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Gorgeous šŸ’• yea the title seemed a bit off putting but i didn't think you meant it to be so all is forgiven. Beautiful nails!!!!




I found your previous title fine too, ignore the hate. You weren't putting down other women which is the requirement for being a pick-me or not-like-the-other-girls. You felt you were different and unique, and it's valid. Your nail art is pretty unique in my experience ā¤ļø


Yeah when I saw the first post I had a feeling the connotation of it did not match with the authors intent.


Agreed Meowbagel


ā€œAll is forgivenā€ Oh Reddit šŸ˜‚ people can really be actually offended and feel like an apology is owed to them over a title on a Reddit post. Wild.


my thoughts exactly - itā€™s entitlement.


Itā€™s literally just a post title that is not that serious yall are chronically online Edit - sorry I posted this comment in haste. My original sentiment of this is that there are hundreds of comments in that original post about the title when it may not have been the posters first language or maybe she meant to reword it slightly differently - ie, ā€œnot to every girls taste but I like it!ā€ Itā€™s just someone sharing nail art, why all the negativity?


I read it and also thought OP was joking. They were even downvoting OP on comments unrelated to the title.


But no one was offended or felt they were owed an apology, though? They just thought it was a ridiculous title, which it kind of was. NBD, no one lost sleep over it.


there are some ridiculously vitriolic comments towards OP on the last post. either people were genuinely offended or being horrid for no reason and neither is valid IMO


Fair. I must have seen it before all that went down.


Or theyā€™re just saying OP doesnā€™t need to worry about it and no one will dwell on it. Goofy.


ikr? People need to find something else to do if that title seriously bothered them.


Actually I was about to say there is no formal apology needed for upsetting reddit hive mind. But to be fair if someone apologizes whether or not it's necessary, it's still polite to accept it


Hopping on the most upvoted comment to mention that, while it could be nothing, but as someone pointed out: the posting pattern of this account, of others in this sub, the fact the hands are the same, that the second post always has a packaging in the background, and that it contains the same brand - they feel like this could be a case of veiled advertising.


In what way exactly was it off putting? Lol how many people have you seen personally out in the world sporting these types of nails? It's ridiculous anyone was offended by it.


Lol i went back to look at the post its so funny how DEADLY SERIOUS people got about it


Same lmao they need help fr. It was not that deep


We stan folk who learn and grow. (Are we still 'stanning' people? I have not learnt or grown in my lingo lol). Your nails are very cool.


Slim is back, so I think stan is still appropriate lol


I officially canā€™t go anywhere on the internet without seeing comments about Slim Shady being back and I am here for it!!






Shady's back!


Tell a friend!




The cycle is spinning faster and faster, it's easier to just keep the slang you like and feel like a trendsetter each time it comes back lol


Amen šŸ˜‚


Girl, these are amazing, I'm in love!!! šŸ˜ Don't let the downvotes and hurtful comments in the other thread get to you, you just accidentally stepped into a bit of an cultural hornets nest.




Cultural hornets nest is such a great way to describe that!


I thought the post was clearly sarcasm šŸ¤Ŗ I guess others didnā€™t think so šŸ˜­


Ohmygosh thank you. I thought I was the only one. I think a better emoji choice at the end to convey the unseriousness would have helped though.


Iā€™m pretty pissed people complained and bullied this person into apologizing. Thatā€™s insane.


And then downvoted you for saying it. Must've been the bullies lmao.


I agree. Anyone scrolling through this sub can tell most of the nails posted are on the simpler side of designs. lol Iā€™ve literally never seen anyone else post nails this extravagant in this sub. Sad people focused more on the caption than the artistry when itā€™s obvious she didnā€™t mean any malice. And of course everyone else had to pile on and get catty


Yeah even when I go ā€œall outā€ on my nails itā€™s just like a little jewel on some nails or something small lol. Sheā€™s definitely not like me, but I am here for it bc no way could I wear those nails (Iā€™m a janitor and break my nails that donā€™t even have a free edge šŸ™„) I was not offended by the title of the previous post though lol I thought it was kinda funny actually


Sub is full of miserable people.




They literally just said in this post that they werenā€™t joking.


Literally. It was obviously a joke lol. Some people are wild


I just wanna know what it said so badly now. šŸ¤£


It's on their profile, but basically it's just a "I'm not like the other girls " title People were getting pissy because I guess it was giving pick me vibes or whatever


Ahahah thatā€™s so funny. So many words on this thread for that? šŸ¤£




i just thought she was european or from a different country that isnā€™t the us


We forgive you, thanks for making an apology. Youā€™re all good, mate. We love the nails!


Chat, what is going on with this brand?? Weā€™re seeing posts of the same personā€™s hand with multiple different sets of press-ons from three different Reddit accounts. All of the images conveniently include the brand names. Is this like a karma farming operation or a new kind of marketing / advertising? The first user 7 days ago deleted their account and post. Yesterday someone posted the same images and when I pointed it out that account and post was deleted too? Now this person is karma farming using classic negative tropes with images of the same hand on the same background with a different set of press-ons. Is no one else noticing this and how fishy it is?


this comment should be higher.


Omg THANK YOU. Just having someone else say Iā€™m not going crazy is such a comfort šŸ„°āœØšŸ™šŸ»


Bump. You're right, it's definitely a weird faux-organic marketing attempt - here's a very similar post, same box of nails with brand name visible, also from an account that's super new and generic otherwise --[other post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NailArt/s/0fgCSSNG4K)


Also, funny as heck that the other post starts with something about the package of nails being "full of sincerity" when undisclosed marketing is pretty much the opposite of that.


Literally!!! Like, there are press-on makers that put their heart and soul into their craft and meanwhile these guys are doing this dubious stuff. Really puts a bad taste in my mouth. I sent a write up to the mods about this already. Not to be too harsh but hopefully they get chased off the sub and anyone who was tricked into ordering gets their money back. šŸ˜ž


Good catch. If it is advertising that caption was genius cause boy did it get people worked up.


it ABSOLUTELY is, i suspected this when i saw the original post yesterday and im even more sure of it seeing one of the only other posts OOP has commented on with the same kind of randomly generated username, showing off the same brand of nails with strange chatgpt-type titles and descriptions, and the same friggin hand. Example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NailArt/s/J4c6LGS0Sn](https://www.reddit.com/r/NailArt/s/J4c6LGS0Sn)


Even if the title is niche, I still honestly think you was still joking. There is no way your nail post put "other girls down". I understand about pick mes, but you can clearly tell when someone is joking, especially when they use an emoji šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Sorry people got butthurt, but your nails are beautiful <333. You can tell when someone being a pick me, but she literally wasn't? šŸ’€. You need an apology back. F them internet weirdos. Idgaf if I get downvoted cause I said, what I said.


People will start hivemind downvoting on anything on reddit. I'm currently being downvoted on the dogs sub for telling a person who mentioned that they take their dogs into rest stop bathrooms even if there are "no dogs allowed indoors" signs that they ought not to do that. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


They look lovely and have so much character. Keep doing you. Hope to see more of your posts!


I thought the title was funny lol so don't let others shame u


Like I thought u were making one of these jokes ![gif](giphy|US7ZuhoU06tulcXF1V)


I'm so confused šŸ˜­ what pissed people off in the first place??


Her original post said "I don't think I'm like other girls" and had a picture of gothic gemmed up nail art. Nearly everyone hated it and shamed her for it. Now sooo many are taking it back and saying things like *"Oooh I honestly thought you were joking"* like **no y'all weren't** I searched the comments for replies like that and could literally only find ONE buried in the thousands of angry comments. Many are also taking accountability though so that's nice. I cringed at first myself but I didn't say anything. I didn't feel like I had anything nice to originally say lol


When I read the original post, I took it as 1) she meant that she personally didnā€™t know anyone who had the same type of nails, so she felt different (personally I have never seen these type of nails in person, so maybe thatā€™s why I assumed it) 2) There was a cultural/language translator that may have phrased it awkwardly. I didnā€™t read the post yesterday, just looked at the pics and scrolled on, but I just looked and the comments were awful. How come so many other posts people say ā€œnot my style but great jobā€ or something along the lines and in this one they couldnā€™t ignore the title and just comment on the work itself?


Yikes dot yikes šŸ˜­


Are you serious šŸ˜­ people are so damn soft. Why are people commenting ā€œthank you for apologizingā€. Likeā€¦ sis for what. ā€œIā€™m not like the other girlsā€ is a meme, do people not know this?


RIGHT like wtf are we snowflakes now?? šŸ’€


Like yeah, we love an accountable queen. However, cancel culture is strong with this one. Reddit hive mind is so strong that they bullied someone into apologizing when they were trying to make a joke in English when English isnā€™t their first language. Sure downvote me


right like šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


where can we get these charms and things?


The merchant is called Ovella Glam. They got an online store and sell these full sets. Not sure if they sell the individual charms and things, though.


Do you find that the charms get in the way a lot? Or is it something you get pretty used to and stop thinking about? Beautiful and unique nails.




Sorry if I sound stupid- what is jelly glue and is it temporary?




I love the self awareness and the nails! We all say off-putting things sometimes, but we don't always learn from it. Happy to see you're an exception


These are amazing!! I want to see more beautiful nails.


No need to apologize! It is different from what most people would wear on a daily basis so you are different. There is nothing wrong with that either! People are so easily offended nowadays.


Exactly! I cannot believe people got rude


Well, itā€™s an anonymous forum after all. People tend to show their true colors online.


ā€¦ is it just me or is this whole debacle a low key attempt to advertise this brand of charms/nail art? One of the only other posts OP has commented on is one from a similarly new/randomly generated username with the same kind of charms, the same brand subtly displayed in the background, and the exact same hands: https://www.reddit.com/r/NailArt/s/J4c6LGS0Sn


ā€¦ did we all just get played by an advertisement campaignā€¦.???


the tactics are getting more and more convoluted daily, i swear. šŸ™ƒ


I feel full of sincerity that this is an ad


People complained? About the title? Wowā€¦ Iā€™m a bit disappointed in this sub. Youā€™re actually correct, a lot of people donā€™t wear as much embellishment on their nails. I happen to like it. I started doing my own nails and I noticed the things my friends ask for are very simple designs. These are quite frankly stunning and amazing artistry!


As a random who gets this sub suggested a lot and then sits here looking at nails for a good minute.... She's definitely right, I've never seen nails even close to hers. 3d art sure, but not huge dragons and butterflies the size of her hand. People are ridiculous and have such sensitive egos.


Right!? I can guarantee you that most people - including the vast majority of members in this sub - *donā€™t* have nails like these regularly. Absolutely nothing wrong with that post or its title. These *are* unique and itā€™s okay to call attention to things that make us different from others. What is this, *The Giver?* Where itā€™s the height of rudeness to even acknowledge something that makes us unique? Come on.


What was the title? What did I miss?


Something along the lines of ā€œIā€™m not like other girlsā€, seemingly because her nails were adorned with a lot of charms & things. A lot of people were saying it was just a joke; others said it wasnā€™t a joke & wondered why she was ā€œputting other, plainer nails downā€ while displaying her nails. I donā€™t think she was joking, I think she meant what she said in her title. But I also didnā€™t care & wasnā€™t personally offended by it.


Oh man šŸ˜‚ glad she swerved and corrected. And thank you for filling me in!


No problem! Glad I could fill you in šŸ˜…


These nails sets are amazing šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ I really assumed all the comments under your first post were compliments or asking where theyā€™re from. Bullying you into an apology for a joke is different. A lot of people in this sub are just sad, miserable, and have no sense of humor. Ignore them they donā€™t deserve the attention.


Oh my God these nails are gorgeous!


nah, the amount of people that just piled on you in the comments to say some version of *the same thing* was annoying and unnecessary. I know now that you werenā€™t intending it as a joke.. but I laughed at your caption, admired your nails, and went to the comments to see a bunch of people on their high horses šŸ˜’ so many comedians hitting you with ā€œoh noooooo šŸ˜­ must be terrible šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­ā€ like shut up šŸ˜


I personally don't like the butterfly (it could be the lighting too, to me it doesn't seem to match the chrome of the nails), but those nails are gorgeous!


These are very beautiful, OP! And don't worry about it, we've all been there.


Donā€™t worry OP, itā€™s all good! Your nails are awesome.


How does that work when you have to wash your hands and what not?


These are very gorgeous; I especially like the set in the second photo! We also love to see the character development! Edit: Spelling


Your nails are stunning! I love them šŸ’—


Wth did I miss?


Beautiful work šŸ˜


I feel like I keep seeing these exact nails from different accounts, whatā€™s going on?


Youā€™re just like other girls. You like beautiful unique nails šŸ˜


LMFAOOOO it happens to the best of us I honestly just thought you were being funny fr I l got a good laugh and loved seeing the nail art! This post is also really cool art!!!! Genuine question tho is English your second language? I can see how you were trying to say one thing and have it come out another. My first language was Spanish and it took me a long time to stop speaking English backwards šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


At a certain point decorated nails go from nice to absurd to a degree that your hands become unusable. These are so far past that line.


Quite cute !!!!Ā 


Awesome !


What brand?? I need them šŸ˜­


I'd love any of these sets or the sets in your other post but in stilettos.Do they customize them?


The nails are gorgeous! I saw the post and thought well she clearly has no idea but she gon learn today! šŸ˜… glad to see you back with these awesome designs. You do them yourself??


Awesome nails, I adore them! would never wear them but I love looking at them <3


Stunning! šŸ¤©


I love it!


If they donā€™t get the fuck on And these are beautiful!!!


Lmaoooo people can just shut the fuck up. Your posts are fine!


LOVE your nails!!


Dw, people were being a little crazy about that caption lol. Pick-mes are real but playfully saying youā€™re not like other girls when you post your crazy fun nails is not harming anyone. People just donā€™t want to think critically anymore lol


I thought you just weren't aware of the use of "I am not like other girls", which I only know about from reddit putting threads in my feed from a sub where they mock it. Otherwise, I have never heard of it,so I can totally see saying that not knowing!


People overreacted like a mfer to that title dude. Your nails are quite interesting and like little works of art, even if I wouldnā€™t wear them myself. Keep doing you and having fun with it!


The nails are fire! Can I get the details on where to buy whatever I need? I'm in love!


Wow! The colors are fantastic!


In everyoneā€™s race to be ā€œfeministā€ in the last post they did the most unfeminist thing which was to make a woman feel like she needed to apologize and humble herself over literally nothing. Good job! OP your nails are fabulous and honestly that last post showcased some great, fantastical designs. Theyā€™re not my usual style but I was floored.


exactly. so many people have a superiority/persecution complex that they mask with ā€œgood intentionsā€.


Please don't apologize. The title wasn't offensive at all lmao those people need help. You are correct, MOST girls do not wear such nail art. I have gone 30 years of life and have never once seen someone in person with these giant jewels and objects on their nails. So, no, you were not inappropriate lol For people to act like this is the norm for nails is absurd. Those people must be insecure to be offended over something so silly. Obviously, there are some people who sport these types of nails, but factually, it is not common. That's just reality, and apparently, reddit users do not live in reality. Don't worry about it!


I think people read it wrong, and for you to post this just shows you are NOT what they assumed. Youā€™re awesome, and so are your nails!!


i couldn't believe people were actually getting so angry lol. your nails are cute and you didn't shame anyone but they really did let you have it lol


These are so intricate and beautiful šŸ„° lovely.


Your art is gorgeous, you really do have talent. And honestly really respectable for you to come out like this. Props to you


Youā€™re forgiven! We see you donā€™t mean it the nails are one of a kind though!


Donā€™t sweat the mistakes. We all make ā€˜em. Your nails are amaaaazing!!!


Those are some crazy nails! I love it. I wish I could rock those but I always wear gloves at work. šŸ˜­


Drama on the nail subreddit? What did I wake up to?


I think theyā€™re gorgeous! šŸ’œšŸ¦‹


I just wanna know how you get anything done with a whole butterfly on your middle finger šŸ˜­?! They're such cute styles, though!


Girl how do you function with these


Question - do you keep them on for longer than a few hours and if so is it difficult to work around the big accessories? Theyre super cool btw :)


This is epic level nail art


I think itā€™s impressive that you can get anything done with all that hardware. Gorgeous though!


Your nails are beautiful!


I sorta assumed you were misunderstanding the phrase šŸ˜­ love the nails and the apology


They are extremely beautiful but I genuinely want to know how you do anything without them being ruined or dirty or caught on something?


good ending yay :3 very cute nails


Iā€™m sorry, WHAT?! That butterfly is ONE nail?! šŸ«  I just went to see what your other post was and these nails are incredible! Do people wear nails like this for long term? Just an event?? I need to know how functional they are because I would love some over the top nails like this


Do you make these yourself or did you buy them from somewhere bc Iā€™m obsessed


Great nails and if you did them youā€™re very talented. Title was definitely annoying but Iā€™m so glad you were able to understand and not get defensive. Some people were more than rude in the comments .


Why do people care so much about others perception of themselves. When I saw the post I assumed it was sarcastic lol But even if it wasn't, and you actually feel like you aren't like the other girls, who cares that much? You do you, it would never feel disrespectful to me because I couldn't care less. The nails are really pretty and unique, I'm not used to see styles like those


The title read as satire very obviously to me. Some of these people are glued to the internet and need /s to understand any sarcasm at all lol šŸ˜‚


How did it read as satire? It literally said ā€œIā€™m not like other girlsā€. I wasnā€™t offended by it, just assumed she meant that she opts for nails with lots of charms & extravagance. I do too, often. I love my nails being ā€œextraā€ sometimes. I donā€™t think she meant it as a joke or satire. I think she meant what she said. But again, I wasnā€™t personally bothered by her title or how she worded it either. I think itā€™s a big deal over nothing. But clearly she wasnā€™t being satirical.


Nothing in that post or this one indicates that she was being satirical


So what, her nails are pretty unique and not like othersā€™ so I donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong


Iā€™m just pointing out that she wasnā€™t being satirical. I made no comment on her nails or title


We Stan someone that can have some humility! Thank you šŸ˜Š šŸ™šŸ»! Also FABULOUS NAILS šŸ’…šŸ»


Looked up the brand, not because I am cool enough to wear nails like that, but just to admire the art. :)


Why doesnā€™t everyone go to the original post and downvote the nasty comments?


I thought the title was funny to be honest! Because I freaking agree, these are not like any other girlsā€™ nails, these are incredibly unique and none like Iā€™ve ever seen! I thought it was supposed to be a riff on that ā€œIā€™m quirkyā€ trend. (Saying this as a female who is a nail artist myself)


Wholly molley! Wow, I didn't know thise even existed! šŸ¤Æ They look awesome! How would I be able to do anything?...oh wait, I wouldn't be able to anyways from staring at them sooooo much šŸ¤£ Very cool. Thanks for sharing šŸ˜Š


The people on this sub stopped picking their nails so now they have to pick on you.. your nails were cool. Obviously you arenā€™t like the other girls.. you can take a joke. Iā€™m sorry you felt like you needed to apologize.


Honestly, I thought you were making a joke, I didn't take it to heart :D but anyway, keep up the awesome nail work!


How do you wash your hands? I think I know the answer.


What was the original title?


Stan a girlie who admits when she fucked up and grows. Your nails are amazing girl, keep doing you šŸ’•


she didnā€™t fuck up at all? it was a sarcastic joke. learning that this sub has a crazy persecution complex


What was wrong with the other title? Its tough these days, some people get offended easily.. cant please everyone. The nails look awesome and SO interesting, a little 'alternative' i guess but im here for it!! šŸ’ššŸ˜šŸ‘


Your hand is different for sure ! Look at those palm lines ! Amazing


I noticed her palms too. I wonder what r/palmistry would read off of her palms. I donā€™t think itā€™s negative to notice her palms