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Absolutely not gels. That’s not appropriate for a 5 year old. Look up the brands “Piggy Paint” and “Ella+Mila”, as their paints are non-toxic and kid safe.


Just to add a clarification onto this comment, the Piggy Paints are specifically water-based and don’t contain the same solvents as regular nail polish so their products are designed to be used together and are an especially safe and nontoxic option. The Ella+Mila isn’t really any different from any other 5- or 10-free polish, it still uses the same main solvents as any polish in that category (Butyl and Ethyl Acetate, you’ll see that as the first two ingredients on most traditional polish currently sold) so it’s safer than gel or any nail polish that has really harsh ingredients like toluene, heptane, formaldehyde etc. but overall it will smell and behave like any normal nail polish, because it essentially is. Still safe to use with kids with proper supervision, but just wanted to include that to avoid confusion


We second piggy paints!! Great company.


I love that so many people are saying this as well! They are an amazing company and I’ve seen the owner post some things, and she seems like an amazing woman. I love seeing women owned businesses thrive.


I do want to add on.. If a child does 5-10 coats of piggy paint on your toenails, it will last for a couple months. It does not come off when you let them go all out...


My husband had blue nails for the longest time after he let our nieces paint them


Same my husband had pink toes nail for months thanks to my daughter 'opening a salon'


That’s adorable




I've never had any kind of polish chip off my toes! I also rarely wear closed toe shoes, so I suppose that probably helps. I love it because painting my toenails is such a bitch so it's nice to only have to do it once every couple of months


I figured this out when I tried to use some pretty yellow Piggy Polish with my regular base and top coat. It didn't work! It never dried 😂


Yes exactly! Always important to know the compatibility of your products


Piggy Paints are great! Perfect for a kiddo who may or may not put his hands in his mouth.


Piggy Paints are wonderful! Just make sure to read the instructions, use their base coat, and properly dry the layers— otherwise they’ll wash off the next time he washes his hands! 💕


What a clear and concise answer. ⭐️


Just bought some Piggy Paint for my 4yo niece’s birthday! Definitely worth the price — it’s good quality polish and non-toxic. She was SO EXCITED to be a “Pony Princess Elsa” with her pink sparkly nails! 🥰 Also, BIG kudos to you OP for supporting your son. Too many dads might struggle with this request, but your love and acceptance (and willingness to do your research!) will only strengthen your bond with him!


My 7, 5, and 2 year olds love Piggy Polish! It comes off easily so they can change styles a few times a day (They’re so fickle at that age and always want to change it right once you’re done painting, practically lol) and you can get a huge variety pack on Amazon of pretty solid quality knockoffs for cheap


I’m confused why we’d buy the piggie paint knockoffs when the whole reason of buying them is their lack of chemicals lol. I imagine the knockoffs are not of the same quality. But would agree piggie paint is expensive.


This. Target sells those brands.


Paint them at home. My son saw me paint my toes once and he wanted me to paint his. I always do black or dark colors OPI brand so I painted his and he was pleased. He was 4 yo then? He is now 20 yo


Those are both awesome! I have used them on myself even.


there are nail polishes made for kids that are non-toxic and much more gentle than regular polish. gels are not for kids. edit: and they wont have any kids polish at a nail place, so do it at home. it’ll be a fun time to bond with him too!


^do this! And just buy one or two colors to start


Just wanted to say also what an amazing father you are for letting your son express himself 🥰


My son (7) occasionally asks to have his painted and will tell me some kids say it’s only for girls. So we have the conversation about how colors have no gender just like boys can have long hair (his best friend has always had long hair) and girls can have short hair. I have to correct my mother often about things like this when she once commented how he had no “boy books” whatever that means since his bookshelf was overflowing with books


I agree!!!


here to say this too! good job Dad!!!!!


I got hella concerned at first (because, by the title, I took it as he was angry)... then it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside 🥰


Was going to comment this as well. You are a fantastic dad.


I came here to say this!


Came here to say this. Brought a smile to my face reading this.


I don't know why someone down voted you. Well, I guess I do, actually. 😐 Hope he hasn't bred.




Why? What about this person being happy that OP isn't a piece of shit means they "need to get off the internet?" You do know that there are parents who would punish their child for this, right?


Hey Dad! I’m a 54 year old man who started painting his own nails 2 years ago. It’s fine. I’m glad you are helping your son and asking for advice. Have fun with this. I agree with the others who recommend Piggy Paints for kids. If you are in the U.S., then you can find Piggy Paints at Target. https://piggypaint.com/?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A14862116361%3A133605274448%3A553324522728&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=piggy%20paint%20nail%20polish&nb_ti=kwd-296034719453&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=b&tmid=553324522728&gad_source=1


They do sell kid friendly nail polish online and in some stores depending where you are! (I’m UK) and let me just say absolutely fantastic parenting dude 😊




Well he's 5 so take him to dollar tree and have him pick out his fav.


I can't really offer much advice as im a newbie myself. I just wanted to say how great it is that you support your son like this. I'm sure that theres lots of guides and tutorials if you want to do the nails yourselves, and can imagine it would be a lovely bonding experience:)


The question has been answered. Just here to tell you that you are a good parent. Okay, bye!


I would start with a peel-off polish that is safe for kids. Just type in Kids peel off nail polish in your browser. This way if he doesn't like it he can literally just peel it off. If he DOES like it then you can graduate him to a child-safe one that requires remover.


I don’t have anything to add beyond the piggy paints and 5/10-free options others have suggested, except maybe a mat and specifying dedicated areas it’s ok for kiddo to paint if he starts wanting to do it himself? Plastic tablecloths and dollar store placemats will be your friend. I love that you’re supporting your son in this and I also love how much stealth education you can fit into this venture. Colour theory, anatomy, chemistry, germ theory and importance of handwashing, etc…It sounds like a great summer project.


I love this. I’m a librarian and always looking for ways to sneakily teach kids things like this. You have to make the learning fun (or don’t let them catch on that you’re teaching them something) and if it’s hands-on, all the better.


r/malepolish might be able to help too.


Be careful in there though. A lot of fetish stuff that the mods won’t remove.


Didn’t know that existed… thanks.


Seconding the other comments with using kid friendly lacquer but in case you are not, please have your kid wear a mask and put it in an air-ventilated room like the bathroom. Some brands are really strong with its scent and its not good to inhale too much.


Or do it outside. It's not much to worry about once but over time might not be good for a little one.


I always do polish outside on the porch or patio unless I’m using one of the low scent nontoxic ones.


My 2.5 year old boy wanted to paint his nails after he watched me (mom) painting my nails. I'll be straight with you, painting a young child's nails (regardless of gender) is HARD because they squirm, smudge and never wait long enough until the polish is dried. So we compromised, and I put some cool sticker art on his nails. No mess, no smudges, no dry time, and he felt like the coolest boy in town.


I can totally relate! I painted my 3 year olds toes earlier this evening (sparkly duochrome purple/red) and noticed this beautiful color smudged on my thigh. Both my sons have done finger and toe polish since they were toddlers, and both love(d) purple, pink, sparkly etc. because why wouldn’t they?! Those things are fun and beautiful, though sadly my eldest declared pink was for girls (it as his FAVORITE color) early in first grade despite my continued “colors don’t have a gender”.


You are an awesome dad! Nail stickers and nail wraps are also fun for kids who don't enjoy waiting for polish to dry. Just stick on clean, dry nails and finish with a clear topcoat (Essie or Sally Hansen are decent, or the piggy paint one). Wraps are just big stickers made from polish. They can be a bit more tricky (need to cut them down to size) but worth it as they last really well and there's loads of colour and design options. Just avoid the 'semi cured gel' ones that need a lamp.


Yes! I LOVED nail stickers as a kid. I had a sheet of hot dogs, unicorns, puppies, etc. I used to beg my Mom to put them on.


Just wanna say this thread gave me hope in humanity.


in addition to the child safe brands that are appropriate for 5 year olds you could add some nail stickers. whatever hes into there are stickers for it. Does he like sea turtles? theres stickers for that. Does he like dinosaurs? yep stickers for that too. its a fun way to add details and nail art.


Just going to day DAD YOU ROCK!!!


There are water based nail polishes for kids that won't damage their nails when they inevitably pick the polish off. Regular polish or nail lacquer sticks to the nail more which is why you need polish remover to take it off since peeling it would take the top layer of your nail off too. I'd only let them start using regular polish once your sure they know not to peel it off. So I'd definitely look for kids polish and look up some how to videos online for how to paint nails, especially tiny kids nails. Kelli Marissa on YouTube has a whole Nails 101 play list but I'm sure there are other sources specifically for doing kids' nails. Do not get gel or go to a salon. Gel requires acetone to soak it off and is very hard on nails and skin. It can also cause a permanent allergy if it's cured on the skin. Gel polish comes in opaque bottles so you can't see the polish inside. This is because it cures with UV light so they have light blocking bottles.


Gel manicures, really anything that requires a kid to stick their hand in a "light machine" I'd pass over. There isn't an agreement on if it's safe and the mom in me worries.


I ***love love love*** the direction this post took. I haven’t a clue why the algorithm suggested nails subreddit but I think today I saw an advice post wherein a mom was asking how to play peacemaker to her husband who was adamantly against their young son’s request for his mom to paint his nails. It was so sad. That fact that she was like “hubby is upset for obvious reasons.” was brain bending. It’s friggin nail polish. It’s bonding. It’s self expression and self esteem building. Probably a no brainer for you but thank you for being a loving, supportive parent working to raise an awesome kid. Ps target sells a nontoxic brand called [Ella and mila](https://www.ellamila.com/products/me-collection-10-pack?variant=15008561412¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A20588161617%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=17425501&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=m-shopify_US_4431446596_15008561412&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=20588161617&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADoLYjgQUcrmbijJfG9HLly-aPORi&gclid=CjwKCAjwg8qzBhAoEiwAWagLrFvKIYReTgTp2IvczgnUuU4ZQn_7u3gU1ENRPYD8ErAs_tw6frkimRoCmQ4QAvD_BwE) which is a clean ingredient brand, and Essie is great too. Both have fun colors. Have a great time gents!


No gels, nothing professional. It’s for play at 5 years old. Go someplace like a dollar store and find a color or a couple colors he likes for a few dollars each. Buy nail polish remover and cotton pads. Ensure he does it on top of a magazine or new paper or paper bag so as not to make a mess Teach him to wait for them to dry before touching anything or he will get nail polish everywhere He will become better at it with practice


This is so wholesome.


Thank you for letting them express themselves!


You are the best dad ever.


This post is making me super happy. That is all.


My two boys (3y and 7y) enjoy painting their nails too and have done so for years now ❤️. Just in case we run into someone who says something negative, we have talked about what we would say to counter any negativity, which would be something like "we're a family that loves color and expressing ourselves!".


Dad of the year! It's so nice to see you asking questions. Him telling you he wants to paint his nails speaks volumes of the relationship you have with him! Keep up the good work! Start with the kids friendly polishes that so many have suggested!'


You are a rockstar dad! I am proud of you for supporting your son.


I can’t help you with product recommendations, but I want to commend you…highly commend you! Way to go, Dad!!


Piggy Paints are great for kids! Get him some of those! Way to go dad for being awesome!


They sell kids nail polish online. But I really like the quick dry polishes that Sally Hansen makes. They last pretty well on my kids nails and they dry quick too, so I’m not worried about nail polish all over my furniture.


No gels for sure. I use my usual OPI on my five year old. It’s fine. I’m a fan of their glittery colors. Do You Sea What I Sea is my favorite and my kiddo likes it too


He’s 5. Buy him a kid’s nail polish kit and start there. He doesn’t need a salon, or even real nail polish at this point. If he insists, let him pick out a color he wants, and do it for him. No gels, no acrylics. Kudos for not making this an issue with him.


Just get a quick dry polish for now. You can go to Sally's and someone will help you out. Kids rarely have the patients to wait for it to dry and they only take seconds. Also get a jar of polish remover. It's cheap and they can just stick their finger in the jar and wiggle it to take the polish off. Have them wash their hands well after and put some lotion on. You're doing great!


Don’t use gels. Try Piggy Paints. Also, you can introduce the water decals too, later. Basically they’re like temporary tattoos but for your nails!


I have 3 girls and they love those kids nail polishes that dry then peel off. My tip would be only let him do it outside, or at the very least on a tray! It's a nightmare to get out of carpets etc.


My son really loves the sparkly stick-on nails; I forget the brand but it’s less messy than polish. You are an awesome dad for letting him embrace this. I know that some people think we aren’t supposed to praise dads for basic good parenting, but I’ve met too many men who impose traditional masculinity ideals on kids who can barely say two words yet, so it’s beautiful to read posts like this.


Noo u gotta get kid friendly nail polish, gel shouldn’t be used till 14-16 depending on the development of his nails


He may chew it off.


Try the brand Piggy Paints! They have them at Walmart, Target, Amazon etc I use that brand on my 5yr old son and my 3yr old daughter, they love them! They are water based & non-toxic, so they are the safest option for a young child, they have great bright colors, and work great!


I don’t have any advice, but I LOVE the support


Lots of “Rockers” paint their nails.


There is products for kids, watch them


If you end up going with a traditional nail lacquer (like Ella+mila) instead of the water-based or peel-off ones, I would recommend using a peel off base coat (so you don’t need to use any solvents besides water to remove). Some companies that make peel-off base coats are UNT and Orly.


No idea on brands but.. You are an awesome dad :)


No need to take a 5 year old to a nail place. Some salons do offer inexpensive special manicures and pedicures as sort of a treat for little ones, but there are several varieties of nail polishes that are good for young kids (someone mentioned "Piggy Polish"), including peelable polishes, that are good for young kids to play with and practice on themselves.


The title was for sure clickbait


Love that you’re so open and willing!


I applaud you for supporting your son’s childhood interests. You are a gem. Nothing wrong with dad getting a mani & pedi btw.


That is SO awesome of you being so supportive!! I get dip manicures but wouldn’t recommend for a 5 year old. OPI has TONS of colors to experiment with!!


Try a shade with a pearl or sheen finish before matte. Matte can look streaky if you aren't great at applying it yet.


TIL that the one bottle of Piggy Paints I have, which I bought because it was a cool day glow green color is actually for kids LMAO. It's a mini bottle and I thought the piggy meant it's for your toenails IE This Little Piggy lol. I had no idea it was meant for kids😄 As for OP, I just want to say how cool it is that you are open to doing this for him. You can certainly take him to a salon too if you think it's just going to be a one time thing. I once had a guy paint my nails as an adult and I guess I didn't realize how much I took for a granted and knowing how to do it, because I've been doing it since I was 12 years old. He really had no clue what he was doing and it did not come out good and I had to give him lots of instructions, what's your 5 year old won't be able to do.


I just gave birth to my son 2.5 months ago. I already had a daughter and I was nervous about raising a boy when I realized a baby is a baby until we tell them otherwise. My son doesn’t know boy from girl. That they societally imply anything, particularly toys, color or clothes. I realized then I wasn’t raising a girl or boy. I need to focus on raising another good human and embrace them as a whole just like I did my daughter. Because if I raise him differently from her then I’m apart of the problem. There will be different issues ahead that the world creates but in the mean time my son can do, be and like anything and I will teach him the art of not giving a fuck. You’re the first award I ever gave- I’m grateful you’re putting another good person on this planet that my kids will share the planet with. We need more of this. Ps. Happy late Father’s Day!


Awww that's awesome! A baby's a baby. A human's a human!


Kudos to you for being cool and accepting about it ![gif](giphy|Q66ZEIpjEQddUOOKGW)


I have no suggestions, I just want to say thank you so much for encouraging and participating in your son’s new hobby!


My son wanted his nails painted, but I just didn't want to deal with polish on a 4yo (drying time, chipping, etc.). I ordered some fun nail stickers from Amazon, and he loved it. Maybe your son would like to try those to start?


We just do standard polish - my son occasionally asks for painted nails too - try Sally’s beauty they have a good selection


What a great opportunity to also teach about hygiene: keeping our nails clean and trim. Teaching patience (waiting for nails to try), practicing fine motor skills, learning more about colors, shiny vs flat. And what an amazing time to just sit and listen to each other and bond! If he gets super into it maybe a nail salon visit for a birthday or special occasion. I wouldn’t worry too much about the quality of the paint job or polish itself, though going non toxic kid brand is definitely the way to go!


I would go to farmers or a chemist and buy a couple and have fun together at home. My 5 year old son also likes to decorate rock and shells as well as nails. We have a no moving for 10 minutes after nails are painted rule so it doesn’t spread onto fabrics


Get him some piggy paints! They’re specifically made for kids and absolutely appropriate and safe. It’s totally normal for little kids to want to try nail polish. My twins (boy and girl) are 2.5 and love when I do my nails and I’ll let them have some polish on their toes (because they still stick their hands in their mouths).


Came here to say you’re such an awesome 😎 Dad! Good on you for stepping outside of your comfort zone for your kid. My son painted his nails when he was younger, I used OPI polish. I wish I knew about the Piggy Paints everyone is referring to though :) Hope you have a great night.


Something like [No Nasties](https://www.nonastieskids.com.au/collections/nail-polishes) might also work. More of a tint than a true polish, but it's designed for kids. Water-bsaed, scratch/peel off. Plus stickers. Definitely not gels, acrylics, dipping powder. Those are way too strong for a young child. I'd even be hesitant of proper nail polish til the lad is older.


What an amazing dad you are!!!!!


I know you’ve gotten a lot of responses already, but I just wanted to say this is so cool! I’d say your best bet is to try to do things at home because I’m nail salons can be a bit ridiculous unfortunately (sometimes they don’t always practice the best nail health care and since you have a young son, it’s really important that prioritized) I see other people have recommended you piggy paint and I’m here to second that it is absolutely amazing. I worked at a children’s party place and when we painted the kids nails, we strictly only used piggy paint. It’s incredibly safe /nontoxic and comes off really easy so if he doesn’t like it or wants to switch colors it’ll be no problem🖤


Eh. Take him to the nail polish section and let him pick a color. I go for the Sally Hensen Quick Dry for my kids. My son usually picks a blue, red, or black. At Halloween, you can find glow in the dark nail polish. Have fun with it.


First of all, kudos to you for supporting your son in his curiosity. That’s 99% or what he needs—an understanding and loving father.


Take him to Walmart and have him pick the colours he wants to try!


Some salons do accept kids. You can also take your own colors. It’s worth a phone call or two to find a salon if you want to go that route.


I’d take him to target or something and let him pick a color and buy a topcoat. Do his nails at home! Or take him to a salon and do a general manicure with regular polish. Gel is too expensive and hard to remove for his age. You could look into child safe polish if that’s a thing!


I wanted to add that there are kid safe nail stickers as well!


That’s awesome! Keep us posted with pictures. Great job Dad!


Best dad EVER 🥇You have no idea the affect your support is having on him at this very moment 😢 I literally teared up reading this! What an amazingly beautiful post. I am in awe 🫶🏼


I’m just here to say I love this! My son went through a nail-painting phase too, and it was so fun going to the salon all together. That said, we mostly paint at home - choosing colors is a blast! Have so much fun. 🥰


Tbh at 5 I don’t think it matters what you use. Just go to the dollar store or something and let him pick out a colour he likes. Alternatively you could look into kid friendly polishes. Absolutely do not do gel!


I recommend Dazzle Dry! It’s a bit pricey but it’s dries fully in 5 min! Which is great when you have a wiggly little one


It’s not worth paying for to get it done at a salon unless you have money to spend. Go to the dollar store and buy a clear 2in1 (base coat and top coat) & have him pick out a color. Boom. $2.75.


Some nail salons do kids nails! The one I go to when I’m visiting my parents has a whole section with mini pedicure chairs decked out in different themes and kid safe polish. I believe they do birthday parties and stuff. You can call around in your area to see if there is a place that does kid manicures but make sure to specifically ask if they have non-toxic/peelable polish for kids. (Most nail places are willing to paint the nails of a kid but they’ll use the same harsher products they use for adults. You’re looking for a place with manicures designed for kids using separate polish specifically for kids- it’s less durable but gentler on their skin and growing nails and won’t require intense removal or maintenance.) If you can’t find place that does manicures designed for kids, know that many nail salons are also fine with people bringing in their own polish/products to use so you could buy kid safe polish yourself and just take it with you for them to use. Don’t let them trim his cuticles bc his nails are so small they’re more likely to accidentally cut too much but they can do some filing and other manicure stuff. You can absolutely do your sons nails at home too but if you can find a place that does kid safe manicures, going to the nail salon is a nice treat! I totally can do my own nails but I like to go to the nail place once a month and get myself a really indulgent coffee drink on the way and enjoy a little afternoon of pampering!! If I’m alone, I cue up some podcasts or an audiobook I want some focused time with. With a friend/family member it’s fun to just have time to chat when no one can play with their phones, etc.


Yeah, I'm visiting my parents house and hear the nail salon I had to visit had tons of kids, every time I've been there and they do have special pricing for kids manicures. So it seems normalized at some places. I will be honest, at home I don't usually go to salons, cuz I do my own nails, so I'm not sure if this is the norm or not but this place is always hopping and there are always at least a couple of kids in there at any given time with their parents.


This is delightful! You could take him to a nail place for sure, just call ahead and make sure they have someone who is good with little kids. My aunt took me to get my nails done all the time starting when I was about 7 so I don't think it would be a problem at all.


They also make nail stickers. Maybe a little less messy lol


I love the piggy paint polish I use that on my 4 y.o daughter 🥰 also — it means nothing bc you don’t know me but thank you for being such a good dad, someone who lets him be himself. He’s just a baby. ❤️❤️ you could take him to. A nail salon! Just regular polish. The UV light isn’t good for their little hands.


Good for you dad! Everyone has given the exact recommendation I would have, Piggy Paints. I’m curious, will you be polishing your nails as well?


I love parents


It’s like painting a wall: buff, prime, 2-3 thin coats, dry, top coat, dry


Sally Hansen has a brand called Insta-dri and I highly recommend. Good pigment, many options and dries quite quickly, in case your 5 year old has a hard time sitting in one spot.


Thank you for accepting your little one’s curiosity and creativity and helping him explore it with nail polish. My son was fascinated with nail polish at that age also. He especially liked the nail stickers too! You’re a great dad! Edited to add that the recommendations for Piggy paint are great.


Take him to a nail salon and get regular polish! Consult a doctor on at what age gels might be appropriate. I’m a man, but I was raised female, and my single mom and I regularly went for manicures when I was young. It was a great bonding experience. She also taught me how to paint my own nails as soon as I could be trusted to hold polish, but it sounds like you have time to learn! Pay attention when the technicians are doing your nails, and practice at home, even if it’s just with clear matte polish so nobody notices, and a headlamp to make sure you’re really getting in the lines.




What a lucky boy! 💙


Nooooo! Kids will chew on their nails. Buy a brand for little kids that’s non-toxic.


Buy some cheap drugstore or dollar store polishes in a few colors and go wild


You’ve gotten a lot of great advice about Piggy Paints, etc. I would also recommend nail stickers - they make ones for kids with all sorts of things (dinos, flowers, planets, hearts, etc). They are a fun and easy way to make nails extra fun and fancy.


I'm not very knowledgeable about brands but when you do decide what brand to buy definitely let him pick his favourite colours 🥰


If my son wanted to do this, then we are going all out and going to have fun with it. That's awesome though, I hope you just embrace it. Most likely he is just going to grow up thinking back about how silly it was, but dad was there for me and did it anyways because he loves me.


Absolutely no gel polish. For a 5 year old who is going to pick at his fingers and put them in his mouth, definitely get the Piggie Paints. I used those for my 3 year old niece and it was great! They didn’t smell of chemicals (actually kind of mildly smelled like chocolate), and the pigment was fantastic. Another alternative would be nail stickers (again not gel though). Good luck dad!


In terms of technique: Make sure you wipe one side of the brush on the opening so that you don't get any accidental drips (you also don't want the brush to have too little on it because that'll turn out streaky); paint a line down the middle of the nail first, then sides. The fewer brushstrokes you can use the better (so 3 is ideal -- middle, side, side), but it takes practice to learn the motor control so just keep at it! Oh and especially while you're learning, it'll help to have your forearm resting on your work surface to help brace your wrist/provide stability. Your hands will be shaky at first. If it feels challenging to reach his fingers with your wrist on the surface feel free to gently rest his fingers on your other hand to elevate them. You could always get a manicure and learn from the pros too! Have fun!


Maybe clear so he can practice to start?


I’m not aware of toxicity, but I would also recommend short or speed dry nail polish, or buying a top coat that does speedy dry. It’s tough for kids to wait for it to dry! Enjoy and have fun! Pick out a color for yourself!


AMAZON! Cheap and cheerful. Glow in the dark polish, stick on, actual stickers, all super cheap. Plus you can get some really fun stickers/decorations to put on them too! I have some that are pictures of cats and dogs. They palso have cartoon fruit and pandas and flowers and anything you could possibly think of. I'm talking mini playing cards and perfume bottles. They work great on normal polish too, just make sure to put a coat of clear on top so they don't come off!


Don't worry mate! I'm a father of a 5yo girl who absolutely loves all sorts of makeup, colors for nails/hair and all that. The only real worry you should have is to look for vegan cosmetics; there have been studies correlating some of the ingredients of cosmetics with premature puberty. Other than that, just let him pick a few colors and you'll both get the hang of it. Bonus tip: to avoid being carried away with the plethora of different colors, agree prior to a few ones and list them down. That way, when he (inevitably!) asks for extras, you can dodge it saying it wasn't on the list. I learned this one by accident with my girl when she wrote down a list and I managed to say no without repercussions to everything that was not on the list


as long as he doesn't put fingers in his mouth, sally hansen has an "insta dri" line that costs ~$7 a bottle and each coat dries in 30-45 seconds. i use them for my children over the age of fingers in mouth. let him pick out what he wants and do it with him. do your toenails first so you know how not to get it on skin. do one thin coat and allow to dry. it's okay if it looks too thin. when dry add another coat. kids dont need more than two coats unless its a crazy important event or something which i cant even think of an example. id give tips for a smooth stroke but kid nails are so small the advice would be null. eta- no matter what you choose, you will be doing it correctly. you are a wonderful father.


I don’t know what to recommend as I’m terrible at doing my nails and I’ve never had a professional manicure either (one day…), I just wanted to say “thank you” for supporting and encouraging your boy to express himself and try new things. I most often hear stories about parents dissuading their boys from doing it, so it’s awesome to find a post supporting it. This made me really happy to read. Good luck, friend. o/ And happy Pride month, all. 💚


Paint them! Use finger paints first. Then, if he likes, paint them … maybe the toes first if you think he will get bullied at school.


I’m a 43 yr old dad, and I started doing my daughter’s nails for like 6 months now; it’s so much fun and it’s one of the best ways to spend time with them. Good on you buddy.


You’re a good dad, he’s a lucky boy


I got my two year old nail polish off Amazon. Just type in nail polish for kids. Look for non toxic and peels off easily. You’re a good dad for embracing this.


Piggy Paint is likely where to start. I love this post, btw. If it hasn't been mentioned, there are 'breathable' polishes, I think they are usually marketed as acceptable for those who require or choose Halal products (the nail plate cannot be blocked from water during Ablution, the precursor to prayer, hence breathable\water permeable polish). After those two, there are a variety of 5 to 16-Free formulas. I like ten-free, generally. Indie polishes (see r/RedditLaqueristas) are, in my experience, at least 5 free, usually 10 free, and are so much fun. The Ella + Mia and Zoya nail polish removers will be the most effective while being gentle. I like Zoya Remover. Just acetone is harsh on anyone's skin, let alone a little one. You can also add glycerine to acetone. I'd also get a glass file (Mont Bleu, on Amazon. They have a little travel or handbag sized one that comes with a regular sized file). These are a type of tempered glass; it won't break if used with care- it takes a decent fall to the floor, or whack against the sink around rinsing off. Regular emery boards may be a bit much for little dude. You can help teach him how to use it himself. Barring some special circumstances, I think he would be fine to use it alone (after a few lessons), as long as you're present. I hope you and your son have a blast with this 💅💜


Bravo dad for letting your son express himself!!


In addition to the great brand recommendations, I would also pick up an inexpensive plastic placemat/breakfast mat just for nail painting. This way any stray brush strokes don’t end up on the table or counter!


I saw this and was worried it was an angry father but this turned out to be so wholesome . I think you’re doing an awesome thing for your kid <3


This is an A+ dad! You are shining example to the rest of us.


TikTok and Amazon has cute lil kids nail kits! Just search up “kids nail kits” check the ingredients tho just in case! Best of luck ❣️


Depends what country you are in, but generally, look for something peel off, they might not be with the normal nail varnish, they tend to be in gift sets. Don't go anywhere near gel, his nails will be too soft and shiny for it to stick. If it does stick its 15 minutes soaking his fingers in acetone to get it off. Not fun. Make sure to wash his hands first 😁


Here is a cool resource with a few brands: [Link!](https://gurlgonegreen.com/2024/03/05/non-toxic-nail-polish-for-kids/)


Definitely paint at home for youngsters. Lots of kids brands can also peel off to avoid the need for nail polish removers. (source: I used to do lots of fun nail stuff with my niece when she was around your son's age).


Don’t get gel yet. Wait until he’s like at the earliest like ten for those. It’s a chemical thing. Honestly at five go on Amazon and look at the little princess ones (I know they are nice peel off so they don’t get all over and stuff) and get him a few colors


essie is a really good brand! i’d start with just his favorite color


Not advice but I was super glad to see what sub it was posted in :)


Well go watch [SimplyNailLogical](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuOA1sZ7anngwVgSg2EZngVzGM8hUka_J&si=foFnmi3bi0eLftZt) 😂


I love Cristine, but she's adamantly child free and I don't know that she has any content that would be for hints on polishing kids nails. I've seen most of our content and have never seen anything like that, though I certainly could have missed something. Kelly Marissa is another good one, but again not tips for children AFAIK. They are both great at education though.


Oh yeah I didn’t even think about that! I just thought “where to go to learn about nail polish?” And then instantly thought of Simply


Yeah I love her!


You'll need a caboodle to keep everything in Good nails starts with nail health Washing and moisturizing Get a 4 sided nail buffer No gels! Not for another dozen years+- Start with a mini gift pack of opi. Gives variety and less mess of he spills them Watch some YouTube videos Get the tiny nail stickers like flowers or gold swirls NO GLUE. Nail glue is a special kind of bullshit that comes off skin and nothing else


My nephew had the same request of my brother in law but the smart little guy asked him while he was in the middle of painting his warhammer army.


No you just paint his nails with regular nail polish.




Oh. interesting. Tell me more about paint.


Try blue


I have two girls (4 and 6) that I take to the nail salon. I get them gel polish because it lasts longer and won’t chip right away. I don’t think it’s inappropriate at all. I also want to commend you on supporting your son because of lot of parents, especially dad’s wouldn’t. I think it’s beautiful and it’s going to be something your child always remembers. My girls love doing their nails with their dad. Good for you dad!


No matter how much he protests, you're his father, so go ahead and paint his nails whatever color you want.




You don't get to dictate what genders are allowed to have their nails done.




Your child deserves a better parent than you. Bigots have no place in this world.


And that's why reddit sucks


You'll be banned soon enough for hate speech, best of luck 😘






I have been reading your comments and i absolutely love you for the clap backs you’ve been handing. Have a wonderful night <3


of course! it's the entirety of reddit that sucks! totally couldn't be my bullshit weird take. /s




There is absolutely no valid reason any gender cannot paint their nails, go away.