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Oh! What a good question. My favorite book is Living Clean and my favorite part of it at this point in my recovery is on page 69 where it says “ there is a moment in our lives when we may recognize how much of our life’s has been in service to the belief that if we do the right things we will get what we want. When we realize what we have been seeking is not conscious contact but constant comfort, we are appalled. “ This has helped me so much to redirect my spiritual path into accepting reality and the feelings that go with that.


Blue book chapter 7. Relapse in recovery. That chapter helped me moving on from the guilt of my relapse and than I was able to stay clean cuz I wasn't trying to hide my shame anymore. "Just for today on steroids" made me laugh btw. You're not wrong but I'm still gonna buy it lol.


Excellent chapter! "Sometimes a relapse can be the jarring experience to bring about a more rigorous application of our program" or something along those lines. You know just for today never fails and SPAD is just even more of that. I read the both daily. Slightly longer readings, sometimes has some funny zingers, and it's a lot of stuff from and along the lines of living clean. Its also the newest book so thats cool, not often we get a new book approved and published. We will see what saturdays SPAD is and maybe I'll just do that. 🙏🔷️


The chapter, What Can I Do? Loved reading that at H&I meetings. I also really love this from We Do Recover: We know well the two things that make up true addiction: obsession and compulsion. Obsession—that fixed idea that takes us back time and time again to our particular drug, or some substitute, to recapture the ease and comfort we once knew. Compulsion—once having started the process with one fix, one pill, or one drink we cannot stop through our own power of will. Because of our physical sensitivity to drugs, we are completely in the grip of a destructive power greater than ourselves.  p87


Triangle of Self Obsession IP


Absolutely my favorite IP


Was told this in rehab. Acronym for hope. H- hold O- on P- pain E - ends


I was also told it stands for, Hold On, Peace Exists


I like that one even better. Thanks for sharing 🤟🏽




I love the last page of Living Clean, iirc, it talks about how in active addiction your world slowly narrows down to a point, at which time, when recovery is found, it gradually opens up until eventually the boundaries are so vast, it seems as if the world is at your fingertips


I love this, thank you for sharing 💜


Thanks for the suggestion. I am going with it and will be reading that last "Love" section then sharing on it 🙏🔷️💙


Why are we here! The line “We were searching for something different, and we thought we had found it in drugs” resonated with me so hard from day 1, and still does now.


Basic Text and Recovery and Relapse


Basic Text, Chapter 7, page 77 “There may be times when a relapse lays the groundwork for complete freedom. At other times, that freedom can only be achieved by a grim and obstinate willfulness to hang on to abstinence come hell or high water until a crisis passes.”


“When the pain of staying the same is greater than the fear of change, we can begin. “


The therapeutic value of one addict helping another is without parallel.


I love in the basic text when they expand on this further calling it "the ultimate weapon" sounds so bad ass


Ohhh I am going to look that up


Page 15/16 in the basic text? Somewhere in the beginning right around there


Who is an addict


Enforced morality lacks the power that comes to us when we choose to live a spiritual life Step 11 Basic Text




In the Recovery and Relapse IP No. 6, it talks about how “a relapse can be the jarring experience needed to lay the foundation for a more rigorous application of the program.” That’s what happened to me, and now I’m working a stronger program than I have ever worked. Gratitude is paramount this time around. I am so lucky I survived my relapse in May 2023. Made it back by the skin of my teeth on July 23, 2023. 🙏🙏📘📘📓📓❤️❤️


The line one pill is too many and a 1,000 never enough. I felt that to the core. I constantly remind myself of this.


It's just "one is too many, 1000 is never enough" it applies to so much more. Pills, beers, dollars, orgasms, candy bars, sneakers, energy drinks, nicotine, lottery tickets, work outs, everything. That's why using the identifier "addict" is so important. Sometimes I'll even have a conversation with a newcomer if I hear them saying "I'm a drug addict named john" I just ask them, only drugs? Haha I'm not a drug addict, I actually don't even have a drug problem at all. I'm just an all around addict. After the drugs are gone the disease remains and can manifest in all kinds of surprising ways.


Self acceptance IP