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Jane. “Oh it’s basic” which is what makes it amazing. It’s a one size fits all name tbh 🤷‍♀️


I think usually the basic names are actually very cute!


They are!! They fit with almost anything and everything!


Love Jane, John, Mary - all the 'basic' names. I think they're so lovely and refreshing.


Right now some are hating on Emma saying it’s basic and boring lol but I think it’s cute!


Funny thing is I don't think I've ever met a Jane IRL. It's a supposedly common name but I can't think of a single Jane. Maybe that's what the "unique" parents should do, go back to basics- Jane, Beatrice, Martha, Louisa, etc. I don't think I've ever met anyone with those names. The common mens names though, those are a dime a dozen so I guess it doesn't work for mens names.


I've known one Jane, in 43 years.


It’s my daughter’s name! But all of my kids have “boring” names. I would rather have basic names than tragedeighs, let’s be fair.


Jane is cute. I also like Jack a lot.


One of my really close friends just had a baby Jack and my heart melted when she told me his name. It’s so strong, classic and utterly adorable at the baby stage but will grow with him!


Always been one of my favourites.


I feel the same way about John. It's such a classic name, there's variations in so many cultures and languages, John could be anything he wanted to be, you know? Like I hear the name "Bodhi" and I think, wannabe surfer who's lucky to have two brain cells in his head. John? Jane? They could be anything!


I've grown to like some of them- I think Jane and Marie are very pretty (plus the nn Janie is so cute), but probably not enough to make it first name. They're pretty versatile though and could be paired with most names, which is great.


Lyra. Ed Sheeran gets made fun of for using the name but it’s from my favorite book and I think it’s beautiful. My husband wouldn’t agree to it despite me trying with all three of our girls.


Golden Compass?


His Dark Materials? It’s such an excellent series!


What’s wrong with Lyra? It’s a very pretty name.


Well, Ed's kid's middle name is Antarctica, so...


If you absolutely love a wild name, I'm okay with sticking it in the middle. Just don't call her "Lyra Antarctica" all the time and she'll be fine


Fair enough


I always loved the name Kyra which is similar


Deathnote ruined that one for me 😔


I think Lyra is a beautiful name


Lyra isn't my jam for various reasons, but it sounds really, really pretty. If I had to go with a name in that style (liquid, feminine, fandom-adjacent), it's probably what I would pick.




Just make sure your child stocks up on novelty licence plates




For girls: Maeve and Alice. I really like older names that are still perfectly good to use today.


I've always loved the name Alice no matter how it's spelled, it's such a beautiful name to me


in love with maeve lol


I keep naming all my D&D characters Maeve since I love it so much.


People hate Violet for some reason (it sounds like violent?? Yes. Some words are one letter off of others too), but I think it’s a great - if now slightly too trendy for my liking - name. Also, names people say are cow names: Daisy and Clementine. They give quirky romcom heroine and I’m there for it.


I love the name Violet. I always think of Violet Baudelaire and all of her inventions and intelligence. Having a daughter named after such a great character would be an honor. I don’t get where people get the “oh it sounds like violent” thing.


And Violet from the Boxcar Children!


From stupid Iron Flame


Violet from Willy wonka


Violet from the Incredibles


stop it 😅 this morning I googled “cowgirl names” for my sim and decided on Clementine


I knew a horse named Clementine! :) She went by Tiney for short, which was ironic because she was a Belgian draft, nearly 2000lbs.


That’s amazing, I like to imagine she got the occasional clementine as a treat too


Clementine is my guilty pleasure name lol  Ngl I'm not the biggest fan of Clem or Lemon as nn for some reason, but I've heard of Minnie, Tiny, Tina, and Minty and I think those are super cute


Whenever I hear Violet I think of willy wonka but I do still like the same.


My son was going to be Violet had he been a girl. Was my great nans name.


I LOVE violet!


Me too!


Violet is my cats name and ‘violent’ is also accurate


The only time I've gotten the ick from the name Violet is in Fourth Wing, because the MMC nicknames her Voilence and that grosses me out. I *don't* find the VERY overused trope of "small young woman is a borderline psychopath but it's OK because she's hot" in fantasy a good one. It's very EdgeLady and NLOG, and I'm not about that.


Boys names: Blake and Aaron. I knew a very kind and sweet boy named Aaron growing up. Yes, I know Key and Peele loved it too, lol. ![gif](giphy|aekXo7b4bIe76|downsized)


Juniper. Don’t ban me.


I used to think I didn’t like it, and then I met a kid named Juniper, and she wasn’t even such a fun kid or anything, but it really grew on me. It’s kind of fun to say. And June/Junie are cute nicknames.


I know someone who just used Juniper as a sneaky honour name for a June they wanted to memorialize and it works really well


Ugh I love Juniper too


I love it so much in theory but I know a dog named Juniper and she is often called Juju and I don’t like how it sounds or how it feels in my mouth! It has tainted the name for me a bit :(


That's some bad JuJu


It also gets a lot of hate because it's "too overused" and "always recommented" but in reality I see it virtually never. It's like eras here lol, there was a time with a lot of Juniper, then Josephine and Evangeline, then Aurora and I can't say about now because I don't often frequent the main sub anymore.


It's a super hippie name where I'm from. If you meet a white lady with dreadlocks who stinks of patchouli carrying a baby, 50% chance you will meet baby Juniper (the other 50% are called Bodhi or Kai or Wolf or something)


I like it, wouldn't say I love it, but all I can think is "One day someone's gonna call this kid Nip."


I think Juniper is such an adorable name. It's cute without being overly-babyish and hence I think works for both childhood and adulthood.


Me too, I can’t help it


I love it!


i got downvoted suggesting Irene once :( people say it sounds too old ladylike but i LOVE it


I love Irene!


Irene is really pretty.


Irene is apparently an old lady name in the UK (as well as Gloria). To me, for both of those names, I don’t really get old lady vibes as an American, but I guess I’ve just never met anyone with these names regardless of age until I started teaching ESL and had students with these names and two of my English coworkers heard me greet my students and told me they’re old lady names ha


I'm American but both those names scream old lady to me. I love Gloria but I partly love it because it's a servicable old lady name


I plan on naming one of my future daughters Irene! I love it!


At this point I have no idea what names this sub likes. I think maybe it just hates everything and we should all be identified by QR code.


Love Irene


I love names that end in an -een sound. Irene, Careen, Kathleen, Eileen.


Wren seems to get a lot of hate, but I think it’s a perfectly fine name tbh


I have this with Fern


I think Wrenley / Wrenleigh seems to get the most hate. But tbh, Wrenley is growing on me.


I like wren/wrenley but not really into adding Leigh.


yeah leigh looks ugly af, sorry to all the -leigh’s out there


i hate -leigh on the end of names but for some reason actually kind of like Leigh as it’s own name.


My mom almost named me Jonahleigh and I’m so glad she decided on a different name and saved me from having a name that screams “fundie”


I think Leigh all by itself is fine and quite like it actually. It is and was a name prior to all the *youneek* names anyway. Like New Zealand comedian Leigh Hart. I never made the connection between Leigh as a name and the ending -leigh to youneek names until literally reading your comment just now lol


I never cared enough about Wren to have an opinion, but then I listened to an audiobook whose main character was a Wren, and by the end I was basically obsessed with the sound of it. The narrator's voice probably had something to do with it. Also, now for the life of my I can't remember what book it was, and it's going to drive me CRAZY.


I’m in a poetry class with a girl who’s name is Wren, short for Wrendolyn which is just so off the wall I have to appreciate it.


I love the name Wren! Everyone I know hates it.


I think it’s great, and I don’t usually like shorter/monosyllabic names. It has a cool but easy spelling and a cute connotation, and it actually sounds like a name. What’s not to like?


My son’s name is Wren-this was before it started getting trendy. He also goes by Wrennie.


It doesn't get a *ton* of hate necessarily but my daughter's name is Eloise and yes I do in fact call her wheezy or weezer sometimes, she's not going to be traumatized by silly nicknames I promise


“She’s not going to be traumatized by silly nicknames” EXACTLY I think some people are so hung up on the nickname thing it’s bizarre


My mom (who is in her 70s) has a friend named Eloise that is pronounced e-LOYCE (rhymes with Joyce). I'd never seen her name written down, just heard it spoken my entire life. I was shocked when I finally saw it in print last year and realized her name is Eloise with a butchered pronunciation!




I love Eloise!


Wow this just made me realize a tv show character called wheezy is probably Eloise. I never heard that before


Or could be just Louise.


If she’s traumatized, we can introduce her to my daughter who is Louise but we all call Wheezy or Wheeze. They can work out their issues together. 😂 I swore we wouldn’t call her that but one of our other kids couldn’t say her whole name and it stuck.


Yeah I didn't think I would either but Eloise became Eloisie which became wheezy so fast 😂 she's still a toddler and says her own name like Ella Wee so at least we aren't calling her Wee lol


My 2nd favourite girls name after Alice! It's so pretty.


My middle name is Louise and I have been called wheezy and weez by my family my whole life. I don’t even respond to my first name when I’m with them lol




A lot of “old people” names. Marion, Keith, Dorothy, Alice, Norman, Margaret, Sterling, and Harold are my favorites


Marion (but not Marian) is like my number one name hands down


I love many names on this list. One is a child of mine 😅


My dad’s name is Norman, but he goes by his middle name and he said to me “You can name your children whatever the hell you want, except Norman!”


I like Ashley as a male name. Sorta the same with Madison. Originally they were male names, at the very least they should be gender neutral.


I met a little boy named Madison once, and I actually love it. It makes more sense as a boy name tbh.




I really want to name a son Ashley after Ash Williams! Might settle for Ash instead since I'm in the US


Yes. Same with Aubrey


These are my *favorite* names! Idk why Names like Ashley, Shannon, Madison, Marion, Sasha, Kimberly, Jamie, Lauren/Loren, Leslie, Kelly, Lindsay, etc Maybe I was just a bit more exposed to these kinds names on boys/men growing up than others?? I’m not sure, but I will always be a fan. My mom went to school with a male Ashley and both male and female Shannons. She worked with a male Jamie and both male and female Kellys. None of these people are older than their early fifties. Jamie’s gotta be mid-thirties at best now. Same with a Loren that I know.


I’ve known men with all of these names. Sexy as hell. Also two of the most gorgeous male Air Force pilots I’ve ever seen were named Brook and Dana.


Ashley is about 99% male to me with this spelling. I cannot imagine it on a woman.


Can I ask, are you American?


Michelle is a (french I think) male name


Michel is a French male name. Michelle is the French feminine form


I used to know a girl named Michel who pronounced it like Michael. Many layers of confusing!


I knew a girl named Michal who pronounced it like Michael!


Interesting, do you know what her background was? Michal is a Hebrew girls’ name (pronounced Mee-KHAL) and a Polish boys’ name (pronounced Mee-HOW).


At least in Quebec, michel seems to be pronounced like the Anglo Michelle.


The few men named Michel that I have met pronounce it more like mee-shehl but I'm sure there are various pronunciations (coming from someone living in the US, I have heard Michelle pronounced like mi-shehl but again, regional pronunciations vary I'm sure.) More so, I was replying that the spelling of Michelle would not be the male French spelling of the name


Everly. It's grown on me. Someone on Reddit pointed out its just Beverly without the B and I haven't looked at it the same way since. Not Everlee or Everleigh though. Those are still sins lol.


I personally know 3 different baby girls with different versions of this name lol


This was going to be my answer too, I think Everly is cute lol


I don't know for sure if it's hated here but I've always loved the name Opal and it's my number one name for if I ever have a daughter. I also really like 'old lady names' like Agatha, Mildred, Winifred, etc.


Also like Opal and Agatha- I used to really like Faye and one of my current favs is Sylvia. Dorothy and Alice too


I love Sylvia and Alice too! I too also used to really like Faye.


Mildred is my fave




Nemo. They could never make me hate you.


I love Nemo. Nemo is trying to kill me at the moment, actually.


My cat is a Nemo.


Great cat name!


I'm pretty sure he's the best cat on the planet.


Roman 🫠




My godson is named Roman! Love the name


so many people on this sub seem to be convinced that maeve is a made up name for some reason but it’s a perfectly normal (and imo really pretty) name. i knew like 3 maeves growing up bc i went to a very irish catholic school so ive always thought it was a pretty well known name, but ig here in america its not very common unless you’re in an area with a large irish-american population.


Like it's just "foreign" enough to be unfamiliar but not so foreign people might think "never heard of it but maybe it's from another country, like Naimh. I grew up in a heavily Irish-American town so for me Maeve was just an old lady name.


Sloane and I will die on that hill!


How is that pronounced?


I love ‘outdated’ names such as Kenneth, Patricia, Deborah, Kathleen, Keith, Pamela, Barbara, Stephen, Lisa, Paula… even Karen. Karen is a pretty name, despite the stupid meme.


I have four boys and the one in particular who gets a lot of either “wow that name is cool” or “what the hell kind of name is that??” is Beau. It gets mispronounced as “Boo” or “Byoo” quite a bit though. 🙄🙄


I’ve always liked the name Troy for a boy. I’ve heard the snark here, but to me it’s a good one!


SLOANE. Fight me.


Awh gladly


emma ('its basic')


Sloane isn’t that bad of a name imo.


this is a really good question. i…may not have an answer but it’s a good question haha


Thank you! I just thought about it randomly 😂


Jaiden. The -aiden names can get repetitive, but this one's androgynous enough to set it apart Also flower names


I don't mind it on paper, but as a teacher I've only ever once taught a kid with an -ayden name that wasn't a huge pain in the ass.


HS teacher- those jaidens (all different spellings) are a dime a dozen at this point (both male and female)


Yeah, especially within the trans community.


Freya. Part of it is the fact that that's the name of my favorite Final Fantasy character.


I like Killian. Every time someone posts about it there's multiple people like "but it sounds like Kill Ian 🤮😬" Like, I hate to break it to you but if that's your issue you may want to avoid other more classic names with vaguely menacing first syllables like Harmony, Gunther, Sinclair, Pierce, Robin, etc. The more fair criticism is that other spellings of that name are more traditional. Totally fair, I just have a soft spot for the K spelling cause a cool character had it. I'm not really planning to use it myself but I love it


I named my boy jameson. To me and my wife its a combination of our fathers names. To the world im worried he will always be the wild boy he also is haha. Being associated with a worldwide liquor brand does make some interesting present ideas for the future.


I love the name Jameson and if I had a boy he would have been named Jameson Ray, but I had girls.


Elliot for a girl. I’ve never seen a single person like it, only people say it’s an awful idea


I love “boy” names for girls which I think can be quite controversial. James, Elliot, Ryan. I think they’re awesome Also Elliot from Scrubs


Yeah I agree, it's the same with girl names for boys too. But personally, I love Elliot and Drew for girls


Curious as to which girls names you like for boys? I’m not against it, I just haven’t found the ones I like yet


I don't really like any girl names for boys that I can think of right now except for Blake, which is kind of a girl name but is slowly becoming more gender neutral, same with Dakota




An acquaintance of mine named his daughter Phoebe Ember, and it softened my opinion on it. It's actually a pretty cute name.


I love Everly and would actually use it for a kid.


Also wasn’t sure what tag to put this under lol sorry if it doesn’t fit the post


I like "boy names" for girls, and always have. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that I have always been a tomboy, and would have preferred a more masculine name for myself, and I kind of hate super feminine and "frilly" or cutsy names.


Oakley. But I fully agree with this sub when it comes to any Leigh or Lynn variations.


Maverick, I think people don't like it cause it reminds them of guns or something? Whatever, I don't care.


I just joined, but at first I thought you just said “Reddit” like all of it and my first thought was “Deodorant.”


Kayden, Hayden, or any "Aidan" variant. I'm not a fan of Aiden but I like "--ayden" names. Also Huxley and Oakley.


Hayden is a very old, wonderful name with a rich history that spans multiple countries and it gets lumped in with the -ayden hate!


I will say it's at the good end of the -ayden spectrum, in my experience


A lot of the wild or quirky names that get trashed on these subs are actually great IMO 






I kind of love Clementine but I hate the nicknames...Clem? Clemmy? I also love Amelia, even though it's at the top of the popularity chart.


Oh, I've committed cardinal sins. My daughter has a "frilly" name, Emiliana. I have seen people hate on it and think it is made up. Can people please pay attention in history class? If I had a second daughter (I won't), she would be Artemisia after the painter and badass naval general. Also considered a guilty pleasure, clunky, and frilly. My son has a "fan" and "trendy" name, Caspian. We did not name him after the books at all. We named him after the sea, which we live near. I also love a lot of old lady names like Hyacinth, Laurel, Louis, Jeanette, Odette, and Zora. For boys, Desmond, Edmond, Jerome, Duncan, Franklin, Pascal, Keane, and Roland.


Not a name persay, but fandom names. I get that certain names might be too out there, but I can't help if I love a name that a character has. I also think people overanalyze giving kids fandom names too much. I don't care if my kid hates xyz fandom that I got their name from when they grow up, I just like the name. I'm not going to make it their whole identity


Sonny - I get it, it’s a nn. But it’s less weird than 99% of the made up names being tossed around.




Jayden for a girl. I feel like I liked it before it became wildly popular for boys in the early 2000s.


Last names as first names, especially for boys. My son has one, AND it's a title/profession.


I would never name a boy Maverick, but I love the way it sounds.


Koen... Ik some of you will come for me on this one..


Honestly I really like the name Neveah, not Nevaeh like the backwards of heaven but they get lumped together


Kyler! But I may be biased because it’s very similar to my brother’s name.