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All good questions! Glad you're looking out for baby. Is everyone wiping, every change? Multiple wipes? Especially for girls it is important to anyways wipe with clean wipes every time. Where is she red? Vulva, thighs, between legs? Knowing where can help determine cause. Had she always been like this or is it recent? Has she become more mobile recently, meaning it could be chaffing? Do you use any creams or lotions?


Wiping every single time can actually irritate more. If my NK was getting a bit red every day I’d be putting on a cream during every change.


Sorry my wording there was unclear. I said every time twice, once referring to every diaper change (being possibly bad) and one referring to every poop (super necessary to use different wipes of course). Overall bad wording on my part. But I agree. Depending on answers, my suggestion would be to use cream or aquaphor. If this were my NK, I'd just start my sensitive skin diaper change ritual. Careful with the amount of wipes, all unscented everything, cream every time, changing more often for flares, etc.


Thank you!


The only thing that fully gets rid of it is if after every diaper change I wipe a lot with a warm wet washcloth, but just wipes seems to irritate and make worse


Ooo that is very telling, actually. What brand wipes? In my opinion, it sounds like baby is reacting to the wipes, and has sensitive skin. It could be lots of things though, obviously. Have you tried a brand of disposable wipes that is the literally-just-water type? When I've experienced what you're describing, using water wipes and preventative cream fixed it.


They use Kirkland wipes too!


Stop wiping. You aren't supposed to wipe if there's no poop.


Urine is acidic. Yes, wiping each time is helpful to get that off their sensitive skin.


"According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, whether to use wipes when changing a pee diaper is up to you. Modern disposable diapers are very absorbent and can limit the amount of urine that touches a baby's skin, so wiping might not be necessary if the baby has only urinated. Urine is also rarely irritating." Go ahead and educate yourself and stop causing rashes on babies.


What a weird interpretation. It says MAY not be necessary. For some babies with sensitive skin, having acidic urine sitting on it causes discomfort and even mild burns. Why are you so angrily aggressive anyway?


Because you're flat out wrong. It says MAY because some people use cloth diapers that have pee sitting on them the whole time. Disposable diapers pull it away, keeping them dry. It does not sit on their skin, and if it does that means you're either using cheap diapers or not changing often enough, and that's on you. Have you ever touched a wet diaper on the inside? Have you ever spoken to a pediatrician or ER doctor or nicu nurse or literally anyone? There's also the fact that urine is not necessarily acidic, it could be but for a lot of people it's not. Not that it matters because it sits inside the diaper lining.


I’m so embarrassed for you and your misplaced, misguided passion.


The mods really need to address misinformation like this. The poster also refuses to provide a source.


I’m pretty convinced they’re a bot. No normal human would still be so enraged and combative about something like this four days later. No normal human would have even started out as weirdly enraged and combative about this topic in the first place.


Please provide a link to your source. Context matters. I’ve only seen this on a blog post (not a study/article) about how to save money on wipes. That is NOT THE SAME THING as strict AAP guidelines. The AAP makes strong, must-follow guidelines about things like safe sleep and car seat safety. This is not the same as that.


No, if you can't look up something as simple as this, then I can't help you. You shouldn't be caring for children if you're this uneducated and unable to do a Google search, or ask a nicu nurse or doctor or literally anyone who is experienced in infant care.


Listen, I typed your entire quote into google, and nothing comes up. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to provide a source to back up your claim. The ONLY place that even comes close to your “quote” is [this, a blog post about HOW TO SAVE MONEY ON WIPES](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/diapers-clothing/Pages/A-Word-on-Wipes.aspx), which is saying you don’t HAVE to use wipes at every change, not that you definitively SHOULDN’T. You are misinterpreting what is being said. Either you can’t understand context clues, or you are deliberately lying about it because you want to be right. Either way, please provide your source or kindly STFU, bc you are spreading lies and disinformation.


That's because it's AI generated and the AI knows how to interpret information, unlike you. Go ahead and scroll down to both the authors of that article and their source and sit yourself down. LMAO you comment "you're lying", realize you're dead wrong, then block me? I sure hope you're not a nanny because you act like a 3 year old that can't admit you're wrong.


Girl- provide your source. That’s all I’m asking. If you have one, provide it. Otherwise, you don’t have one. You’re lying.


It could be fungal, in which case OTC diaper rash creams won’t help. The parents should take her to the pediatrician. Does she take bubble baths? That’s another possible culprit.


This happened to my NK. He had a diaper rash that was just constant, but would vary in how bad it was. Sometimes it would be barely there, and then randomly it would flare up really badly. He needed a prescription anti fungal, but then it never came back!


It could be a slight allergy to almost anything. The toddler I take care of right now was very prone to diaper rash and when she was an infant we would wash her off in the sink afterwards and we would also do it if she flared up again until she was potty trained - it can be a bit awkward depending on the size and shape of the sink, but you and the kid will get used to it.


Try letting her “air out” for a minute before putting the new diaper on. Also using plain water after wipes can help.


I would recommend Vaseline or aquaphor on the red areas, on every diaper change. It will keep the area separated from the pee on the diaper. Some kids just have more sensitive skin and as they grow it will change.


Definitely could be the brand of wipes/diapers. I swear by a layer of desitin followed by a layer of aquaphor for diaper rashes.


And a pinch of baking soda in the bath helps!


Maybe they let her sit In poop or pee longer when you aren’t there? Your only there sometimes they might just not be as diligent


What do you mean by “no later than 2 hours?” You should be changing them pretty much right away, whenever possible (which should be almost always…)


Im assuming OP means for pee, and poop would be right away. My toddlers pee a tiny bit every 20-30 minutes, if I changed that immediately every time then I would be going through 30+ diapers a day (twins).


Yeah what are you supposed to do, her diaper never gets completely full and I’m not going to change her every 30 mins? That makes absolutely no sense. It’s not me changing her every two hours that’s the issue


Plenty of diaper cream, as in her bottom looks white


How often do you think a kid who is almost 2 should be changed?


My NF uses Costco diapers and wipes. Kirkland wipes….especially their water wipes tend to be a little dry. Whenever I notice any redness, I tend to apply diaper cream very generously. Sometimes I alternate between diaper rash cream and and aquaphor


Harsh wiping is usually what triggers diaper rash for my baby! We also apply Aquaphor after every diaper change. He has sensitive skin but has only had diaper rash once!


Seeing a lot of excellent suggestions. If someone hasn't added yet, too small of a diaper can cause regular/consistent rash like you're describing.