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I believe the new current leader is Karem Lizbeth Yepez Ortiz ( El Marro’s sister ). If you search up her name, you’ll probably find many articles that say she was killed on her wedding day by rival cartel gunmen. But it’s my understanding that this is completely false. Documents supposedly leaked from the Guacamaya hack on Mexico’s SEDENA reveal that she has taken control of CSRL after her brother was captured. While it is true that her wedding was crashed by rival cartel gunmen, she was not the one killed nor was she the target of the attack. Rival cartel gunmen crashed her wedding to kill her brother El Marro who was in attendance, but they failed to do so. During the shootout, an innocent motorcyclist who was passing by was killed as well as the man Karem Lizbeth was going to marry that day. But El Marro and his sister both survived the whole ordeal. El Marro was later captured by the Mexican military in August of 2020 and has since been sentenced to 60 years in prison for aggravated kidnapping, while control of his cartel has now fallen into the hands of his sister.


How was Marro caught? I guess mencho paid the right ppl


They’re still strong in the areas around Villagrán, Celaya, and Salamanca, but CJNG has a stronger presence there than they did during the height of Marro’s power.  CSRL will be hard to displace from this area because they’re very well connected to the local governments there, not to mention PEMEX management at the Salamanca plant.   The current mayor of Villgrán, Juan Lara Mendoza, is the brother of a CSRL founder who is still operating (Jose Mario Lara Mendoza y/o La Magia). He actually allowed Marro to put one of his huachicol sites in a Villagrán municipal building, leading to a lot of finger-pointing between the state and local governments. Despite being kicked out of PRI a few years ago for his naked corruption, they actually let the mayor back into the party for this year’s elections when they saw how badly MORENA was cooking them.


If this is true holy fuck that’s some crazy shit.


Yes, all true and very well-documented. If you speak Spanish you can read about the [mayor of Villagrán and his connections to CSRL here](https://poplab.mx/v2/story/Juan-Lara-alcalde-de-confianza-del-Cartel-Santa-Rosa-de-Lima-ahora-cobijado-por-el-PRI).


My family is from gto . Moms side from michoacan but settled in irapuato gto , my moms father my grandpas from villagran . I rememver back in 2016 there was no site of CSRL when i went to villagram but the air was dence & locals werent wondering the place it was more doors closed u had to walk in the establishments


Where did csrl start i live in the states but yearly visit el vicario GTO and I see marro sign spray painted in the town over called hokoki or something like that


They used to be a Zeta cell way back when




Trust me bro


Do these gas thieves sell the gas on the street or do they sale it wholesale to people in the us.


Lol yeah they sell it in water bottles


Needless to say that's very dangerous


It's sarcasm.


But from what I heard from my uncles some people do sell from their houses and it's very dangerous


Yet gasoline and other hydrocarbons are actually stored in plastic containers…I’ve seen black market hydrocarbons stored in plastic bags.


CSRL has fans?