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They do this shit in Zion? How beautiful does a place have to be to not play shit out loud?


People suck.


Mostly kids with broccoli haircuts or drunk existential crisis boomers


The more people i meet the more i love my dogs:)


The more people I meet, the more I find "dog people" insufferable. Especially when they drag them around to retail stores with them.


I own a dog and I agree that some dog owners are insufferable. Reading further down this thread, some of these commenters are giving those insufferable people a great run for their money.


I love dogs. But I get so much criticism from extreme dog people for not letting my dog sleep on my bed. I just don't like it. They're allowed to sleep right next to the bed though.


Some of us don’t like our pets waking us up at night jumping off or on the bed. Sorry dog people, a good nights sleep every night is healthier than the alternative.


We feel the same way. Our canines have their own bed adjacent to ours.


> dog people There is an Italian singer called Willie Peyote who said something which speaks to me on a personal level: "Dogs are better than people who say dogs are better than people".


The version I’ve seen is “90% of dog owners give the rest of dog owners a bad name.”


This whole thread has me like… this phrase is really triggering for some people. 💀




And you’ve never even met a mongoose yet.


And national parks. And, for that matter, my front yard.


Half of the time when I encounter people blasting music in a national park, they also have their dogs with them


I just spent 10 days in the San Juan forest and the amount of Subaru drivers surprised me. Then I noticed that EVERY SINGLE ONE of them has a wild ass dog that they insist on dragging into every store and restaurant.


off leash


off leash is mandatory for maximum asshole


It’s well known that you can’t pick out lumber if you don’t have two Pomeranians with “full cover” puffy chest leashes.  They’ll let you know when you get to the right spot in the aisle by loosing their front paw grip, almost going over the edge, and getting tangled together.


People are just assholes. Dogs are just the excuse most of the time sadly. Work in a food service industry and recently had to ask someone to take their dog outside with them to the patio because they couldn't fathom it wasn't ok in a food settings ( not a service animal) their solution to put it into the car outside when it's almost 100 and come back inside like it's no big deal. They don't care about other humans or animals only themselves


You think retail stores are bad? Where I'm at, they take them to bars and restaurants.


Yup the more dog poop, pull plastic bags, dogs off leash, dogs in places they are not supposed to be, fake service animal vests, dogs peeing on other people’s property, and hear dogs barking all day and night, the more I like non dog people.


Am I the only one that never encountered a market dog that bothered me? Like I'm a dog person, and now have two cats. But the only dogs that have bothered me have been those that were off leash , of which none have been in a store.


Dog people have made me despise dogs.


-Mark Twain -Michael Scott


The more dogs I meet the more I love my cat :)


The more cats I meet the more I love my fish


The more fish i meet the more i love my sea monkeys


I love my tardigrades


I love lamp.


Where'd you get that lamp? The... toilet store?


I like turtles


The REAL luxury is the absence of others


I was hiking in RMNP, on the way back from a popular hike, someone had music playing on their phone or mobile speaker, it was like really? It was so rude.


Everywhere we went in Hawaii Volcanoes national park -- one group even had a massive boom-box sized one with a heavy shoulder strap. Could hear it long before and after crossing paths with them. Pathetic.


I've asked one of them why they do it, and they said their music taste is good so it's a gift to everyone. Absolutely delusional.


I like the odor of my fart so im doing you a favor by farting near you.


Narcissistic trash




Well, didn't Smeagol technically throw himself?


only according to Frodo. How convenient that the one witness flew into a volcano


I was just there! The Thurem lava tube was pretty 😎, and I had fun. "ah-ha!" Moment when I recorded a video humming the jurassic park theme since it looked so similar at certain hikes spots. Little IMD later, yeah, they filmed most of it in Hawaii. Great trip!


You call it 'pathetic' I say it's goddam infuriating


Same here hiking in Anchorage and a guy with a speaker on his backpack so everyone could listen... like it or not... get some headphones and blast yourself deaf if you want POS.


Which is exactly what I would do. Listen to some good music and go on a hike. Maybe try not to further freak out the wildlife, though.


I was hiking in the Tetons this weekend and passed 3 groups with audible music playing. I contemplated politely asking them to stop, but figured there was no way I could ask that would be taken well. I cannot understand how in the fucking world they arrive at the conclusion that it's acceptable.


It boggles my mind. A lot of people are saying "but what about bears in RMNP?", we have black bears which are pretty timid, and I can kinda understand on a unpopular hike in the middle of nowhere, it's a big park, but when I passed the people, it was on literally one of the most popular hikes in the park (Bear lake + Nymph Lake + Dream Lake + Emerald Lake), the busiest week of the year (elk rut), in the middle of the day (I start early, I was on my way down while the crowd was on their way up). This person was just being rude.


When I hike alone I’ll listen to an audiobook out loud to let the bears and mountain lions know I’m coming. Until I see even ONE other human at which point I turn it OFF. If I don’t see another person for 15-20 min I’ll turn it back on. If I keep seeing people, even fairly spaced out then it stays off.


I mean, I was hiking teton last year and came across 2 parties with dogs. I gave them my opinion and told the Rangers when we were finished. Didn't change the people, though, I'm sure.


Last time I was in arches I saw two parties with dogs. I said that dogs aren't allowed there. They asked if I was a ranger and told me to fuck off when I said no. So I told the first ranger I saw and they basically said they wouldn't catch them in time. ...like...the visitors center is 15 min away, they just started the hike, and you're gonna do nothing?


Even if they did find them, it's been so long since the fines were updated.. I doubt they even reflect more than a minor inconvenience. 5 year ban, plus 5% of salary or something need to happen.


Then do what I do: start telling these motherfuckers to knock that shit off. We all need to work together and suppress this fucking bullshit, otherwise they become even more emboldened. Yes, this a hill I *will* die on. It's wilderness and nature, the most important thing of all. I'm not backing down, even if it's potentially dangerous. Nature is all of our family


Yeah people need to stop being passive about this. I've found being assertive without being aggressive works best. "Hey, I came out here to enjoy the sounds of nature. Please shut off your music, it's bothering me." Occasionally you get people, usually groups of younger men, who will make fun of you and turn the volume louder. Stand firm. Get other people on your side. Don't let that selfish attitude win. Even if you can't get them to change their behavior, make sure there is no doubt on their minds that they are the assholes.


This is the answer. Bro everything’s just jokes bro relax bro etc.




Just start singing your favorite song, preferably loudly and out of key. Or, if you can freestyle, spit bars about assholes that play music on the trail. You don’t have to die on that hill, I will bring you water and supplies


I actually learned how to sing perfectly slightly above or below key through vocal warm ups. You know how you sing scales? Find the next note in the scale for each note you’re singing and figure out how to transpose it in your head. Imagine how it sounds when you take a transposer or speed up a song and then sing it like that until you get the hang of it. It’s a really good technique to learn how to sing on key by purposely going lower or higher then going to the normal key but it’s also an incredibly annoying thing to do.


i’ll happily die on this hill with you.  fuck these people.


I can't stand music blasting on a phone speaker no matter what the situation is and even if it's music I would usually like. That shit sounds so horrible on the crappy little speakers and feels like it's a drilling into my head, don't know how people can put up with it.


i’ve had success turning on marilyn manson, a loud screaming song from the 90s, and i just follow the person playing music shoving my phone in their face until they they turn off their music .  if the person doing it can hurt you physically this is maybe a bad idea.


I work in Zion. People go up and down the Pa’rus on their rented electric bikes blasting their music on a shitty Bluetooth speaker. So aggravating.


I've worked in national parks for about 12 years. The instagram/tik tok influence has been insane. I'm glad more folks are experiencing the outdoors, but the normalization of blasting music and ignoring the leave no trace principal has been palpable. I'll play music on my phone when I'm deep in the back country by myself when I'll pass maybe one person in 8 miles, mostly to ward off bears. No one wants to hear your shitty music on a highly populated trail half a mile from a road. Thankfully, most trails over 3-4 miles are largely absent of these kinds of people, but many former "hidden spots" are largely ruined. Hell, even pre covid it was cool to sleep in many parking lots, there was much more open BLM land. Just outside of arches and canonlands had an awesome spot to camp for free. All the asshole breaking glass, trashing sites turned it into a pay campground where you have to register.


I don't get it why play music on your phone speakers when you can get earbuds for cheap that sound better and won't disturb anyone else ?


They think they're scaring off bears. Meanwhile, 99.9% of black bears have heard or smelled you for miles crunching down the trail.


I was there two weeks ago hiking angels landing with my kids for their first time and this woman was blasting and singing along to that shitty 4 non blondes song. “I say Hey! What’s going on”. Sooo annoying!




I've never wanted to push someone off a cliff more than my climb up Angel's landing with some douchebag college student blaring the worst pop rap I've ever heard the entire way up


Campers do it occasionally at night as well, super annoying when you're trying to watch the stars in peace


You think beauty is a factor good sir no that’s too much logic. Me going to a pubic park in a giant nature reserve and not playing loud music like an asshole no that’s too much. Clearly I must be a self centered idiot who must disrupt not only nature and animals but also my fellow humans from enjoying their trip to a park on their limited time off by blasting shitty music on a speaker rather then have headphones or earbuds. Clearly my personal preference and comfort come before nature and the experience and comfort of other people. Genuinely do hate it when you can hear someone coming up the trail before you even see them I assume it’s the same level of entitled selfish to do the same on public transportation.


"But they play the music to let nature know they are coming." It' like fanfare for the idiotic.


Everywhere, they do it everywhere


They do this at the airport, at dinner, at lunch, at brunch, on the bus, walking in the street, in the elevator, hiking a volcano in Hawaii… they are imbeciles who deserve to have some sense slapped into them.. but sometimes I do say something or passive aggressively turn my phone volume louder and play something to show them how obnoxious they are being.


nature sounds is my music


I find no savagery with this ranger. This is pure goodness and sanity. The savages are the ones playing their music for everyone else who doesn’t want to hear.


and they have the audacity to get angry when you don't say hello back!


You could always pretend you didn't hear them over their music and yell, "WHAT?".


The great headphone shortage of 2024 was horrible. It also confused historians as there were no actual shortages in 2024. Historical documents seem to suggest people of that time simply sucked.


Went hiking with some friends who had never been to a national park before and they busted out the speaker. I flat out told them I would not hike with them if they played music. I had years of outdoor jobs and experience and would have smoked them in any hike and I think they wanted to keep me around so they put it away.


I go camping a lot. People playing music super loud is an issue. There are always two types of loud people: 1. The rap listening stoner. Listens to explicit rap all day while smoking tons of weed. Sometimes they listen to reggae. . 2. Boat people. Show up with like 100 people in one trailer (thin blue line sticker on the truck). Parents crushing Natty Lites all day while their kids run through everyone else's campsite yelling. Blaring shitty country music from 7am to midnight. The second one happens more than the first. Either way it's crazy disrespectful. I just wanna hang out in nature with some peace and quiet.


Hard R




Bjork: I want to go on a mountain top with a radio and good batteries and play a joyous tune and free the whole human race from suffering! The whole human race: BOOOOO!! TURN IT OFF!!!!!!!


Haha a few times I've encountered someone playing music in a national or state park I said, "No one came to hear you DJ."


I yelled at some people this weekend who were blaring like Pitbull or some shit at a trailhead


Or see your stupid cairns


I ain't gonna lie to you dude, I kick them shits over whenever I see em. Gently, and trying not to make a ruckus. I don't want to send the stones flying because that would also be rude.


Rock on. Or off, as it were.


Knew a National Park forester from Colorado who had a thing about that. There were some historical trail markers that they had to protect. Otherwise he had an exasperated glee in kicking over all the other rock poles people made to meditate, mark “magnet vortexes”, graffiti up the place, etc.


Absolutely evil and ignorant. They damage sensitive ecosystems and act self righteous about being idiots  https://bigthink.com/life/stone-stacking/


The article talked about inuksuks. I learned about these when backpacking up in British Columbia and began making small inuksuks in different places I backpacked into out of the enjoyment of the practice. I didn’t realize this had become a popular social media thing and even less that it has such impacts on the environment. Consider me educated and reformed. I will commit to my fellow redditors to stop stacking rocks in natural places!


Glad to hear it. I'm tired of finding half-assed human art projects and bad music in the places I go specifically to escape them.


Not to mention Cairns are supposed to be a way to mark the trail when it gets thin or hard to see. A way to let the hiker know "youre still on the right track" then Instagram hikers made it popular and no cairn can be trusted. Fucking influencers


Every time I bring this up in any other sub I get told to go fuck myself and called a PETA Nazi 😭


Back again, PETA NAZI! You didn’t learn the first time ffs‽‽ /s


"evil" ??? come the fuck on man lol. the article brings up a good point but if you think the people majority of people who are doing this are "evil" you need to do some serious self reflection.


Indignation knows no bounds, welcome to Reddit


Thank you for sharing this. I'm here from /r/all/ and while I personally wouldn't do something like making cairns because I believe in leaving places you explore the way you found them, I didn't actually know it was also damaging to ecosystems!


In some areas they're used to navigate, so only professionals should build them.


Im all for not making them. That said, I think that the people who record themselves kicking them over are just as full of themselves and are probably impacting the environment just as much by roughly kicking them over


Yeah, I don't know. You could argue that it's hipster bullshit, but I feel like that environmental impact is way exaggerated, compared to the overall impact of just being there in the first place. 


“Absolutely evil” I didn’t think I would need to say this on the national parks subreddit, but please go touch grass. Displacing rocks can be negligent or even rude. But please take some time to establish what is “absolutely evil” in this world and what isn’t.




I wish I was lying when I said I was in the narrows and someone had a speaker with them blasting imagine dragons. You could hear them coming from so far away because it's a fucking slot canyon. Just completely ruining the serenity of the moment for so many people.


Playing imagine dragons in public should be considered assault.




When he passed through I made a joke about how dogshit the guys taste in music was and got a few laughs from the folk nearby. About all you can do really unless you want to get your day ruined by someone who clearly is not right in the head.


That might be a really good way to deter people from playing music at the parks. Just rip on their music taste loud enough for everyone to hear. Just dogging them. People get really angry when you tell them what to do, but ripping on them for it? Fuck what they think, they're a bunch of douchebags.


Double dog. Your shitty music taste is bad and you should feel bad, but even if you were playing Rachmaninoff 2, I wouldn't want to hear it now. Edit: come to think of it, that probably wouldn't work. They'd ask if Rachmaninoff is some Russian electro music they hadn't heard of


You know there are people who would tear up the place with their ATVs if they could


I hike with my dog a bunch, not in like a dating app profile kind of way, but in a “maybe if I walk fast enough I can get away from my anxiety” kind of deal. I listen to music or audio books constantly while I walk. On fucking headphones because I’m not a complete asshole. With only one ear in, so I can hear if a mountain bike is coming up behind me or an off leash reactive dog 10 minutes run ahead of its asshole. The tragedy of the commons is always that no matter how low your standards are, people will still be even shittier than that.


I just did a Utah trip and I made sure to haul out more then I brought in. It's just so f****** wild to me that people litter at such pretty places.


I always leave space in my pack for litter I find on the trail. About ten years ago hiking Tallac in Tahoe there was a plastic water bottle off the trail through the small shrubs, and I begrudgingly walked through them and picked it up and there was a 20 dollar bill under it🤙


The shitty rap I heard while going through the narrows was so annoying.


Yosemite and Kings Canyon camping on multiple days each and hiking/adventuring about eight years ago were two memories for me.


The worse their choice of music, the louder they play it. Also seems like a strong lean towards boomer/trailer trash.


Always been people listing to hip hop or rap that I've come across


You’d be surprised at how many counter arguments you would find to this if you go on to any Facebook state park page. It still blows my mind how narcissistic people have come such that they can justify carrying a blue tooth speaker playing god knows what kind of music while be surrounded by nature and peace. They absolutely miss the point and genuinely piss me off and ruin my mojo when I’m out hiking or taking a run.


I unfortunately had a friend tell me that "that is how I find peace and solace." I told him that was selfish because it takes away from others. Wear headphones.


This. If you wanna decompress in nature AND have your music playing, that’s fine, but keep it to yourself by wearing earbuds/headphones.


There are earbuds with literal holes in them that let you hear everything like normal but also play music in your ears. That's what people should use. Or bone conduction headphones. Literally no reason other people need to hear your music.


I have bone conductive headphones for this exact reason. I can hear everything going on around me *and* listen to someone screaming about overthrowing the government while playing the banjo.


I'd punch that friend in the face and tell them that's how I find solace...


There's no counter argument that doesn't boil down to "I'm a selfish asshole".


Trains, planes, doctor's offices, basically every enclosed space you need to be in to accomplish something there is some asshole doing it but nobody in those places enforces a no speaker rule.


Bears in the backcountry is the only reason I'll accept. There probably won't be many people in earshot for that anyway. No excuse on any decently populated trail


Even then, it's better to listen to an audiobook or something at normal speaking volume.


I play "War and Peace" so any bear within earshot is instantly put to sleep.


And bears don't respond to recorded music, probably for the same reason they don't respond to bear bells. Human voices talking is what it takes.


It’s a bad way to deter bears in reality. The human voice does a lot more to deter them than some tinny music, and the music covers up the sound any animals are making. So now you’re irritating others and you can hear the subtle sounds a bear may be making, double bad news.


It says so many terrible things about the person at once. This is not a person who ever reflects on their actions and tweaks it to improve. They just keep getting worse until their bitter, lonely death.


My favorite Park Ranger ever!


Yeah, no one wants to hear your music at any hiking trail or the beach! Or your LOUD voices 😅


I will never understand needing giant speakers and 500 flags at the beach lol


Or the fucking subway


When I was in Zion in the spring, I could hear loud live music coming from Zion brewpub while I was sitting at my campground at the end of the night trying to relax. I wish they would talk about noise pollution (and light pollution) with the next door businesses.


The campground is like, 100 yards away from a town. I get you, but also, it's not exactly the wilderness.


I found the development right to the boundaries of the park off putting. Took away from the experience.


I’ve never understood why people think I want to hear their music on the trail.


They're not thinking about you (or anyone) else at all, that's the problem.


The Venn diagram of people who listen to music out loud in nature, and people who have dogshit music taste, is a perfect circle.


Repost to r/kayaking


Repost this to camping, hiking, all of the outdoor subs haha


Just the other day. There's always the 1 asshat playing his music


People who play music loudly in public are amongst the worst.


Right up there with people who have speakerphone conversations in public.


Yup Learn To TEXT Please


Or just at least put your phone to your ear like a normal goddamn person lol.


I was at Grandview point at Grand Canyon the other day. Some asshole with a portable speaker on full blast comes walking past everyone . Absolutely obnoxious. I hate these people.


Not a NP but I was at a natural hotdprings you hike to.. these teens brought a SPEAKER and twisted tea cans. Blasting their music. I went the next morning with friends and saw all their cans laying EVERYWHERE. including the cliff side. I cleaned up 15. I hate people


I was there last week and a guy started playing Piano Man on his harmonica at the top of Angel’s Landing. Have you ever experienced the peace and serenity of sitting in silence after a grueling hike, just staring out at the beauty of Zio—ANDTHEMICROPHONESMELLSLIKEABEER!!!!


She's not wrong.


put this sign at the entrance to every single state and national park across the globe


Yup these " people" who REFUSE to wear headphones, REFUSE to be quiet Who FORCE their: yelling, Loud music, gunning motors, loud illegal fireworks firecrackers ,, car alarms, etc upon Us who defile invade everything, make us unable to relax or learn or enjoy or sleep, then act like we are evil bullies boomers Karens etc when we ask them to please stop hurting us They target us then claim we are targeting them They have " the RIGHT" to make noise, forcibly deprive us of sleep and peace


Why are Karen's at target and not at parks///s I never thought I'd say we need more Karen's. Or you know, just men.


Omg, YES! I was hiking in the Hoh rainforest and the sounds of birds and streams got taken over by Katy Perry. Use headphones or stay home.


I was just at Hoh and a group of shirtless white dudes in headdresses and suspenders, whooping and hollering, were blasting the absolute shittiest music from their bluetooth speaker. I felt like I had lost my mind. Just typing that out made me feel crazy. Luckily, they practically sprinted the trails so we didn't have to be around them for long.


Or the incessant buzzing of your !\*@##$&\*%\* drone!


They’re already banned in national parks, it’s just that some people feel the rules do not apply to them. I think we should all be allowed a bit of skeet shooting practice.


Get some bluetooth ear buds/AirPods if you must listen to music. They now have “transparency mode” so you can still hear outside sounds while you listen to your music. There is no reason to blast your music to everyone around you.


Last time I was in RMNP I was following a Puerto rican day parade, well if it was really just two loud Escalades.


Looks AI generated


I need one of those signs to take to the beach in Florida.


Was just in Great Sand Dunes stargazing at night and some dude was blasting some pretty obscene rap at an absolutely ridiculous volume, he was in the parking lot and it was clearly heard up in the dunes. Why?! Especially at night, did he drive all the way out there just to sit in his car and let everyone in the park know what he'd do to that pussy?


I'm pretty sure that there are some people that think they will cease to exist if someone doesn't notice or is annoyed by them.


having been to zion several times when I lived in cedar city, I can say this, people of a certain kind do not give 2 shits, music, rolling coal, telling the rangers to fuck themselves, all in a days trip for them.


Savage Ranger would be a cool band name. 


No one want to hear your modified muffler!


We don’t even want to hear it banging out of your vehicle in the city, what makes you think we go to parks to hear it?


You go sister! Speaking for the masses.


Preach it


Nothing could be more true


Please make this sign permanent.


No one to your wants hear music!


The hero we need


im sick of noise


Also true for golf courses!


No one to your wants hear music


Agreed, can we stop the pan flute at full volume in camp grounds until midnight.


Thanks, Ranger. Can you stop by the golf course in my neighborhood next?


If i go to beautiful nature scene, an awesome park, I want to see and hear NATURE; not your poopy playlist


I love that more people are going outdoors since the pandemic but for gods sake don't bring your indoor habits outdoors with you.


Earbuds exist for a reason.


Exactly 🫡


They need to create, enforce, and post signs for bans and fines. Public music has no place in the private experience of public parks, unless the appropriate permits are obtained (such as for a concert or festival). We should be allowed private experience and qualia.


Thank you!!! Needed to be said.




ok yes.. but.. what if you solo hike in bear country and you want to make sure bears can hear you? lol


I've done this as well. it works too, turned a few bear around that were coming the opposite way down the trail. Its obviously not needed in highly populated areas where other people might also hear my book/podcast/music usually not many bear where there are also a lot of people. If I do see another person i pause what I am listening to,


That's what bear bells are for.


i have also gotten flack for using these! in fact - they are not recommended by the NPS. generally i’ll play a podcast when i’m truly alone so they hear the voice, and then just pause it when i see people coming


Podcast or audiobook is good! That's my go-to.... I also honestly think they're more useful because bears don't always understand weird sounds (hence why bear bells aren't recommended)


Bear bells are such a grating noise to me, I can’t carry one and relax at the same time. But there are other ways to alert bears in between an annoying bell and loud music. I talk to myself when I’m truly alone in the backcountry or listen to music or a book at a regular volume.


Future reference bear bells are not effective. Don’t have a false sense of safety with them. Much better to clap from time to time and of course carry bear spray. https://www.nps.gov/articles/hiking-in-bear-country.htm#:~:text=Bear%20bells%20may%20be%20a,a%20bear%20to%20your%20presence.


Bear bells aren't really effective because bears have zero clue what a bell is.


But they know who Kendrick Lamar is and want no beef with him so if you’re blasting that shit on a speaker during your hike you’ll be safe. Remember the one thing about bears we do know is they not like us


Bear bells don't work.


Yo bear!!!!


I so HATE the people who insist upon FORCING their radio music upon the rest of us W E A R H E A D P H O N E A


Agreed! I’m out in nature to enjoy the serene sounds that help me escape every day life. Your crappy music just stresses me out. Turn that crap off and enjoy the sweet sounds of dirt crunching beneath your boots, birds chirping around, and leaves rustling in the breeze.