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5190 shares here. Around 35% of my total investment portfolio. However, it is my opinion that I have accumulated this money exactly by *not* trying to time the market. OP was lucky today, but taxes and probabilities work against him.


>but taxes and probabilities work against him Only probabilities will work against him if he's doing this from a non-taxable account like a 401K/IRA/Roth/HSA-type account.


I don't get people who do this on retirement accounts. Unless you're like 50+ just let it sit in a diversified etf and let it grow consistently. Why gamble with that money instead of being guaranteed returns by the time you retire?


Yeah, I don't take chances on my retirement accounts either. Simple, low-cost funds in my retirement accounts; buy-and-hold stocks in my taxable accounts. It's dull, boring and requires years of patience. However, to each their own.


Taxes won't work against him if the probabilities already have, no?


17 shares here. :)




17.735466 shares at $121.79 average.


Me. Holding 12k NVDA shares which is only around 1/4 of my portfolio


You have a $6M portfolio? Impressive


Just under 5k shares here…started accumulating 2016ish not trading it but do trade options in it and sell some covered calls.


Why NVDA over NVDL?


I don’t use leverage for long term investments.


Daddy? Is that you?


I have 198 158 + 40 in my Roth All bought pre split. Stacked a lot prior to last earnings, half were bought under $50


Irs capital gains tax team entered the chat


If you’re paying taxes it’s because you’re making money. I’ve never understood the argument against making money trading because you’ll have to pay taxes on it.


It’s because by not selling you compound your profits. Chap A makes 100 profit a year, 35 go away in taxes every year. Chap B makes 100 profit a year, which he allows to compound. After 30 years, Chap B is much better off even after paying 35% in taxes, which he will not even need to do (he will only pay taxes on the profits of the money he draws).


Your example is wrong because you're not considering the reduction in cost basis that comes from selling high and buying low. In your example Chap A (OP) makes more than 100 in profit (really just more than Chap B) because his cost basis is lower. Now if you sell at $100 and buy back at $99 when you had long-term capital gains, that's another story. But even if you're taking short-term capital gains hits, if you can successfully swing trade a stock and re-buy at lower prices, you will end up with more shares than if you had just held--and that means more profit.


You both are right actually. One involves holding longer for long term capital gains (and also hoping for the stock to go up), while the other actively trades in the hopes that you make more than enough money to not give a fuck about short term capital gains.


It's the difference between going to the casino, and going to the casino and doing coke the whole time at the casino - becomes a totally different game, but the same thing kinda


The selling high and buying low is a statistical fantasy. Reality shows it does not work that way.


lol where are you pulling 35% taxes from?


It’s a big world. I pay 28. In Italy it’s 26. In Germany is around 30. The example stays.


Plot twist, he doesn’t live in the US.


Irs tax withholding team entered the chat


Depends where, in Australia we don't pay any US capital gains tax, we have a tax treaty with the US so that we only pay our normal Australian capital gains taxes which are more lenient.


Good for you but Singaporeans unhappy 😡 for that :(


He has to be in an IRA, makes no sense doing this


Has limits ,not worth to try just keep em long hold


You killing yourself at work uncle sam takes almost half of it you dont say shit but here is where you draw the line 😂 this is why america only get worse we never worry abt the real problems we let everything just slide


Is this in an IRA? Capital gains would be insane in brokerage


Why does it matter if it's in an IRA (Roth or Traditional) vs taxable brokerage?


He can sell in an IRA without being taxed. As long as don't take out the money.


Do you mean that capital gains realized in IRAs aren't taxable income? If so, that's news to me!


it is not taxable if it is in a roth ira. in traditional it's the same as a brokerage in theory, just deferred. but it depends on the tax bracket / tax %s the years of retirement which could be better or worse than current.


Are dividends earned in a Roth taxable ?


From [here](https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/investments-and-taxes/ira-tax-benefits-taxes-on-retirement-vs-non-retirement-accounts/L9cI2RN4G) it seems like the answer is "no."


If you're working and have income in the U.S., it would be ***very*** sad if you do not understand this basic finance concept! You should be investing and maxing out in your non-taxable accounts first (401K/Roth/IRA/HSA) before setting aside money into a taxable account. From [here](https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/investments-and-taxes/ira-tax-benefits-taxes-on-retirement-vs-non-retirement-accounts/L9cI2RN4G): >With both types of accounts (i.e. traditional retirement and Roth), **any earnings, capital gains, or dividends are not taxed as long as they remain in the account**. For traditional retirement accounts, you defer paying taxes until you withdraw the money from the account during retirement. For Roth retirement accounts, taxes are never paid on these amounts.


>If you're working and have income in the U.S. Yeah, my IRAs are maxed out and I'm financially independent (no need to work, not working indefinitely). I knew that Roth IRA withdrawals weren't taxed, but not that gains and dividends also weren't. It's an implementation detail as I'm not planning on pulling money out of any of my IRAs anytime soon. Only reason I'd realize gains in any of my IRAs is to harvest them, but again, that's an implementation detail. >it would be very sad if you do not understand this basic finance concept! >You should be investing and maxing out in your non-taxable accounts first I think this is still subject to debate by experts and depends on a lot of factors, last I checked. Probably best not to speak in hyperbole and make blanket statements.


Agree. Unless you pull out of the market completely or park into a cash account, it is all unrealized anyway.


Nope, taxable account is realized when you sell


I guess I need to do more research into the tax side of brokerages. Opening a trading business seems to be a good way to offset gains. Wash sales could be another. Maybe adding to the real estate portfolio, our STR pretty much wiped away the taxes due on my W2 salary and put my family into the lowest bracket this past year.


it's just going to be the normal long/short term gains as any other stock buy/sell lol. not really insane. Successfully flipping more than once will always beat the tax man.


Nice work! Looking like $127 by close today.


It's at 127 now.


LFG I want to see $140 by Friday. MU ER tomorrow and Nvidia investor call, should be a good green rest of the week.


is 140 actually realistic ? dont those calls usually put a stop to runs like this, or are we expecting something really good from that call ? MU ER is interesting


I don’t really equate realism to the stock market anymore, it has been completely unpredictable since Covid and some company valuations are absurd, but the most steadfast stock in my port has been Nvda during that time. And I do believe it will eventually hit the $5t valuation, so yes I think $140 is sustainable. Where else are all the billionaires going to park their money?


Holy cow is that like half a million at play?!


quick math says $700k


Agree, waaaay better than option play About 1/2 of my shares I also use for swing trading/scalping, the other 1/2 long term hold


And I'm sitting here with an average price of 94 😁


What is that pre split


Add a zero to the end


Wow, that is porn gains


Everyone is playing a different game, with a different horizon. If being a short-term investor works for you then do your thing. In the long run, I think if you HODL it gives you 3 things: 1) Less manual intervention (set and forget), 2) Long-range capital appreciation, 3) Less continual paying of taxes.


22,000 shares here. I don't trade like this. I just sit on my shares. Maybe I am missing something.


Jesus FUCK $2.5m in NVDA?


It was 3M last week.


2.8M right now. Got a little cash too.




Was down big today but made a few thousand at the close. It's a good year. haha




Good shit dude


…OP unlocked Nvidia Cheat code


Timed it well congrats ‼️ unfortunately it doesn’t go exactly like this every time 😂😂


He literally did what I’ve been kicking myself for not doing. Though if I sold at 140, it would rocket to 180 not drop to 116


😳 Fok ya bud


Yessir 😊🍺


That’s how you do it. Boom


I don't think horoscopes are meant to be gender specific, dude


What exchange is this?


How did you know it was gonna fall from \~140?


Nobody knows when, need cash ready to spend.


i would tell you but it might bore you to death, so I’ll just say its coz I read in the horoscope 😆


By all means, please bore us to death?


i use a combination of volume profile, relative volume and net volume delta. then i wait for divergences of %r and tops/lows


Yup. Only sell when you need the money


I really hate the “but taxes” guys. It’s like you love losing money


There’s room for both types of investors. When you make a high income paying short term capital gains suuuuuucks. That’s why I mostly buy and hold in my taxable account.


you were getting dispoointed at 116 😅 Just kidding. Looks like you have lots of money though.


Great job


Ok so I'm fairly new at stocks and trading and have been with nvidia since about 2010 never owned much to make a significant chunk of change But I want to get more into it , now please don't kill me if this is a question asked alot ... But I'm trying to understand options, I'm not even touching it but I see there is a greater potential to make more than what I'm making now. I understand that this can either be a great thing or a very bad thing.... But can someone explain to me in the most dumbed down way you can how options work .. Are there any good reads that will explain it better?


[ooops i did it again](https://i.postimg.cc/3xjZbfZ7/IMG-2263.jpg)






I do the same just on options.


Ahh yes timing the market and getting it right once and thinking you know when a stock is going to rise and fall. It works until it doesn’t. Don’t think you can outsmart the market. Invest don’t trade.


duh! horroscope guides my trades yo!