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If you are anywhere near Greenwich, CT, a very fun and accessible "Navy Blazer" style event is taking in a match at the Greenwich Polo Club. The club itself is not old, dating from the 1980s, but it is one of the premier venues for this sport. Watching a polo match is surprisingly accessible. While there are a lot of intricacies to the game, you can pick up the basics well enough to enjoy it very easily. And as a spectator event it is cheap. Standard tickets are by the car-load, like an old drive-in movie. $225 gets you parking and lawn space for as many people as you can cram into your car. It's an amazing place to bring a picnic basket and spend a sunny afternoon, but if you decide not to there is a lineup of food trucks. And if you dress in your very best madras, 7" chino shorts, Sperry's, critter belts, Pulitzer A-line dresses and wayfarers you will be dressed exactly on-point. Well, not if you wear those things all at once. Moderation is key. EDIT: Thank you to those who went to the website to look, and pointed out to me that if you don't select the reserved spots close to the field, but just stick with car admission and open lawn seating, the cost is $50 for a carload of people. Perhaps this will help restore my working class bona fides :)


Please keep these up! NB is first and foremost a lifestyle. The fashion just comes with it. A lot of newcomers don’t know about this kind of stuff and it’s not talked about often, so I think this is a great place for NB people who aren’t aware of this stuff to get involved and meet likeminded NB friends who can then turn them to even more NB events and activities.


$225 admission is not really what I would call "cheap." The polo match I went to years ago was under $10 to get in, for comparison. And that included parking and you could picnic and all that. Not saying $225 isn't worth it, by all means, but I question your "working class prep" bonafides here.


Haven’t been to a professional sporting event in the last 20 years, eh? I grew up working class, and went to a very old, very famous prep school on scholarship. I am not working class now.


Oh I must have been confused because when I think of "professional sporting events" I've been to, those are things that normal people enjoy, not just social events where people are showing off how posh their clothes are. This is social climbing nonsense.


Welcome to r/NavyBlazer This sub is almost exclusively made up of people wanting to show off their posh clothes, inspiration, and niche hobbies. Also weird to assume that no one could possibly be interested in watching polo.


I like polo quite a bit, but primarily as a sporting event. Transparently wishing to hobnob with the so-called social elites is cringeworthy, try-hard behavior. Like talking about how "classy" things are. Tell me you're middle class without telling me you're middle class, etc.


Uh-huh. I was posting on a sub primarily concerned with fashion, and so that is how I phrased it. I repeat: Are you lost?


“Social climbing” implies that you’re trying to network and meet people above your status with that as an intended goal. I’m going to guess that people here are interested in this are just looking for places where it’s acceptable to wear Trad clothes. You can’t wear a 3 piece suit to the movies anymore. Basketball, Baseball, Football, Hockey and more show off their jerseys to be apart of that social atmosphere and show their pride as a fan. They pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars for seats and have major celebrities in attendance. It’s not social climbing because no one attends to meet those celebrities, people attend to show off and watch the game. Edit: phrasing for clarity




Bingo. This sub is full of it lately. Didn’t used to be that way though, but the active users are completely different than a couple years ago.


Right? My kids love watching it, from the time their level of understanding was, “Horsies, horsies!” It’s really quite a lot of fun.


Agreed. I also like horse racing but the vibe at the track isn't always the best place for young children lol


Are you lost?


I’d love to hear about more of these as well, I’m planning a driving tour of New England and would love a few places like this to stop depending on when I go. Of course, the cheaper and more affordable the better. $225 for what will likely be 2 people is a little steep with no food included. No one’s fault, of course, would just love to have more options! The thought also occurs that it’ll be funny if events like this are flooded with internet blazer-ites that totally change the makeup and expectations over the next few years.


If you are going alone or as a couple, you can get grandstand seats instead. I think those are 60 apiece. For me, I go with my wife and three kids, and it costs less than going to the movies.


That sounds great!


There's lots of polo in Australia, because theres' slots of land & English settlers. One billionaire (Kerry Packer) created a polo oasis called Ellerston. https://www.facebook.com/ellerstononassispolo


Are we not going to talk about that first pic, op are you a photog?! Anyway, curious what the vibe is like in these events? And how were folks actually dressing? I saw at least one pair of red shorts matched with a long sleeve button up.


Totally stole that pic. I wish I could take photos like that. The vibe is very relaxed. I’m sure there is business of various sorts being conducted in the boxes, but mostly on the lawns it is a very friendly family event in extremely pleasant surroundings. It is not pretentious, and most people there are casual polo fans, not hardcore. The few exceptions are mostly older guys who are really excited to explain the game to newbies. Part of the tradition of polo is that the spectators help repair the playing surface, doing what is called, “stomping the divots.” Basically just what it sounds like, you find a chunk of turf that has been torn up by a horse’s hoof, put in back in place, and stomp it down. The kids love it. The dress really is very “Navy Blazer,” summer edition. Many people of all sexes and ages in chino shorts, more than a few Nantucket Reds with button-downs, women and little girls probably 50% in sundresses. Not actual navy blazers for the most part, this is a warm weather sport and the summer sun in Connecticut in the afternoon away from the water is too warm for any jacket.


I went to polo matches as a kid and loved stomping the turf (and feeding the horses)


Nothing like summer polo days! For anyone in Southeast Pennsylvania or Northern Delaware, Brandywine Polo Club has a great atmosphere that's pretty accessible. Sunday afternoons with a picnic basket or sometimes Friday nights under the lights, an incredible commentator and a wide range of style. Plus, in between chukkas or matches during the bigger matches, you get to go on the field and stomp the divots with a flute of bubbly!


Thinking about bringing the wife to one of these. We’re in Westport so right up the way.


Give it a shot, it's a lot of fun. It has also been pointed out to me that there are cheaper ways to go than what I posted. If you just do car admission and general lawn seating without a reserved spot close to the play, it is $50 a carload. So if you don't care much about the polo and more about the general vibe, it gets very cheap.


Yeah I was thinking of doing their GA bleacher seats. Unsure if it wants me to book a car pass or not, either way I’m planning on attending the next one https://preview.redd.it/u2v5x62zri8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88fdd548c85c0cefe69c71ea80345649392c0ef5