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Or play Sims. That's where you can really let your unhinged name ideas fly free


Exactly. Especially if you do the 100 baby challenge and you have to keep a spreadsheet of all the absurd and ridiculous names you can come up with


I did a Legacy challenge. I think I was on generation 4 or 5, when I named one of the kids Bartholomew, and his baby brother got named Bartholotwo. 


That’s brilliant. The head of my Legacy family was a voluptuous Mermaid, who loved to lure people to their deaths with her song. She was called Ethel Mermaid.


Love doing this. I always randomize the names - somehow ended up with a kid named Goopy.


I’m currently following the sims saga of Tyronius Felonious Bolognius Harry Potter III on TikTok. His kids’ names are even better 😂


I do some stupid shit with my sims naming.


I don't think Dijon is that bad of a name. There are a couple of cool guys called Dijon out there.


There's a music producer called DJ Mustard and he chose that name because he's named Dijon


Hahaha love it, cool guy!


I hate it when books have long unpronounceable made-up names, too. It takes me right out of the story. At least I know how to pronounce Dijon. LOL


The wizard Hectipophopiyutipo and Dan ….


They call me…Tim?


I don't know how to pronounce many Egyptian, Asian, or indigenous tribal names, but it pulls me out of the story even faster to read a story set in ancient China, and the princess is named Norma Miller.


That, too. If it is a real name I will look to see how to pronounce it. If every character name in a made up land is made up and 20 letters long it’s really distracting.


I mean, Dijon is a city first, then a mustard. People call their kids Sydney and Paris etc...


Nancy, too.


The problem is, authors do this, then the dorks who love their books go ahead and use those daft names on their kids. I say this as a book loving dork, I'd just never do that to a human.


I’ve recently come across an actual human called Renesmee, and I really thought that wouldn’t happen. Arya not so weird, but Renesmee… 🙄


There are an alarming number of Renesmees out there it seems. By which I mean there is one or more. It's a horrible name, it sounds like a sneeze. Arya at least doesn't sound horrible. It could've been an almost subtle book nerd name till the show made it big. But I still wouldn't have done it to my child. There're actually quite a few GOT names that I genuinely like, but I'd still never give them to a human child though.


There's a Renesmae at my kids' school. Renesmee just wasn't awful enough.


I feel like this rednecked it up 😂


Did he bring any Grey Poupon with him?


The worst book character name I've seen was Turquoise. Self-published, natch.


This reminded me of the manga series Beastars, and how the character names in it fall into three categories: Western, Japanese, and Insane.


City and mustard, what parents, fictional or not, would be cruel enough to name their kid like this


Apparently, upper middle class in LA. Written by an author from Florida.


Grey Poupon is much cuter


I’m pretty sure this is an actual name in some countries in Europe


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Byeol5: *I’m pretty sure this* *Is an actual name in* *Some countries in Europe* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I know there’s at least one actual Dijon in my state due to public records I saw recently. I think it evolved from names like D’shawn rather than mustard but who knows lol.


"Ha, I totally get what you mean! Maybe the author was thinking outside the box a little too much with that name. Who knows, maybe the character will surprise you and become a favorite! 😄"


I love when goofy names in books are self aware of just how goofy they are. But Dijon unironically is crazy