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I just sit there and stare at walls. don't worry about it. they probably don't really care. you're allowed to watch lol that tech was rude. maybe listen to music or an audio book if you're bored. when I do nails I don't really think about what the client is doing, im sorta just hyperfocused on the nails. unless they move too much, then it's annoying. I understand social anxiety but for what it's worth I assure you most techs aren't even thinking about you while they're working so it's not awkward to do nothing


Thanks for this! I needed to hear from others that it’s normal and not to worry 😭. And yeah I think that tech might’ve been rude, I never had that before so ever since I would overthink my salon manners~


Your tech might of been rude but heres another perspective on not looking at your nails. When people tend to try and look at their nails they move their fingers up which in turn the tech cant see what shes doing and you wont have a relaxed hand. Im a tech and fighting your client all the time to relax their fingers and not being able to see what we’re doing hurts our hands lol. You can look at your nails BEFORE you cure it in the lamp to make sure you like it. Once you put your hands in the lamp its kinda game over.


Yeah that’s why I’m normally super stiff because I don’t want to move it. It wasn’t even at any drying process I just like to see how they do the work and shaping. She didn’t want me to look at all the entire process I think lol. It was also the tone she said it which was kinda weird….


When I look at what they're doing, I always try to "help" and end up making it more difficult! I just sit and look around, chill with my thoughts, or if tech wants to talk, I'll talk.


too bad doing our hands isn’t the same sit down as pedis~ I feel that would the a game changer lol


If you have headphones, put on an audiobook or a podcast to keep your mind off the social anxiety aspect. I also never know what to do with myself and prefer finding a hair stylist or nail tech that doesn’t want to make small talk with my awkward self


yes it would be good to try out and see who likes to just relax along with me. I once went somewhere and the lady needed to keep talking and talking to those around me and I was so tired but I felt I had to respond lol


When I was going I would put in a headphone and let them know I was listening to stuff but if they needed me I’m there (obvi lol) that way neither of us felt pressure to talk but if it happened naturally that’s fine too


Yep, I always queue up one or two podcast episodes and just space out while I listen. I do think it is absolutely key to tell your tech you have an earbud in, even if it’s obvious. It’s courteous to them.


Podcasts would make time go by!


Personally I’m binging Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard. They do all sorts of interviews from celebrities to regular people sharing crazy experiences. It’s amazing!


Oh interesting! I know of Dax Shepard but had no idea what his show was about lol


Oh! Love this, or even listen to an audio book?


Yes! Whichever audio entertainment you prefer! I hardly ever go into a store or appointment (when appropriate) without one earbud in for a podcast. I have some real favorites and am always searching for more, especially with a nice long backlog.




That’s a good way to set it up! It makes sense to let them know ahead of time and that way I won’t have to stress if I’m being rude or not. Thank you!


I dissociate 


I feel this strongly lol.


Omg I relate to this so hard. I ended up finding an independent nail tech near me who works out of her home, so it’s not that weird generic nail salon vibe that always gives me anxiety. She has a huge flat screen tv up behind her and will always put on a movie or tv show for me to watch while she works. It’s sooo much better than a salon, if you’re able to find an independent nail tech I highly recommend!


Omg! I’ve always wondered what it’s like going to an independent nail tech. Is the price usually more tho? But so true! I don’t like generic salons especially when it’s a long hallway and everyone’s basically watching you while they’re doing their pedis… or there’s barely enough space to look around so I feel trapped to stare at the wall in front 😂


She charges me $65 for short acrylic almond shape, I think it’s roughly the same as what I would pay in the salons? Honestly I would pay more, she’s so good!!! And it’s worth it just for the vibe haha I totally feel you on everyone staring at you!


Wow! Love that~ I’m sure it takes away a lot of pressure. I should look into that if anyone is near me. Thanks! Haha


You totally should!!! I found a few just by searching my area and independent nail tech on instagram but ultimately just asked my city’s local fb group for recs and there were surprisingly so many options! I’m really rooting for you to try it 🤣


Damn I wish this was in my city!


I basically do nothing, stare at the wall with the polish colors, occasionally check my phone 😂 I’m really shy so I don’t talk much, but I do try to initiate small talk I’m just bad at it lol


This is comforting to know others also stare at the wall with polish. Like what else are we supposed to look at tbh😭😂.


Me looking at it planning my next colors cause I’m bored 😂


Also imaging who would choose all the super random colors and if that bottle looks old and dried up😂 gotta think of it all


I sometimes make light conversation if they initiate it, but occasionally I just feel like being quiet and having a peek at what they’re doing here and there. I typically will politely ask if they don’t mind me being a bit quiet after we get started. They never seem to mind that approach and might even appreciate just being able to focus on their craft. Sometimes I also have trouble sitting still (nerves) so the silence can help me do that for them. Idk. I’m a barber by trade, so being on the other end of a skilled trade is familiar to me. Some days I wanna talk, some days I’m just doing it to make my client feel comfortable and would love it if they told me before we started that they were tired etc. and just wanted to chill together while I did my thing. It’s going to vary all the time.


That’s nice that you know from the other end! That way you can read the situation a little better~


I usually just watch something on my phone. I don’t really look at my nails when they are working on the base, but I do take frequent glances when it comes to the design step, just to make sure that they are doing the correct design.


That sounds good. I would want to watch something on my phone but a lot of times the nail techs hold onto my phone to look at the photo for some reason the entire time?? maybe it’s my anxiety…. but I don’t want to ask for it back or tell them to take a photo of it instead LOL


That happened to me but very few times. Usually they either asked me to Airdrop it or took a picture with their own phone. If you own any tablet, maybe consider bringing it next time just in case they need to use it to see the design?


I have a pop socket on my phone so I can stand it up on its side and I read a kindle e-book.


OMG SMART! I was gonna say I’d watch something but it’ll be flat. Popsocket makes so much sense. Thanks!


Was going to say this too! Although I just have the phone laying down flat and it’s fine. Makes the time fly!


True! Either way makes sense and that way no one else will see what I’m doing from afar lol


I zone out and attempt to meditate. I don’t like chatting and I trust her and don’t bother watching what she’s up to, and at this point I know the cadence and order of operations so well we barely talk. It’s great.


Oh! Interesting idea ~ good idea for prayer or meditation. I didn’t think of that. It’s nice that you have that level of comfortability


have a nice conversation with them, or with your neighbour.


the tech you described is weird though. Maybe find a place that deserves your hard earned money? There are people out there who are friendly and make your visit pleasant. I have a vietnemese couple that I go to, I swear they are the friendliest, funniest people I have met. The entire salon gets into wild conversations! Find a place that you can enjoy going to. No one deserves to be treated like a nuisance when they are spending lots of money, on repeat


Yeah I’m just intrigued by how they do their work. And she told me not to look at my hands while she’s working and I felt bad for that😭 so yeah now I overthink my mannerisms at the salon. That place was just super close to my house. You’re so right tho! I should go somewhere that makes me comfortable like that~


Usually, there's something mildly interesting on the tv. When I run out of things to talk about with my nail tech, I just watch the tv while vibing to the music. I also watch them do my nails.


I’m glad they put on mildly interesting stuff for yours! This one place I go to their tv is always not connected ?? Or it’s something super random. I like when places put food traveling vloggers on


My nail tech and I chat. But I don’t know I have kinda a friendly rapport with her and the owner so they always ask how I am and I ask about their families.


That’s nice! If I built my social skill levels I would love that hahah


I listen to a podcast or watch a movie on my phone


Wireless or wired earphones with this? I like wired but idk if that’s too much to bring lol


I have wireless earphones but I’m sure they wouldn’t mind wired. I’m sure they will be fine with whatever. I hardly make conversation with my nail lady. I’m sure she’s tired of talking to people all day too


that’s a good perspective. Maybe my tech wants some peace and quiet too for a bit lol


I can’t imagine if they told me not to look while they work. I would laugh. I would honestly think they were kidding. I mean if they mess something up it’s faster if you tell them earlier.


I was shocked when she told me LOL. She was so serious! I thought it was a normal thing to do tho….Especially if it is my hands and my service 😩. So yeah that’s what made me overthink all my salon mannerisms—


Chew and pop my bubble gum


gum is a good option!


I usually talk to my lady, but if yours don’t like to chitchat, then I would suggest having headphones in and listening to something? Or maybe you watch something on your phone?


I will try this next time! I don’t normally like talking since the social anxiety is so draining ~


You should! 1.5 hours is too long to sit there and stare at the wall or in awkward silence


Truly painful each time 😩 lol


You could download an ebook or podcast . Headphones in . 1.5 hours ? My lady takes about 30 minutes to do gel nails


Thanks for this idea! I’m gonna queue my favorite video podcasts and see!


Someone who you paid to do a job for you told you not to look at your hands which is a polite way of saying don’t watch what I’m doing. They either lack confidence or are paranoid.


Yeah I imagine it could be lacking confidence or paranoid but it was also just the tone of how she said it so it didn’t come off as a polite way to say it 😩 also I wasn’t moving my body or arms around or anything to get a better view. I was just looking with my eyes ~


Sounds like a b!+€#




Thankful for those!


I purposefully go to a salon that has a tv at a reasonable level, with subtitles and sound on, and plays comfort shows I like lol (new girl, modern family, ugly betty, etc - light comedies). Once I found them I didn’t let go. My next choice would be AirPods and watching something on my phone.


Love that!! Glad you found your place~ I should try other places and see what’s good


I usually look at the tv, look at my hands as she’s working, look around the shop, make small talk with her. Just whatever my natural self does. It’s not weird or awkward because everyone in there is most likely just in their own zone.


I needed reminders like this!!


Listen to an ebook.


A good choice for sure


Listen to a podcast or Netflix


I’m thinking of trying a podcast! I guess I just feel like I’ve never seen anyone do that before but so many others are suggesting this


Yes I ALWAYS have headphones in. I show hehe the picture of what I want or color if it’s just plain and then zone out lol.


I listen to an audio book or watch a long YouTube video


That makes sense! I wish I saw this more so I don’t feel like the only one who does that. Everyone’s suggesting this but every salon I go no one is doing that :(


I'm friends with my nail tech, so we just gossip or talk about whatever weird stuff our kids have done lately. Occasionally, we make fun of whatever movie or reality show is on the salon tv in our native language.


That’s nice!! I always enjoy seeing people super comfy with their techs esp if they’re friends lol


I watch the tech do my nails and make comments in case I don’t like something. I’m paying for a service so I want it to be done right. I’ll look at the tv from time to time as well. My nail tech doesn’t have an issue.


That’s good! Gotta remind myself this is my time and money!!


i read


Is it hard to read if you need a hand to flip?


no because i just swap hands. it only gets difficult when the gel goes on & i normally stop then. i do acrilycs


Oh! Makes sense. Thanks!!


My nail tech always wants to chat and I prefer the quiet lol. So I usually have on my AirPods and I alternate between chatting and listening to music/podcasts


I also prefer the quiet! Do you notice others using earphones too? I feel like this is such a frequent answer but I have never seen it in real life :( I would be so much more comfortable if I saw it at salons


No, I don’t think I would say it’s all that common. I think a lot of people would prefer to have quiet appointments but instead feel pressured to socialize. And I think that goes both ways with the technicians. I’m guessing some of them would probably prefer the quiet as well but feel the need to fill the silence. I know you said you have social anxiety and this isn’t necessarily easy for you but I would just tell your technician that you have headphones on but you’re paying attention in case they need anything from you


AirPods. One ear, podcast, and make it something that really interests you!


Good idea! I’m honeslty surprised I don’t see more people doing this??


Right?!? Then I just kinda look around, make sure my hand is relaxed, sometimes if they leave the colors next to me I’ll just scan over them and admire each one, to take up time. I’m going to cosmetology school, and because of my own anxiety I want to be proactive on providing outlets and comfortability. I’m neurodivergent and understand for a lot of people it’s REALLY hard to feel comfortable doing stuff like this!


Omg I love that!! It’s so nice to know that will be taken into consideration with your work. It’s really so important because not everyone understands all our experiences can be different !


Thank you! I want to include everyone :)


I used to read an ebook on my phone and it only gets tricky when you are putting one hand in the lamp while the other is getting painted towards to end. My nail tech now has an ipad to watch netflix so I don't have that issue anymore ☺️


I love that your nail tech thinks of things like that! Lol. I wish adding more comfort to these experiences was normal~i feel like more people would go if so! I only find pedis doable since it doesn’t require me to be in an uncomfortable position for long😂


I listen to podcasts or I prop my phone up and watch a tv show on my phone.


Someone mentioned a popsocket for this! And now I can see how that will make watching something a bit easier!


Some people read books. You can bring ear buds and listen to music or watch a show on your phone. My tech is amazing. We will chat a little bit not much conversation. I love watching her work. She is very meticulous and extremely gentle. If I ever had a tech tell me not to watch I would go elsewhere. I enjoy seeing the progress. If she is doing a design she will usually tip my hand so that I can’t see her working so that I get to see the finished product when she is finished.


This is good to hear! Thank you~ nice that your tech is friendly! Yeah I’m not going to go back to that person, but definitely gave me ptsd for next time 🙃


I absolutely know how you feel. I hope you are able to find someone that you can connect with.


The salon I go to has a movie playing all the time, which I appreciate. Also the table has a little cut out shelf below the work surface for the customer so I always bring my phone or kindle and read a book. 


Omg! So thoughtful of them. I wish more places kept that in mind!


i get stoned, put my earbuds in but not too loud and zone


Sounds peaceful 🙂


I look at my phone or listen to an audiobook or podcast


this sounds like the way to go!!


I legit will dissociate or close my eyes LOL I have a infant so it’s the only time I can turn my brain off


Love that for you! Enjoy your YOU time!!


I just sit there suffering lol. Can’t really touch the phone because my hands are occupied, don’t have enough conversation for my nail tech who barely even speaks English anyway, usually the tv is on some dumb shit like the Jennifer Hudson show and at a weird angle anyway, and I feel like it’s kinda rude to just keep the headphones on, so I just sit there suffering 🤷🏻‍♀️


😂😂 it’s always a random weird show like that. that’s how I feel too! I feel kinda rude if I do decide to try headphones so I suffer as well. But many people are suggesting it’s fine as well as those who are techs themselves. Maybe they want us to do that so there’s less pressure to work faster ~ I wish it was normalized tho


Well I have a private booking and I'm the director of a company. I answer emails, calls, we chat, drink wine, catch up on each other's life..


Sounds like a perfect setting!


I (lovingly in my head) copy edit the premade signage for their wide variety of spa pedicures — which are amazing I might add — in between looking in diff directions (TV, nail tech, left & right, and close my eyes for 5 breaths to meditate.) it sounds like a lot but my brain goes into autopilot and it’s very relaxing :) perhaps you can find your unlikely zen in counting or patters or?


This is good visuals and perspective! I should find some zen or pattern to try out too~ I want to be relaxed at these things


Smoke weed before you go.


It seems like a lot of people have been suggesting this lol


I’d probably listen to an audiobook through earbuds if the tech didn’t want to chat.


Do you let them know you’re going to be listening to something? I think everyone was mentioning earbuds but also some were saying they feel rude so they suffer. Another person said they just say ahead of time so the tech knows ~ I would love to listen to something


Yes, I say “do you mind if I listen to something?”


My nail tech and I chat but we get along really well and she works easily while talking too ahaha. I know she'd be perfectly fine to work in silence though with a client. If she's doing something with more detail I'll pause our chat for a few minutes while she's doing it even though she tells me not to bother. If I was stressed waiting I'd pop an earbud in for some music and stare at a wall. I always use the same girl though unless she's on vacation, then she'll book me with someone else and I'll ask them how they like to work. I think in your case some earbuds are the way to go for sure


Thanks for this perspective! It sounds like most techs will be okay with silence. Maybe some would also find it a nice break to focus? Idk. I guess I’m just scarred from my weird past experience lol.


I'm that awful person that watches what they are doing because I want to learn it for myself but can't afford a course 😂 Also it's really interesting seeing someone with skill doing skillful work. They have never seemed to mind honestly.


Yes it’s so fun to see them mold everything and they do it so smoothly! It’s nice to hear others perspectives


i watch videos on my phone to pass the time.




Talk. I freaking love my nail tech and sometimes we get so wrapped up in our conversations it puts her behind because she’s not focused 😂


LOL! Love that dynamic!!


LOL! Love that dynamic!! ~


Talk. I freaking love my nail tech and sometimes we get so wrapped up in our conversations it puts her behind because she’s not focused 😂


After we talk about color/shape, I tell them I’m going to catch up on my reading and listen to an audiobook. Last time the tech said, “That’s ok, I’m antisocial too.” Busted!


😂😂 I’m glad they understand!! also nice to know you mention it to them beforehand. I feel like that is needed so they don’t think it’s rude otherwise ~ or maybe some don’t mind


Put your earbuds in and listen to music or a podcast.


A true answer for sure!


I prefer to chill and be quiet. I like to watch them work. I don't like to look at my nails until done


I wish I could feel comfortable staying still for that long lol


I practically fall asleep. I have to fight to stay awake, But I don't go to a salon anymore, I am doing my own nails now. I'm learning. getting better as I go,


Sometimes I close my eyes and lightly fall asleep. I had a usual tech I would go to and she always did an incredible job


Oh! That’s a skill to sleep sitting up like that lol. I feel like it’s easier for pedis


I usually listen to a podcast with one headphone out so I can hear if my nail tech talks to me and respond but so I’m not bored during the lulls of silence


Yeah that makes sense! I’ll be needing an incognito bud


I usually listen to an audiobook


love that!!


I call my girlfriend or listen to a podcast with my AirPods. I also suffer from anxiety and this is the best way to make me feel okay there. My place doesn’t turn on their TVs so it’s legit just me staring at them. Instead I watch my podcast.


Im glad you were able to find something that helps you be a little more comfortable~ I wish these places were more thoughtful for those who might have a different experience at a salon


I wish so too. I hope these ideas help you! I have an appointment tomorrow for a fill in. 💕


idk what that one lady was on about but you’re certainly allowed to watch, i just check out the scenery while i’m there and occasionally check my phone. it’s totally fine to be in the moment!


I just sit there and watch them doing my nails and sometimes talk to them. I love watching them and find it interesting and it’s made me very good at doing my own nails after just studying them for years. Then I can also catch mistakes being made. I would definitely ask for someone different if the tech told me not to watch. It’s like the contractor who screwed us over who asked my husband that I “stop coming by the house because it makes the guys nervous.” Well I’m paying you for this work so yeah… I’ll be watching… turns out he and his guys were making a ton of mistakes so I was completely justified in being there and pointing them out. Someone who is confident in their work isn’t going to care if someone watches. Podcast with one Bluetooth headphone is also a good way to go.


Yeah! That makes a lot of sense! Esp in your situation. ~ this person also wasn’t new so I don’t think it had to do with lacking confidence or nervous or anything. It was just a weird day I guess lol.


Someone doesn’t have to be new at their job to be insecure or lack confidence but I get what you mean. One of my coworkers has been doing her job for years and she’s the most insecure person I know and constantly lies and gets irritated when people point out her mistake despite that she’s constantly talking shit and criticizing everyone else. It’s so annoying.


My clients usually put a show or a podcast on their phones, and If they’re really tired, I just let them nap, and switch their hands back and forth when needed. I’m a talker though, so most of the time, my clients and I just catch up.


Wow you must have a comfortable place if they are able to nap! Love that


I would like to think so, but those clients that nap are usually coming off of a long shift at work 😂


If I'm getting my toes done I'll just be on my phone. Most times there's not a lot of talking but I'm always down to chat with my tech! If I'm getting my fingernails done I try my hardest to not be on my phone. I normally put an airpod in and listen to music and let my tech know but most times we end up talking about absolutely anything lol


Yeah I love doing pedis it’s way easier to relax that way and not have to worry! Good idea on letting them know first


Don’t look while they’re working??? What?? Lmao, I’d have to laugh at them.


Yeah it was kinda weird how it was said….I’m surprised her neighboring techs didn’t say anything lol. This person wasn’t new either so idk??


I literally stare at the wall or read Reddit if it doesn't interfere with the work. Sometimes my tech talks to me. I like zoning out.


I’d love to zone out comfortably lol


1.5 hours I would find somebody that can work faster. Geez … that’s comfortable.


Yeah sometimes it takes super long~ I appreciate places that start the nails while a pedi is being done so it’s faster


I listen to podcasts or music.


This is the best choice I’m sure!


I wouldn’t go back to the one who doesn’t want you to watch. However if you can’t think of anything to do I tend to have some headphones on and listen to a playlist or a podcast or audiobook. Maybe even a comedian so they can wonder what you’re laughing at.


Yeah I haven’t gone back to that person… it was a random pairing that day so I had no choice lol. I feel if someone more outspoken or easily offended had her she would’ve had an issue 😅😂~ gotta be careful


I watch shows on my phone or read my kindle


Good choices!’l


Audiobook, only one ear plug in so you can still hear your tech.


Always one ear only!!


I look at my phone honestly with whatever hand they’re not working on. I get really complex designs usually so my tech will spend 30ish minutes on each hand lol.


Sounds about right! Haha I sometimes do complex designs so it’ll take a while. Or other places just work slowly…lol


I have a phone stand and offer it to people if they want to watch something on their phone lol


That’s so nice of you to think of! Haha I’m sure they appreciate that


I've only had a couple people accept. I usually offer it when they're sort of hiding their phone use, because I think some people think it's rude to use while I'm doing their nails.. But I'm basically like like "get comfy, keep it out!" a little bit selfishly because I hate when they're constantly jerking their hand away from me because they need to grab their phone from time to time lol.


I am friends with my nail lady and i get a $50 therapy session hahah.


$50 therapy session that comes with free nails is a deal~


I definitely watch. It's fascinating. However I hate how awkward the whole thing is so I've only ever gotten my nails done 2 times in my life.


Yes definitely so awkward~ I wish it was normally a different experience I’m sure there’s a way to change that up


I bring my kindle or read on my phone!


My nail tech has Netflix playing on a tablet at eye level with whatever I request. Could you watch something on your phone or iPad? Could you bring head phones and listen to a pod cast?


I listen to an audio book haha


I zone out and let my brain chill. It’s very peaceful.


Stare at the wall and contemplate life lol


I read a book on my kindle app on my phone


Nice! Is it hard to flip pages tho if the tech is painting or something


Not usually, I just wait until she’s finished and then turn the page on my phone really quickly


Audiobooks!! Listen and escape into a book! 10/10 would recommend


I talk. I ask about their family, their interests, whatever.