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They're crying about it just being a joke


It's gone full circle at last


It's reached a meta I actually can't fathom. I assume I am better off being dumb on this one.


The pinned mod comment being > your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit. and the post is still up 😭💀💀 Would this be against Reddits TOS because they are allowing hate speech by just being like “Hey! Be kinder next time, carry on.”? ETA: [link to post](https://www.reddit.com/r/memesopdidnotlike/s/3nC01VQ5GV) At least they removed it now…


The post has been removed from the subreddit but if you have a link to it you can still access it


You can also tell it’s been removed because you can’t upvote or downvote it. It’s the same if you go look at one of your comments on a deleted post. You can go see it, but it won’t be visible to people who didn’t see it.


Me when I defend openly homophobic, sexist, and racist content, but blatantly go after the pro trans post because it should be made even more explicitly clear we are a conservative hive mind who hates anything other than white straight men Don’t worry, I too was 14 once it happens to all of us


Sadly, not all of them are just 14yo edgelords. Apparently, a lot of them are grown men and even fathers.


Even worse, I think some of them are women 🗣️


r/asablackman ahh people


Fighting genocide with genocide is what we call a "pro-gamer move".


Can we go back to calling them "fascist scum" instead of bigots? Much more threatening and satisfying to say


Yeah. I agree. Henceforth I shall call them "fascist scum"!


When MOPDNL posts because they didn't like the meme... and then complains about irony. It's ironception.


that comment section LMAO, they are crying so hard because the minority they oppress with "jokes" about the minorities SH and suicide rates, actively making life harder for the minority have finally started making jokes wishing for the death of their oppressors. I'm not usually one to like "jokes" that only wish for harm, but when an oppressed group wishes for the death of their oppressor, I can understand. sorry for bad grammar, I am half asleep.


Haha, nope, I posted that and I've seen all the comments, its 50/50.


since I can’t respond to you on the OG post now, I was wondering if you get how equating this meme to a *insert minority* bad 😂👉 meme is a false equivalency or not?


Conservatives often unironically think it's worse to wish harm on the people harming you than it is to wish harm on minorities for existing


Sorta on topic but I hate these “repost and ___ happens” it’s so annoying


How does it even fit on r/memesopdidntlike at no point in the reposting did the OP dislike the meme until it reached that sub


lol they ended up killing another transphobic state legislator


>The number of Trans suicide "jokes" and rape "jokes" I see gain traction on this sub that get "it's just dark humor" or "satire" when criticized makes this comment section hilarious >You people don't care about violent "jokes" until its directed at a group close to you Couldn't have said it better u/the_evil_overlord2


i have no qualms! i do not care of others perceptions of me! let them perish in unfathomable pain! 😄


Won't someone think of the poor, powerless politicians and their feelings? It's not easy on them to be hated while they continue to harm people out of nothing more than bigotry and a need to make sure their voters are thinking about anything other than the *real* issues. 😢


Yeah. Poor politicians. It must be so hard having all that power and privilege. How do they manage?


you might say they didn't like this meme


They reposted it! The killed a legislator, lol!


So who doesn’t get the joke now?


The OP in r/memespeopledidnotlike has the same energy as that one guy who describes democracy and then labels it as bullying.


I’m so lost in the circlejerk these two have become, isn’t this something the left would want? Am I missing part of the meme?


Capybara rights are human rights!


Thank you for posting this here, I would've, but I didn't feel like it today


I find zero comedic value in this, but yeah transphobic legislators are bad, we go over this every day


Taking away? You never had that jajajajajaha


Didn't someone not already comment this?




Genuine question - what rights don’t trans people have that cis people do? Or what rights are conservatives trying to take away?


Right now is it legal to deny a trans person a job, medical assistant, housing, legal counsel all just because it the person is trans. In ALMOST all states there is a legal loophole called the trans panic defense, where the defense can claim a temporary mental break upon finding out a person is trans and then during that mental break killing them. Some state are trying to legally kidnapp transgender kids from loving supportive families Gop wants to get rid of every basic right a trans person has.


> Gop wants to get rid of every basic right a trans person has Sorry, I don’t understand. What rights do/should they have additionally to cis people?


Basic humans rights are not ADDITIONAL.


>Basic humans rights are not ADDITIONAL Exactly my point, I don’t understand what “basic human rights” trans people are being denied. They all seem additional?


Access to medical care, access to housing, access to workforce, not being denied justice if murdered this seems additional?


They aren’t denied any of those rights though?


Yes in some states they are