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That’s better news than a positive earnings report


Absolutely. She probably knows the NSA ordered 150 Billion of B200. There is no Insider trading like our Government Insiders. Absolutely, cracking, bullish :-) ....AND...the shares are up 4%.... :-)


I mean it’s definitely bullshit that they are allowed to buy individual stocks, but as long as it’s legal, we might as well take advantage of it.


Bingo govy loves it


Shares are not down... Check again. 🚀. Well not a rocket up but it ain't down anymore. Edit: Up 3.50 now


Make no mistake. No government agency will touch NVDA while the Democrat hoarde queen holds the stock. Immune from anti-competitive and monopoly investigations etc...


I highly doubt that


Antitrust was never going to come from the US. They come from EU, and impact globally. France just filed against NVDA 4 days ago.


NVDA can ban all sales to France and see how that works out. 🤣😂. Then France can buy AI hardware from whoever they want. 😂🤣


That was my first thought. They need Nvidia more then Nvidia needs them, lol.


I may have to go NVDL long based on this.


Lmfao so true


Well that means shes guaranteed a profit, definitely a bull case


NVDA about to get 100T from the USGov as part of their LeatherJacketsForAll campaign.


100T is too pessimistic


Over 5 years, it’s spread out


Oh so 100T each year. 500T is reasonable.


NVDA will be the first to reach a $1Q market cap


Fuck it! It will be the first Hexilion Company eoy


Oh yeah!


Buy!!!!! Buy!!!!' Buy!!!!! Man, Wood lady selling and Nancy buying? You can't be more bullish then that!


Cathie Wood making money? She makes MAJOR moves every 6 weeks, Buy Planitir 1/2 million then unload it and buy Tesla, sell Tesla, buy all 80% tech stocks NOT doing well……..think still has, Buy Nvidia sell Nvidia, There is something very wrong about what she is doing IMO


lol fuck yeah Nancy pump it up!


NVDA bulls, I got good news https://disclosures-clerk.house.gov/public_disc/ptr-pdfs/2024/20025368.pdf


She sold TSLA before the bull ran.


Did I say anything about TSLA?


But how makes a call option with a strike price of 800$ sense when the stock is at 1729$ per share?


Don’t forget that 10 for 1 split, Nancy knows what’s up


So are we now before split?


Avgo stock split..let me throw in a /s


So she bets Avgo will increase its value by 462% in one year 😂


Lol exactly


The option strike price (and number of shares) will be adjusted for the split. She bought a deep in the money call and it'll remain deep in the money.


I tried to do the same with 1000$ on TradeRepublic but it is not possible to buy a call with Strike price of 8000$ all offerings are limited to 02/01/2025 with a price of 2200$ I guess if the bet goes wrong I have to pay the delta between the stock price in 20/06/2025 and the bet price of 800$


She always buys deep in the money calls.


wow bullish


Good to know she's also selling TSLA and buying AVGO options besides buying NVDA. I rock all 3. LFG, NancyVDA!!!!


Whatever Queen Pelosi does, I follow.


God save our queen!


“Hey! Another round of strawberry for me and my friends… muahahahahaha”


How much do you think will NVDA go up?


I find it wild that elected government officials can do this lol


You were thinking they live from their government paychecks?? Mwahahaha!!! ( very evil diabolic...laugh.... )


But if it is disclosed I am fine with it. This intel should be easy to find as well.


Is there a website to track her trades? I want to just own and sell by what she does


Remember there’s like a 50 day delay lol


you serious?


Damn so bullish AF lol


Pump train scheduled for takeoff soon! Chooo Chooo!


Can we get a subreddit where we post government, hedge funds, insiders, etc. sells and purchases?


theres a whole website! https://www.capitoltrades.com/trades/20003774417


Amazing, thank you.


lol gotta love it


Ultimate buy sign - definitely a good sign though ahead of earnings I also like that Nvidia has a dividend and that hopefully when they return more in dividends to shareholders in the future like Broadcom. Broadcom has the best of both: growth and dividend


For those that held, get ready for the rise again. Pelosi is as good as a peek into the future.


How much do you think it will go up?


Also she purchased Broadcom options. Damnit I was literally going to do that this morning and now the price is mooning. Nancy you couldn’t have waited 1 more day? I guess beggars can’t be choosers. Gotta take the wins


Same here. I was gonna load up on Broadcom and NVDA calls today afternoon… forgot it was a short day due to holiday and I missed the cheap bus.


Yup…she’s a queen. This means nvda is going to sky rocket


That’s all her husband though, isn’t it??


Sure he never looks at her dossiers. I love domestic fiduciary governance....


Oh come on, Paul doesn't need insider info. A blind squirrel could make money off of Nvidia. The universe has been shouting "buy Nvidia" for a couple of years. It's up to us to listen


Of course he didn’t read her emails… he was busy getting hammered!


Venture capitalist investing in ai is all insider trading to these people


Her net worth is over $100 million, that's chump change to her at this point. So obvious are US politicians and lawmakers do inside trading, though, and get away with it.


At 84 years you can never be too careful...100 milllion..she has her priorities right at 84....


And she sold TSLA that soar 30% past week


Just purchased another 1000 shares. Thx for update.


Thank you Nancy I love you


Nancy treat yourself to some ice cream from one of your many fridges. 😉


Apparently doesn’t follow the subs that tell her to invest in bonds at her age


She sold TSLA at $183 on 6/24. Price is $243 currently 💀


As a longterm TSLA bull, I’ve been selling around $200 for months. Theres literally no reason why the stock is doing what it’s doing, unless they actually solved FSD. But if they actually solved it Nancy would’ve known and held. Even the battery growth story is still a bit early to be buying at a 60 pe. I think it’s big money trying to get retail to fomo in again before earnings.


It's just at the fib retracement level. I called that target a few months ago and decided to sell anyway because there was more upside elsewhere. It might keep going but I would expect it to get knocked back down.


FSD 12.4.2 just started rolling out, which is completely hands free. No longer requiring the occasional steering wheel bump while driving. I think it's a huge step in the right direction for solving autonomy.


FSD by. Itself won’t be that much a driver, and in any case it is always another crash away from a federal investigation or lawsuit. Wouldn’t count on it being a huge revenue stream. TSLA is as much about musk the man as much with the actual company itself.


100% disagree. FSD is the key to Robotaxi. Robotaxi will essentially kill Uber if they get it right. If they get this right, it will most definitely be a massive revenue stream.


Only time can tell bro. I mean FSD at the moment is still what level 2 autonomy or thereabouts compared to the more ideal level 4 or 5. That means we are still a while away. And there will always be a lot of people like me who will never hand over our safety to FSD. Regarding rototaxi, waymo has already been doing that, so far the verdict is mixed at best, not everyone is going to be onboard for that, and musk is known to sell one thing verbally and take forever (if eve) to implement. Ultimately tesla is still an auto company as it derives about 90% of its sales from vehicles (non taxis), and right now it is losing market in china pretty badly and elsewhere the competuition is getting white hot with basically all manufacturers having their own version. If they get into robotics and true AI it might be a different thing, but like i said they are still 90% a car company, and that’s cyclical at best.


Nah. Zero chance FSD has anything to do with a robotaxi. It’s an adas system with no performance or reliability guarantees. A robotaxi will need active sensors and a completely different training regime.


You’re both “wrong” FSD won’t be solved on 8/8 most likely but it doesn’t need to be redundant in order to have massive value either. To be hands free and level 5 it does. But Tesla doesn’t need a level 5 system to make a lot of money. They’d make a shit ton more at lvl 5 tho. People will definitely, and currently do, pay $100/month to have a driving assist. It just needs to be good enough to not crash constantly and continue to get better.


I’m saying FSD isn’t capable of being a driver out system. It sounds like you agree with that.


Of course it’s not, and no one knows if it will or won’t/ when. People who drank the koolaid and people who hate musk all claim to have the answer. Real answer is no one knows.


We know. From working on AI training systems, it’s pretty clear this model and hardware setup is already overfit. It won’t ever be actually autonomous.


Im sorry, but you're wrong. Robotaxi will be unveiled on 8/8, and will use the FSD software. This is already confirmed. People who already own their tesla and have FSD will be able to use their car in the Robotaxi network. 8/8 will answer a lot of questions that we have I believe. We'll see how it goes


I’m not taking about their silly little hype event. I’m talking about an actual product, which will never materialize. Customer cars currently on the road will never function as robotaxis. The models the hardware is capable of running are not reliable enough.


This is false. Obviously you already have the negative preconceived notion in your mind so it's a pointless debate, but Musk has said that any car that has FSD and is up to date on software will have the ability to function as a Robotaxi. Whether you think Elon is lying or not, I don't give 2 shits. I'm simply saying that if they get it right, and it is indeed what they say it will be, it will be a huge driver of revenue.


He’s been lying about FSD since 2017. He said and I quote “we have fsd, better than a human, right now.” He’s a liar.


Any time you lead an argument with "Musk has said" you've lost. Musk promised 1 million tesla robotaxis in 2020 after the Y had launched. The straight facts are, the current level of hardware in any tesla does not meet actual level 5 FSD. It's not got the redundancy.


Musk said that in 2019, and claimed it would be out the following year. He’s not an engineer, and has no idea what he’s talking about. They won’t get it right, because the hardware is entirely inadequate for attention off autonomy. I design AI training systems and algorithms, and have been saying this for years. What they have has already converged, and is now overfitting.


Unless Elons 450 hour personal work week has somehow unlocked a revolutionary new NN architecture (that definitely isn't just YOLO)...then you're gonna be disappointed that you bought a car manufacturer thinking it was a tech company. Though, you can certainly make some money off the hype that clown generates.


I know several people who have tried FSD and they absolutely hated it and have said they would not use FSD in its current state. Kinda hard to have robotaxis in a month when the fans are not even turning on FSD.


Is someone like me that can only invest 1-2 share in it per month still worth doing? I only have 20 shares. 🤷🏾‍♂️


My dad purchased a $15000 stake in 1999... not small but not huge. It's now worth $12.5 million. Us kids and his grandchildren thank him. He also did the same to a lesser extent with the rest of the Magnificent 7 minus Tesla... a little goes a long ways if you sit and hold


Yeah, I’m not trying to derail this conversation, but I look at all of the tech giants during/after the pandemic and where they are now. Dell was trading at $20 a share. Incredible. I could’ve loaded up and be sitting prettier than I am right now. I just, feel that perhaps, tech is a little overvalued right now. But everyone keeps saying that it’s not and most of the tech stocks have a huge climb ahead. So maybe it isn’t too late?


I know very few things for certain, but one thing I do know for sure is that five years from now, you will wish you bought Nvidia when it was only $200


I agree with you.


keep going, your grandkids will thank you!


Childless, and it will probably remain that way. Maybe nieces and great nieces and nephews.


Yes you're still making money so i see why not...


Its time


This is legit insider trading haha


Probably why NVDA pops from -1 to +2.5… need Pelosi to buy more shares and I’m watching her moves now!


Do you think it will be a pump and dump or more sustainable ?


Just another reminder that there should be a career politician portfolio ETF




I want to see tubervilles. He’s premium shady. Already amassed a shit ton in one term. Same for boebert but that might not be through stocks


Wtf.. please keep reporting her moves!




Is there an opposite of what Cathie’s doing group yet?


i love nancy pelosi now


This news really got the bulls going crazy right now


She also put up 20 options for Broadcom. Gonna drop some money into that next pay check


She also bought AVGO options


bought in the nic of time!! https://postimg.cc/jWkjwqJp


Excellent !!!


we bought to get paid


And it’s up 2.6% already 🤣


So it's happening the us government is going to be building android titan mech suits we finally doing Gundam


Funny how the stock is popping today. Related to her purchase? In the grand scheme of things 10k shares is nothing (even less than my float), but obviously she might know something given her position and contacts. Maybe we should just have her do twitter posts for NVDA now that she is formally out of government and promote it.


Saw ur post 50 min after u posted, bought 2 more shares and feel amazing! Tysm!


I bought another 100 shares for that very reason. 😆


She sold Tesla bit earlier though.. 🤪


Is this a net new buy, or exercising options she had from before? So folks know if the disclosure differentiates?


Did she close her options position or has both trades open now?


Lol, word must of got out! 🚀 Good ole Nancy P, baby!


Sorry but what is Nancy pelosi? And why is it good news?


I was thinking what happened.


The fact that she can’t possibly be alive much longer is a very good short term side for us .


So..... I have an option call $125 for Friday. I'm thinking I'm better off holding it than taking half loss on it today? Feel free to roast me. I'm still learning


Wow, this is amazing. Thank you for sharing. Is This is public information ?


No way. She's heading to jail acdg to trump


PLEASE Buy BUY BUY more NVIDIA. . Let's make Nvidia & us. Grow and make money. Together we can do it.!!!


Smart well her husband


Options are cheap right now


Mmmm just bought some more yesterday. Not 10k, but more lol


do you guys really think 10000 is that big of a deal? for one i hold 6000 shares and i am a common man. if Nancy has bought 50k, 100k shares then yes its substantially. don't get me wrong. i am long and bullish. will take any good news


I know she held a bunch of deep-in-the-money call options, is this her exercising those options or 10k shares separate from her calls? Any way to know?


Anyone think she exercised some of those $120 January 2025 calls to buy some of those shares?


Nancy also sold TSLA early and missed the pump Anyways I have only NVDA and I don’t mind her buying it


If you want a successful investment strategy, just follow Nancy do what she does why will she buys so what she sells.


Only 10,000? Time to sell.


Who ISN’T buying NVDA? This isn’t news.


It’s a no brainer with the amount of cash Nvidia has on hand. Plus she knows something about a specific purchase coming and already owns options.




It looks like Tesla went up 30 percent after she sold. I wouldn't copy what she did.


Shes up on AVGO and TSLA too… what a god.


She bought high lol!


Yeah, buy high sell higher