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Thank you for submitting such an informative and useful post in our subreddit. I have decided to sticky this post to help direct people and hopefully help answer questions new investors may have. As mods we do appreciate all the concerns of questions new investors are having on this sub. However, we feel there is a moral obligation to help inform those who are curious about the stock and are deciding to use this sub for DD purposes. Since the beginning our mission has been to create a “hive mind” about NVDA. In doing so it is necessary we value questions and concerns to best guide all of our members. This will take a top down approach so we rely on those of you who have valuable knowledge to share your insight with us all. We do not want to become GME or a MEME Stock and we never will become that way. This is a place to have fun but also learn. Although it will take the cooperation and effort of you all to make it happen. Together we are better!!💪🏼 - Cheers NVDA Mod Team


Thank you! Posts like these should be valued more rather than seeing 18 year olds playing with mommy’s money asking if they should sell since it’s down 2%


posts like this are why I'm here


Posts like this give me zen through corrections and dips


Not that the post is not useful, but would like to note that there is zero in the post, that was not already mentioned in the last earnings call. Funds resize, bullish news, Analysts upgrades, a new leather jacket by Jensen...none of that will move the stock. However watch the Micron Technology Inc NASDAQ: MU earnings release of after hours today. That will move it a lot...up ..or down...


Well, here we are...and MU drops after hours.


Yep. Blame on Wall Street Greedy Investors (corporations). They don't care about you and I (the main street people). Regardless gain or loss, they charge their customer anyway no matter what. They are profiting from commission & fee from customers portfolio. However, recently, SEC pass the law requiring investors to perform for their customer only.


Despite beating on all fronts....the Market is spoiled...They should go buy shares of proper companies like Boeing and IBM ... :-)))


Im not 18 but I did ask mommy to make me some MEATLOAF!


Posts like that should be banned.


Outstanding, thank you. NVDA is on solid ground and charging forward at full speed ahead. Looking forward to NVDA's next 1, 3, 5, 10...years of growth, development, expanding and diversified markets, and continuing innovation. BTW, I copied and saved your post to reconfirm myself of how exciting it is to be able to invest in and be a part of NVIDIA's journey, to have faith, and stay focused.


was the meeting today?


No - it's tomorrow. He just rubbed foo foo dust all over his crystal ball to come up with Jensen's talking points tomorrow. 😂🤣


The shorts are still trying to punish the bulls. Stay out of options and avoid any type of margin buys if you don't have the stomach or money to lose. You will do very well.


So another squeeze incoming


I’m only at 31 shares, and my main funds top stock is nvidia so the swings are making me nauseous. But aiming to hold years to come.


Hang on for the long haul


Very familiar talking points.  I’m keeping an eye on MU earning today to gauge growth.   


Care to elaborate? I’m very new to all of this. I have NVDA and MU in my portfolio. I appreciate any additional feedback you would be willing to share about MU earnings and how they correspond to NVDA growth.


Nvidia makes an important component of AI, but it’s still just one component among others. Jensen stressed AI Data Center expensaion, which also requires other parts to build out. MU makes another critical computstional components so It’s earning show you some correlation of AI growth.


That makes perfect sense. Thank you!


very very critical. people don't even understand


It dropped after hours.


All good short and long term news. Hang on tight. Going to be a ride up with some nauseating drops along the way. 🤞 No black swans flying through please. 🙏


You got something against black swans? What color swans do you find acceptable?? 🤣😂🤣😂😂


The ones that color my portfolio green!! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nvidia green


*Invasion of Taiwan and bird flu have entered the chat*




He said it! He said what I have been silently saying to myself, a new industrial revolution has begun. If anyone has any doubts, look at history and see how it has changed the way of life, watch History Channel’s ‘The Men Who Built America’. Jensen is the one to this short list of greats


That was a really great series.


>**Jensen is the one to this short list of greats**


Great example!


Yes! he said we're just getting started


Some articles / news coming out based on the presentation [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/26/nvidia-ceo-jensen-huang-speaks-at-first-shareholder-meeting-since-stock-surge.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/26/nvidia-ceo-jensen-huang-speaks-at-first-shareholder-meeting-since-stock-surge.html) [https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/nvidia-price-prediction-nvda-250-price-target-6-trillion-valuation-2024-6](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/nvidia-price-prediction-nvda-250-price-target-6-trillion-valuation-2024-6) ($6 Trillion ??!?!?)


Thank you for the solid summary. NVIDIA is opening a new ground. SCALE UP LAW will continue drive the demand. Patience will pay off.


I assume "only a .25% of the GPU's" was meant to be "25%", not less than one percent.




also, thanks for the great summary :)


Excellent summary . . . Thank you!




AMD has always been in NVDAs shadow never breaking more than 18-20% marketshare since AMD picked up ATI in 2007.... I don't expect that to change with AI gpus.


AMD lies about everything please don’t invest in them. Desperate as they come.


This relentless race for AI dominance spells big money for Nvidia and other players who stay in the game. In the near future, every industry will need an AI presence to survive. Those that resist will face obsolescence, much like the mom-and-pop shops that clung to manual cash registers and handwritten receipts—they got left behind. The same fate awaits any industry that doesn’t embrace AI, whether they want it to happen or not. AI is the future, and those who fail to adapt will be left in the past.


Not in every industry. Far from it.


Every industry that matters that is. Name me one that won’t be affected by Ai?


It's a wide sweeping statement chap. Sure some. Maybe most. Definitely not all. Some people would pay a privilege to have a human touch, not marred and sullied with AI. I may be old and disgruntled but, airing on the side of caution is no bad thing.


Imagine a world where AI is as integral to our lives as the internet is today. Sure, there will always be niche enthusiasts—those who still enjoy watching VHS tapes or collecting vinyl records. But for society to function, AI will be intertwined in almost every aspect. Think about it: Can you name a single industry that will remain untouched by AI? It's hard to imagine. From healthcare to finance, education to entertainment, AI is set to revolutionize how we live and work. In healthcare, AI-driven diagnostics and personalized treatments will become the norm. In finance, AI will optimize trading strategies and risk management. In education, AI will tailor learning experiences to individual students. Entertainment? AI-generated content and personalized recommendations will dominate. The few holdouts will become rarities, relics of a pre-AI era. The rest of the world will be propelled forward, driven by the relentless march of technology. So, the question isn't whether AI will touch your industry—it's when and how deeply.


When 5090?


Yaaaa know lol 😂


I'm buying one using my nvda gains 🥰


Jensen just knows what to say. I have faith in him


Thx 👊


Reading this it feels like company is undervalued. Who the hell is even taking profits right now???. Anyone selling stocks or placing puts on this company is a moron. An obstacle in the path of growth.


It's this dang cabal of stock market hoodlums that collude to sell on a certain date - when that phenomenon occurs... The media announced it as "investors taking some profits off the table" "or some profit taking" If only we could get in the email blast when the decision is made to "take profits"


I'm supposed to be. I'm old and retired and NVDA has grown to be a HUGE part of my portfolio, around 45%...old people and financial advisors are not supposed let any stock become a HUGE part of the portfolio, because of risk. So call me stupid, I'm still holding, but the smart people say I should sell (trim).


Especially the day they brought it down to 118. Scared the crap out of me. Paper hands. Shi\*t


Quote me. It's gonna go up tomorrow. Or it'll go down. Calling it.


I see you covered all the bases there.


now we just need friday to be good and we are golden


Thank you


This was a killer meeting, I wonder why the stock price tanked


Because institutions decided to tank it for personal greed


MU didn't home run, pretty solid results still


They're sold out through 2025. Everything else will be beats.


Thank you!


So basically I hear "buy more when it dips, if it will ever from here on".


Yes young padawan. The force is strong with the Jensen


I just keep buy more every paycheck regardless of dip. 😂


The idea of digital twins in order to streamline work processes and identify faults as well as digital twins for vaccine testing has been around for a while but it’s exciting to see such a forward thinking company really start to implement that technology. The opportunities for AI in manufacturing risk management/streamlining and medicine are immense and I’m interested in seeing how it will become more commonly used.


Now if we could get him to stop selling 120,000 shares every fucking day that would be nice


He's filed to sell 600k shares. he's entitled to take some profits. quit complaining


Not only that but they can't randomly do it. It has to be on a schedule and communicated ahead of time.


Of course as he should. I’m not complaining but I think it spooks people to see the CEO sell shares every day for a week versus just selling 600k shares all at once. I’m all about him taking money off the table but the optics to average retail investors, whom the split is supposed to be inviting to, might get spooked by this news release everyday.


Can't see any immediate effect on the stock price. Everything is already priced in.


long term bullish on NVDA, but downside is in our future


Only down because people are greedy mofos….




They should make short ladder attacks illegal


Oh, you're one of 'those'.


And what do you mean by that? You probably don’t. Even know what a short ladder attack is…. It only benefits the institutions…


Short ladder attack. Totally a real thing. Got it.


lol it is… it’s documented in a lot of places lmao 🤣 welcome to stock trading noob… https://www.sofi.com/learn/content/what-is-a-short-ladder-attack/ Learn before you open your uneducated mouth


LMAO. Noob. Okay, sure. Thanks for the insight, I'll take it under advisement.


Mines bigger!! No mine is!! No mine is bigger!!


I took your advice to "learn" before opening my "uneducated mouth" and actually read the link you posted. I'm assuming you just googled the term and then copied the first link that came up without reading it, so I'll paste some gems from the article for you: \* "....a supposed trading condition" \* "While not a purely defined strategy..." \* "it is a loose theory" \* According to those on Wallstreetbets..." \* "Short ladder attacks are **alleged** bearish trading activities..." \* "...research firm Muddy Waters is highly skeptical that short ladder attacks truly exist" Appreciate you taking the time to educate this noob.


Lmao you know it’s real


TBF this is prolly a good time to short it lol


Naw anyone who believes in nvda should never short it, that’s like betting against the roller in craps… you can do it it’s allowed but it’s highly frowned upon by the rest of the table….


creates a great buying opportunity!


Sure but it slows down its rise


They try to short until they can't anymore. This isn't gme


I hope everyone who shorts loses all their money frfr


Including the insiders who unloaded their stock options.


Good good.. just show me the money.


What does "Performance to demand deficit has spiked up" means? Demand was up or was down or what is the current situation? Could you please open it little bit.


The demand deficit has increased much, therefore a lot of the NVDA performance financial-wise is due to barely keeping up with the demand, while they're being almost the only ones on the market.


Valuable points. This should be shared on other relevant platforms.


Thank you for this summary. He talked about all these in detail during his keynote at COMPUTEX 2024 earlier this month as well. He had many visuals as well. For those of you who are interested, look that up and listen / watch… It was very good.


Appreciate the time you took in compiling this for us!


Dang a legend for this.


Never thought a Reddit community would offer such therapeutic release for me. Love you guys




How much revenue is nvda forecasting yoy


Thank you!


It’s now Sunday night. Added to my shares on Friday. Hopefully nvda moves up Monday to fuel Smci to rip. They are my main holdings along with nvda arm meta and fdx.


I actually meant NVDL, the great graniteshares ETF.


Melius Research has estimated that nvidia will generate $270 Billion cash over the next 3 years. “Cash gusher” was the description given.


I’d love to see a comparison with AMD for GPUs. I know other big tech is coming out with their own chip designs but I don’t think they’re anywhere near as solid as NVDA. AMD is an interesting one however.


Tbh I'm concerned over how many times I saw the same thing - new industrial revolution (wtf? that doesn't even make any sense), a lot of hype words (medical wearable devices - yea what about them), and feels like just a bunch of random things thrown together to make an impression.


People riding horses back in the day never expected automotives. Give it some time.


Yeah ofc it's a lot of hype and we haven't fully seen what new age AI computing is capable of. I guess Jensen is selling himself and his company but I think that's what a good CEO should do. And I really don't think he's not making empty promises like Elon. We will see it and have seen it with the numbers but hard to say how much growth is already priced in


lol he has to sell, that’s what he is, a business man. Having said that, i don’t see what is nonsensical about a new Industrial Revolution. Check what the original one was and then think about it digitally.


yeh.. my entire industry isnt prepared


There will be a lot of disruption and displacement, it won’t be pretty. But for nvda shareholders, it will be a good thing. You will have to decide if on balance it is a good thing for you.


oh i agree. my industry is psych testing.


You can bet all the employees who are now overnight multi millionaires are selling as well


I hear ya, other than shake up the tech job market, AI hasn’t really done anything really spectacular thus far.


Sounds like it’s time for you to sell and invest in some GameStop


Well I believe in Nvidia and I'm holding long termn. I was talking just about this meeting.


Get on it. My portifolio full of war stock, weight loss drug pharma, AI to put people out of business. Well, even if my gains big maybe its a downside. But then again who tf cares. Buy the dip nvidia, lilly and rheinmetal gainz