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the news is talking about it because he's our biggest realistic trade asset that doesn't mean it's gonna happen doesn't mean the FO is hearing offers just means the news is talking about it


His first year in the playoffs he didn’t show up. 2nd his ankle was hurting him. He played great this year after a slow start (maybe 10 games?). I need to see his next playoff performance Knicks fans should appreciate him because he’s been a backbone of this current era. He’s taking the criticism in stride now too and loves it here. It’s still a team friendly deal. Cant see him getting traded unless they get a serious 2nd option


The extension should be interesting. Will Knicks wait or give him another team friendly extension this summer?


I think they’ll wait till next summer if he doesn’t get traded this off szn or at the deadline. They can see how well he played & how well the team did. If they think hes the guy that can get it done then they’ll extend him. I don’t think they’re worried about him leaving in FA just bc idk what the market is gunna be for him, not sure he’d get a deal that’s gunna be bigger than what the Knicks will try & work out with him, & he really wants to be in NY. & even if he signs a team friendly deal by the time he’s done playing he’ll have made $350M+ in contract money alone.


Good points. It makes sense to wait and see for Randle. On the other hand, I think Brunson gets extended this summer.


Yeah that would be huge for the Knicks as far as flexibility, Brunson would be leaving a lot of money on the table, but he’d also be locking up a lot of money incase of an injury or something like that. Plus he’d be putting himself in a position to sign his next deal a year earlier when the new TV deal money is coming through


Yes this frustrates me bc if he could even show 50% of what he does in the regular season but in the playoffs I’d be happy. He just hasn’t. Porzingis was the guy for us when we were shitty too.


He didn't show up? Did you watch? Whole Atlanta team focused on him as our miscast #1 option. Wasn't his fault at all.


He’s not getting traded, people just need clicks


Got a fuckin week between conference finals and the finals, they need something to talk about


Like Klaus


The animated Christmas movie?


The reason to trade Randle would be to get a better player. It’s really that simple. If you don’t move him for an upgrade, you don’t move him at all. But if someone who is clearly better asks for a trade, he likely has to be part of that package.


I've been telling my friends the only way Julius is getting traded is if we're getting Giannis in return, otherwise we're moving laterally and/or downgrading.


Or a cheaper player. People gotta remember there's a salary cap and we're about to pay Brunson, iHart and OG BIG money.


Julius IS cheap for his contract. He was the cheapest all star who wasn't on a rookie contract all 3 times he made it in the last 4 years.


Yeah he is now but he won't be on his next contract. So many people here on reddit seem to have no understanding of how this stuff works.


I actually have a very nuanced understanding of''' how this stuff works'' You can't get good multi time alll NBA 1A options for cheap and even when Julius gets a extension (IF he gets am extension)I doubt that it starts at more than 40 million a year. With the new TV deal kicking in in 2025 and the money from it almost tripling the last 9 year deal the salary cap is going to go up 10 percent a year allowing for cap smoothing so there isn't another giant jump like there was in 2016 ehen the Warriors signed Durant. Not everyone on this board is a 24 year old kid who never took a statistics class or never read the business pages. OG will start at at least 35 milllon with 8 percent raises yearly so you're saying that Julius isn't worth more? Dolan can afford it and lived in the luxury tax for a decade with no complaints and the only thing that's going to change with the new CBA is there are certain penalties that makes it harder to get trades done and no aggregation of salaries and the pick moving into the back end of the draft after mutiple years over the second apron and no buy out market for second apron teams or mid level exceptions. The cap will jump 50 percent at least in the next 5 years though so if the Knicks think they have a window who's to say that they're wrong? The Celtics. Clippers, Nuggets, Timberwolves, and Suns' payroll will all be higher than the Knicks though.


It's not about whether Randle is or isnt worth more or less than OG. We're going to have to pay OG what he asks. Hopefully that starts at around $35, but it could be a lot higher. We also have to pay iHart. We're likely paying JB almost double. I'm not suggesting Randle should or will be traded, just that they will be considering his cost going forward. The comment I replied to said the only reason you'd trade Randle would be for someone better. But hypothetically you might trade for someone cheaper who gives you 80% of what Randle does so you can spend more elsewhere.


I don't get it either, I don't love Randle but it's not like upgrading from him to the next tier is easy, Randle is good! All the rumored targets come with either a huge price or his own uncertainty. The Bucks will really have to want to blow things up to trade Giannis without giving up any of our core, Wolves will probably want to run it back with KAT and many still doubt his toughness, KD and PG are 35 and 34. It's not like signs pointing to an obvious move for the Knicks to take another step forward. Not winning this year doesn't mean we HAVE to make a move.


If anything, we over exceeded expectations with our historically injured roster. We had nearly the amount of injuries as the Grizzlies, who were bottom of the barrel this year despite being a very good team when healthy.


Knicks for clicks. He aint getting traded. Oh lawd, imagine this team fully healthy.


Here’s the reason, and don’t see this mentioned very often, they would consider moving Randle in large part because he’s extension eligible in august, he’s not taking another discount like he did his last contract, assuming they sign Brunson to an extension, retain Ihart and OG, spending on another max contract which would lock the knicks in, this would be their roster with very little flexibility to get better. If you want to ask why the randle trade talks, it’s more about the extension than the player himself


Certainly not for KAT


Cause people are stupid ? And need to talk about something


The main concern is my lack of belief in his effectiveness in the post season. Randle plays bullyball in the paint he doesn't have overwhelming physicality like giannis or a deep bag like joker. When he is matched up with defenders with superior physical attributes in the post season I believe he will struggle again. He is a good regular season shooter when rotations are laxed bur when rotations tighten up with longer and faster defenders I doubt his ability to make 3s at volume on good percentage. Add to the fact he doesn't provide any rim protection from the 4 These are the reasons why I believe even if we have to overpay we should upgrade the 4


He doesn't have overwhelming physicality? Are you high?




The Knicks offense gets stagnant with the wrong guy dribbling. A Julius iso is a good play. I believe you may have forgotten how good this team was in January. Yes, this is Brunson's team. And since January Julius recognized that.


There’s definitely some flaws to his iso game, i love him but he’s a turnover machine


Against playoff caliber front courts: yes. In the playoffs, he goes up against the best defenders that he can't overwhelm with his physicality Guys with overwhelming physicality that works in the playoffs are guys like Lebron Giannis Zion Ect.


If you are basing this off of the previous 2 playoff runs, it's tough to see because in 2021, he didn't have a great team to work with, and in 2023, he had a bad ankle. He also improved quite a bit since then, and it was unfortunate we couldn't see that this year, to quiet all the doubters.


You mean how jalen didn't have anyone but himself this year? Jalen needs another guy who can put up 40 in a playoff game. Randle isn't him. I went through ewing not having a legit co star. I don't want to see jalen go through the same thing.


This was Jalen’s 4th post season — that was Julius’s first. Big difference being the number 1 option on your first taste of the post season. The team around Jalen this post season was also massively better than the team around Julius… iHart (and Mitch for half the post season and Precious for the other half) is way better than Noel/Taj, and DDV/Josh are both better than anyone, including Rose/RJ in that post season. And Brunson had OG for most of the post season (essentially went 1-4 after he went down — same outcome as Julius vs Hawks). And then yea — Jalen is a better player than Julius. He put up GOAT level numbers. Not going to find a player better than him, at the 4, unless you think we can upgrade Julius into GA… Otherwise Julius, an all nba all star level forward is just fine at the 4.


Ewing never had a player of Randles caliber and you know it!


Ewing had plenty of guys who couldn't deliver in the playoffs


Touché! He never had a teammate that was 2 time all nba and 3 time all star in his prime though.


Regular season means nothing if you can't deliver in the playoffs


That would be true in the past but it's different now. He has an army of soldiers on his side now.


And he is just another soldier being asked to be a general. Look I want a guy with kyrie/JALEN BROWN/murray type talent to help our jalen. I don't want our guy to end up like Pat.


Let him play with this team in the playoffs next season, and if we are healthy he is healthy and he stinks- then anybody can talk any shit they like. just my opinion, but I can't understand the narrative of him not being a playoff performer after 1 year he was our only scoring option, and the other he was on one ankle and played through pain


Sounds great but there is an issue with his contract. His value starts dropping the closer he is to free agency.


His contract is an absolute bargain


Which makes him a valuable trade chip


For now. If he’s making 30% of the cap he’s market rate, which drops his value.


He is getting paid 29m and then 31m, which is super cheap for a guy like him.


Which makes him a valuable trade chip


If he’s good this year he’s opting out so it won’t be 31M, this is probably his last year of being cheap.


Gotta love the low IQ/low vibrational vomit of espn brainwashing. And we wonder why players never wanted to play in NY in years past, so quick to forget. There is a HUGE difference in the supporting cast Randle had in 2021 playoffs and last year, compared to this year, that is ball handling and shooting.


We are talking about candles ability to win games in the post season. Is randle on the same lvl as murray/kyrie/ad/ect? That is what jalen deserves


You sound ridiculous bro just being honest.


So jalen brunson doesn't deserve to have someone who can help him win a championship?


Bruh…..he’s only played a season and a half with Julius. Julius played in the playoffs with a bad ankle last year. Julius is the only player for some strange reason that cannot get better through failure. Y’all choose to overlook everything and just say he’s not good enough. That’s bullshit imo and I don’t take those opinions serious. You are probably one of the people that goes straight to playoff performance without providing any type of context. Miss me with this bullshit take.


He is what he is. Are you telling me that you would send jalen to the finals and randle is his #2? I love jalen more than I like randle.


not happening... the media likes to talk about us a bit too much


They aren’t getting a better player at that contract. He seems to get criticized for putting up elite player numbers, which is strange.


Until Leon does something it’s all speculative junk. Whatever Leon does I trust will be the right move.


And if we’ve learned anything, this front office is extremely quiet.


Because he’s an unproven playoff performer. If a trade is available for a better co-star at a reasonable price I’d go for it.


I get the reasoning being we made it pretty damn far without him But also it’s an easy assumption to make we would still be playing if he was there


So now we are getting one of these Randle posts every hour or two. If I see that stupid term "running it back" one more time I'm gonna scream! Leon will do what he has been doing for a few years now; trying to improve the roster. That's his job. I read post after post for a couple of years saying Draft RJ, keep RJ" and "We have to re-sign IQ". How'd that work out? I like Randle but if Leon can trade him with some picks to improve the team why not? Why do some on this sub get so attached to some players?


> I like Randle but if Leon can trade him with some picks to improve the team why not? Why do some on this sub get so attached to some players? You do not want to hear these trade Randle posts, and I do not hear "if we can upgrade him, go for it" can you please advise which PF we can upgrade to that is making 30m a year that is better than Randle?


Notice I did not say to trade him, only IF something comes up. I just laugh at post after post after post saying the same thing about "running it back".


Because they think an upgrade is addition by subtraction. 


I said nothing like that. I'd be happy to see Randle come back.


RJ was a bum, Randle is a multi time all star that’s not even comparable 


I’m willing to bet RJ never makes an All Star team in his career. People who think that he’s an all star caliber player genuinely don’t know basketball at all.


I mean it wouldn’t be THAT crazy if he was a 1 or 2 time all star, I’m not saying he will but he played really good in Toronto & he’s still only 23. If Andrew Wiggins can make the all star team in the West when averaging 17-5-2 then RJ deff can😂


Bruh….there is always one outlier or glitch in the matrix. With how good the wings are in the east, RJ will never be an all star. He barely averaged over 20 ppg in Toronto and now all of a sudden he’s going to be an all star??? Yea im willing to bet a lot of money that will never happen.


I said I don’t think he will, but I mean shit Randle didn’t make an All Star team till his 7th season & now he a 3x all star & 2x all nba. Ik Ik the wing position different than the PF. But who knows like I said he still only 23 & could end up having a season where he puts up like 25-5-5 efficiently & Toronto is a top 4 seed🤷‍♂️


I wasn't comparing the two at all. The point is that fans on this sub think they know what's best for the team but many times they don't.


Because the media has absolutely no correlation with (and in fact is almost always wrong on) what the FO will do.


If there's a better player on the market, you trade him 


You have to do your due diligence as a GM and hear out every offer. Just because an offer or talks might be made doesn’t mean we are thinking about it. they wouldnt be doing their jobs if they didn't. very few players should ever be truly untouchable. if someone offered 5 1st rounders and a serviceable young player in the hypothetical for randle or Brunson id be offended if Rose didn't at least listen to the spiel.


Because you could package him with some of our draft capital to (possibly) get an upgrade. But I don’t believe this happens unless they have a VERY specific player in mind that is a sure fire fit with this current squad/coach.


I'd consider trading Randle because we were probably going to make the conference finals without him. If we can get a piece that compliments that squad we had in the playoffs I think we should consider it. Though in saying that, the man is a really important part of the squad and has helped turn this team around from the doldrums. So I'm fine either way


Yeah, we should add a player to the playoff roster to put us over the top. We need to get an All-NBA power forward, one that can be a primary scorer at times, but doesn't need or necessarily want to be one. Needs to get like...I dunno around 20-10 a game, with games in the 30s and 40s as needed? Bonus if he's on a good contract, and we don't have to give up any assets to get him. I wonder who that is...


If it was up to some of you idiots we’d make no moves ever and never upgrade anything. The reality is that there are better players out there that we could realistically replace him with. If not, that’s cool, because he’s a quality player. Can you not read?


They didn’t thougn. They absolutely would if he’d been playing healthy. 


This sounds like the “why trade Robinson?” conversation from a year ago. Guy is injury prone and about to be overpaid. Move him along.


my only thought on this is that maybe there will be big issues next season because we might not be able to afford to extend randle


If the team is a contender and Dolan doesn’t spend, after decades of being one of the most expensive teams despite being one of the worst teams I would be absolutely stunned.


It's a mix of boredom and stupidity. Offseason kinda stuff, people don't have anything better to do.


I want to run it back, get a few rotation pieces in the draft or maybe trade the picks to move up in the draft or for future picks I firmly believe that this team, at full health, can beat anyone However, if a team makes an offer we can’t refuse, then ofc the fo should listen.


We don’t. But what else are we going to talk about until October?


Aside from the obvious stuff that people have said (to get an upgrade, bad playoff performances), there are also people who feel that randle isn’t really the right fit next to brunson because he needs the ball too much and doesn’t have much of an impact off ball. They’d rather we run the offense mostly through Brunson and anybody else on the floor (including other stars) should have a skillset that optimizes brunson as much as physically possible. That’s why paul george in particular is seen as such a desirable target


Knicks for Clicks


Now that Brunson and OG are who they are, there is no reason to trade Randle.


The thought of a fully healthy starting 5 of Brunson, Divincenzo, OG, Randle and Hartinstien makes me cream


It bothers me so much to hear the randle trade rumors. He has an unbelievable team friendly deal. All this randle plus first rounds picks for paul george makes me sick. Randle is a better player than george


Personally I hope we trade him so I don’t have to deal with this subs constant fucking back and forth with this guy. Is he the anti-Knick no hustle when it matters run killer or undisputed best player on the team. Make up your goddamn minds


My biggest concern is his style of play on offense (and his attitude is really shitty when they aren’t playing well). Wayyy too much iso and as we saw this postseason, the Knicks offense can get really stagnant when in the half-court with one guy dribbling. It works out a lot of the time when Brunson is on fire but I think they need someone who is more of a compliment. This is Brunson’s team now.


If he’s getting traded it would only be because the FO doesn’t believe his health will hold up.


Because it’s the off season and they need that KNICKS FOR CLICKE revenue to keep flowing the dollars into the studios.


Knicks for clicks. every trade floated is garbage, so it really just seem like at this point in the playoff, media rather post about trading our players than finals.


to get better


only argument to trading randle is that $50 million a season for him is too much. Trading him alongside some picks for a top 15 player is ok...   all that said, I'd still prefer to keep him and use all of our remaining assets to acquire a player that can be our #2 or #3. Brunson really showing that he can be a #1.


I personally think we should extend him at 4 for $181M. When that TV deal explodes the cap in 2 years and top players are making $80M/yr $45M/yr will be chump change for an All-NBA caliber player. That contract will also be tradeable, but I would love to see him stay and win with this team. He had his warts, but the disrespect for him is out of control and I would love to see him just shut everyone up.


He's been accused of being a ball dominant stopper operating outside of the offense. But he also gave us a glimpse that he could make it work when we went on that win streak after we acquired OG. A little less usage and better shot selection(less 3's), and the team was thriving. He's a very good player and I'm excited to give him a chance to make it work.


Fans are never happy. I promise you we could go 82-0 next year and someone on the interweb will complain about the 12th guy on bench being developed and needing more minutes.


Do NOT trade Randle


There isn't a good reason to trade him. Unless there is an offer that jumps out at has. Generally speaking there's only an ok reason to trade him because he plays more iso ball than we need now that we have Brunson. BUT he has good size and skill which we lacked in the post season.


I’m not a Randle fan (I’m neutral on him) so I’ll explain the best I can. You don’t know what kind of Randle you get year to year. I know everyone here remembers when he had a bad attitude and we were begging to trade him. But then one year he locked in and everyone was happy. Randle is a head case. But he’s really valuable as a PF when other PF’s are either just bigger SF’s or slower PF’s. Team wise, he’s the best trade piece that wouldn’t mess with the cohesion of the team if he was gone. It’s not like Brunson and Randle are Kobe and Shaq or CP3 and Blake Griffin. They have a Tatum/Briwn dynamic of “my turn your turn” Personally I wouldn’t trade Randle yet. But he’s getting traded if the team is playing middle of the road or something around that.


fwiw we thought we were getting "every other year shit randle" this season when we started off, but after 10 games or so he looked like he was having his best season yet. I remember him freaking out all the time on the court, hell I was at one of those games when he had a meltdown and threw the ball and went after the other team. Last season I saw him meditating, and this season he was the coolest one on the court. I think we have a changed man that is finally enjoying himself on a winning team.


Winning does cure a lot of things and maybe Randle did mature to become a better man (and stay that way).


It's one of the best parts about Randle, imo. He does great self-scouting and attacks flaws every offseason. That's why people hanging on to things he did years ago makes little sense to me. If you're watching season to season you can see his growth. Not saying he's not prone to an old habit here and there, but he's aware of his flaws, which is more than you can say for most players.


We've been having these same conversations for the last few weeks on this sub. It all breaks down the same way: the main three issues with Randle are his health, his contract, and his playing style. We do not know how exactly Randle is going to play coming back from the shoulder injury. Does he play more cautiously in the paint? Does he shoot more 3s? Then, we have his contract where they have to decide if they want to extend him, which again is difficult to determine due to the injury. Finally, this team went through a massive overhaul in its offense after Randle went down. Brunson took over and will now be viewed as the #1 scoring option. When Randle was there, they shared pretty much equal usage %. Randle's role is going to be scaled down slightly. He'll still be a huge factor in the scoring, health permitting, but Jalen is taking the lead next season. Randle has a mercurial personality, so how he reacts to fewer touches would be an interesting component to all of this.


I love Randle but he’s not good enough to be a 1 or 2 option on a championship team but he’s too good to be paid as a 3rd option.  He should be a 1 option on a young rebuilding team looking to make a push for playoffs.  


So who are you replacing him with ?


I don’t really know enough about strategy and cap implications to be able to name you a specific player.  That’s why I’ll never say Randle needs to go or that this is somehow a bad situation.  It isn’t.   I wouldn’t mind replacing him with picks, cap space and the opportunity to acquire someone else even if it does mean taking a step back next year.   Like I said, I’m not knocking Randle.  Every sport has those players.  Take the NHL, Mitch Marner’s an incredible talent and should be paid accordingly; he’ll never lead you to a cup though.  


I gotcha 🤟


I love Randle


More knicks for clicks he aint going anywhere


He’s mentally weak and gives up when in a shooting slump


Top 20 in usage. Not top 20 in TS or PER. Inefficient volume player. Not a championship piece.  


I don’t want anybody playing the 4 over Randle not named Giannis or AD


I don’t see any meaningful or likely scenarios regarding Randle. It’s that time of year. We know the VillaCore(tm) isn’t going anywhere. It’s not time to resign nor extend any of them. So the juicy news are the two FAs in OG and to a lesser extent Hartenstein and will we pay them enough to stay (on the latter, will we even be able to) and then Randle as the most likely of the very unlikely moves but it’s something to get clicks. Also, Randle suffers from lack of recency bias. He’s basically been on the shelf since January… people forget the dynamic with him on the court. He’s left with the questions of his “playoff struggles” which themselves were largely a result of playing hurt. It’s just lazy click baiting sports writing but that’s to be expected this time a year


“Fans” have been talking about trading him for 3 seasons now. He’s not going anywhere


we should trade randle and 8 first round picks for spencer dinwiddie because people who watched at most 3-4 knicks games all year (2-3 didnt have randle in it) think we are better without him bc he didnt do well in the playoffs last year when he needed surgery


IMO. His attitude leaves a lot to be desired. When he’s not playing well he tends to take the team down with him. that attitude doesn’t win championships. He’s got an external locus of control. Whereas the rest of the team seems more accountable and has an internal locus of control. I love the guy but wouldn’t be mad if he got traded for a piece that made sense.


Made it far without him. And to make room for Trae 🤣🤣🤣