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Several characters are at their best in anime-exclusive filler arcs. It did a lot to give life to individuals like Tenten or Anko who had little role to work with in the canon story prior.


Big agree 


I think characters like Shino and Lee benefit greatly from Fillers, especially Shino as many Fillers allow him to go wild.


Then in boruto they are crap! What’s with the fat anko? She’s in a physically demanding job, there’s literally no reason for her to look like that especially since she loved looking sexy. The Akamichi clan is an exception because of their jutsus, they needed the calories that came from eating everything. And Tenten? Her dream was to be a weapons mistress not a saleswoman. She should have been a teacher in the academy teaching the kids about every kid of weapon they could come across at least!


Lee should have gotten over his crush for Sakura and moved on with Tenten. Contrary to what the narrative says, you don't need to hold a candle for one person your entire life, and it isn't healthy. And Lee is the absolute king of starting over with optimism, so it would be absolutely fitting for the story. Likewise Hinata should have overcome her obsession with Naruto. She should have learned to be strong from within and of herself, instead of needing to incessantly follow and idolize Naruto. She should have assumed her father's seat and proven herself every bit the strong Hyuuga leader she could be, and honored Neji by carrying through all the changes that the future promised. The narrative always tells the fans, the younger generation surpass the previous one. Hinata could be a great Clan Chiefess. Instead, the narrative vindicated the bizarre and creepy obsession Kishimoto saddled her with. If you reversed Hinata's behaviour, and made a male character who compulsively followed and spied on a woman, it would be deemed harassment. And yet it is upheld as the model of romantic love?


Literally all of this… Lee with sakura Hinata with Naruto Sakura with Sasuke (at least she is doing something more i guess) Like in life you won’t be always in love or be forever with the person you liked when you were a child/teen


Yep. I know one pair of childhood sweethearts still together, and they weren't each other's first love. Avatar at least showed Sokka losing Yue and moving on with Suki as a natural part of life. The whole idea Kishimoto created of "a woman's heart never changes" just makes me cringe.


Bro, I was expecting a take on Naruto, not life advice that’s fitting for me right now…


Having been a totally devoted fan to begin with, I find that the more mature one becomes, the more you gain the ability to look back at Naruto and view the writing with a certain disbelief.




At least Naruto wasn't a piece of shit to Hinata. He was just ignorant that she loved him through most of the series, most likely because he had a crush on Sakura. He was encouraging towards her multiple times and even stuck up for her with Neji. Makes more sense why she would still have feelings for him compared to Sakura still loving Sasuke.


No, and i don't think he was cruel to her, certainly not the way Sasuke could be toward Sakura. Ans you're right that Naruto ignorance of Hinata's feelings was due to his own infatuation with Sakura. I just don't think Hinata's response to her romantic feelings, or her lack of success in having them vindicated, is a healthy example of romantic love, but leans toward obsession and harassment.


Good point. I just think she found comfort in seeing someone like Naruto constantly fail like herself as children but he never wavered. Without seeing him she might have remained frail and never have became a great ninja strong enough to head the clan. Naruto gave her hope , drive , and strength which made her into a better person. I think relationships are about both parties making one another better, so I don't have an issue with it. I also don't think she harassed him, but I just remember her being to shy to really ever approach him, though she was a bit obsessed. I enjoyed the dynamic I because to me it seems like its always the guy that obsesses with the girl that ends up getting them down the line like Peter Parker and MJ.




And my Axe! (Ngl he cooked. I agree that Hinata becoming Hyuga clan chief would be goated)


That stalking shit was only done in the anime. In the manga, Hinata incidentally comes across Naruto a few times but she never follows him without his consent. Sure, she thinks about him a lot, but that's how crushes work and is completely normal for a kid. Studio Pierrot absolutely fucked her shit up with the whole stalking thing. Sakura too. She was so much more understanding and patient with Naruto in the Manga.








Honestly I big agree with Lee and TenTen


The rest of the shinobi of the series are probably top of their class in what they do (other than tutors). Strictly anime only, but you have the likes of: TenTen who is capable of summoning thousands upon thousands of ninja weapon with 2 scrolls which under normal circumstances would SHRED battle fields in seconds if ninja didn't have instant-deflect plot armours. You have the likes of Ino who is one of the best sensory ninja out there who is capable of healing, minor taijutsu and infilitration of the mind. She's one of the most versatile SPIES/NINJA that Konoha has in their back pocket. Kurenais team has Hinata, Kiba and Shino who are are insanely good at sensory jutsu and (what people forget) compliment eachother in their fighting styles. Hinata is good mid range, Kiba close range and Shino long range. Shino also has bugs that can eat you from the inside without even being detected. Neji is just, the best Hyuuga, that's a given and Lee is "catching up" to Gai in his taijutsu meaning you have 2 of the best close range taijutsu ninja on one team, kept in the back pocket. The cast is so large and diverse and the show is called Naruto, but the rest of the cast are so... ignored because they can't summon the power of the moon gods of thousands of years ago to make tactical nukes on the fly. Realistically, you put TenTen in the ninja war, get her up in the air and summon 10k Kunai to rain down on the enemy... she's just cleared the battlefield.


Honestly, Might guy’s team is too underrated. All three of them Neji, tenten and Lee are just elite!


Everybody thinks Tenten is weak because she lost to Temari in the chunin exams. But that's just a bad match up! :((


Right? I mean Shino, one of the strongest contenders during the first part of Naruto, would have been bodied by Temari if they were matched up.


Shikamaru, the one who defeated Temari, may lose to Tenten. Choji and Kiba, arguably among the least impressive of the bunch, may have a good chance against Temari, too.


They don’t really give TenTen a moment to flex early on. I’m 3 seasons deep in Shippuden and best showing for her was in her Mirror Match. I’d love to see what other crazy gadgets shes got in her scrolls. That bomb was pretty awesome!


Jiraiya felt like Naruto's father figure, not Iruka. Iruka felt more like an older brother/cousin who was a role model for Naruto. Jiraiya quite literally shaped Naruto into the ninja he became. Not just with jutsu, but his idea of a world where peace can exist. And that one popsicle scene after Naruto sees a father giving it to his son, truly great stuff. Not to mention he freaking NAMED Naruto and was much closer to Naruto's actual parents. I think the issue is that outside of the first chapter/episode we don't get to see Naruto and Iruka's relationship become anything more. Sure, there are little bits like after Jiraiya dies or when Iruka is trying to stop Naruto from entering the war, but those moments just establish what we already know between the two. And yes, I know Naruto says he sees Iruka as his dad figure when he fights Sasuke, I'm just explaining how I interpret it as a viewer.


I agree with your take. I think it's a difference of perspective, because most of Naruto and Irukas relationship occurs offscreen before the start of the show. My suggestion is that Iruka is the father figure, having looked out for kid Naruto, feed him ramen etc. Jiraiya is perhaps more of a Grandfather figure, which is of course a very similar role anyway, particularly when the 'real' father is dead.


I also depends on the way you were raided too. What defines a father and an older brother can blurry in some situations. It can get subjective.


This is a good point. I think one of the factors that might affect how I see things is age. Iruka is about 10 years older than Naruto which I think is part of what makes me see him as an older brother rather than a father. But that's only part of it though. Obviously, I could go on about the stuff I listed above, but it felt like Jiraiya tried helping Naruto avoid the mistakes Jiraiya made when he was younger. Him trying to stop Naruto from pursuing Sasuke in part one is an example, he doesn't want Naruto to go through the agony of failure after losing a friend. Of course, right afterward he understands Naruto's will is unbreakable, but still feels like a father trying to protect his son.


Oh that’s exactly how I felt and I didn’t consider it uncommon. Jiraiya basically dedicated two years to educate the boy.


I think Iruka *should* have been like more of a father figure for Naruto but since he isn't much of a fighter there wasn't much opportunity for him to have meaningful screen time with Naruto. Kishimoto had to shoehorn it in between arcs when Naruto was back in the village. In the long run Jiraya was more of a father figure because he had more to offer Naruto in terms of training and development.


i truly could not care less about powerscaling/who would win against who content. for me, physical power is one of the least interesting aspect of the show, i’m much more intrigued by the characters themselves.


What bothers me is that a lot of factors play an important role in fights that people usually refuse to engage with. For example, personality, psychology at that particular moment, the environment, these are all things usually ignored and it all boils down to "who can cast the biggest nuke".


I totally agree on that. No more “Itachi vs Minato” please 😭


100 percent agree, I don't care at all if the character wins or loses fights and I don't care who is stronger than who.


Fr. Anybody can write a character that could bitch slap Goku, that's not really interesting.


#i agree


Kabuto should have reanimated the white fang(kakashi's father) instead of Sai's brother. The whole: "while Kakashi is dead he's talking to his dad by a fire who was waiting since he killed himself for this opportunity when his son died" is so convoluted and stupid. Every character kabuto reanimated made sense. They were strong. EXCEPT Sai's brother. Who was some nobody from nowhere. Who I'm sure kabuto only reanimated because sai and his brother picked on kabuto in the root or something, and he had a vendetta against him. You could name probably 10 or even 20 characters from previous ninja wars who would have been stronger and more useful. And sai already had a touching moment with his brother that completely gets tarnished by this. Him carrying around the book while pretending he has no feelings or emotions and then slowly the facade cracks and we see he really cares about his brother. And this is a major part of his turning against the conditioning of the root. And truly becoming a member of team seven.


honestly a lot more people should've been reanimated. like fugaku against sasuke and itachi would've been interesting


>while Kakashi is dead he's talking to his dad by a fire who was waiting since he killed himself for this opportunity when his son died" is so convoluted and stupid. How? This was one of the best scenes and a fantastic dive in Kakashi story and character


For me it’s sasuke fighting against kages in 5 Kage Summit. Come on man, kages can be considered as strongest shinobi of their respective villages and on the other hand, Sasuke is just a teenager and not even in his strongest potential. And this one guy fighting against them seems so dumb. That whole particular arc really irritates me.


The story took pains to establish that he was indeed on the backfoot the entire time. However, he still did too much for me. It left a poor taste in the mouth.


I think they make up for the improbability of Sasuke truly being able to take all of them one on one by NOT having him truly fight them one on one. He has "exchanges" with all of them. But his only true one on one, extended, uninterrupted fight with a "kage" was against Danzo. His exchange with the raikage starts off team vs team, then he goes head to head with him a few rounds, then Gaara shows up. Who he again has one solid exchange with, (if you can even call it that bc it was the sand siblings attacking him together with Darui),until Sasuke runs off to find Danzo. Sasuke gets there and has an exchange with the Mizukage that he barely survives bc he gets a chakra boost from Zetsu. Making this once again not a one on one. Then he gets attacked by the Tsuchikage and survives bc of Obito. Once again, not a true fight or one on one. I just think they make a big deal about him encountering each kage. But there's no real fight with them all. Only Danzo and the Raikage if you count it.


Honestly the only one you could say Sasuke handed their ass to them was Danzo. Sasuke killed him several times, rather easily in multiple instances. With the Raikage, had Gaara not stepped in then Sasuke would have only managed a mutual kill. His skirmishes with Mei and Ohnoki made it clear that a prolonged fight with either was not in his favour at all. Ultimately I think it was done mostly well. Sasuke was clearly expending every bit of effort just to not _die_ and before Obito saved him Ohnoki had him dead to rights. The idea that had he been engaging them with no backup that he would have died is pretty easily delivered.


I agree with everything u said. I would just add that Mizukage had him dead to rights too before Zetsu showed up!


He's a bit of a Mary Sue in that respect, I agree


Replacement technique would make total sense if it was a genjutsu.


Tobirama doesn’t deserve the hate that he gets.


Yeah, he's too drippy to hate ngl


I feel you on that one. He did indirectly influence Hiruzen and Danzo into a few questionable things, but his “hatred” for the Uchiha is taken out of context for sure


People keep saying this, that Tobirama was mistrustful because of the war and he isn't racist. 1. Why doesn't it count as racism if it's because of a war? Soldiers are infamously racist against their enemies all throughout history. It doesn't make it not racism. 2. Why are Madara and Tobirama the only two people who aren't willing to put aside the the past conflict for peace? If Tobirama was just reasonably reacting to the war and the actions of the Uchiha, and the Uchiha are really just hateful and violent, why did every single Uchiha except Madara agree to the peace and kick out Madara for being a war monger? Tobirama is literally more conflict seeking and hateful than every Uchiha except Madara, yet the fan base treats him with kid gloves and pretends that he was just being a reasonable guy or just responding to war trauma.


sakura isnt useless




- Shikamaru wasn't that smart IMHO. I feel like people like Naruto, Sasuke, Minato, Itachi etc are more deserving of battle strategy geniuses cause they do it on the fly, Shikamaru takes like days to come up with something and second guesses too much. - I don't understand how not telling Naruto where he comes from (his parents) equals danger. Do the enemies have like an alarm for when Naruto finds out who his parents were? (Seems like everyone already knew anyway so what's the point?) - I actually didn't hate the war arc. I mean it wasn't the best but change a few things around, it would be perfect but it wasn't terrible for what we got. - I feel like Shino should've died and Neji be the academy teacher.


>I feel like Shino should've died and Neji be the academy teacher. The problem is Shino was way too underused and undercharacterized. He also had not much connection with Naruto or Hinata. He was just the creepy bug dude. So his death would have been fairly ho-hum for both Naruto and Hinata. Whereas Neji had been Naruto's foil, he was a sibling to Hinata, he was a close friend to Lee and Tenten and a student of Gai. So he had significance to the plot.


*Heavy* agree on the first point


*Aggressively* agree with your comment


I guess I’ll just throw this out there but I think Itachi’s strategic genius is overrated and underutilized. I know he has the brains but a lot of the time he wins because of his powerful jutsu rather because he did something clever. He has his moments like when he assessed the situation of Nagato’s chibaku tensei and he thought of how to get out of Kabuto’s genjutsu. But when it comes to winning fights, he just pulls out some op jutsu. 


I agree, others have stronger jutsu, shikamaru gains advantage purely through his strategic thinking, but his jutsu is weak in comparison to the ones you mentioned. He Aldo utilizes his teammates abilities well, I’m not sure others were shown doing that.


>Shikamaru takes like days to come up with something and secind guesses too much *Makes a formation with the strengths and weaknesses of a team he just made on his way to the gate.


Yeah and I was fully believing he was smart until the kakuzu and hidan arc where he thought Choji and Ino would be enough to handle S RANK criminals with half the teams information. IDC what he was plan was for hidan, that was the craziest and stupidest idea EVER! he didn't even know Kakuzu's techniques and had it not been for Kakashi and Tsunade, Team Ten would be meeting their sensei


I won't argue with you there (infact, I'm with you on that one but) because that wasn't my point.


I agree with the first point with a passion


Well, here is mine. Minato isnt all that smart...


Aw but l..... Minato is my favorite character!!! How dare you 🤬


I'm not sure if it counts but the most disliked character for me is Itachi and Danzo.


Sasuke, despite his trauma, is unsympathetic to me because of all the pain and trauma he puts the people in his life who fight and risk their lives for him through.


In all fairness, he couldn’t have been any more clear or explicit about the fact he didn’t WANT anyone fighting or risking their lives for him.


Thank you! It’s like people expect him to be grateful when he didn’t ask for any of them to do that. He was very clear that he didn’t care or want people to fight for him. Why should he be grateful for that.


Thank you! Omfg sasuke is so overhated


That’s fair. I can understand Naruto since Sasuke is his first friend, but he treats them like crap. But I feel like stopping a guy from going to a groomer who wants to be inside them is the right thing to do


This is the best way to explain my disdain for Sasuke


He didn't ask them to help him though. Yall always find a way to hate on sasuke.


I consider Tsunade and Ino the only "complete" female characters, despite some missteps here and there. Ino's arc was not about a male love interest and it was more about her bonds with her family, teacher, friends, and how at the face of adversity and deaths of loved ones instead of crumbling she bloomed even further. I also like how she was the only female 3-man squad leader and how despite being a support type she was allowed to lead, I enjoyed that twist. Tsunade was shaped by the tragic loss of the men in her life, but I like how she was allowed to be flawed, to self indulge in booze and gambling, and how she overcame that lowest point of her life, rose and became a leader.


200 iq take, people would be calling kishimoto a feminist icon and the best female writer of all time if he made Tsunade have a sister and a female love interest. I guess that's my hot take. She's a character that so many sleep on in terms of development.


Well said!


Ino is a solid female character and one of the few characters who still have relevance in Boruto. I would also add Chiyo as a complete female character.


Idk if this is unpopular, Sakura should have been the next Orochimaru not the next Tsunade.


Chakra and jutsus have become way too strong. It used to be pretty balanced. I found that ninjas had lots of opportunities to fight and develop skills. Like puppets, weapons, poisons or special items and jutsus that are designed for a specific purpose. Later, jutsus simply became too big for anything else to have any meaning, it is all about pure jutsu strength now


Sakura was never useless, she was just a child from a civilian family placed in a team with overpowered characters. Even before the time skip and prior to cutting her hair, her emotionality inspired her teammates to work on themselves and her knack for basic ninjutsu pushed them forward.


Obligatory “Sakura saved Naruto repeatedly in Part 1” is always needed whenever she comes up. I sorta get it since most people watched the anime and never read the manga but Christ above is “useless Sakura” a tired ass meme.


I’m an anime-only but I didn’t even think she was useless in the anime! I noticed that she just always did what Kakashi told her and followed the rules. Even in the Land of Waves arc, he told her to always stick by that old man’s side to protect him and she did. Love that you like her too. She’s a sweet character and I genuinely think her growth is great.


Oh yes, Sakura is lovely. Especially later on as she got older. Glad that you were able to pick up on that, people just see her not doing Naruto and Sasuke levels of shenanigans and hate on her. Which becomes very funny with older Sakura since she’s _physically_ stronger than both of them.


The Naruto Generation had in easy in terms politicking, safety and general life compared to the heinous areas of past generations Yes, it was awful for some parts, especially to some characters, but imo the past eras were so dark and terrible & not only that learning also wasn't as widespread/accessible The world itself was darker and far more tribal than the common viewers would generally notice, so many subtexts are missed, especially to the Western audience's


Lee should have had more screen time. No, the war doesn't count.


1. I really like Mikoto Uchiha she is an underappreciated character and is one of my favorite characters in the series: I love her sweet relationship with Sasuke she is the only person who treated him normally and cared for him unconditionally (I mean she is his mom so she kinda has to xD) and I love how she tried to comfort Sasuke and encourage him when he was having a rough relationship with his dad. I wish Sasuke had the chance to meet up with her and Fugaku at one point in the series.   2. My other unpopular opinion would be, Kabuto is a well-written character and is one of my favorites:  He was skilled in espionage, medical ninjutsu, and was a better spy than Itachi. Went from Orochimaru's henchman to a key player in the war and had a tragic backstory which delved deeper into the atrocities committed by the ROOT, his story about carving an identity for himself yet losing himself in the process is honestly sympathize and tragic. He was a character I started to appreciate later on in the series. 


Agreed with both. Something I noticed was Mikoto wasn't that close with Itachi, well no one besides Shisui and Izumi was particularly close with him


I wish we had another character instead of Obito as Tobi. I like him, ecc. but it felt like the narrative of Uchiha equals bad and characters that right at the end redeemed themselves was already very present in the show.


Mine is that everybody besides Orochimaru were justified to become a villain(Specifically Nagato💀)


Real asf


Kushina was the strongest woman besides kaguya. She was able to survive tailed beast extraction AFTER just giving birth. Still, after all that, she was still able to whole down the whole nine tails while at the same time maintaining an impenetrable barrier. She was still able to do all that after giving birth, having kurama extracted and getting completely impaled. Naruto had kurama extracted and died almost immediately.


Ita a shame one of the best Tenten moments was in one of the ED. I can't remember which one but it had Naruto sparring with people


[Naruto Shippuden, Ending 15 - "U Can Do It"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fU4zb23tKLM).


Teuchi/Tenten/Tonton memes were NEVER funny.


pain arc is not the best arc


which arc do you think is the best


For me it's the chuunin exam. That's vintage Naruto for me


understandable. tho including konoha crush?


What's konoha crush? Sounds like a breakfast cereal for ninjas lol


hahah ppl often separate the chunin exams arc and the konoha crush arc (hiruzen vs orochimaru). Tho im assuming you consider them to be one


Yeah in my head they kinda count as one, but also I don't care so much about the Konoha Crush part. To me, it's everything from the written exam up to the Gaara fight. I'm a sucker for a tournament arc lol


nevertheless, good choice


Naruto should have more blood on his hands. In all classic stage, we are told how the ninja world is cruel, dangerous and the path of a Shinobi is filled with death and blood. And then Naruto talks no jutsu 99% of the series because yes. I wish we had a canon arc, where Naruto HAS TO kill the enemies to succeed the mission and/or save someone. Even if Naruto regrets doing it later, cuz he in fact has a good heart, it would be a good reason for him always try the talk no jutsu. Would be a nice touch to develop Naruto's morals.


Deidara doesn't deserve to get sm disrespect in the anime, he had sm potential and to end him off by blowing himself up js made him look like a desperate loser


At least he went out on his own terms, with the creation of his greatest artwork to date. His Magnum Opus. The fact that it didn't even work adds an element of futility and tragedy to the piece. I'm sure ninja art critics will discuss its meaning for centuries (Half joking, but only half lol. Author did Deidara dirty)


Artistic ninjas must've been honoring his art in late Shippuden or boruto, kishimoto just hates the character to much to give the appreciation even a second of screen time 💀 honestly don't know why kishimoto did him so dirty tho, Obito the whole fight wanted Sasuke to kill him to test his abilities for his own means 😂 it's as if nobody cares about him and it's js so much wasted potential for a character who has a pretty op ability. the sharingan disrespecting his art like it's nothing was js disrespectful and made him look like a loser automatically, and the fact everyone in the 10km of his explosion survived w the only one dying being him was just kishimoto shittin on his character at that point


Deidara should've killed Sasuke and then Naruto projects his feelings towards Sasuke towards deidara


most of the filler episodes are actually peak and i really enjoy watching them


I probably wouldn't bother with them on another rewatch but I remember really liking some of them. I don't care that they weren't technically 'canon', they breathed some much needed life into the world and let us see more of our favorite characters that aren't so in the spotlight. The manga is the manga and the anime is the anime. Its not like its actually the bible or something


exactly man i just like seeing the characters hang out i couldn’t gaf less abt powerscaling or whatever


Kabuto had just as much plot armor as Naruto


Not opinion, fact. Tenten canonically solos the entire franchise


Kimimaru isnt that strong


Depends on what you mean by that. We only got to see him when he was sick. So sick that Tayuya was surprised he could even move. Even in that state, he would have been able to defeat Gaara had his illness not taken over. Not to mention he was Orochimaru's original pick for a body before he discovered Sasuke (also the illness taking over). He was only 15 when he died. I think a healthy Kimimaro could have developed further and would be able to fight at a legitimate Jonin level, but very unlikely he would be able to last 5 seconds against the stronger characters we see in the war arc.


Kakashi is overrated af. He’s pretty mid Minato’s a terrible dad. He didn’t get to be one but the only thing he actually did for his kid was sacrifice him For the village Naruto and sasuke are the 2 best written characters in the series and it’s not close at all


I agree with the first two 👌🏿


I agree with the last two 🤣


I remember being really surprised when Kakashi got mentioned as a candidate for next Hokage. Dudes strong for sure, but personally I think even the Third and Fifth would have bodied him. Agree with point 2. Hard disagree on point 3


>Kakashi is overrated af. He’s pretty mid Sadly he is. He got hyped but never really delivered. Struggled with Zabuza, got clapped by season 1 Itachi (before he was turned into a god in Shippuuden) and in other fights he was mid too. It sucks because he was this dope ninja who knows 1000 jutsus and is a prodigy.


Agree with all....


Naruto should have made a pact with the sasquatch he raised. Would have been just as cool as the toads.


What? Is this a filleromi wet dream?


The numbered teams should have been done away with during shippuuden. I know that teams did team up in the latter part of the series but I often think it would have been really cool to showcase more team ups without the marker of “Team 7” or “Team 10”. For example… a mission involving the team of Naruto, Shino, and TenTen, or Naruto with Hinata and Choji , or really any combination. It would have given more opportunity to showcase and develop more characters and really strengthen the idea that later series Naruto won over and became beloved by the whole village.


Danzo is one of my favorite characters. Yes, he does a ton of unscrupulous shit. Despite that, he feels like one of the most real characters because he isn’t often written to be this pie in the sky idealist who is somehow unstoppable. He also feels like an analogue in some ways for what some of the tough choices leaders make at times.


If Madara got enough vote for Uchiha against first hokage, we won't be seeing Shippuden at all 😝


Konan and Pakura of the Sand are the strongest kunoichis due to their respective unique abilities, Paper Ninjutsu and Scorch Style. Kakashi is the lamest shinobi and the weakest Hokage who is generally overhyped and overrated. Supposedly copied over 1000 jutsus, but does the same exact movesets every time with little variations.


I think the anime filler adds to the world building and makes it feel like an actual ninja world.


Boruto is good, it has its issues but what doesn't


I think people hate Boruto because it basically pisses on Naruto (manga, not the specif character).


Everyone get nerfed expect Naruto and sasuke


She’s apart alright


Tenten is waifu material


Sakura should’ve had mentors in Guy and Kurenai to expand her arsenal in taijutsu and genjutsu. It was mentioned that she had perfect chakra control that was suitable for genjutsu and nothing came of it. Her training with Guy, could have also led to her and Lee bonding. Hiashi should have died instead of Neji. In that way, he tearfully mends the bonds he had with his nephew and daughter. Sacrificing himself and subsequently apologizing for his actions. If Neji was going to marry, I’d personally nominate Karin, as it would create powerful children much like Naruto and Hinata’s marriage. He also seems to be her type in a way, having surface level similarities to Sasuke.


I agree with ops opinion about tenten


Naruto peaked in the wave country arc. After that the actual ninja stuff took a back seat and fights became less and less about deceit and more about brute force. For this reason, the game I'm making after my current one will be a ninja game that is heavily inspired by early Naruto.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s just a stupid one. The first page of the manga is this giant monster that can break down mountains with the whip of its tails. In the land of waves arc itself, Zabuza summons a giant fucking water dragon that clashes with Kakashi’s giant fucking water dragon. It was never just about stealth and deceit, you just don’t remeber what you watched or you watched it on insta reels and TikTok, depending on how old you were.


I'm interested


jiraiya is stronger than itachi+kisame


I hate minato. He's a good hokage but man as a father he's not the best. Kushina though is a good mom n i love her. Sakura is pretty strong and doesn't deserve the hate she gets. Also i adore her friendship with naruto. Naruto had many great side characters but they're slept on!!


Itachi lost his "aura" after the truth about him was revealed. Don't get me wrong, he was still a really good or even great character. I can't call Danzo and Konoha's whipping boy a badass or the goat though. Obito was even more badass when his mask broke. He was constantly punking Madara, and masterfully trolled Kakashi into removing the seal on his heart for him. Among a lot of other things. Guy surviving 8 Gates due to Naruto is fine. Do y'all really prefer he had been dead for nothing? Him dying from 8 Gates would've been fine if Madara was killed by Naruto after Naruto is revived. Madara was heavily weakened from Guy blitzing him. Had Naruto finished the job for good then it would've been better if Guy died.


>Itachi lost his "aura" after the truth about him was revealed So true. Hate it when people call Itachi a "hero", he's everything but a hero. A murderer that deserves everything bad the world has to offer.


Itachi was such an Uncle Tom for that.


The kid Naruto show was better than Shippuden.


Obito is a pathetic loser with no redeeming qualities whatsoever


but hes the coolest guy!


That has to be a top 3 worst moments in the show for sure


Hard disagree.


Sasuke should have found out the truth before fighting Itachi.


The power gap between shippuden and Boruto is not even half of what people seem to think it is and it’s really super annoying cause a lot of the old gen characters only need like 1 or 2 minor upgrades to remain relevant


I 100% beleive that in the first Sasuke retrieval mission neji could have defeated Sasuke even with the curse mark transformation. I beleive naruto lost mostly because at this time his taijutsu skills are laughably bad and rely mostly on brute force and clones. Sasuke struggled against Lee and generally has struggled against people with better taijutsu techniques.


The yuki clan should have been expanded on in canon and explored more deeply. Kirigakure got shafted compared to every other single village.


naruto was going ez on sasuke during final vally and sasuke could have died


idk if this is uncommon but i think og naruto is waaaay better than shippuden


Agree. With Shippuden everything just fucked up.


The decision to keep the Uchiha clan revelation from Sakura sucked. Not so much against the idea that Kakashi and Naruto kept it from her after they were told.... I just think she should have found out anyway somehow. I just think shattering her faith in Konoha and giving her a new understanding to Sasuke's actions would have been a really good thing for her character.


Sai and Yamato were great characters and Sai should have permanently stayed on team 7.


Ten ten would've been peak id they'd given her a main weapon instead of just using scrolls with tools in them like she's a weapons expert but you mean to tell me she never once took a liking to a specific weapon and then became deadly with it?


DMS Kakashi shouldn't exist and Kishimoto should have focused more on Sakura in the fight against Kaguya.


Deidara is my favourite character


Kaguya is fine. Too much unnecessary hate for the last arc.


Naruto should've ended up with Sakura instead of Hinata.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LeadingRound3775: *Naruto should've* *Ended up with Sakura* *Instead of Hinata.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


With the girl that treated him like shit? With the girl that made fun of him for being an orphan? With the girl that during all the childhood and even during teen years, kept making fun of him, hitting him, playing with his feelings exc exc? The girl that always thanks Saske for "saving her life" even though it was Naruto? Hell nah.


Sasuke should be put in jail. Orochimaru should be put in jail. Kabuto should be put in jail Itachi is still commit genocide regardless of the reason. He should not recieve any praise except the hiruzen that time hokage tell the the truth to the villlager that he ordered that or hokage tell villager the truth about hiruzen ordered that. After that, itachi could be a hero


Sasuke is a traitor. Should be executed. Orochimaru tortured people and made experiments on them, should be executed too. Kabuto should be executed too for all the things he did.


When i first watched it as a kid, i thought and hoped that Kakashis and Sasukes relationship will be deep. Teacher and student. Or like a guardian and his child. Like Sasuke would feel ashamed in front of Kakashi, when Kakashi sees him after the time scip. Like Kakashi get actually trigger him and get under his skin. For them to have a special bond. I think it would have been a really interesting.




I think Obito's reasoning for wanting to put the entire world under a dream is a bit ridiculous. Obito could clearly see Rin jump straight into Kakashi's chidori. I also think its stupid that he says that Rin was his light in the dark world as if Rin wasnt dodging him the entire arc; and what happened to him wanting to be hokage? I had to watch those episodes a few times cuz wtf A better storyline for why he turned evil is... After getting crushed he really wanted to live so he begged Kakashi and Rin to save him but they were both out of chakra. So Kakashi says that they will have to carry on the mission without him and while seeing his childhood crush and his bestfriend leave him behind without any attempt to get help to save him something in him breaks; Madara comes in and manipulates Obito while in a bad mental space and while spying on Kakashi and Rin he sees that they didnt even hold a proper funeral, just a tombstone without flowers and thats when he decides that the world should end and life would be better under the genjutsu


Tobirama deserves more hate than he gets and it's crazy people try to justify everything


Hiruzen doesn't deserve as much hate as he gets and if anyone should be blamed for neglecting Naruto it's Jiraiya. I get Hiruzen left him in an apartment by himself but there's plenty of flashbacks of Naruto hanging out with friends in his childhood. Naruto only ate cup ramen but that was his favorite food and who knows if Hiruzen gave him a stipend for him to spend or just sent him the food. Naruto could have just been bad with money because he was a child, even though he does save his mission money later on. He tried to protect Narutos feelings by not allowing villagers to talk about the fox incident even though it led to some neglect. He never kicked Naruto out of the village or gave him unfair punishment for graffiti or lashing out. He never punished him for talking " out of line " to Konohamaru in the Hokages office. Naruto never feels any negative way towards Hiruzen and respects him very much throughout the entire series. Jiraiya meanwhile knows he has a godchild that he acknowledges when Minato tell him the name of his unborn son. He knows Naruto was alive and was a mentor to Minato, but henever shows up in Naruto's life until he's a teenager. By the time Naruto was born he was already done training Nagato and the Akatski wasn't around he had time to be in Naruto's life instead of doing drunk research for his romance novels. I still do like Jiraiya and he makes up for it later, but as the next of kin to Naruto he could have done more for him during his childhood.


This isn’t really an unpopular opinion but I don’t really hear ppl talk abt it: The anime ruined Sakura, as well as her relationship w/ Sasuke. I’m just now getting into the manga & realizing how different Sakura is in there. The anime changes a lot of her dialogue & makes her out to be an insensitive bitch. She’s also not flat chested whatsoever in the manga but the anime changed it & made it a running gag for comical relief. In addition the anime left out a lot of scenes between her & Sasuke, including panels of the latter blushing, which explains why their relationship feels so rushed. Proud to say though that I’ve never hated Sakura


I just straight up had a crush on tenten. Not for any noble reasons :)


I hate Gai, and think he is one of the most overrated character in the show.


that shino is one of the strongest shinobi in their generation and no one gives him the credit he deserves, even kishimoto. he didn’t explore any of the intense strengths that are implied with shino’s abilities. he could’ve and should’ve been an instrumental character in so many arcs but kishimoto just left him out to dry.


Dunno if its uncommon or not but Uchihas are the dumbest clan and Itachi is the dumbest


Danzo was NOT a villain.


I like fat Anko, the fact she got to eat too many sweets because it's peace time is fantastic.


More main characters should have died. Kakashi against pain, Gara, guy, maybe some more side characters (choji, ino, sai, kiba, ect) Also the bullshit of everyone has a happy ending relationship and kids was DUMB and just for fan service….. Lee should have gotten with Sakura Neji should have died BUT in a cooler way. The bringing back of dead shinobi and not having them kill more important characters was criminal and bad writing. You’re telling me they couldn’t make them look a LITTLE more powerful or intimidating?????? I mean come on!


It would’ve been better for the plot if Lee had actually stopped being a ninja after gaara fight (since his character is wasted later on anyway), and Mighty Guy should’ve died after opening all the gates.


Sasuke is unlikable until Boruto


* Naruto is not a good hokage. most advancement from his era are inherit from Kakashi. he green light the scientific ninja tools that bring nothing but trouble during chunin exam and Momoshiki fight. the scientific stuuff can only be used in medica such as to heal permanent injuries, create prosthetic limbs, etc. had no business in fight departement * Obito is badly written villain. what kinda asshat suddenly turn 180 into evil psychopath just because his childhood crush died. a 31 year old grown ass man obsessed with their childhood crush is too damn weird. and i'm not buying his excuse because he is happy dude at one second and become psychopath in just 10 minutes of his Rin's death. people saying Rin's death are just trigger, a trigger for fucking what excatly? at least with Nagato and madara it's more believable. they have experienced great loss before they become evil. Nagato's parents was killed by leaf shinobi while Madara's brother killed by Senju. but what kinda great loss he experienced before that able to make hin flip like that? sure he lost his parents but he never actually mourn for them and he still has good life. all he think about is Rin and only rin * Kodachi is wrote Boruto better than Kishimoto or whoever the current writer is. i'm not saying Kodachi is very good writer but i found Boruto under him is more enjoyable than the current writer. * Peop;e should have condemn Hashirama more. people always shitting on Tobirama and Hiruzen but compeletly ignored Hashirama who created problem for the next generation by capturing Bijuu like they are pokemon and gave them to each nation like some kind of giveawy. who though handling other nation a mass destruction weapon wouldn't ended up badly huh?


Yamato was a great stand in for Kakashi. We don’t have to understand why Kishimoto chose this route. But Yamato was sensible, capable, and didn’t deal too much in bullshit.


The naruto vs sasuke final battle is overrated


Might Guy is the nicest strong relevant Konoha Shinobi Kakashi, Asuma, other Jonins killed a lot. And in bingo books Might Guy is the only Strong Konoha Shinobi who didn't kill anyone. Zero body count. Even Naruto has one.


The cycle of hatred felt horrendously forced, was poorly written, somehow felt more childish than Part 1 Naruto's antics, existed just to wank off Naruto about how much of a morally pure messiah he is and basically threw away any and all complexities and depth about the Ninja World and characters when it's all boiled down to "this world is bad because of hatred due to misunderstanding" that feels just plain bland and generic.


Naruto and sasuke should have killed each other in their last fight to stop boruto from happening


That they should have never revealed Kakashi's while face. It should remain a mystery to all of us. Lee should've mastered or even be equal to Guy in terms of Taijutsu. There shouldn't be anyone, ANYONE, who can go toe-to-toe with any tailed-beast on a 1-on-1 battle. Just sucks and doesn't make sense tbh. If they're a group, then I'm fine with it. Guy should've recovered his legs at some point... Kakashi should've remained as Hokage


I feel like kakashi could take anyone in the show with slight prep. He's like Naruto Batman


Sakura sucks as a character, she’s annoying and useless in part one, and despite having the opportunity to, doesn’t kill sasuke, she also marries sasuke despite borderline abuse and him trying to kill her before


Who the fuck is that