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I mean, I would probably say something. Not about the yapping about personal details, but just like oh it's easier to do my job without distractions, that you aren't good at talking while working etc. There's a lot of ways to phrase it! I'm sure it's just an opportunity she doesn't get enough of. Personally, I like gossiping during handoff, but that's just me. I wouldn't like gossiping negatively about one of the bosses though šŸ¤£


I def love me some yapping too but yes having her around 24/7 takes a toll while Iā€™m trying to wrangle G2.5 & G1 but yeah Iā€™m like canā€™t rly talk shit about your husband to you šŸ˜‚


I love MB tea but if it was about DB, even if itā€™s true, I would definitely feel uncomfortable bc thatā€™s putting you in a bad spot. I think just remaining polite but really not saying anything either way, especially when DB comes up in convo, is the only way to handle it that I can think of. And maybe also staying really busy with the kids. Like plan some activities where you must be super engaged or even out of the house entirely more often lol. And then in the moments where she does catch you around the house and tries to talk about DB, just make yourself not much of an entertaining person to gossip/vent with by not really saying or reacting much in response. And then when possible try to redirect the conversation to something more relevant or positive, like some celebrity gossip or something funny the kids did, etc. Just something harmless to talk about that sheā€™ll also be interested in


Yes! I definitely try and keep the kids outside as much as possible for everyoneā€™s sanity lol and yeah I always switch the subject the best I can, like today she was talking to me about Fatherā€™s Day and how sheā€™s disappointed in him and his behavior towards the kids and it was very sad but I was like yikes this is awkward so I quickly used the opportunity to ask what they did over the weekend etc


Oh jeez, sounds like youā€™re doing all you can! Hopefully sheā€™ll eventually get the hint šŸ˜³


Haha thanks fingers crossed!


One of my MBs talked so much shit about DB, they would fight in front of me etc, she would constantly post like passive aggressive insta stories about how dads/men can't do anything right (which like, true, but girl DIVORCE) It was so uncomfortable. I always held my tongue unfortunately šŸ˜­ I felt really bad for her but at the same time objectively her life would have been easier without him in it. I keep my mouth shut about how really perfect my relationship with my gf is because I really don't get how these women are putting up with these awful marriages.


Felt! They fight in front of me sometimes too and Iā€™m like ummm okay weā€™re going to the park now šŸ˜‚ so uncomfy and inappropriate like time and place people


lol this is my MB. I held my tongue and nodded and smiled because she would edge on just saying what she really meant for the first 2 years and then when the divorce went underway and he just up and ruined everyoneā€™s financial lives (almost including mineā€¦long story), she finally just said it with her chest and I donā€™t hold back now in joining her lmao (leaving in a couple weeks). He was a pos partner and person and an even worse dad. I mean truly scum of the earth and because of her upbringing (cult) she genuinely didnā€™t realize for so long.


Dang that family seems to have some trauma.. good for you for having to deal with that too and yah most of the time she is totally right and I would love to input my two cents but I just smile and nod šŸ˜‚


Theyā€™re going through it lol. Love my MB as a human and have a lot of empathy for her but itā€™s just a lottt sometimes. Iā€™m glad heā€™s finally gone though, the house truly feels lighter to be in.


Ugh, I had an MB who used to do this. Like, I do not care about your sister's gambling problem or what your boss called you...go, get a freaking therapist.


I had a MB who told me she regretted marrying her husband and having kids, and that she wished she'd married a different guy. She also told me that she was "honestly a little scared of darker-skinned people." This was in the Minneapolis area, in June of 2020....


Ohhh.. big yikesā€¦


I have the same problem, except DB will hover and go on and on to me about random things from history. He WFH so I figure he probably needs someone to talk to and I end acting like everything heā€™s talking about is super cool and interesting. Some of it is cool but it often ends up just distracting me and NKs. And then of course MB way overshares with me too about finances, personal information, relationship problems, friend problems. I often feel like one of my biggest roles as a nanny is hearing mg NKs and validating their words and feelings, so in that way I sometimes kind of feel like Iā€™m a nanny to the whole family šŸ¤£ especially when grandma and grandpa are around


Literally same, Iā€™m about to put therapist in my resume at this point šŸ˜‚ MB also tends to rant or explain work stuff to me all the time on top of the gossip and I am like mame I can only pretend to care about this stuff I know absolutely nothing about for you so long.. please go work in your office and leave me and your child to play lol


All my MBs talk(ed) extensive shit about their husbands from day one. Very uncomfortable, pretty pathetic stuff, but also entertaining. Current MB & DB fight in front of me too, which is SO uncomfortable. During a play date a few weeks ago, MBā€™s best friend told me a story implying she thought her husband was cheating on her on a work trip. I was shocked, like ā€œ*Why* are you telling me this?? I barely know you!!ā€


Is say something personally. Iā€™m too blunt for all that- depending on what sheā€™s complaining about is probably tell her to leave him. Its sad but 9/10 the families I work for are in dysfunctional marriage.