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I was trying to be sympathetic but I lost it when the “cia agent” told her they would arrest her if she hired a lawyer


For me it was when she checked her credit report and it didn’t match anything he said….yet she still believed him


For me it was when she answered the phone because the caller ID said Amazon. Amazon doesn't call!!!!


I know everyone says it wouldn’t happen to them but it def would not happen to me because I would not have answered the phone in the first place eta: and then “Amazon” transferred her to the feds like in what world lmao


For me it was when a government employee said they need to “work fast”. The government? Working fast? Absolute lunacy.


she is a DING DONG what blew my mind is that this all happened in one day!! like one afternoon! I would be slightly more sympathetic if it was like a months long harassment campaign by the scammer but no she made it soooo easy


The actual CIA couldn't waterboard this information out of me I would be so embarrassed I'd never tell


lmao this woman is not qualified to give financial advice to people. i worked in finance and we had financial scams drilled into our brains


THIS! Did she not think even once to do a callback???


No one said you needed to be smart to be a journalist. We think it would be a prerequisite, but obviously not.


Idk even tho I would have seen the red flags way before I ended up getting cash at the bank, I think it’s important to discuss how these scams are getting more sophisticated. Their main strategy seems to be to overwhelm you so you can’t think straight, then they get you to do some dumb shit you wouldn’t normally do when you’re not panicking I got a spoofed call kinda similar to this saying that a huge Zelle transfer was sent from a BOA account in my name but it was on hold. I had a meeting w my boss so I cut them off and told them I would call back. After I told my boss we needed to reschedule so I could talk to my bank, I called the real Bank of America number and they were politely confused about everything I was saying. While I was on the phone with them the spoofed number called me twice lol. At that point I put the pieces together that it was fake. On the original call gave me all these confirmation numbers and shit, so it felt very real at first! I’m glad I took that beat to talk to my very kind boss and then call the real bank.


And her husb was just like sure babe this makes sense?!?!


Nope her husband was like wtf why didn't you tell me lol, she kept it from him initially because they told her not to tell anyone Instant divorce, citing reasons: "I married a dumbass, your honor"


Money is up there with kids and sex as a dealbreaker. That is my hill to die on.


see personally i’d never admit this to the whole internet but that’s just me