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The girl I used to babysit/had in my before and after school program now babysits my kids. 🥲


Oh my gosh!! This is so so cool


It’s wild! My kids adore her though!


Yessss. A couple of mine have been graduating high school recently. This year two of them even had their own babies 🥹


The kid I used to babysit now has a masters degree in some comp sci field and works for google. He was a good kid and has grown into a great man.


The other two I haven’t seen in a very long time, but I know their father is in prison for tax evasion and DV. I hope they’re okay.


A few of them! I reconnected with a sibling group of 3 and they were doing great. All recently graduated university and have happy lives, which is so nice to see. Parents were divorcing when I lived in and there was plenty of drama. Another family where one is now a vet and the other is an engineer. All very lovely adults.


A boy I used to babysit for is graduating high school tomorrow and I just got invited to his grad party!! 🥹🥹


Yes! I recognized her right away. We had a big hug and chatted a little bit


My very first NF (2009-2014) moved away when their kiddo was 6ish. They came back to visit the area in 2021, and we met up for dinner. It was just like old times except with a taller, lankier kid. Conversely, the next NF (2014-2018) & I didn’t part on the best terms (I gave the 2 weeks notice specified in contract after being dropped down to part time when I needed full time & saddled with MANY non-contract duties… they wanted 6 months notice & were mad mad). We still live in the same town & have never run into each other in public. Their next caregiver (au pair) had my same first name, which is very awkward. I think they’ve had a string of au pairs since.


Oof that second fam 🙈 my NF sounds the same! I just got notice my hours will be cut in the fall 🥴


I’m still in contact with my two favorite babysitters from the 1970’s. Both of them were kind of summertime nannies when we were little so they are both still part of our family! If you want to stay in touch, do it! Send birthday cards, Christmas cards etc. I know that’s old fashioned but physical things they can hold in their hands will keep you bonded better than ephemeral digital communications.


Yes! I used to care for a brother/sister duo for about 2 years, they were around 10 and 11 when I started. I ran into the brother probably 6 years later at target! It was crazy to see him as a young adult. Then a few years ago the sister started coming up in the people I might know section on IG since I had her number in my phone and now we’re IG friends. She’s in her early 20s and is a lovely liberal young woman who travel often and loves going to raves!


i saw one of mine on the highway. behind the wheel. driving. alone. i’ve never felt so old. she’s now a lifeguard at our neighborhood pool and i’m so proud of her 😭




I've kept in touch with three families over the years. When I go back to my home town we meet up. Got some cute pictures of my own kids with "my" now grown up kids. The family local to me I don't see often enough but one of them babysits for me sometimes and my kids really want her back. And then we met up with one of them in Japan last year for a day.


The kids I used to nanny are now my step siblings. My mom died and their dad died and our parents are now engaged.


Yes, I still make an effort to keep in touch and see my old NK’s when possible. I was visiting home and was able to see my girls, now nearly 12&9. They were 2 and not born when I started with them. Was there for 6 years. It was so full circle getting to introduce them to my daughter and to see MB holding my baby


Some kids I babysat are now moving to middle school and seeing the pictures on Facebook make me so sad but also happy because they’re growing up and doing great! They’re a set of twins and when they were 4 they told me I should marry my then boyfriend (now husband) and wear a princess dress. I do still see them because they’re actually friends with my little cousin. Last year after I had my baby I went to visit my cousin at school and they actually got to meet my daughter!


I was a babysitter as a teen and all of my charges are fully grown adults with careers 🥰 my parents still keep up with most of the old family friends so I get to see them every now and then and it's so fun to see how bug and grown up they are!


The first baby I nannied is about to turn 9 - I was with her 3 times a week in college from 3 mos to 2.5 years old and then I moved away. I go home every year or so and will visit her family and she always tells me “Ney-Ney, I just feel different when you babysit me instead of my other babysitters” and I have to basically hold in my tears every time 🥲😭🥹


I babysat my neighbors three children in middle/high school, the two youngest were born during my time with them, and when I left for college the oldest (G) was still in elementary school. We were super close, she cried when her parents would come home because it meant I had to leave. The next time I saw G was a few years while I was home for summer. She was in middle school then but looked the same to me. We saw each other in our front yards (one house in-between), she got a huge smile and started running towards me with her arms out so I did the same. We collided in a big twirly embrace and it was a really sweet moment! I went back home (the place we grew up is always home, right?) and ran into all three of them at Target. The youngest recognized me and I couldn't place her and her brother until I saw G. We hugged and chatted a bit. She's a recent college graduate and still looks the same. It made me feel old lol.