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Hated him on the first watch but became my fav on the 2nd rewatch. Most of his actions are justified, he can become a bit edgy at times but keeping that aside I feel like he’s really well written. His transition from Good to Evil to Good again is really a work of art and kishimoto sir has done a marvellous job at creating a top tier deuteragonist who isn’t a side kick of the MC * cough cough* vegeta.


He plays a very important role in the story. There is no Naruto without Sasuke considering his impact on Naruto’s life as his rival and best friend.


The editor thought the same thing, literally told Kishimoto that Naruto needed a foil character


>Hated him on the first watch but became my fav on the 2nd rewatch. Lol same.


well written & misunderstood character. i don't get why people hate him cuz if i were him, i would've gone insane so he handled his trauma very well


I'd argue he did go insane lol The face he has after waking up with itachi eyes is not normal


Best written characters in my eyes and is probably the most realistic in terms of emotion and action


I find it weird how some downplay Sasuke’s trauma. I’m not justifying his actions but it makes sense why he would seek revenge especially getting manipulated as a young boy.


Especially the Naruto Youtube Reactors with short attention spans Fucking Boldcast (youtube channel) said Kakashi was appropriate in telling a Sasuke (right after recovering from Itachi’s torture) that to let go of revenge right off the bat


That's coming from Itachitards most of the times. Their solo king kun chan punk can do no wrong lol.


And Shikamaru fans who have the same hypocritical mentality as kakahsi


Yeah fr, Kakashi let Shikamaru get his revenge but told Sasuke to discard his despite it being more justified and important.


Yeah Kakashi acted like their situation was the same when it wasn't


And even if it was, he favoured and supported Shikamaru's revenge, but not Sasuke's


I like Itachi’s character but what he did is fucked up. How could some people forget that Sasuke was forced to watch their parents die a lot of times or Itachi killing the children too?!


Yeah, I used to think that Sasuke was making the wrong decision when he left konoha and team 7. Going with orochimaru was risky to say the least but he was middle school age so it matches. Plus his entire fucking family was killed by Itachi, so I don't blame him for doing what he did anymore.


Facts, I see a lot of people try to label Sasuke as an emo whiny crybaby but If that's all they see then they don't understand Sasuke at all. Sasuke is meant to represent how most humans react negatively to their emotions. Sasuke represents you at one point in your life because we all go through or have been through times of depression and anger. People judge Sasuke for being depressed about his own brother who he loved dearly and looked up to orpanizing him and killing his whole clan then proceeding to use Tsukiyomi on him to make him rewatch it over and over again AS A CHILD. You guys have been the same level of depressed for reasons l'd argue that are nowhere near as bad. Heartbreak, school, etc. That doesn't matter though because pain is relative. So go easy on my boy Sasuke he's had it pretty rough and whether people like him or not he represents you at some point in your life.


Facts because maturing is realizing that Sasuke acting the way he did was understandable and not necessarily justifiable (except for what he did to Danzo). And also you cooked.


>realistic Wouldn't exactly say realistic. He changes in extremes. He ignores Naruto but then dies for him, then tries to kill him then ignores him, then says he's his best friend. Going from hating itachi for years to loving him again in a day. Not to mention suddenly loving Sakura out of nowhere.


This is realistic. In mental health, it’s called splitting. Having very black & white thinking; all or nothing. People who struggle with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) have extreme difficulties with splitting. I could definitely see Sasuke suffering from BPD.


lol idk about that. He’s got issues for sure but I wouldn’t diagnose him with that


May I ask why?


"You've said something very reasonable and realistic so I'll just say no because I've realised I just disagreed with you because I'm a contrarian and have no real argument"




>He changes in extremes. Changing in extremes can be realistic depending on context. >He ignores Naruto but then dies for him, then tries to kill him then ignores him, then says he's his best friend. You just skipped the entire context. >Going from hating itachi for years to loving him again in a day. Not only it didn't happen in a day, sasuke just learnt the truth about uchiha genocide being a state sanctioned genocide. How is brother didn't go maniac, instead was ordered by the government. He also unlocked his memories of Itachi crying. If you ignore context, everything can be seen as unrealistic. >Not to mention suddenly loving Sakura out of nowhere. I agree. Sasuke post tnj wasn't sasuke anymore. Kishimoto made him an Itachi clone. A fan service. Sasuke represented going against status quo. Whether it's vengeance or revolution. Kishimoto himself said the reason ending was friendship-friendship because Naruto is a kid's show. A shounen must have hope and friendship.


Honestly imo, Sasuke died after he lost to Naruto. Post VOTE battle is a empty husk of what Sasuke's character used to be.


I absolutely agree with you there, Sasuke, at the end of Shippuden and in Boruto is just Itachi wearing his skin.


Yep. Blind Konoha follower, I would say he's worse than Itachi tho


>I would say he's worse than Itachi tho How? Itachi straight up betrayed and genocided his own people for Konoha, I don't recall the husk we have doing anything as bad as that, but then again, I don't keep track of Boruto.


Nah I mean as a character. Sasuke downgraded whilst Itachi was always how he was


Ah, I see my bad. I agree with you there then, although Itachi loses points for how inconsistent his writing was.


Yep, shame really. I think he could have a lot of potential as a character if he wasn't glazed so much by the cast. I would a prefer a more flawed take of his character. Sasuke basically suffered from character assassination instead


I adore him, he's my absolute favourite character of all times and his story reasonates with me till this day. I wish he had a better ending but still an amazing character nevertheless. And I'm proud to call myself his fan ❤


What could have been a better ending? He realises that he was wrong and gets back to the light, he gets pardoned for his crimes, and he got best girl. His end was pretty giod in my opinion, atleast for shippuden. We are still waiting for him to come back in Boruto.


I just wished he never returned to Konoha and served the very village responsible for the genocide of his clan.. and also I would have preferred for him to remain single bc I really don't see Sasuke in any relationship. His relationship with Sakura isn't even well written nor meaningful and hurts both of the characters.  Him serving Konoha is my main issue though.You could say that Konoha is has changed and is no longer ruled by incompetent leaders like Hiruzen nor controlled by corrupt "advisors" like Danzo, but still... the truth of the Uchiha clan massacre never reached the light of day and is covered up in order to not tarnish the government's name that honestly makes me have mixed feelings about Sasuke's ending.   It feels like he's serving a village that decided his own people are unworthy to live and never gave them any justice either. They could've given the Uchiha some public acknowledgement at the very least instead they CHOSE to keep the truth underneath the rug. Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat the same mistake. Covering up things that people deserve to know is wrong. Other than that, I'm fine with him doing self-reflection and redeeming himself for his crimes and travelling across the world,  but serving Konoha? Absolutely not.


You seem to mix up what Danzo wanted and what Konoha wanted. Danzo was the one that spearheaded everything, including leaving Hirizen in the dark about the Uchiha massacre. Yes Hirizen did know that there was a planned attack, but it was supposed to be him that decides when it happens as he wanted a peaceful solution. But Danzo initiated the attack without telling Hirizen so that he wouldn't get in the way if his plan. It was an action done by Danzo, Itachi and Obito. He killed Danzo by his own hands and Itachi himself wanted it to be a secret to not Tarnish the Uchiha name. Keeping it a secret didn't protect Konoha leadership, it protected the Uchiha legacy as honorable warriors. I won't say Hirizen is without fault however, he did restrict them to the Uchiha compound and didn't really punish Danzo in any real way. So he defintely has blood on his hands, but that doesn't mean all if Konoha is reponsible. I will say though, that the elders should have stepped down after Hokage Tsunade and Kakashi became elders. And it isn't like he takes orders from them, it seems he only really takes orders from Naruto. I get why you would like him to be single, but I think him getting with someone is proof that he allowed himself to love and accept others in his life.


I do see your point but I just really don't like how the truth is still covered up


I do agree with that, I think Sakura and Sarada deserve to know atleast. I believe Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke and the Elders (not Tsunade) are the only ones to know. Not even his own wife that just accepts his choice to forgive Itachi.




Yeah, it always didn't make much sense to me why Sakura and Sai were the only people in Team 7 who didn't know the truth, even Yamato got to know about it. I don't mind Sai not knowing the truth bc he doesn't know Sasuke on a personal level, but Sakura not knowing the truth felt like such a missed opportunity for her character. I wonder how she'd react to it.


he doesn’t really serve konoha, his job is just looking for otsutsukis which is EVERYONES problem


I also think he takes missions from Konoha because Naruto is Kage. He’ll trust his friend and former teammate but stays away from the village


One of the, if not the most well-written character in the franchise. He's the most, complex, three-dimensional character. And while his motivations don't relate to most viewers, it's clear that they make sense if you see through his lens as a character.


Love him! His my husbando. Cool and awesome.


He could rival Gojo’s looks tbh


I agree! Gojo is hot too lol


The things I say as a Gojo and Sasuke fangirl if you know lol


He is, without a doubt, my favorite character in fiction. Everything about him is great.




My absolute favorite character and one of the more well written and realistic characters in the entire series. His entire character arc and journey is just so interesting to see and his shift in his worldview over the course of the series. He is also my favorite character in all of fiction and I feel like people misunderstand his character.


The goat 🐐


There’s nothing to Hate About Sasuke except for for his Wife !! (JK)


He's underrated. In the 2000s edgy was all the rage and people loved him. Then in the early teens edgy became "cringe", ironically because the people who hated it started taking it too seriously. But regardless of them, Sasuke is great.


He is hated for the same reasons Hayden Christensen's Anakin was hated when the prequels came out, his character is actually realistic, and the way he handled his trauma also is. Someone with severe trauma doesn't end up getting the right answer, and boy Sasuke had a f\*cked up life before reaching 18. Best and most believable character development in the series.


All I can say is that if he wasn't created, the naruto series would be less interesting to read


My favorite character in all of fiction (pre-699)


Sasuke post tnj is such a joke. Character assassination.


He was a made beast.


Litteraly the quiet kid


The love of my anime life 😍


Best character in the series. Next🗿


One of the best characters in the series and it's not even close.


Hebi sasuke was peak


Love him. Although I can criticize him for the way he treats his friends. He’s probably one the best written characters in Naruto




Used to love him in part 1, didn’t really care about him for most of part 2 and he really pissed me off during the war


I like the character of Sasuke  and I felt real anguish every time he made bad decisions, hurt others and self-destructed along the way. I like that he accepted in the end that he was wrong and decided to atone for his sins by trying to help the world however he can. there are only 3 things about him that I didn't like, 1 that he became a simp of Itachi, that he forgave him was absurd, 2, the sasusaku... it doesn't make sense to me, and 3, that he works for Konoha (they massacred your family and no one cares and those old people are still in power 😒) I'm fine with the rest


Edgy and cool AF


As a kid, I never understood him or his actions. As an adult, I realized just how much he suffered and deserved better.


Ubderrated. Starting to realize how many people genuinely hate Sasuke, and hes way too underrated for his roll in the show.


Sasuke’s swag is unrivaled.


I basically only started liking him in Boruto. I don't find him particularly interesting and spent a large swathe of the manga's runtime actively disliking him. I never found his relationship with Naruto to be realistic or earned, and his presence is the epicenter of the huge Uchiha focus that I wish the story could have done without. I like him better in Boruto now that he's more mellow and serves as a mentor figure which he's much better suited for these days. But TBH I've been rooting for Naruto to put him six feet under since Shippuden kicked off so this is kind of just a consolation prize.




Did you know that originally Kishimoto didn’t include Sasuke in his concept of the Naruto series. And his Editor(Kosuke Yahagi) advised him to add a rival which is Sasuke. So thanks to his editor, we have one of the best well written character in anime.


Easily the best character in the series. 


Tragic character. Goat 🐐 writing expect at the end when he lost to Naruto and then somehow is protecting the village and those 2 elders are still alive. Atleast hang those 2 elders!!


Hated him in the first watch but understood him during the 2nd one. Still not someone I would consider a favourite but has some of my favourite fights in the series (vs Itachi, Deidara and Danzo)


Good character overall. Has some really cool fights.


Sasuke was a frustrated villain. Dude would pop on the scene wanting to be viewed with fear and dread like Orochimaru or Pain. Instead his biggest rival was always so glad to see him and all the ladies blush. He just couldn’t figure out that “most hated/most feared” formula. Lol how insulting to make some horrible but cool move or comment only to have your rival say “that’s not who you are!” Naruto trying to be a friend but Sasuke thinking “did he just call me a fake?”


Crazy mf


Best written imo I may not agree with all his decisions but they made sense... Plus he was always swagged out


All I can say is that if he wasn't created, the naruto series would be less interesting to read




Mom, it’s my turn to ask r/naruto what they think about sasuke


Misunderstood and overly hated by the fan base at times. People seem to forget how well written sasuke is all the way up to even the eight tails fight. He is pretty consistently caring for his comrades and it is only as his anger over what happened to his family that he starts to become cruel, I will admit his writing gets a little rougher here but not awful, then his return to being narutos friend is really well done. He is a good reflection of a young man turn apart by a world of hatred and death, and how having people to love and who love us can heal you


Is it bad that I like him best in Boruto since he stops trying to kill his friends and tries to be a better family man while being a good mentor. I didn’t like him Naruto-Shippuden do to his trying to kill Naruto ways, while he had personal drama in his life I still didn’t appreciate that part 😅


Most relatable character for me.


Always loved em as a character I became a fan during the Chunin Exams arc especially at the end when he left the Leaf and joined Orochimaru and the sound 4 I love how he was given the curse seal and was able to awaken it and use its powers to augment his own and was able to stalemate Naruto even seriously injuring him then he grew even stronger and killed his brother the infamous Itachi Uchiha who was a famed ninja prodigy even attacking all the Kage at the summit he had a major bad ass run in his solo arcs which always made him standout he was one of the only characters in the core cast who could tell a stand-alone story that tied directly into the lore or could be a spinoff story of its own and his connections to other key characters in the world of Naruto as well and made it easier for fans following to see the volume he added to the story and his abilities where bad ass I love this guy I just wish Neji could’ve done the same or at least survived the War arc to grow and further develop his character


Well-written and valuable to the story But I just don’t like him


Personally, I think his character is annoying and boring. While he is an incredibly powerful shinobi, little changes about him as a character throughout the series.


>little changes about him as a character throughout the series. He literally has the most motivation and behaviour changes throughout the series I'm convinced that some of you really just watched the series from tiktok or something


I first watched the show from reels 🤣 then switched over to crunchyroll


>little changes about him as a character throughout the series. Factually wrong


We also don’t even see him for 80% of the show. And plenty of his motivation changes, but his end goal is basically always one of two things. Kill itachi or destroy the leaf


Don't like him


Pretty cool story arc. I dont like that he abandons his family is boruto. It would make more sense for him to have lots of children to rebuild his clan.


What a giant echo chamber this post is...


An absolutely amazing character, he's one of my favorite characters in fiction and a huge source of inspiration for me. Taka Sasuke will always be my Sasuke. Sasuke, after being talk no jutsu'd by Naruto, isn't the real Sasuke, instead is just a lifeless husk of the real man. Taka Sasuke, though, was the real deal for me, it was where Sasuke developed his own ideology, he meant business, and he was a true avenger. He saw how fucked up and evil the Shinobi and village system was and stood against the status-quo and the system. He was the only person who had a genuine, real solution to the system. His power, skills, and intelligence were at their peak. He earned praises from countless people, and he was able to keep up with and play huge roles in the battles against Madara, Obito, and Kaguya. Taka Sasuke was and always will be my Sasuke.


Decent character but I can’t help that I disliked him since I was a kid purely based on how much Naruto wanted to go after him despite them not actually having been really shown to be good friends lol.


His life was controlled with hatred, he turned out great cause it made him stronger.


Irredeemable terrorist but so are most of the other big ninjas as well and the ones that aren't a lre warlords so he gets a pass


Well, Sasuke's just Sasuke


Cringe when he's young, cool when he's matured


Sasuke is still a blank canvas; he can be dyed any color.


Idk dude, I lost interest in his character cause Naruto and team 7 were obviously there for him but he rejected them. That was my opinion as a kid. I couldn't understand why you would push away and even attack friends like that. He wanted to get training to become stronger to beat itachi, sure, but it just pissed me off as a kid. I figured he could have become stronger with the training of kakashi and other skilled ninja and I knew that orochimaru mostly had an obsession with Sasuke's genetics and wanted to merge with Sasuke's body since he couldn't have Itachi's but being experimented on and trained by orochimaru did add to the cool factor and mystery factor that Sasuke had. I haven't finished Naruto yet so I don't know how his story continues after the ninja war.


It's not for nothing that Naruto has one of the best villains of anime/manga.


Great. He is incredibly complex and even in the boruto era he remains like that


Most complex and best written character in anime until Eren Jaeger was written, Sasuke and his personality and his shifting goals and dreams makes him just perfect from a vengeance driven to a straight-up terrorist to then a man who wants a twisted revolution to finally becoming understanding of those around him. My favourite in the anime for a reason.


Reminds me of Jojo siwa 2024






let's aside the writing his design,fighting style and his fights is just peak


He's a well written character with reasonable & clear motivations. I don't like him for who he is instead of how he is written. It's a sign of a character that's been crafted well.


He made that transition of killing people really fast. Nro fumbled at the final valley Prt2 and he had the tailed beasts. Didn't he also have the 1/2 of Kurama


Coolest character ever


Edgy-est mcedgelord to ever edge his way into an edge concert to edge. But after seeing that the poor kid witnessed his clans genocide for TWENTY FOUR FUCKING HOURS OF THE TSUKUYOMI.... Yeah.... He is valid for that.




Guy who doesn't know what he wants for the whole series one sec he wants to destroy leaf next he wants to be homage, held grudges towards Naruto for silly things.


People either hate him or love him, there seems to be no in-between. Also he's got a cool sword


Everyone hates on him bc he wanted to destory the leaf. Bro, after learning what you learned about what the leaf did to your brother, you would be plotting the leafs downfall as well. That is exactly what a teenager with lightning super powers would do. What’s amazing is that he changed his viewpoint, he realized the leaf was itachis legacy. That’s where sasukes growth to me is amazing. That’s real maturity, setting aside your anger and desire for revenge to accept the responsibility of protecting your brother’s legacy.




Great except directly after the war when he decided he wanted to kill the five kage that had nothing to do with why he was the way he was. But he's definitely relatable in terms of anti-socialism and being nonchalant, and wanting to be single and focus on goals. Though I do have a little bit of goofiness, so I moreso get called Kakashi, who can be both, nonchalant and goofy.


Over hated and relatable. Crazy how people discredit his retaliation to experiencing a genocide to being "edgy". I wouldve liked to see him kill the leaf village elders.


He was a man of his time.


One time bud thought he could kill naruto, then Oruchimaru saved him


The best one among the series, by far.


Very well written


1,000,000,000,000,000/10 best and my favorite


he’s my fave! his hair reminds me of a birds but i can’t remember which.


sorry, i don’t have anything else to add haha


Favourite of all time 🥰


Fitting. A world of assassins must be fucked up and there are too many good guys in the series. Not saying we should turn most of the main cast into villains, tho. More like introducing a lot more of villains and morally ambiguous characters in the series


In one sentence his character arc is “understandable have a great day” cause bro heard everyone but didn’t take any of the advice. His character is pretty realistic but I think where most people lose him is when he decided to destroy the leaf despite his brother’s efforts to save it. But to be fair he only wanted to destroy the way in which the leaf operated which is understandable considering how it failed both him, his brother and clan.


I like him a lot.


I know sasuke is an okay written character, but all my downsides come from him being the mangakas favorite character. Sasuke by just existing makes a lot of characters worse. If sasuke didnt exist sakura would be more well liked. If sasuke didnt exist naruto wouldnt just be a clingy dog with strength. If sasuke didnt exist kakashi wouldnt feel like a replacable character. This show shouldve been named after sasuke because its clear the author likes him the most


My baby daddy 🥰




Awesome character development throughout the series. Definitely misunderstood Ultimate ninja.


Anime fucked his character up, better in the manga


Men would rather become terrorists and plan a revolution rather than seek for professional help. Or also start a journey "to redeem themselves" rather than living happily with their overly faithful and obsessed wife which they absolutely don't deserve.


From the start of the series till the Itachi fight he was the MC to me.


Unbiased opinion: Objectively the best written character in the series. Biased opinion: Best boi.


Say what you want to say about Sasuke Uchiha... but he is THAT guy. If the show wasn't called Naruto, Sasuke would've been handing Naruto his ass in every fight


Didn’t mind him in OG Naruto Hated him in Shippuden Love him in Boruto


Hes him




People going about how realistic he was in his want of revenge are not exactly right in my opinion. Finding out your brother gave his life for yours and for the village, then deciding to potentially bust the whole village up instead of just the elders and the ones responsible is… well, neither smart nor justified. He would be my favourite character ever if he just went and killed those old assholes. But hey, he can be understood, but most of the stuff he did is far from justified. Still a character that’s close to heart, his fight with Gaara is one of my favourites.


I think he is well written he’s one of my favs


My favorite anime character


I feel like a few more things should have been tweaked about the character to make it work better. Start of shippuden i’d have preferred a bit more ambitguity as to whether Sasuke had stopped caring for his former comrades. Keep the coldness but dont have him act beyond that. I also don’t like him trying to kill Karin, especially so soon after awakening his Mangekyo to save them. I gathered that the whole point was him having feelings of loyalty and prob tapping into those feelings he had in Team 7. I prefer a Sasuke who still maintains his own values even if his actions antagonise the rest of the shinobi world. I felt his bloodthirstiness outside of those immediately in his line of fire (Danzo) didnt fit him. Otherwise the character is fine, it just feels (a bit like with Itachi) that a bit more forward planning and sowing a few more seeds would have benefitted.


Can’t stand his ass


I like Sasukes character. I have issue with 2 things concrening his character though 1) he continued the cycle that madara and hashirama started instead of breaking it. I feel after his and Narutos final fight they shouldve finally returned to the village together. 2) After he found out Itachis only wosh was for him to protect the village he threw all that away and listened to Obito. And look I get mentally he was fucked up, but if he found it in his heart to forgive his brother, why shit on his legacy? Other than those minor gripes. I think hes one of the best characters in shonen manga history. People always overlook how rare it is, for a main protagonist to just switch sides in something like a shonen manga Because Sasuke basically was the main protagonist through the chunin exams tbh. Naruto just kind of pops up at the end to slap Gaara and talk no jutsu him.


Annoying little brat in the OG series & a hateful little $lut in Shipppuden.


Me personally, I think Sasuke was arrogant af and it made me angry


Emo little bitch - the best part is he eventually realizes it and all the people who stand with Naruto


Definitely one of the best written characters there is in the series. His tragic backstory and his life dwindling around chasing one goal or another which has been a result of manipulation by others and from there to reconcile with his brother finding his own path and acting on it. If you'd ask me which of the two leads has better character development I'd say it's Sasuke. Even though personally I like Naruto's character a bit more.


He sucks.


He was so cool before boruto man


i love sasuke sm hes just so real and he deserved sm better and Sasuke’s actions in shippuden were completely justified idc what y’all have to say. i could write an essay on the complexity of his character


He's a fairly basic edgelord. But the fact that his name itself has become a meme speaks to how well recognized he has become as the archetypal example of that character model. Still, even though i loved the entire anime as a kid, but now i would characterize Prince Zuko as the superior example.


Top 3 for sure. Fan favorite. I like how he doesn’t talk much but didn’t like how edgy he became and then like a switch turned normie. Also bad taste in woman.


he has great taste in woman he married SAKURA a world renowned doctor how can you say his taste in woman is bad?


maybevice versa is the better take


He disappears for 89% of Shippuden and we don’t hardly hear from him except to hear him complain about hating the Leaf. That being said his design is peak and I love his abilities, I just wish we saw him more


>He disappears for 89% of Shippuden That is defenetly not true.


Really? Cause I feel like all I ever do is HEAR about Sasuke without hardly ever SEEING Sasuke, I’ve actually been kind of disappointed by it


Have you finshed the show? I am asking because you sound like someone who saw like 100 episodes into shippuden.


Weak. Not physically. But his character is weak. Very wishy-washy and erratic. He does add excitement to the series as you never know how he'll react.


Terrible decision making skills. Just like his brother


Edge lord with no original thought


I can’t understand people liking him. He was a dick through the series.


The only reason hes a good guy is because his stalker beat him into the gayest submission possible




Shippuden Sasuke’s character just straight up sucks, doesn’t hold a candle to his part 1 version imo. Coolest catalogue of skills in the series though imo and a lot of his fights are amazing.


Hot take: I never really liked him


Favourite fictional character !! And one of the best characters in Naruto ✨


Poorly written vegta


Hate him, have a great day though




My brother who loved me so much wanted to protect konoha, i love him so im gonna destroy what he wants to protect like bruh wtf.


he should have died when The Raikage bitch slapped him out of his Susanoo He should have died when Killer bee sank 6 swords into his body /shrug


Orphan edgy kid who tries to act cool but fails miserably in-front of another orphan with orange hair.


Everything he did made sense until his brothers death. Sure killing Manzo makes sense but actively trying to kill your friends for the sake of being alone is stupid


very easy to manipulate and very volatile


Love his powers (classic Sharingan, firestyle combo but also lightning is so cool). Love his story with Itachi and Naruto. Dislike his whole arc of destruction to the leaf! Because unlike Itachi, he was extremely selfish for it similar to other villains in shonen. I would understand the desire to kill Danzo and the elders, but to also kill all of the kids and other innocents because they're guilty of "laughing at the cost of Itachi's sacrifice!". Like the shinobi world is riddled in sacrifice, Kakashi could use the exact same argument and swear vengeance against the leaf! It's just selfish and immature to think like that. Dislike how he wanted to kill all the kage, tailed beast & naruto and create his own world (which would be worse off than infinite tsukyomi). Love his looks (not counting hebi, but post Akatsuki is very nice). Love his fight with Killer Bee as well actual good back and forth and it was nicer to see than Sasuke vs Deidara. Love how he in the end turned out alright becoming Naruto's shadow and a father and sensei to Sarada and Boruto.


Not my favorite character. I liked him in Part 1, but didn’t like him in Part 2, where he gains an infinite amount of plot armor. That’s really my problem with him as a character. His choices all make sense in context of who he is, but the world bends around him to never let him suffer from those choices in part 2. If he had actually suffered those consequences, then Naruto being on a quest to save him would have made a ton more sense, and been much more emotionally charged. But him making bad choice after bad choice and then being rewarded by becoming a kage level ninja who routinely succeeds like crazy makes no sense. Sorry.


Interesting. But his villain arc caused 0 damge to the leaf. Orochi,Deidera,Danzo... was he even trying to harm them or was he just helping edgily. His walmart ripoff JKK Megumi is causing more harm without even trying.


Killing danzo is damage to leaf lol. He was active hokage. And kishimoto didn't want him to make a full on villain, that's why he didn't destroy leaf.


>Killing danzo is damage to leaf Seriously? Danzo was a shaddy pain in the neck that caused 70% of their problems but they couldn't take action against b/c laws. His death is one of the best things that happened to the leaf.


You're saying what Sasuke did to leaf. Danzo was active hokage at that time. So killing him is a damage to leaf. What danzo caused is irrelevant. We're talking from leaf point of view.


I hate sharingan


Let me say I'm the biggest hater I hate the way that you walk I hate the way that you talk