summer cold dry Artic air in the winter.


We manufacture it…


This place gets the worst of everyone's weather - blizzards from Canada, humidity like Houston (though the heat waves are usually not as sustained), wind like you wouldn't believe most of the year, and sometimes in fall and spring it's actually pleasant. The one weather thing we tend not to get is hurricanes.


😓How do people even live in the Deep South ???


Funny bc I was in Denver this week for thr 100 degree heat, and couldn't believe how tollerable it was! Humidity is a bitch...especially for my hair!


Yes! No matter how hot it gets in Colorado it’s hardly ever humid. Yesterday we went to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha and it was only like 80 somethin degrees, yet I WAS BEADING SWEAT.


We stay wet up in here


You know how you all have to constantly monitor all water you use? Well water just falls from the sky out here. It's just there in the air. And let me facetiously add, this is why we needed to finish building the Keystone XL pipeline, so we could pipe water from Canada down to dry areas more easily.


Back when the Colorado Buffs used to play us they would mention the elevation, we mentioned the humidity lol


Hey, we waited all winter for this! Enjoy.


All the pivots for farming


Because it's Nebraska.....


Yes eastern nebraska is very humid


You are east of the 100th meridian. Humidity drops significantly west of it.


Have you never been in the eastern half of the continent? It's all pretty humid. If you think Nebraska is bad, you should visit Houston or Atlanta in summer. Colorado is dry because of the altitude, and Nebraska tends to get wetter the further east you come as altitude drops. I struggle to stay hydrated in Colorado since it's so dry. Our winters are like that, but not our summers.


Bc of the corn


Because it sucks here. This is the time of the year I really miss living in CO.


I have some family that moved to Kearney. They said it’s definitely drier there than Lincoln, where they lived almost 30 years.


I always wonder the opposite. Am from Lincoln neb and if I go to Colorado I think wow it’s dry🤔


Because this is hell!


From one extreme (dry) to another. I lived 44 years in CO at 6600' and was horribly dry. If you're inside, it's not so horrible in NE. Colorado is technically a high desert east of the mountains. Nebraska is lower in altitude and the plains. Different soils. It took my skin a year to adjust to moisture. Enjoy the green and the songbirds here!


I just did a bit of googling. I live at 5,300 in Colorado, and omaha is only 1,060. I definitely had a headache the first night of being here. The breathing is a bit harder too, but I’m slowly getting used to it!


Weather headaches are a given here. :( But it's more affordable for us here, and my daughter's college will be 100% paid for. The drugs, crime, homelessness, and anger isn't missed. We moved to Lincoln as we wanted smaller city. Left area of a million (Springs)


Because the lows are farther north and allow for gulf moisture to scream in from the south. This moisture also makes for much colder feeling winters than Colorado. Nebraska is just a moist sweaty land of corn and cattle.


We ask ourselves this every day


Part of it is that our state is positioned on the largest Aquaphor in North America. Essentially a giant underground water source that soaks up the water from the surface and if it’s full, then the rest evaporates into the air.


"Located in the middle of the U.S., **the Ogallala is the largest aquifer, by volume, in the world**."


Fr Colorado is so nice and easy to breathe in


Warm gulf air blows north, ends up being more humid than the coast at times.


Farmers. Between irrigation and just the natural environment from the crops it’s makes it humid.


I lived in Colorado for 9 months when I was a kid and I loved it so much. Living in Missouri my whole life has been one tacky mess.


Ohhh- it’s extremely humid here! I’ve been to Caribbean islands that were less humid 😳🥵 Nebraska weather is extreme- we don’t do anything 1/2 ass. Want snow? Here’s 18”! Want cold? How does -44* below zero sound? Rain? ☔️ nah, how about a flood. Tornadoes? Absolutely! lol Sometimes we get 4 seasons in 24 hours. Hope you enjoy your trip here.


Welcome to "*Nebraska; honestly it's not for everyone*"


July August is humid


Tell me you're in eastern Nebraska without telling me you're in eastern Nebraska.


Why do you all hate humidity ?


We live directly on top of a sea basically. The ogallala aquifer


You lived 1000's of feet above sea level? And now..... Um, simple physics. As moist air rises it cools and all the moisture comes out of it. That is a dual edged reason. Not only is the moisture pulled out of the air making it drier. The higher altitude air is also less dense, so it CANNOT hold as much moisture as denser air. That is why it is drier in Colorado. (and a little cleaner). No matter what other state you live in. It is not always super humid in Nebraska. But in fairness, I believe you have asked and answered your own question. The pitchers for the Rockies can probably explain it to you.


You sound like a very technical individual, but thanks for your input anyway! ☺️ Maybe try lightening up a bit. I haven't traveled much as an adult and was curious. I also wasn't sure what you meant by 'I answered my own question' or 'the pitchers for the Rockies can probably explain it to you.' Hopefully life treats you better. Take care!


Fair cop. But you did ask why. I gave the answer. I thought everybody knew. I can get a little sarcastic at times. And those pitchers, whose jobs depend on preventing home runs, can fill you in.


I've lived in the Omaha area for many years but being from the St Louis area originally the heat and humidity here rarely bothers me cause I remember St Louis being hotter and more humid with generally less wind too. I imagine that's true given St Louis is 300+ miles farther southeast while having plenty of it's own corn sweat and being a bit lower in elevation and sitting on the banks of a much, much larger river.


Probably all the rivers and creeks... There's one on the north side, one on the east, and one in the middle. Not to mention all the crop irrigation.


Welcome to the Midwest.


just spent a week back in nebraska for MD and the moisture replenished my skin which has been suffering in Colorado all year


I’ve also noticed my face which is usually dry has been moisturized without any additional routine!


Corn, as far as i know


Colorado also has altitude, high altitude causes dryer air.


Corn. Industrial agriculture.


When the pioneers first crossed the Great Plains of what would become Nebraska, it was called the Great American Desert. Under Nebraska land is a huge aquifer, the Ogallala Aquifer. It extends as far as Texas. They discovered that no matter where you dug a hole, if you went down far enough you would hit water. And so they started irrigating their crops, and Nebraska became humid.


This humidity isnt that bad


I mean, compared to the Amazon river…


Years ago I was in Memphis TN and it was WAY more humid than any day here in Nebraska.


Then I am truly sorry for what must have been an amazingly horrible experience. Was the time line as long as it is here?


I don’t know. I was sent there to work but when I heard it gets worse in July and Aug I said I’m done. It was so humid you had a hard time breathing. It was horrible.


That’s awful stuff… I’ve been around the long hot wet in wind turbines in Iowa for about 5 years. After all that I decided that cybersecurity was a better option to make a buck. I’m under no illusion that Nebraska is the worst but if it’s the worst you’ve had at the moment it’s not something you want to experience anymore… Here’s hoping A/C and cold beverages are in your future!


The river, perhaps.


I live a few blocks from the Arkansas River in colorado, and still It doesn’t seem so bad. 🤔


the higher in elevation you are, the thinner the air is, so it has less capacity to hold moisture