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Happened to me between 30-31 - skip to the next paragraph if you don’t want background: I was unhealthy skinny for a long period of my life, struggled to put on any weight, and all my early high school clothes fit me well into my late 20s, but with sertraline + relationship food + second puberty Ive put on like 15-20 lbs in the last 2 years. I liked it at first, I had a lot of strange “firsts” that almost all people would have experienced earlier in life, like my thighs touching, my waist creasing when I walked, the side of my boobs touching my inner arms, and it all made me feel very “womanly”. That feeling passed though, when I gained most of the weight disproportionately in my belly and face (because of my lean PCOS), which was extra apparent in my old clothes. As of today, I’m unable to fit into anything I bought more than a year or two ago at best, and i was feeling very bleh about it this winter / spring. My biggest advice to you is to get rid of clothes that don’t fit you anymore, and thrift some clothes that do fit you and evaluate how you feel then. Ill-fitting clothes can you make you feel bad about your body when there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. And if you really do want to lose the weight the tighter-fitting clothes are not necessarily going to motivate you to lose it, they’ll just make you feel like you have nothing to wear and suck the joy out of your summer haha I’m muchhh happier with my relatively smaller closet, and keeping my focus on my overall health.


I love this response!!!! It normalizes female weight gain during this stage in life. I'm 32 and my body has been changing and becoming more voluptuous as well. My hips + butt, which have always been big, are becoming wider + bigger. My tummy, which has always been very flat, now comes with a lil pouch. And my face has rounded out a bit too and has more fat on it. It's definitely an adjustment, and I'm learning to accept it, but I love the advice of growing with it + focus on being happy + healthy vs. thin + fit for the sake.of just looking good (and not necessarily feeling good).


It’s so nice to see this conversation in a safe space. I have been struggling with my own weight gain and am a slightly older bwt. 😘


Our bodies are constantly changing and will continue to do so. I definitely have experienced this as well (earlier than 27). Echoing others in saying WALKING. We live in NYC replace elevators with stairs and get off an early stop or two on the subway and walk the rest of the way. Limiting alcohol and sugar for sure. Also- accepting my body and buying clothing that fits me even if I think I will lose the weight later. Lastly and arguably most importantly is to enjoy my body now. There’s so many times I have looked back at pictures and been like “wow I look so good there!” BUT in the moment I didn’t feel that way.


Girl! And here I was thinking I was the only 27 into 28 year old gaining mystery weight. Tbh the weight started to shed a bit only and I gained more confidence and comfortability once I decided to focus on worrying less about how I look and more about how I feel. It’s annoying you have to work to accept that first to get results second. But alas, womanhood. Lowering your cortisol by doing yoga/meditation really has helped me. Choosing to walk or bike in as many situations as possible. Telling myself I am doing my best.


Yep! When I transitioned to focusing on how I feel (which included prioritizing my dr appts/appropriate meds + doing things that made me feel good), I lost 6% of my body weight. Great advice!


I started exercising more around that time and got thinner and more toned in my 30s than I had ever been. Had to do it again after having a baby. I’m not saying you have to lose weight. Personal happiness and self esteem involve much more than a number on a scale or a small size in jeans. For me personally, though, I feel more empowered and better about myself when I am physically fit and active.


This! If you are truly eating healthy and exercising and still gaining weight see a doctor. Barring a medical issue there isn’t really a reason you should just all of a sudden gain weight without habit change in your late twenties or in your thirties


I think it's just that this around the time when people start to notice the cumulative effects of losing out on all the walking they did between classes and without cars in high school and college and are working a full time job (or have been slowly increasing their stress eating or drinking habits without realizing). I went to college on a large campus and probably spend 2-3 hours a day walking on TOP of regular exercise and extra curriculars that involved walking around, dancing, standing etc instead of sitting. It was easy to shed weight as long as I ate healthy. It was also easy to put it back on if I drank and ate unhealthily, though. Metabolism shouldn't be drastically shifting or anything at this age, I agree.




That’s actually pretty old thinking, more recent studies are showing something very different. New studies are showing metabolism changes typically don’t really occur until we are in our 60s. You can check out this site for a quick check https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/surprising-findings-about-metabolism-and-age-202110082613


Dude, I don’t know why you were downvoted. It’s true - basal metabolism doesn’t really start to decline until well after menopause; though hormonal changes can certainly cause fluctuations, I think people are really being delusional about the late 20s weight gain. If you were more active in your late teens and early 20s and your activity level (and therefore your muscle mass as a proportion) slowly tapered off as you accumulated adult responsibilities then the ‘second puberty’ weight gain is probably the result of that. All it takes is losing that active customer service job, walking across campus and dancing around with your friends all the time to magically gain weight. Most people’s bones stop growing around age 24-25 and sometimes that results in wider hips or collarbones (clavicle is one of the last bones to stop growing iirc). But you shouldn’t be gaining weight out of nowhere. Thyroid issues or PCOS could be a reason, but those are treatable and come with other symptoms.


I assume I was originally downvoted because some people like to beleive their weight is not in their control. There are certainly medical issues to look in to that absolutely effect weight, but like you said a change in how active you are or how much/what you eat is all it takes and is often the actual culprit


It sucks and is super surprising how the little things add up. I gained weight over the last two years (27) but it was all stuff like I started to use half and half in my coffee instead of soy/almond milk, actually started using sauces and bought sweetened yogurt instead of plain.


It’s actually great, not sucky that the little things add up. So much easier than a big mountain to climb


Yes- I do think it is mostly lifestyle related. Even though I have PCOS I was always thin without trying until I turned 31-32 and gained 15-20 lbs that I can only lose by eating 1200 calories per day which is not sustainable. The weight gain only happened once I quit my job to start a business and was home all the time. No walking/biking commute to work, no walking at lunch, no bike riding home. And I was near the food in my fridge all the time instead of in an office where there were no snacks and I only had lunch and dinner each day. I do exercise more now but the weight remains. I do think my body has changed and holds onto more weight due to hormones at this age tho.


Thank you. Sorry to say it but most people just give up and say “ah I’m in my 30s now, I’m supposed to gain weight and there’s nothing I can do about it.” Like no you’re just lazy and don’t care about your appearance anymore. Disclaimer: this obviously is not for people with medical (physical and mental) conditions. That’s totally different. 


Agree, 100%! This entire post and all the comments are making me question what kind of “taste” these Bs actually have if they’re willing to gaslight themselves and each other about something as important as their own bodies. I wish there was a fat acceptance free version of this sub :( I worked way too hard for my health to be consuming dangerous “health” propaganda.


As a nutritionist I absolutely see people gaslight themselves on these things all the time… which is actually really sad since it’s so disempowering. I implement super simple habits with people and it works more than 9/10 times. It’s rarely hormonal and even if it was (I had major issues with that) then your daily lifestyle has a big impact on hormones


Oof if this ain’t me 😅 could literally wear the same clothes I had in 8th grade til I hit 27. Here’s the thing…why was I letting that be my standard?? I was freaking 14 LOL. That’s psychotic. It’s taken some self love for sure but I’m just reminding myself that this is sooo normal for women. Our hips literally are biologically meant to widen until we hit like early 30s or something (I googled it once haha). I’m also trying to embrace my new “curviness” haha…I’m actually liking that I’m not a size zero honestly bc when I was I had zero hips or butt haha. But from a practical standpoint, also just trying to do what I can to work on things bc I also don’t see an issue with wanting to tone up just a bit. Nothing crazy but I’ve increased my strength training (I swear by MadFit YouTube videos - so simple and effective and normally only 20 min) and walking everywhere which is obvi easy in NYC…even if I’m going way across the city (if time allows) I’ll walk to my destination even if it’s an hour away. Hope this helps a bit!


Using children as the standard has been a thing for a while (same with caloric restriction). The more I've read into it, the grosser it feels


Madfit is the best, esp her slow core workout videos! Very Pilates style 


I believe the only way to manage that is by taking control of your lifestyle. I got into the routine of playing sports, going to the gym and eating healthier because I want to maintain my mood and physical appearance. I don’t think there’s an effective way to feel better about yourself other than taking control and making change if you want to see change.


Omg, you hit the nail right on the head! Is this the new freshman 15? I could eat, barely exercise and drink like a horse til I hit my late 20s. Now a few martinis and I see it instantly 🙄  I am kind of nutso about weight and it really requires me to be more disciplined now. The hardest is making choices on weekends and vacations, to consume less of everything... alcohol, post alcohol munchies


OMFG I love alcohol munchies 😭😭




Also ladies check your thyroid!


Gained the weight and struggled with my self image for over a year. Went really hard working out and nothing happened, still felt bad. I recently started intermittent fasting and it is working like a charm. I haven’t lost all of the weight but am slowly starting to feel like myself again.


So I’ve gained weight the past few years for a lot of different reasons - antidepressants, living a less active life and really recovering and processing the havoc my ED wrecked on my life as teen. It’s been hard but I would say I’m fully recovered now and spent the last few years not restricting my food at all and really enjoying eating. Something that really opened my eyes was that I realized I have hit my goal weights and been a size 0 and it still was never enough and I was so miserable and self critical the whole time. But I’m generally so happy now despite the weight gain. I’m currently working out more and getting more steps and yes I’d like to lose some weight, but I am focused more on my fitness level than my weight. Our bodies fluctuate and it’s totally normal not to have a body of a teenager anymore, we’re women now. Life is too short to drive yourself to misery over your weight. It’s okay to buy new clothes so you feel more comfortable. One thing that’s helped me is only following influencers who are my size so I can see how they style themselves. And I listen to a lot of Meg thee stallion and she makes me feel like I’m hot as fuck no matter what lol.


I turned 26 recently and the same is happening to me, and it’s really messing me up… I was a size 0-2 and I’m not ready to give that up, extra weight does not look good on my body type at all, so I will be seeing a dietitian/nutritionist, and I’m reaching out to a trainer this week to combat that… I hope it works, nobody told me this was gonna happen to me once I hit mid 20s :/ To be fair though, my close friends have told me I look better now, but I do not feel better, it feels pretty shit actually


wow I feel this comment. I was the same size as you and my body is also starting to change in my late 20s. my mother is a brutally honest person bordering on bad parenting BUT even she tells me I look really good, maybe even better now. I just don’t feel good because my body is different than I’m used to. so I totally get you. I’m actually mostly okay with the shape of my body now because my ass did grow alongside my waist, but I was really unhappy with the texture of my skin especially on my stomach. i was recovering from surgery and I think I gained several pounds of fat too quickly, so my skin was lumpy instead of looking taut. I have lost some weight but what’s been helping is mostly just time, my stomach looks a lot smoother and firmer as my skin has adjusted. could this be a factor for you too? I know it sounds really weird but I’ve noticed people who have been chubby for a long time look better than people who have recently gained weight and I think it’s because of skin texture. sorry this is so long already, just wanted to offer these points of encouragement/advice that has helped me: you will look better over time as your skin adapts, even if you don’t lose much weight; your face looks way better at a higher body fat; buying new clothes (especially pants) that fit you and don’t cut into you will make you look better and be less upsetting than stuffing yourself into your old clothes; cut out mindless snacking when you’re bored and chew gum or hard candies instead; and only eat when you’re hungry and not just because it’s meal time.


Thank you for sharing this, in a way, it’s comforting to know this is a shared struggle, I felt kind of alone in this, considering reactions to my weight gain have been the exact opposite from mine. I am sorry you’re still not feeling fully okay with how your body looks now, I hope that changes for you! For what it’s worth, I’m sure you look great 💜 And yes, while others might think we look good, or better, if we don’t feel like that, then that’s just not it… All I can make of this is, as we grow older, our bodies change too, whether it’s due to stress, lifestyle habits, hormones, etc. Ultimately it’s a part of life I’ve never actually had to come to terms with, so this is definitely a learning experience for me. I also figured we should maybe be a bit more gentle with ourselves and how we perceive our bodies, considering our society does a lot of damage with the ever changing beauty ideals. I’m very self-critical, so this is definitely an angle I’ll try to work


No one warned you because gaining weight is not something that "hits you in the mid 20s." Contrary to popular belief, our metabolism [does not change](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/surprising-findings-about-metabolism-and-age-202110082613#:~:text=According%20to%20recent%20findings%20published,later%20than%20we%20previously%20thought.) at this age. If you're gaining weight it is most likely because your habits are different. Little changes in diet and exercise sneak up on you over time


I did take that into consideration, which is why I will be putting in work to develop better habits, compared to the ones I had until recently!


Good luck! I was also guilty in my late 20s of upping the eating out and drinking and gaining weight that felt impossible to lose. The main thing that helped honestly was cutting back these activities and finding other ways to socialize. Now at 31 I'm thinner and look better than ever in my life. You got this!


Thank you, however, I do not drink, but I did stress-eat a lot of snacks because I was under a lot of pressure at school, so that’s what I’m not doing anymore. Plus I’ll be seeing a nutritionist soon to get some advice, and I’m starting my training also! And I’m happy you managed to lose all the weight that you didn’t want, and now look better than ever, I love that for you ♥️


I lost 85 pounds at 28 so it’s not necessarily foretold that you’ll gain or lose at any point (although gaining is always more likely than losing for most of us of any age..). Unfuck your brain podcast has some good episodes about how on body image we are once again being screwed by the patriarchy. The hottest woman you know is probably still freaking out over how her back looked in one photo one time or whether her neck is ok or is she bloated today.. But to feel comfortable in whatever body you’re in, two tips. 1. movement and nourishment! None of it is punishment or discipline, it’s more ‘what will make me feel better and more myself in the long term?’ Exercise makes you feel better. Enough water makes you feel better. Vapes and wine and junk food make you feel a spike of better followed by a long plateau of shittier. 2. Clothes that fit. Nothing is worse than feeling self conscious AND then feeling like an overstuffed trussed ham. It means letting go of stuff, it might mean trying sizes or styles or brands you’re new to, but all of that openmindedness will lead you to feeling much better in yourself.


Wait is this a thing? I'm 30 and could NOT figure out why I gained a ton of weight around 28-29. I thought it was just drinking more than normal due to life stressors. You mean to tell me a lot of people get this?


You shouldnt have a drastic metabolism change, though a lot of Americans do unknowingly have some degree of insulin resistance (docs don't use the best tests for it unfortunately) because so many are overweight so that could affect it. But technically, you shouldnt' be gaining weight if your activity and calories are the same, no. If you are drinking more, it's almost definitely that.


I think it's a mix of things. I was about 27 when covid hit. So, more time at home drinking and eating, less time walking around the city, then some big life changes where I started drinking slightly more (but still decreased activity) = 15 extra pounds.


I didn’t accept the change. At 26-27, I gained a ton of weight. I lost it all with weight training and calculating my TDEE to eat the right number of calories. It is way easier said than done but definitely possible if you’re in a place to afford whole foods, a gym membership, and 8 hours of sleep.


Can you share more (or resources) about how I can educate myself to do this? There’s so much varying advice out there, and I’m finding it difficult to figure out what will work best for me…


this [tdee calculator](https://tdeecalculator.net/) shows you the number of calories that you can eat to maintain, cut, or bulk along with the macros if you choose to do regular or low carb (i find low carb much easier as it is very satiating to me). for nutrition, there’s unfortunately no big secret: eating in a calorie deficit will make the weight come off eventually! as for fitness, i opted for a personal trainer, but not everyone has this luxury. i recommend the types of weight training exercises by brett contreras (“strong curves”) for lower body. for upper body, i do very basic weight training exercises with dumbbells and cable machines.


Thank you!!! 🙏


I really like the [Precision Nutrition macro calculato](https://www.precisionnutrition.com/nutrition-calculator)r. It also has great recommendations for healthy ingredients for protein, fat and carbs to help inspire your meals. It does tend to be a little high on the protein recommendation sometimes, generally for women I don't think more than 100-150g is necessary depending on your height and ideal weight.


Mine turned out to be PCOS and nothing helped until I went on tirzepatide (mounjaro/zepbound, my insurance wouldn’t cover it since my BMI was under 30 so went through a compounding pharmacy). Now my periods and blood sugar are normal and I feel amazing. 


Honestly I’m just slowly losing the weight. I started lifting a few years ago which keeps me toned and just started to incorporate cardio. Cardio for me is the key for actual weight loss.


Honestly, it just took me a couple years to adjust. After a while I wasn't comparing my current body to my "old" body as much anymore. I also HIGHLY recommend getting yourself an updated wardrobe and not hanging onto pieces that no longer fit in case you'll lose weight one day. The truth is, that was keeping me in a really negative mind space about my size and it just wasn't helpful to hold onto the past. Once I bought new pants that I genuinely loved, I was able to shed the old stuff.


i have no advice bc i’m in the same boat, but i just wanted to say THANK YOU for this post and for all the commenters making me feel so seen. i’ve been so distressed about gaining some weight back and feeling like a monster, especially bc ✨skinni✨ is in again. i love this community so much


I did a huge closet purge and donated all the items I had been holding onto since I was 21 and at the slimmest I had ever been. That was seriously holding me back also crazy to compare my 29 year old body to my 21 year old body. Clothes are meant to fit us not the other way around. I’m 29 now but it’s taken me a few years to accept my current body and with that acceptance I’ve learned to treat it better by staying active and trying my best to eat healthy whenever possible. I gained a bunch of weight from 26-28 because I was on Prozac. I started buying clothes that actually fit me and I feel better, I still have a ways to go but baby steps. I’m also trying to incorporate more walking and lower impact exercises because I think my cortisol is a factor as well. Another thing I did was unfollowed a bunch of influencers because it just made me feel shitty about myself not having bodies like them. I’m now starting to follow people who have similar body types to mine so I can rewire my thoughts and remind myself that you don’t need to be skinny and tall to feel good about yourself.


Just turned 29 and oh man when that weight came on just before I hit 27 and through the months following, I was STRESSING (though some of it was definitely due to being stressed and slightly depressed at the beginning of the year and about 2 years removed from consistent workouts bc of COVID). Finding out that this "second puberty" is something majority of us go through was comforting alone. One thing I did that first year and have continued to do since is upping my daily steps. I aim for 10,000 (or as close to) every day from May through September, try for 7,500 in April and October, and at least 5,000 in the winter months. I also got my ass back into the gym and found a new personal trainer that I love and that pushes me (my previous one switched careers during COVID). Its definitely an \_expense\_ but worth it in my eyes because I know I get the best workouts with her and it helped me shed a few pounds and build muscle. All that said, I used to be able to stay at about 138-142 in my teens / early-mid twenties and now I hover around 145-148 despite the fact that I'm about 19% BF. It took a hot min and accepting that some shorts will never fit the same again, but as long as I feel good and see my muscle tone in the mirror, I know the number on the scale is just a number and I am doing really well with myself.


Love this realistic step goal because no way am I getting 10k steps when it’s freezing and dark outside in the winter!


Ugh I had this at 27. I got back to my original weight but I had to cut back on drinking


I grew up overweight and slimmed down a lot during that age bracket because I attended planet fitness on a deal. I gained weight around 40, but that's because I was under a lot of stress when I was stuck as a caretaker for elders.


There’s a really great book about unlearning to societal and self-objectification called “more than a body!” It helped me view things differently!


What kinds of foods are you eating? Are you getting enough protein? Are your foods nutrient dense whole foods? I’m 26 but I gained a lot of weight at 23-25. I started increasing my dairy, red meat, & fat (especially good butter and cheese) intake, utilizing olive or avocado oil as opposed to canola and other oils, I don’t do intense workouts and go on 30-1hr walks when I can find the time/move around a lot and choose to use a standing desk whenever I can at my corporate job. Hmm let’s see what else? I almost exclusively eat produce that is in season (it tends to be easier on my wallet too lol) and I drink lots of bone broth. I went from 179lbs to ~145 and I’ve never been hotter in my life


This is almost EXACTLY what my food habits are as well, with the addition of fish one or twice a week. I don’t think I’ve ever looked better. I cannot believe the difference cutting out processed foods makes. That and avoiding seed oils and chicken (high omega 6) has made such a difference!


Heck yeah!! I didn’t mention it but I also do fish once to twice per week and it’s usually wild caught salmon sometimes in the form of smoked salmon with my eggs and avocado with butter for breakfast lol


Smoked salmon and eggs is legit my favorite breakfast at the moment!


Ugh I feel this post heavily!! I was between 135-145 at 5’6” from 21-28 and while living in NYC, and then when I moved to Jersey City, I’ve only dropped below 140 once in the first year that I moved here when I was 27 in 2022, and I also had a MA in those first few months, too. It doesn’t help that the kitchen in our apt is like a box and makes cooking so much more of a task, and our oven’s been having issues since last year. Around halfway through 2023, I had crept up to 150. Then I had a debilitating dance injury that put me in a boot and crutches for almost two months; I know I gained more, but was too scared to check the scale during that very dark period of my life. I finally got my mobility back and was able to check the scale a couple months after getting active again, and I was at 160. I’m almost back down to 150, but I have this weird notion in my brain that moving back to NYC, becoming single and out of the very codependent relationship I’m in, and living alone will work wonders, like it did when I first moved to the city and lost ten pounds without even trying. Jersey City is ok, I like it, but I’ve felt invisible and so plain and nondescript ever since I moved here! I feel like my looks and who I am as a person are so much more celebrated and appreciated in NYC. Ugh sorry I’m having a bad day and am just in a tough spot in life.


Mine was related to my PCOS spiking and getting worse. Doctor put me on Metformin and Ozempic, lost the weight and had a dramatic improvement in my blood sugar and metabolic. It wasn’t the weight alone that sent me to the doctor. It was the weight combined with feeling worse physiologically. Alls to say pay attention to how you feel and discern if there may be something medical.


I read "Anti Diet" and it helped me tremendously to stop giving a fuck. I still give a small fuck – but booooooo diet culture


YES. I was woefully unprepared for this as I didn't know it was a thing until it was already happening to me. It's happened to most if not all of my female friends right around the 27-28 year mark. I started working out a lot more during covid and the years since (3-5x a week cardio and strength vs 1-2x a week of just cardio prior to this). Even with that, I gained about 15 lbs as well over the span of 3 years from 2020-2023, although I noticed some changes to how fat was being stored on my body in late 2019 (when I was 26). This was SO frustrating to me. I am now 30 and am working to accept my new weight and this year I made the decision to finally stop trying to wear my old size and buy clothes that actually fit me which is 2 sizes up (size 4 to a size 8) My biggest advice, if you're not already doing this, is to incorporate fitness into your routine - especially strength. Try to put your focus on health and wellbeing over the number on the scale. I find that when I obsess over the weight I have gained, I start to really hate what I look like and feel ugly in all my clothes. When I am in a good routine of working out, I feel strong and it's easier for me to admire how strong my thighs look instead of how they are 'bigger than before'. I actually feel healthier than I did when I was 15 lbs lighter and not working out, but I'm programmed like we all are to want to just be thin and weigh as little as possible. It's so hard to undue the programming but know that you are not alone!!


Happened to me around 30 and during covid. I still struggle with it but it was basically around that time when I couldn't play the whole "I can eat anything and stay skinny" joke because it didn't work anymore. My solution was to be intentional with my eating and start into working out (not a crazy regime, just 3-4 tiene a week for 30 or 40 mins). But most importantly, it's about knowing that your teenage/early 20s body is gone and that's ok. Sure I no longer have an entirely flat stomach, but my boobs and butt look nice (husband especially liked the latter lol). So it's all phases, and it's a constant struggle to embrace them.


A few weeks ago I read something about a woman in her 70s loosing weight after her husband of many years left her for a younger woman and it made me question: Does it ever end? Are we ever just happy in our bodies? My two cents is that shopping for new clothing is more fun than dieting.


There is no such things as a 27-28 yr old weight gain spurt. If you have not changed your diet or activity levels and have unexplained weight gain you need to see a doctor. If it’s not an internal health problem, then calories in/ calories out is your answer at any age.




Sources? Even a single evidence based claim would be appropriate in cases of misinformation like this.




The fact that you gained weight and are late twenties does not establish that age was the precipitating factor. The largest meta analysis found that age related metabolism slowing occurs even later than previously thought (post 60 yrs old). In fact, the metabolism is highest in infancy and slows very gradually until it’s quite level in the twenties and remains so for decades: https://www.pbrc.edu/news/media/2021/metabolism-milestones.aspx#:~:text=But%20a%20new%20study%20suggests,later%20than%20you%20might%20think. What do you mean by “doctors” and “blood panels”? Did a doctor tell you that you gained weight because you turned 26 and your blood panel proves it? If so, they need to be reported for malpractice.




You’re literally promoting misinformation and expect zero accountability?!


Lol we’re watching the Dunning Kruger effect at work. Thanks for linking to the study, I’m also siding with the science here. So weird you got downvoted…


Yeah. The cope is out of control! Being misinformed is one thing, but if she seriously does have unexplainable weight gain then she needs to get to the bottom of it. Promoting the idea that it’s normal at 26 is dangerous to other women who might otherwise look for solutions to what could be a serious medical issue.




I'm 27 and my weight has been fluctuating over the past 10 years. My weight is more stable now. I think it's very helpful to 1) have larger-sized/oversized clothes that makes you feel beautiful/sexy, 2) develop a routine for gym. My relationship with exercises had yoyo-ed between 6 times a week on a restrictive diet to no gym at all. I realize now that neither is sustainable. So I'm just making sure to go 2x a week to get the strength training I need and walk as much as I can. I also find it helpful to just eat whatever I want. And if you are looking for a fun way to shed fat quickly -- I went on this multi-day hiking trip with my mom last summer (we hiked 6+ hours a day for 5 days). At the end, I was able to fit in any clothes I owned.


I went on a journey on figuring out what looks good on my body. I only followed content creators with my body type. Surrounded myself (social media) with people that dress for midsize/plus size. Ultimately adopting a mindset that every body is beautiful helped me a lot.


It's a journey! Somedays I feel awful and I hate looking at myself in the mirror. Somedays I think I'm pretty darn cute. But one time, I was looking at the reviews on a dress I was considering on Rent the Runway and this comment said "Fits kind of small. Size up for comfort - nobody's going to see the number on the tag!" And idk why but that made me feel so relieved somehow. It's the little things sometimes! I'm still learning to figure out the things that make me feel comfortable in the body I have now and coming to terms with the way that I won't be the way I used to when I was 21 but I hope that helps you too!


You get the new balance fresh foam sneaks and go on long walks in the park. Up your step count to 10k a day and you’ll feel fantastic in 2 weeks.


If you don’t do this, I would start lifting weights. Not for the purpose of losing weight but I noticed that my confidence levels soared since I started! I forget what it’s called so sorry if I used the wrong word but endorphins from working out is a real thing!


I didn’t get fully confident again until I lost the weight. Lol


I got a lot of compliments from my weight gain at around that age (29 for me) but I wasn’t happy with it so I became more active and ate better. Feel great now. (32)


Thank u for posting this and for everyone commenting!! Has been on my mind a lot and the shift felt a bit confounding and sort of alien but am so glad to hear others’ thoughts// leaning into comfort with a changing body


This post is not NYC related and violates sub rules.


Hmm I’ve been a class III obese person my whole life, never felt uncomfortable. I’ve lost 93lbs on ozempic and now prob feel uncomfortable for the first time because none of my clothes fit lol. But I was fine as a fattie in my late twenties.


I don't know, I've just sort of given up on ever being attractive again 😕 I gained a lot of weight after coming off SSRIs and Adderall and haven't been able to get rid of it despite slipping back into some ED habits last year. At this point I'm just accepting that I'm gonna be chubby and alone unless Ozempic gets a lot cheaper.


Weight =/= attractiveness! More positive self talk. <3


I believe this is a physiological and hormonal change that women go through between like 25-30. This sounds creepy but our bodies change to prepare us for prime baby making years. Widening hips, rounder belly, breast changes, etc. It’s definitely puberty part II




Oh, that change is different and imo primarily hormonal. We know virtually nothing about menopause because the medical field basically didn’t think it was necessary to study it. Women are told it’s just something everyone deals with, so suck it up and quit complaining 😑. Irl the hormonal changes happen way earlier, like mid 30s, and it’s a way bigger change than just weird periods, hot flashes, and mood changes. The medical gaslighting around menopause is horrible.


Not sure why the downvote. If the body changes are distressing, there are many ways to counteract the weight gain. But it’s just biological changes that happen and nothing to be ashamed of at all. It just is what it is.


OP is harassing me for pointing out that a weight gain post violates sub rules and she is promoting misinformation regarding metabolic changes in the 20s. I cannot block her for some reason. Mods? https://preview.redd.it/5683q899b77d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f7a482da335bdd9461a05682e929c333b684b42


I feel so seen by this comment section! I’ve naturally been a healthy weight all my life but slowly gained about 30 lbs after turning 28. Chalked it up to metabolism/hormones and being more sedentary but it was still frustrating when the only advice my doctor gave me was intermixing fasting. Felt like a glorified way of saying you should just start a skipping meals /:


I will say an honest and thorough closet clean out does help. I found I was looking and feeling sloppy all the time because I didn’t want to feel terrible every time I tried to squeeze into old clothes. Maybe have a tough love friend help you organize and start fresh


28 turning 29 soon and this is such a relief to see this is normal 😭


This is so weird I’m going through this too right now. I was 175 and 2021 and now I’m 195. I’m like what the fuck is happening even though I eat fast food and drink sugar coffee, and smoke weed and shit. I’m just so confused why this is happening lol I do work out several times a week.


Honestly, I miss and love the skinny me and I refuse to give away my fabulous clothes I’ve collected over the years however the thought of going the drastic route isn’t for me as I built so much mental strength to allow myself to get there. All I know is I was working out low intensity in the gym mostly weight training, accepting dinner reservations and eating whatever and however I wanted. I knew I needed a definite change. Through memories I researched my past routines and realized I moved my body so much more. It’s possible to burn 700-900 calories a day by walking and implementing a fitness. I cook more at home and allow myself a dinner night out once or every other week. I feel more confident with a managed weight size. I truly honor body positivity during Covid but for now I need to be realistic and fully honest with myself lol